public string PickCameraSpawnPoint(string spawnGroups) { coSimObject spawnpoint = null; String[] lspawngroups = spawnGroups.Split(' '); foreach (coSimSet group in lspawngroups) { if (!group.isObject()) { continue; } spawnpoint = group.getRandom(); if (spawnpoint.isObject()) { return(spawnpoint); } } coSpawnSphere DefaultCameraSpawnSphere = "DefaultCameraSpawnSphere"; if (!DefaultCameraSpawnSphere.isObject()) { Torque_Class_Helper spawn = new Torque_Class_Helper("SpawnSphere", "DefaultCameraSpawnSphere"); spawn.Props.Add("dataBlock", "SpawnSphereMarker"); spawn.PropsAddString("spawnClass", Game__DefaultCameraClass); spawn.PropsAddString("spawnDatablock", Game__DefaultCameraDataBlock); coSpawnSphere spawnobj = spawn.Create(); ((coSimSet)"MissionCleanup").pushToBack(spawnobj); } return(DefaultCameraSpawnSphere); }
public void GrenadeLauncherImageOnMount(coSimObject thisobj, coSimObject obj, string slot, string nameSpaceDepth) { // Make it ready obj["detonadeEnabled"] = true.AsString(); int nsd = (nameSpaceDepth.AsInt() + 1); console.ParentExecute(thisobj, "onMount", nsd, new string[] { thisobj, obj, slot }); }
public string StaticShapeDataCreate(coSimDataBlock data) { Torque_Class_Helper tch = new Torque_Class_Helper("StaticShape"); tch.Props.Add("dataBlock", data); coSimObject obj = tch.Create(); return(obj); }
public void movedown(int val) { coSimObject obj = ((coGameConnection)"ServerConnection").getControlObject(); if (obj.isInNamespaceHierarchy("Camera")) { iGlobal["$mvDownAction"] = val * movementSpeed; } //console.SetVar("$mvDownAction", val.AsInt() * movementSpeed); }
public void AudioStateExclusiveonActivate(coSimObject thisobj) { console.ParentExecute(thisobj.ID, "onActivate", 1, new[] { thisobj.ID }); coSimSet group = thisobj["parentGroup"]; for (uint i = 0; i < group.getCount(); i++) { coSFXState obj = group.getObject(i); if (obj != thisobj && obj.isMemberOfClass("SFXState") && obj.isActive()) { obj.deactivate(); } } }
public void GuiCanvascheckCursor(coGuiCanvas thisobj) { for (uint i = 0; i < thisobj.getCount(); i++) { coSimObject control = thisobj.getObject(i); if ((control["noCursor"] != "") && (control["noCursor"].AsBool())) { continue; } showCursor(); return; } hideCursor(); }
public bool ShapeBaseShapeBaseThrow(coShapeBase thisobj, coItemData data, int amount = 1) { bool functionresult = false; if (ShapeBaseShapeBaseGetInventory(thisobj, data) > 0) { coSimObject objectid ="onThrow", thisobj, amount.AsString()); { if (objectid != 0) {"throwObject", objectid); AudioServerPlay3D("ThrowSnd", thisobj.getTransform()); functionresult = true; } } } return(functionresult); }
public void ServerCmdThrow(coGameConnection client, string data) { coPlayer player = client["player"]; if (!player.isObject() || (player.getState() == "Dead") || !Game_Running) { return; } coSimObject mountedimage = player.getMountedImage(iGlobal["$WeaponSlot"]); switch (data) { case "Weapon": { if (mountedimage != "0") { coItemData item = mountedimage["item"]; ShapeBaseShapeBaseThrow(player, item); } } break; case "Ammo": { if (mountedimage != "0") { coSimObject item = mountedimage; if (item["ammo"] != "") { ShapeBaseShapeBaseThrow(player, item["ammo"]); } } } break; default: if (ShapeBaseShapeBaseHasInventory(player, data.getName())) { ShapeBaseShapeBaseThrow(player, data); } break; } }
public void DemoPlayerOnDisabled(coPlayerData datablock, coAIPlayer npc, string state) { Util._cancelAll(npc); coScriptObject aimanager = null; aimanager = npc["aiManager"]; if (!aimanager.isObject()) { console.error("Bad aiManager"); return; } npc.setImageTarget(0, false); coSimObject item = ((coSimObject)npc.getMountedImage(WeaponSlot))["item"]; if (item.isObject()) { //string item = console.GetVarString(ShapeBase.getMountedImage(npc, WeaponSlot).AsString() + ".item"); if (r.Next(1, 100) > 80) { int amount = ShapeBaseShapeBaseGetInventory(npc, item["image.ammo"]); if (amount.AsBool()) { ShapeBaseShapeBaseThrow(npc, item["image.clip"], 1); } } } ShapeBaseTossPatch(npc); PlayerPlayDeathCry(npc); PlayerPlayDeathAnimation(npc); int ctov = 2000; spawnAI(aimanager); npc.schedule((ctov - 1000).AsString(), "startFade", "1000", "0", "true"); npc.schedule(ctov.AsString(), "deleteme"); aiscreated--; }
public void sfxPause(coSimSet channels, coSimSet pauseSet) { if (!console.isObject(pauseSet)) { pauseSet = sGlobal["SFXPausedSet"]; } coSimSet SFXSourceSet = sGlobal["SFXSourceSet"]; for (uint i = 0; i < SFXSourceSet.getCount(); i++) { coSimObject source = SFXSourceSet.getObject(i); string channel = sfxGroupToOldChannel(source.getGroup()); //console.Call(source, "getGroup")); throw new Exception("The find word function doesn't exists... wtf?"); //if (channel != "" && console.Call("findWord", new string[] { channels, channel }).AsInt() == -1) // continue; ////SFXSource.pause(source, -1); //pauseSet.pushToBack(source); } }
public bool SpawnPlayer(coGameConnection client, string spawnpoint, bool nocontrol) { coPlayer player = client["player"]; if (player.isObject()) { console.error("Attempting to create a player for a client that already has one!"); return(false); } if ((spawnpoint.Split(' ').GetUpperBound(0) == 0) && (spawnpoint.isObject())) { // Attempt to treat %spawnPoint as an object string spawnclass = Game__DefaultPlayerClass; string spawndatablock = Game__DefaultPlayerDataBlock; coSimObject ospawnpoint = spawnpoint; // Overrides by the %spawnPoint if (ospawnpoint["spawnClass"] != "") { spawnclass = ospawnpoint["spawnClass"]; spawndatablock = ospawnpoint["spawnDataBlock"]; } else if (ospawnpoint["spawnDatablock"] != "") { // This may seem redundant given the above but it allows // the SpawnSphere to override the datablock without // overriding the default player class spawndatablock = ospawnpoint["spawnDatablock"]; } string spawnproperties = ospawnpoint["spawnProperties"]; string spawnScript = ospawnpoint["spawnScript"]; // Spawn with the engine's Sim::spawnObject() function player = console.SpawnObject(spawnclass, spawndatablock, "", spawnproperties, spawnScript); // If we have an object do some initial setup if (console.isObject(player)) { // Pick a location within the spawn sphere. player.setTransform(PointInSpawnSphere(player, ((coSpawnSphere)spawnpoint))); } else { // If we weren't able to create the player object then warn the user // When the player clicks OK in one of these message boxes, we will fall through // to the "if (!isObject(%player))" check below. if (console.GetVarString(spawndatablock).Trim() != "") { console.Call("MessageBoxOK", new[] { "Spawn Player Failed", "Unable to create a player with class " + spawnclass + " and datablock " + spawndatablock + ".\n\nStarting as an Observer instead.", "" }); } else { console.Call("MessageBoxOK", new[] { "Spawn Player Failed", "Unable to create a player with class " + spawnclass + ".\n\nStarting as an Observer instead.", "" }); } } } else { // Create a default player player = console.SpawnObject(Game__DefaultPlayerClass, Game__DefaultPlayerDataBlock, "", "", ""); if (player.isMemberOfClass("Player")) { //if (SimObject.SimObject_isMemberOfClass(player, "Player")) console.warn("Trying to spawn a class that does not derive from player!!!!!"); } // Treat %spawnPoint as a transform player.setTransform(new TransformF(spawnpoint)); } // Update the default camera to start with the player if (!console.isObject(player)) { client["spawnCamera"] = spawnpoint; return(false); } ((coSimSet)"MissionCleanup").pushToBack(player); // Update the default camera to start with the player // Store the client object on the player object for // future reference player["client"] = client; // If the player's client has some owned turrets, make sure we let them // know that we're a friend too. if (client["ownedTurrets"].AsInt() >= 1) { coSimSet turrets = client["ownedTurrets"]; for (uint i = 0; i < turrets.getCount(); i++) { ((coTurretShape)turrets.getObject(i)).call("addToIgnoreList", player); } } player.setShapeName(client["playerName"]); player.setEnergyLevel(((coPlayerData)player.getDataBlock())["maxEnergy"].AsFloat()); if (client["skin"] != "") { string availableSkins = ((coPlayerData)player.getDataBlock())["availableSkins"]; foreach (coGameConnection other in ClientGroup.Where(other => other != client)) { availableSkins = availableSkins.Replace(console.GetVarString(other + ".skin"), " "); availableSkins = availableSkins.Replace(" ", " "); } List <string> availskin = availableSkins.Split('\t').ToList(); if (availskin.Count > 0) { int r = new Random().Next(0, availskin.Count - 1); client["skin"] = availskin[r]; } } player.setSkinName(client["skin"]); client["player"] = player; coSimObject control = null; if (console.GetVarString("$startWorldEditor") == "1") { control = client["camera"]; console.Call("EditorGui", "syncCameraGui"); } else { control = player; } if (!nocontrol) { client.setControlObject(control); } int team = new Random().Next(1, 2); AddObjectTo_MobSearchGroup(player, team); MessageClient(client, "System", "Your on Team " + team); console.error(DateTime.Now + " --- PLAYER JOIN::Name '" + Util.StripMLControlChars(player.getShapeName()) + "'::ID '" + player + "'"); return(true); }
public void ppOptionsHDRBloomBlurMeanonMouseDragged(coSimObject thisobj) { sGlobal["$HDRPostFX::gaussMean"] = thisobj["value"]; thisobj["toolTip"] = "Value : " + thisobj["value"]; }
public void ppOptionsHDRBrightnessAdaptRateonMouseDragged(coSimObject thisobj) { sGlobal["$HDRPostFX::adaptRate"] = thisobj["value"]; thisobj["toolTip"] = "Value : " + thisobj["value"]; }
public void ppOptionsHDRMinLuminanceonMouseDragged(coSimObject thisobj) { sGlobal["$HDRPostFX::minLuminace"] = thisobj["value"]; thisobj["toolTip"] = "Value : " + thisobj["value"]; }
public void ppOptionsSSAOFarTolerancePoweronMouseDragged(coSimObject thisobj) { sGlobal["$SSAOPostFx::lNormalPow"] = thisobj["value"]; thisobj["toolTip"] = "Value : " + thisobj["value"]; }
public void ppOptionsSSAONearToleranceNormalonMouseDragged(coSimObject thisobj) { sGlobal["$SSAOPostFx::sNormalTol"] = thisobj["value"]; thisobj["toolTip"] = "Value : " + thisobj["value"]; }
public void ppOptionsHDRWhiteCutoffonMouseDragged(coSimObject thisobj) { sGlobal["$HDRPostFX::whiteCutoff"] = thisobj["value"]; thisobj["toolTip"] = "Value : " + thisobj["value"]; }
public void ppOptionsHDRToneMappingAmountonMouseDragged(coSimObject thisobj) { sGlobal["$HDRPostFX::enableToneMapping"] = thisobj["value"]; thisobj["toolTip"] = "Value : " + thisobj["value"]; }
public void ppOptionsSSAOFarDepthMaxonMouseDragged(coSimObject thisobj) { sGlobal["$SSAOPostFx::lDepthMax"] = thisobj["value"]; thisobj["toolTip"] = "Value : " + thisobj["value"]; }
public void ppOptionsSSAONearStrengthonMouseDragged(coSimObject thisobj) { sGlobal["$SSAOPostFx::sStrength"] = thisobj["value"]; thisobj["toolTip"] = "Value : " + thisobj["value"]; }
public void ppOptionsHDRBloomBlurBrightPassThresholdonMouseDragged(coSimObject thisobj) { sGlobal["$HDRPostFX::brightPassThreshold"] = thisobj["value"]; thisobj["toolTip"] = "Value : " + thisobj["value"]; }
public void WeaponOnUser(coScriptObject data, coPlayer obj) { if (obj.getMountedImage(WeaponSlot) == data["image"].AsInt()) { return; } AudioServerPlay3D("WeaponUseSound", obj.getTransform()); obj.mountImage(data["image"], WeaponSlot, true, ""); if (obj["client"].AsBool()) { if (data["description"] != "") { MessageClient(obj["client"], "MsgWeaponUsed", "\\c3%1 \\c5 selected.", data["description"]); } else { MessageClient(obj["client"], "MsgWeaponUsed", console.addTaggedString(@"\c0Weapon selected")); } } if (obj.isInNamespaceHierarchy("Player")) { return; } obj.allowAllPoses(); coSimObject image = data["image"]; if (image["jumpingDisallowed"].AsBool()) { obj.allowJumping(false); } if (image["jetJumpingDisallowed"].AsBool()) { obj.allowJetJumping(false); } if (image["sprintDisallowed"].AsBool()) { obj.allowSprinting(false); } if (image["crouchDisallowed"].AsBool()) { obj.allowCrouching(false); } if (image["proneDisallowed"].AsBool()) { obj.allowProne(false); } if (image["swimmingDisallowed"].AsBool()) { obj.allowSwimming(false); } }
public void ppOptionsSSAOBlurDepthonMouseDragged(coSimObject thisobj) { sGlobal["$SSAOPostFx::blurDepthTol"] = thisobj["value"]; thisobj["toolTip"] = "Value : " + thisobj["value"]; }
public void AudioStateExclusiveonActivate(coSimObject thisobj) { console.ParentExecute(thisobj.ID, "onActivate", 1, new[] {thisobj.ID}); coSimSet group = thisobj["parentGroup"]; for (uint i = 0; i < group.getCount(); i++) { coSFXState obj = group.getObject(i); if (obj != thisobj && obj.isMemberOfClass("SFXState") && obj.isActive()) obj.deactivate(); } }
public void LightRayPostFXpreProcess(coSimObject thisobj) { thisobj["targetScale"] = sGlobal["$LightRayPostFX::resolutionScale"] + " " + sGlobal["$LightRayPostFX::resolutionScale"]; }
public void TeleporterTriggerOnEnterTrigger(coSimDataBlock thisobj, coSceneObject entrance, coPlayer obj) { //if (!console.isMemberOfClass(obj, "Player")) // return; if (obj["isTeleporting"].AsBool()) { return; } // Get the location of our target position coTrigger exit = entrance["exit"]; bool valid = TeleporterTriggerVerifyObject(thisobj, obj, entrance, exit); if (!valid) { return; } TeleporterTriggerTeleFrag(thisobj, obj, exit); // Create our entrance effects on all clients. coSimObject entranceeffect = entrance["entranceEffect"]; if (entranceeffect.isObject()) { foreach (coGameConnection client in ClientGroup) { if (console.isObject(client)) { console.commandToClient(client, "PlayTeleportEffect", new[] { entrance["position"], entranceeffect.getId().AsString() }); } } } TeleporterTriggerTeleportPlayer(thisobj, obj, exit); // Create our exit effects on all clients. coSimObject exitEffect = entrance["exitEffect"]; if (exitEffect.isObject()) { foreach (coGameConnection client in ClientGroup) { if (console.isObject(client)) { console.commandToClient(client, "PlayTeleportEffect", new[] { entrance["position"], exitEffect.getId().AsString() }); } } } // Record what time we last teleported so we can determine if enough // time has elapsed to teleport again int tolt = console.getSimTime(); entrance["timeOfLastTeleport"] = tolt.AsString(); // If this is a bidirectional teleporter, log it's exit too. if (exit["exit"] == entrance["name"]) { exit["timeOfLastTeleport"] = tolt.AsString(); } // Tell the client to play the 2D sound for the player that teleported. if (((coSimObject)thisobj["teleportSound"]).isObject() && ((coGameConnection)obj["client"]).isObject()) { ((coGameConnection)obj["client"]).play2D(thisobj["teleportSound"]); //GameConnection.play2D(obj, thisobj["teleportSound"]); } }