void Update()
        //Gives a cool bounce effect
        effector = Mathf.PingPong(((Time.time)/2), duration) / duration;
        //Determines how long it takes to switch colors
        t = ((Time.time/16) % duration*3)/ duration;

        //Calculates when to switch color state
        if((int)(t % 3) == 0)
            if(ourCS == colorState.Red)

                ourCS = colorState.Red;
                lastColor = light.color;
        else if((int)(t % 3) == 1)
            if(ourCS == colorState.Blue)

                ourCS = colorState.Blue;
                lastColor = light.color;
        else if((int)(t % 3) == 2)
            if(ourCS == colorState.Green)

                ourCS = colorState.Green;
                lastColor = light.color;

        //tells the system what color to lerp
        if(ourCS == colorState.Red)
            light.color = Color.Lerp(lastColor, color0, effector);


        else if(ourCS == colorState.Blue)
            light.color = Color.Lerp(lastColor, color1, effector);


        else if(ourCS == colorState.Green)
            light.color = Color.Lerp(lastColor, color2, effector);

 void start()
     ourCS = colorState.Red;
     //light.color = color0;
     lastColor = color2;