//status employee public void EmployeeStatus(crm_EmployeeRepo empRepo) { try { //Get Connection AppSettings app = new AppSettings(); con = app.GetConnection(); DynamicParameters param = new DynamicParameters(); param.Add(name: "p_Cust_No", value: empRepo.Cust_No, dbType: DbType.String, direction: ParameterDirection.Input); param.Add(name: "p_Cust_Status", value: empRepo.Cust_Status, dbType: DbType.String, direction: ParameterDirection.Input); param.Add(name: "p_Cust_Status_New", value: empRepo.Cust_Status_New, dbType: DbType.String, direction: ParameterDirection.Input); param.Add(name: "p_Maker_Id", value: GlobalValue.User_ID, dbType: DbType.String, direction: ParameterDirection.Input); param.Add(name: "p_Make_date", value: GlobalValue.Scheme_Today_Date, dbType: DbType.DateTime, direction: ParameterDirection.Input); con.Execute("CHG_CRM_EMPLOYEE_STATUS", param, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { con.Close(); if (con != null) { con = null; } } } }
public ActionResult Get_EmployeesInBatchLogPending(crm_EmployeeRepo emp) { //var log = new LoggerConfiguration().WriteTo.Seq("http://localhost:5341").CreateLogger(); try { return(this.Store(employee_repo.GetEmployee_BatchList_ByStatus(emp.Batch_No))); } catch (Exception ex) { // log.Write(level: Serilog.Events.LogEventLevel.Information, messageTemplate: ex.Message + " " + DateTime.Now); return(this.Direct()); } }
// filter employer scheme for employeeFilterEmpolyeeSFGrid public ActionResult FilterESGrid(string Employer_Id) { var misdepartmentrepo = new crm_EmployeeRepo(); var mydata = misdepartmentrepo.GetEmployerSFList(Employer_Id); List <object> data = new List <object>(); foreach (var ddd in mydata) { string id = ddd.Scheme_Fund_Id; string name = ddd.Scheme_Name + " / " + ddd.Fund_Name; data.Add(new { Id = id, Name = name }); } return(this.Store(data)); }
public ActionResult DownloadActive(crm_EmployeeRepo employeeRepo) { try { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(employeeRepo.Employer_Id)) { X.Mask.Hide(); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Please Select Employer", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return this.Direct(); } string queryString = "select * from vw_es_esf where employer_id = '" + employeeRepo.Employer_Id + "' and scheme_id = '" + employeeRepo.Scheme_Id + "' and ESF_STATUS = 'ACTIVE' and deferred < 3"; using (OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(GlobalValue.ConString)) { OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand(queryString, connection); connection.Open(); OracleDataReader reader; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); // Always call Read before accessing data. while (reader.Read()) { employeeRepo.Surname = (string)reader["surname"]; employeeRepo.First_Name = (string)reader["first_name"]; employeeRepo.ESF_Id = (string)reader["esf_id"]; //employeeRepo.Email_Address = (string)reader["email_address"]; employeeRepo.Scheme_Name = (string)reader["SCHEME_NAME"]; ////load report table //var con = new AppSettings(); //var param = new DynamicParameters(); //param.Add("P_ESF_ID", employeeRepo.ESF_Id, DbType.String, ParameterDirection.Input); //param.Add("P_MAKER_ID", GlobalValue.User_ID, DbType.String, ParameterDirection.Input); //con.GetConnection().Execute("REPORT_EMPLOYEE_STATEMENT", param, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure); string DocumentName = "NA"; string pa = Server.MapPath("~/Penfad_Reports/Employee_ContributionMonth_On_Month_1.dll"); System.Reflection.Assembly assembly_1 = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom(pa); StiReport My_Report = StiReport.GetReportFromAssembly(assembly_1); //////asign constring My_Report.Dictionary.DataStore.Clear(); My_Report.Dictionary.Databases.Add(new StiOracleDatabase("con", GlobalValue.ConString)); My_Report[":P_ESF_ID"] = employeeRepo.ESF_Id; string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyComputer); if (!(System.IO.Directory.Exists(path + @"\" + "STATEMENTS" + @"\" + employeeRepo.Employer_Name + @"\" + System.DateTime.Now.Day + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.Month + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.Year))) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(path + @"\" + "STATEMENTS" + @"\" + employeeRepo.Employer_Name + @"\" + System.DateTime.Now.Day + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.Month + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.Year); } if (!(System.IO.File.Exists(path + @"\" + "STATEMENTS" + @"\" + employeeRepo.Employer_Name + @"\" + System.DateTime.Now.Day + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.Month + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.Year + @"\" + employeeRepo.First_Name + "_" + employeeRepo.Surname + "_" + employeeRepo.ESF_Id + "_" + employeeRepo.Scheme_Name + "_Statement.pdf"))) { System.IO.File.Delete(path + @"\" + "STATEMENTS" + @"\" + employeeRepo.Employer_Name + @"\" + System.DateTime.Now.Day + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.Month + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.Year + @"\" + employeeRepo.First_Name + "_" + employeeRepo.Surname + "_" + employeeRepo.ESF_Id + "_" + employeeRepo.Scheme_Name + "_Statement.pdf"); } DocumentName = (path + @"\" + "STATEMENTS" + @"\" + employeeRepo.Employer_Name + @"\" + System.DateTime.Now.Day + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.Month + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.Year + @"\" + employeeRepo.First_Name + "_" + employeeRepo.Surname + "_" + employeeRepo.ESF_Id + "_" + employeeRepo.Scheme_Name + "_Statement.pdf"); My_Report.Render(); My_Report.ExportDocument(StiExportFormat.Pdf, DocumentName); ////return StiMvcViewer.GetReportSnapshotResult(My_Report); } // Always call Close when done reading. reader.Close(); X.Mask.Hide(); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Successful", Message = "Statements Successfully Downloaded", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); } return this.Direct(); } catch (Exception EX) { X.Mask.Hide(); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Could not download statements", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.ERROR, Width = 350 }); return this.Direct(); } }
public ActionResult ApproveEditingEmployee(crm_EmployeeRepo crmEmployee) { try { //if (ModelState.IsValid) //{ var empId = crmEmployee.Employee_Id; crmEmployee.Employee_Photo = mImage; crmEmployee.Employee_Photo_Id = mImageID; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(empId)) { X.Mask.Hide(); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Select an employee to approve.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } //Save new employee if (this.employeeRepo.UpdateEmployeeWithEmpTmp(crmEmployee)) { X.Mask.Hide(); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Success", Message = "Employee: " + crmEmployee.Surname + " " + crmEmployee.First_Name + " approved Successfully.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); //clear controls ClearControls(); } else { X.Mask.Hide(); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Process aborted.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } Store store = X.GetCmp <Store>("empEditingApprove_employeeStore"); store.Reload(); //} //else //{ // string messages = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, ModelState.Values // .SelectMany(x => x.Errors) // .Select(x => x.ErrorMessage)); //X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig //{ // Title = "Error", // Message = messages, // " Insufficient data. Operation Aborted", // Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, // Icon = MessageBox.Icon.ERROR, // Width = 350 //}); //} return(this.Direct()); } catch (Exception ex) { X.Mask.Hide(); logger.WriteLog(ex.Message); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Process failed -" + ex.Message, Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } }
public ActionResult SaveRecord(crm_EmployeeRepo crmEmployee) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { crmEmployee.Employee_Photo = mImage; crmEmployee.Employee_Photo_Id = mImage_ID; //------------------------------------------------------------------- //Validate Employee Identity Number and SSNIT if its a new record //------------------------------------------------------------------- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(crmEmployee.Employee_Id)) { //check if employee Identity Number exist if (employeeRepo.EmployeeIdentityIdNumberExist(crmEmployee.Identity_Type, crmEmployee.Identity_Number)) { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Employee Identity number has already been assigned to another employee.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } if (employeeRepo.SocialSecurityNumberExist(crmEmployee.SSNIT_NO)) { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Employee SSNIT No. has already been assigned to another employee.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(crmEmployee.Employer_Id)) { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Employer name is required", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(crmEmployee.Scheme_Fund_Id)) { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Scheme Account is required", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(crmEmployee.Mobile_Number)) { if (Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information.IsNumeric(crmEmployee.Mobile_Number) == false) { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Primary phone number must be numbers.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(crmEmployee.Father_Phone_Number)) { if (Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information.IsNumeric(crmEmployee.Father_Phone_Number) == false) { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Father's phone number must be numbers.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(crmEmployee.Mother_Phone_Number)) { if (Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information.IsNumeric(crmEmployee.Mother_Phone_Number) == false) { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Mother's phone number must be numbers.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(crmEmployee.Other_Number)) { if (Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information.IsNumeric(crmEmployee.Other_Number) == false) { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Secondary phone number must be numbers.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(crmEmployee.Email_Address)) { if (Regex.IsMatch(crmEmployee.Email_Address, MatchEmailPattern) == false) { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Primary email address is not valid.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(crmEmployee.Other_Email_Address)) { if (Regex.IsMatch(crmEmployee.Other_Email_Address, MatchEmailPattern) == false) { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Secondary email address is not valid.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } } if (DateTime.Compare(crmEmployee.Date_Of_Birth, DateTime.Today) >= 0) { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "DOB can not be today or in the future.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(crmEmployee.Mobile_Number)) { crmEmployee.Mobile_Number = "0"; } ///check if Employee_ID exist //Save new employee if (this.employeeRepo.AddNewEmployeeRecord(crmEmployee)) { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Success", Message = "Saved Successfully.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); //clear controls ClearControls(); this.GetCmp <Image>("AddEmp_new_pic1").ImageUrl = ""; this.GetCmp <Image>("AddEmp_new_pic2").ImageUrl = ""; } else { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Process aborted.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } } else { string messages = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, ModelState.Values .SelectMany(x => x.Errors) .Select(x => x.ErrorMessage)); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = messages, // " Insufficient data. Operation Aborted", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.ERROR, Width = 350 }); } return(this.Direct()); } catch (Exception ex) { //logger.WriteLog(ex.Message); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Process failed -" + ex.Message, Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } }
public ActionResult SendIndiMail(crm_EmployeeRepo employeeRepo) { try { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(employeeRepo.Employer_Id)) { X.Mask.Hide(); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Please Select Employer", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } string queryString = "select * from vw_es_esf where esf_id = '" + employeeRepo.ESF_Id + "'"; string queryinternet = "select * from setup_company"; using (OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(GlobalValue.ConString)) { OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand(queryString, connection); connection.Open(); OracleDataReader reader; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); var con = new AppSettings(); var paramc = new DynamicParameters(); con.GetConnection().Execute("CHECK_EMAIL_NA", paramc, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure); // Always call Read before accessing data. while (reader.Read()) { employeeRepo.Surname = (string)reader["surname"]; employeeRepo.First_Name = (string)reader["first_name"]; employeeRepo.ESF_Id = (string)reader["esf_id"]; employeeRepo.Email_Address = (string)reader["email_address"]; employeeRepo.Scheme_Name = (string)reader["SCHEME_NAME"]; if (Regex.IsMatch(((string)reader["email_address"]), MatchEmailPattern) == false) { //log this } else { //load report table //var con = new AppSettings(); var param = new DynamicParameters(); param.Add("P_ESF_ID", employeeRepo.ESF_Id, DbType.String, ParameterDirection.Input); param.Add("P_MAKER_ID", GlobalValue.User_ID, DbType.String, ParameterDirection.Input); con.GetConnection().Execute("REPORT_EMPLOYEE_STATEMENT", param, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure); employeeRepo.Email_Address = (string)reader["email_address"]; string DocumentName = "NA"; string pa = Server.MapPath("~/Penfad_Reports/Employee_ContributionMonth_On_Month_1.dll"); System.Reflection.Assembly assembly_1 = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom(pa); StiReport My_Report = StiReport.GetReportFromAssembly(assembly_1); //////asign constring My_Report.Dictionary.DataStore.Clear(); My_Report.Dictionary.Databases.Add(new StiOracleDatabase("con", GlobalValue.ConString)); My_Report[":P_ESF_ID"] = employeeRepo.ESF_Id; My_Report[":P_USER_ID"] = GlobalValue.User_ID; NEW_DATE = System.DateTime.Now.ToString().Replace("/", "."); NEW_DATE = NEW_DATE.Replace(":", "."); if (!(System.IO.Directory.Exists(path + @"\" + "STATEMENTS_MAIL" + @"\" + employeeRepo.First_Name + "_" + employeeRepo.Surname + @"\" + System.DateTime.Now.Day + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.Month + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.Year))) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(path + @"\" + "STATEMENTS_MAIL" + @"\" + employeeRepo.First_Name + "_" + employeeRepo.Surname + @"\" + System.DateTime.Now.Day + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.Month + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.Year); } if ((System.IO.File.Exists(path + @"\" + "STATEMENTS_MAIL" + @"\" + employeeRepo.First_Name + "_" + employeeRepo.Surname + @"\" + System.DateTime.Now.Day + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.Month + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.Year + @"\" + employeeRepo.Scheme_Name + "_" + NEW_DATE + "_Statement.pdf"))) { System.IO.File.Delete(path + @"\" + "STATEMENTS_MAIL" + @"\" + employeeRepo.First_Name + "_" + employeeRepo.Surname + @"\" + System.DateTime.Now.Day + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.Month + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.Year + @"\" + employeeRepo.Scheme_Name + "_" + NEW_DATE + "_Statement.pdf"); } DocumentName = (path + @"\" + "STATEMENTS_MAIL" + @"\" + employeeRepo.First_Name + "_" + employeeRepo.Surname + @"\" + System.DateTime.Now.Day + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.Month + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.Year + @"\" + employeeRepo.Scheme_Name + "_" + NEW_DATE + "_Statement.pdf"); My_Report.Render(); My_Report.ExportDocument(StiExportFormat.Pdf, DocumentName); #region send email OracleCommand commandinternet = new OracleCommand(queryinternet, connection); //connection.Open(); OracleDataReader readerinternet; readerinternet = commandinternet.ExecuteReader(); // Always call Read before accessing data. while (readerinternet.Read()) { internetRepo.smtp = (string)readerinternet["smtp"]; internetRepo.email_from = (string)readerinternet["email_from"]; internetRepo.email_password = (string)readerinternet["email_password"]; internetRepo.port = Convert.ToInt16(readerinternet["port"]); internetRepo.company_name = (string)readerinternet["company_name"]; } var msg = $@"Dear {employeeRepo.First_Name}," + "<br/>" + $@" Kindly find attached, your {employeeRepo.Scheme_Name} statement." + "<br/>" + $@"Thank you." + "<br/>" + $@" { internetRepo.company_name}"; string from = internetRepo.email_from, pass = internetRepo.email_password, subj = "Statement of Account", to = employeeRepo.Email_Address; string smtp = internetRepo.smtp; int port = internetRepo.port; string attach = DocumentName; internetRepo.SendIt2(from, pass, subj, msg, to, smtp, port, employeeRepo, attach); #endregion //update crm_employee_scheme_fund for email sent var parame = new DynamicParameters(); parame.Add("P_ESF_ID", employeeRepo.ESF_Id, DbType.String, ParameterDirection.Input); //parame.Add("P_DATE_ID", System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"), DbType.DateTime, ParameterDirection.Input); con.GetConnection().Execute("REPORT_UP_CRM_ACCOUNT", parame, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure); } } // Always call Close when done reading. reader.Close(); X.Mask.Hide(); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Sent", Message = "Email Successfully Sent", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); } return(this.Direct()); } catch (Exception ex) { X.Mask.Hide(); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Could not send email, check internet connection", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.ERROR, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } }
public bool BatchEmployeeUpload(string filePath, string Employer_number, string scheme_id) { try { if (System.IO.File.Exists(filePath) == false) { X.Mask.Hide(); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "File does not exist.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.ERROR, Width = 350 }); return(false); } //'get file extension string file_ext = Path.GetExtension(filePath); string consString_excel = ""; switch (file_ext) { case ".xls": consString_excel = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + filePath + ";Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=2"; break; case ".xlsx": consString_excel = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + filePath + ";Extended Properties=\"Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES\""; break; } OleDbConnection con_ex = new OleDbConnection(); OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(); string query1 = "Select COUNT(*) AS NOS From [EmployeeScheme$]"; string query2 = "Select * From [EmployeeScheme$]"; int totalsum = 1; con_ex.ConnectionString = consString_excel; con_ex.Open(); cmd.Connection = con_ex; cmd.CommandText = query1; totalsum = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); //(); con_ex.Close(); if (con_ex.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con_ex.Open(); } if (con_ex.State == ConnectionState.Open) { cmd.Connection = con_ex; cmd.CommandText = query2; OleDbDataReader srda = cmd.ExecuteReader(); int a_value = 0; if (srda.HasRows) { string errormsg = ""; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); // Start The StopWatch ...From 000 sw.Start(); var app = new AppSettings(); //IDbConnection con; DateTime date_default = Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/1901"); TransactionOptions tsOp = new TransactionOptions(); tsOp.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.Snapshot; TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew, tsOp); tsOp.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(20); using (OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(app.conString())) // { conn.Open(); try { //check if pending list exist for employer already var param_k = new DynamicParameters(); decimal emp_num = 0; param_k.Add(name: "p_employer_id", value: Employer_number, dbType: DbType.String, direction: ParameterDirection.Input); param_k.Add(name: "p_status", value: "ACTIVE", dbType: DbType.String, direction: ParameterDirection.Input); param_k.Add(name: "p_result", value: emp_num, dbType: DbType.Decimal, direction: ParameterDirection.Output); conn.Execute(sql: "sel_crm_employerbatchpendexist", param: param_k, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure); decimal tot_emp = param_k.Get <decimal>("p_result"); if (tot_emp > 0) { X.Mask.Hide(); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Pending upload exists for this employer already." + Environment.NewLine + "Approve the pending employees.Proces aborted", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.ERROR, Width = 350 }); return(false); } ///create log for the upload P_scheme_id var paramb = new DynamicParameters(); string batchno = "na"; paramb.Add(name: "p_Maker_Id", value: GlobalValue.User_ID, dbType: DbType.String, direction: ParameterDirection.Input); paramb.Add(name: "p_Make_Date", value: GlobalValue.Scheme_Today_Date, dbType: DbType.DateTime, direction: ParameterDirection.Input); paramb.Add(name: "p_employer_id", value: Employer_number, dbType: DbType.String, direction: ParameterDirection.Input); paramb.Add(name: "p_BatchNo", value: batchno, dbType: DbType.String, direction: ParameterDirection.Output); paramb.Add(name: "p_scheme_id", value: scheme_id, dbType: DbType.String, direction: ParameterDirection.Input); conn.Execute(sql: "ADD_CRM_EMPLOYEE_BATCH_TWO", param: paramb, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure); batchno = paramb.Get <string>("p_BatchNo"); if (batchno == "na") { X.Mask.Hide(); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Employer details could not be logged.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.ERROR, Width = 350 }); return(false); } //-----end batch number int error_nos = 0; string erroor_msg = "Error:" + Environment.NewLine; var param = new DynamicParameters(); //this.GetCmp<Label>("lblload").Text = "Loading"; while (srda.Read()) { a_value += 1; crm_EmployeeRepo employee_Repo = new crm_EmployeeRepo(); string employee_fund_id = ""; //surname if (srda["Surname"] != DBNull.Value) { employee_Repo.Surname = srda["Surname"].ToString(); } else { X.Mask.Hide(); error_nos += 1; erroor_msg = erroor_msg + "Surname cannot be null." + Environment.NewLine; } //FirstName if (srda["FirstName"] != DBNull.Value) { employee_Repo.First_Name = srda["FirstName"].ToString(); } else { X.Mask.Hide(); error_nos += 1; erroor_msg = erroor_msg + "Supply First Name For " + employee_Repo.Surname + Environment.NewLine; } //verify Company's EmployeID //get CustNo for employee int create_new_or_justacct = 1; // 1 for create new employee , 2 for creat just account string cust_noo = ""; if (srda["CompanyEmployeeID"] != DBNull.Value) { employee_Repo.Employee_Id = srda["CompanyEmployeeID"].ToString(); //Validate EmployeeID against Employer to check if its already exist OracleCommand cmd_emp_id = new OracleCommand(); cmd_emp_id.CommandText = "sel_crm_EmployeeIdExist"; cmd_emp_id.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd_emp_id.Connection = (OracleConnection)conn; //Input param cmd_emp_id.Parameters.Add("p_EmployerId", OracleDbType.Varchar2, ParameterDirection.Input).Value = Employer_number; cmd_emp_id.Parameters.Add("p_EmployeeId", OracleDbType.Varchar2, ParameterDirection.Input).Value = employee_Repo.Employee_Id; //Output param OracleParameter count = new OracleParameter("p_result", OracleDbType.Decimal, 100, ParameterDirection.Output); OracleParameter cust_num = new OracleParameter("p_custNo", OracleDbType.Varchar2, 4000, null, ParameterDirection.Output); cmd_emp_id.Parameters.Add(count); cmd_emp_id.Parameters.Add(cust_num); cmd_emp_id.ExecuteNonQuery(); cust_noo = (cust_num.Value).ToString(); string mtotal = (count.Value).ToString(); int total = Convert.ToInt32(mtotal); if (total > 0) { create_new_or_justacct = 2; employee_Repo.Cust_No = cust_noo; //error_nos += 1; //erroor_msg = erroor_msg + "Employee ID already exist For this employer. - " + employee_Repo.Surname + Environment.NewLine; //get custNo } } else { X.Mask.Hide(); error_nos += 1; erroor_msg = erroor_msg + "Supply Employee ID For " + employee_Repo.First_Name + " " + employee_Repo.Surname + Environment.NewLine; } if (create_new_or_justacct == 1) { //Fundid if (srda["FundID"] != DBNull.Value) { employee_fund_id = srda["FundID"].ToString(); } else { X.Mask.Hide(); error_nos += 1; erroor_msg = erroor_msg + "Scheme ID not provided for ." + employee_Repo.First_Name + " " + employee_Repo.Surname + Environment.NewLine; } if (employee_fund_id == "01") { X.Mask.Hide(); error_nos += 1; erroor_msg = erroor_msg + "Employee cannot subscribe to system fund (01)- " + employee_Repo.First_Name + " " + employee_Repo.Surname + Environment.NewLine; } //Sceme_Fund_ID string Scheme_fund_id = scheme_id + employee_fund_id; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Scheme_fund_id) == false) { //Validate Employee SchemeFundID to check if its already exist OracleCommand cmd_emp_id = new OracleCommand(); cmd_emp_id.CommandText = "sel_pfm_SchemeFundIdExist"; cmd_emp_id.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd_emp_id.Connection = (OracleConnection)conn; //Input param cmd_emp_id.Parameters.Add("p_scheme_fund_id", OracleDbType.Varchar2, ParameterDirection.Input).Value = Scheme_fund_id; //Output param OracleParameter count = new OracleParameter("p_result", OracleDbType.Decimal, 100, ParameterDirection.Output); cmd_emp_id.Parameters.Add(count); cmd_emp_id.ExecuteNonQuery(); string mtotal = (count.Value).ToString(); int total = Convert.ToInt32(mtotal); if (total <= 0) { X.Mask.Hide(); error_nos += 1; erroor_msg = erroor_msg + "Scheme fund does not exist for . - " + employee_Repo.First_Name + " " + employee_Repo.Surname + Environment.NewLine; } } else { X.Mask.Hide(); error_nos += 1; erroor_msg = erroor_msg + "Scheme fund does not exist for . - " + employee_Repo.First_Name + " " + employee_Repo.Surname + Environment.NewLine; } } else if (create_new_or_justacct == 2) /////Just create schme fund account for employee { //Fundid if (srda["FundID"] != DBNull.Value) { employee_fund_id = srda["FundID"].ToString(); } else { X.Mask.Hide(); error_nos += 1; erroor_msg = erroor_msg + "Fund ID not provided for ." + employee_Repo.First_Name + " " + employee_Repo.Surname + Environment.NewLine; } //Sceme_Fund_ID string Scheme_fund_id = scheme_id + employee_fund_id; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Scheme_fund_id) == false) { //Validate Employee SchemeFundID to check if its already exist OracleCommand cmd_emp_id = new OracleCommand(); cmd_emp_id.CommandText = "sel_pfm_SchemeFundIdExist"; cmd_emp_id.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd_emp_id.Connection = (OracleConnection)conn; //Input param cmd_emp_id.Parameters.Add("p_scheme_fund_id", OracleDbType.Varchar2, ParameterDirection.Input).Value = Scheme_fund_id; //Output param OracleParameter count = new OracleParameter("p_result", OracleDbType.Decimal, 100, ParameterDirection.Output); cmd_emp_id.Parameters.Add(count); cmd_emp_id.ExecuteNonQuery(); string mtotal = (count.Value).ToString(); int total = Convert.ToInt32(mtotal); if (total <= 0) { X.Mask.Hide(); error_nos += 1; erroor_msg = erroor_msg + "Scheme fund does not exist for . - " + employee_Repo.First_Name + " " + employee_Repo.Surname + Environment.NewLine; } } else { X.Mask.Hide(); error_nos += 1; erroor_msg = erroor_msg + "Scheme fund does not exist for . - " + employee_Repo.First_Name + " " + employee_Repo.Surname + Environment.NewLine; } //create account now ////create scheme fund account for employee decimal successs_1_2 = 0; string Employee_Scheme_fund_id = cust_noo + Scheme_fund_id; //check if ESF ID exist var param_t = new DynamicParameters(); param_t.Add(name: "p_esf_id", value: Employee_Scheme_fund_id, dbType: DbType.String, direction: ParameterDirection.Input); param_t.Add(name: "p_result", value: emp_num, dbType: DbType.Decimal, direction: ParameterDirection.Output); conn.Execute(sql: "SEL_CRM_ESFIDEXIST", param: param_t, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure); decimal t_res = param_t.Get <decimal>("p_result"); if (t_res > 0) { X.Mask.Hide(); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Employer Scheme already exist for " + employee_Repo.First_Name + " " + employee_Repo.Surname, Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.ERROR, Width = 350 }); return(false); } param.Add(name: "p_emp_schme_fund_id", value: Employee_Scheme_fund_id, dbType: DbType.String, direction: ParameterDirection.Input); param.Add(name: "p_scheme_fund_id", value: Scheme_fund_id, dbType: DbType.String, direction: ParameterDirection.Input); param.Add(name: "p_custNo", value: cust_noo, dbType: DbType.String, direction: ParameterDirection.Input); param.Add(name: "p_BatchNo", value: batchno, dbType: DbType.String, direction: ParameterDirection.Input); param.Add(name: "p_MakeId", value: GlobalValue.User_ID, dbType: DbType.String, direction: ParameterDirection.Input); param.Add(name: "p_MakeDate", value: GlobalValue.Scheme_Today_Date, dbType: DbType.DateTime, direction: ParameterDirection.Input); param.Add(name: "p_result", value: successs_1_2, dbType: DbType.Decimal, direction: ParameterDirection.Output); conn.Execute(sql: "ADD_CRM_REMITSCHEMEFUNDBNEW", param: param, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure); } //end if for create_new_or_justacct =2 } ///while ts.Complete(); // this.GetCmp<Window>("loading_EmpBatch").Hide(); return(true); } catch (TransactionException transexeption) { X.Mask.Hide(); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = transexeption.ToString(), Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.ERROR, Width = 350 }); errormsg = transexeption.ToString(); return(false); //throw; } catch (System.Exception ex) { string ora_code = ex.Message.Substring(0, 9); if (ora_code == "ORA-20000") { ora_code = "Record already exist. Process aborted.."; } else if (ora_code == "ORA-20100") { ora_code = "Record is uniquely defined in the system. Process aborted.."; } else { ora_code = ex.ToString(); } X.Mask.Hide(); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = ora_code, Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); // logger.WriteLog(ex.Message); return(false); } finally { ts.Dispose(); //a_value = a_value; if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } if (con_ex.State == ConnectionState.Open) { con_ex.Close(); } } } //end for transscope } } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { string ora_code = ex.Message.Substring(0, 9); if (ora_code == "ORA-20000") { ora_code = "Record already exist. Process aborted.."; } else if (ora_code == "ORA-20100") { ora_code = "Record is uniquely defined in the system. Process aborted.."; } else { ora_code = ex.ToString(); } X.Mask.Hide(); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = ora_code, Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); // logger.WriteLog(ex.Message); return(false); } }
public ActionResult SendEmailIndi(crm_EmployeeRepo employeeRepo) { try { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(employeeRepo.Scheme_Id)) { X.Mask.Hide(); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Please Select Scheme", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } string queryString = "select * from VW_EMPLOYEE_ESF_SCHEME_REPORT where scheme_id = '" + employeeRepo.Scheme_Id + "' and ESF_STATUS = 'ACTIVE' "; //string queryinternet = "select * from setup_company"; using (OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(GlobalValue.ConString)) { OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand(queryString, connection); connection.Open(); OracleDataReader reader; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); // Always call Read before accessing data. while (reader.Read()) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)reader["MOBILE_NUMBER"])) { employeeRepo.Mobile_Number = "000000000"; } else { employeeRepo.Mobile_Number = (string)reader["MOBILE_NUMBER"]; } employeeRepo.First_Name = (string)reader["First_Name"]; // repo_emplog.Mobile_Number = (string)reader["Mobile_Number"]; employeeRepo.Scheme_Name = (string)reader["Scheme_Name"]; employeeRepo.Scheme_Id = (string)reader["Scheme_Id"]; //employeeRepo.SEND_SMS = (string)reader["SEND_SMS"]; String mcode = (string)reader["CUST_NO"]; //if (employeeRepo.SEND_SMS == "YES") //{ employeeRepo.Mobile_Number = employeeRepo.Mobile_Number.Replace(" ", string.Empty); if (employeeRepo.Mobile_Number.Length < 9) { employeeRepo.Mobile_Number = "000000000"; } //SEND SMS string smsmsg = "Dear " + employeeRepo.First_Name + " , " + employeeRepo.Message + " . Thank you"; string fonnum = "233" + employeeRepo.Mobile_Number.Substring(employeeRepo.Mobile_Number.Length - 9, 9); Dictionary <string, string> paramSMS = new Dictionary <string, string>(); paramSMS.Add("to", fonnum); paramSMS.Add("text", smsmsg); Request request = new Request { Parameters = paramSMS }; var content = Volley.PostRequest(request); //END SEND SMS // } } reader.Close(); X.Mask.Hide(); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Sent", Message = "SMS Successfully Sent to Employees", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); } return(this.Direct()); } catch (Exception ex) { X.Mask.Hide(); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "SMS traffic issue. Please send again to continue", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.ERROR, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } }
public ActionResult ApprovePendingEmployee(crm_EmployeeRepo setupEmployee) { try { //if (ModelState.IsValid) //{ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(setupEmployee.Employee_Id)) { X.Mask.Hide(); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Select an employee to approve.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } //Save new employee if (this.employeeRepo.ApprovePendingEmployee(setupEmployee.Employee_Id, setupEmployee.Cust_No, setupEmployee.Scheme_Fund_Id)) { if (setupEmployee.SEND_SMS == "YES") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(setupEmployee.Mobile_Number)) { setupEmployee.Mobile_Number = "000000000"; } else { setupEmployee.Mobile_Number = setupEmployee.Mobile_Number; } if (setupEmployee.Mobile_Number.Length < 9) { setupEmployee.Mobile_Number = "000000000"; } //SEND SMS string smsmsg = "Dear " + setupEmployee.First_Name + ", you have successfully been registered on the " + setupEmployee.Scheme_Name + " with member code " + setupEmployee.Cust_No + ". Thank you"; string fonnum = "233" + setupEmployee.Mobile_Number.Substring(setupEmployee.Mobile_Number.Length - 9, 9); Dictionary <string, string> param = new Dictionary <string, string>(); param.Add("to", fonnum); param.Add("text", smsmsg); Request request = new Request { Parameters = param }; var content = Volley.PostRequest(request); //END SEND SMS } X.Mask.Hide(); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Success", Message = "Employee: " + setupEmployee.Surname + " " + setupEmployee.First_Name + " approved Successfully.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); //clear controls ClearControls(); this.GetCmp <Image>("empAppNew_pic1").ImageUrl = ""; this.GetCmp <Image>("empAppNew_pic2").ImageUrl = ""; } else { X.Mask.Hide(); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Process aborted.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } Store store = X.GetCmp <Store>("employeeStore"); store.Reload(); //} //else //{ // string messages = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, ModelState.Values //.SelectMany(x => x.Errors) //.Select(x => x.ErrorMessage)); //X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig //{ // Title = "Error", // Message = messages, // " Insufficient data. Operation Aborted", // Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, // Icon = MessageBox.Icon.ERROR, // Width = 350 //}); //} return(this.Direct()); } catch (Exception ex) { X.Mask.Hide(); logger.WriteLog(ex.Message); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Process failed -" + ex.Message, Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } }
//status employee public ActionResult EmployeeStatus(crm_EmployeeRepo empRepo) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(empRepo.Cust_No)) { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Please select employee.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.ERROR, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(empRepo.Cust_Status_New)) { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Please select new status.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.ERROR, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(empRepo.Scheme_Id)) //{ // GlobalValue.Get_Scheme_Today_Date(empRepo.Scheme_Id); //} //else //{ // X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig // { // Title = "Error", // Message = "Scheme cannot be verified.", // Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, // Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, // Width = 350 // }); // return this.Direct(); //} employeeRepo.EmployeeStatus(empRepo); { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Success", Message = "Employee Status Successfully Changed.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); //clear controls ClearControls_employeetransfer(); } Store store = X.GetCmp <Store>("employeestatus_empStore"); store.Reload(); return(this.Direct()); } catch (Exception ex) { string ora_code = ex.Message.Substring(0, 9); if (ora_code == "ORA-20000") { ora_code = "Record already exist. Process aborted.."; } else if (ora_code == "ORA-20100") { ora_code = "Record can not be transferred. Process aborted.."; } else { ora_code = ex.ToString(); } X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = ora_code, Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } }
public ActionResult UpdateRecord(crm_EmployeeRepo crmEmployee) { try { //if (ModelState.IsValid) //{ crmEmployee.Employee_Photo = mImage; crmEmployee.Employee_Photo_Id = mImage_ID; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(crmEmployee.Employee_Id)) { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Select an employee to edit.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } if (crmEmployee.isValidUpdate(crmEmployee.Employee_Id) == true) { X.Mask.Hide(); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Sorry! There is a pending update for this employee. Process aborted.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(crmEmployee.Employer_Id)) { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Employer name is required", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(crmEmployee.Mobile_Number)) { if (Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information.IsNumeric(crmEmployee.Mobile_Number) == false) { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Primary phone number must be numbers.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(crmEmployee.Father_Phone_Number)) { if (Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information.IsNumeric(crmEmployee.Father_Phone_Number) == false) { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Father's phone number must be numbers.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(crmEmployee.Mother_Phone_Number)) { if (Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information.IsNumeric(crmEmployee.Mother_Phone_Number) == false) { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Mother's phone number must be numbers.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(crmEmployee.Other_Number)) { if (Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information.IsNumeric(crmEmployee.Other_Number) == false) { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Secondary phone number must be numbers.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(crmEmployee.Email_Address)) { if (Regex.IsMatch(crmEmployee.Email_Address, MatchEmailPattern) == false) { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Primary email address is not valid.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(crmEmployee.Other_Email_Address)) { if (Regex.IsMatch(crmEmployee.Other_Email_Address, MatchEmailPattern) == false) { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Secondary email address is not valid.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } } if (DateTime.Compare(crmEmployee.Date_Of_Birth, DateTime.Today) >= 0) { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "DOB can not be today or in the future.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } //update employee record if (this.employeeRepo.AddEmployeeRecordToTmp(crmEmployee)) { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Success", Message = "Updated Successfully.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); //clear controls ClearControls(); } else { X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Process aborted.", Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } Store store = X.GetCmp <Store>("employeeStore"); store.Reload(); return(this.Direct()); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.WriteLog(ex.Message); X.Msg.Show(new MessageBoxConfig { Title = "Error", Message = "Process failed -" + ex.Message, Buttons = MessageBox.Button.OK, Icon = MessageBox.Icon.INFO, Width = 350 }); return(this.Direct()); } }
public void SendIt2(string from, string pass, string subj, string msg, string to, string smtp, int port, crm_EmployeeRepo employeeRepo, string attach) { try { MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient SmtpServer = new System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient(); System.Net.Mail.MailAddress fromaddress = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(from, company_name); System.Net.Mail.Attachment attachment; attachment = new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(attach); mail.Attachments.Add(attachment); mail.From = fromaddress; mail.To.Add(to); mail.Subject = subj; mail.Body = msg; mail.IsBodyHtml = true; SmtpServer.Port = port; SmtpServer.Host = smtp; SmtpServer.EnableSsl = true; SmtpServer.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network; SmtpServer.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(from, pass); SmtpServer.Send(mail); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }