private string InsertUpdatePurchaseDb(clsPurchase st, DataTable dt, string insertUpdateStatus) { string returnId = "0"; string connection = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ADO"].ConnectionString; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connection)) { try { con.Open(); using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("spInsertUpdatePurchase", con)) { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Clear(); cmd.Parameters.Add("@PurchaseId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = st.PurchaseId; cmd.Parameters.Add("@PurchaseDate", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = st.PurchaseDate; cmd.Parameters.Add("@ReferenceNumber", SqlDbType.Int).Value = st.ReferenceNumber; cmd.Parameters.Add("@dtPurchaseLine", SqlDbType.Structured).Value = dt; cmd.Parameters.Add("@InsertUpdateStatus", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = insertUpdateStatus; cmd.Parameters.Add("@CheckReturn", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 300).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); returnId = cmd.Parameters["@CheckReturn"].Value.ToString(); cmd.Dispose(); } con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { returnId = ex.Message.ToString(); } } return(returnId); }
public ActionResult AddUpdatePurchase(int id = 0) { clsPurchase country = new clsPurchase(); if (id > 0) { country = (from c in db.tblPurchases where c.PurchaseId == id select new clsPurchase { PurchaseId = c.PurchaseId, PurchaseDate = c.PurchaseDate, ReferenceNumber = c.ReferenceNumber, ItemName = db.tblPurchaseLines.Where(x => x.PurchaseId == c.PurchaseId).Select(x => x.ItemName).FirstOrDefault(), Qyt = db.tblPurchaseLines.Where(x => x.PurchaseId == c.PurchaseId).Select(x => x.Qyt).FirstOrDefault(), Rate = db.tblPurchaseLines.Where(x => x.PurchaseId == c.PurchaseId).Select(x => x.Rate).FirstOrDefault() }).FirstOrDefault(); } else { country = new clsPurchase { PurchaseId = 0, PurchaseDate = System.DateTime.Now, ReferenceNumber = 0 }; } return(PartialView(country)); }
public static ArrayList queryPurchase(string sql) { ArrayList purchases = new ArrayList(); try { openDatabaseConnection(); mdb.Open(); OleDbCommand cmd; cmd = new OleDbCommand(sql, mdb); OleDbDataReader rdr; rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (rdr.Read() == true) { clsPurchase newPurchases = new clsPurchase((int)rdr["PurchaseID"], (decimal)rdr["Cost"], (string)rdr["PaymentType"], (DateTime)rdr["PaymentDate"]); purchases.Add(newPurchases); } rdr.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("There was an unexpected problem reading from the DB: " + ex.Message); } finally { closeDatabaseConnection(); } return(purchases); }
private void populatePurchases() { //Refresh the list of purchases... cboPurchase.Items.Clear(); clsLists.mPurchase = clsSQL.queryPurchase("SELECT * FROM Purchase;"); foreach (clsPurchase purchase in clsLists.mPurchase) { clsPurchase p = (clsPurchase)purchase; clsComboBoxItem item = new clsComboBoxItem(p.ID, "#" + p.ID.ToString() + "( " + p.PaymentDate.ToString()); cboPurchase.Items.Add(item); } }
//This is the code needed to update the Purchases info. //===================================================== private void btnMediaUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { { int index = lstPurchase.SelectedIndex - 2; if (index < 0 || index >= clsLists.mPurchase.Count) { ShowMessage("Please select a valid client in the list to UPDATE that client."); } else { decimal cost; string sql; int locUpdate = lstPurchase.SelectedIndex - 1; if (validateInput(txtCost, new decimal(1L), new decimal(100000L), out cost) == false || validateInput(txtPurchaseDate) == false) { return; } if (cboPurchase.Text == "") { ShowMessage("Please select an investor"); } if (MessageBox.Show("Please confirm that you wish to update this record." + txtCost.Text, "Confirm update", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) { MessageBox.Show("Request Ignored"); lstPurchase.SelectedIndex = -1; return; } else { //clsComboBoxItem item = (clsComboBoxItem)cboPurchase.SelectedItem; string mediaPurchase = cboPurchase.Text; clsPurchase file = (clsPurchase)clsLists.mPurchase[locUpdate]; sql = "UPDATE Purchase SET " + "Cost = " + clsSQL.ToSql(cost) + ", " + "PaymentType = " + clsSQL.ToSql(mediaPurchase) + ", " + "PaymentDate = " + clsSQL.ToSql(txtPurchaseDate.Text) + "WHERE PurchaseID = " + file.ID; clsSQL.nonQuery(sql); clearPurchases(); //review the data readPurchases("SELECT * FROM Purchase"); } } } }
//This helper method selects the data in the Purchase applcation //============================================================== private void lstPurchase_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { int loc = lstPurchase.SelectedIndex - 1; if (loc < 0 || loc >= clsLists.mPurchase.Count) { return; } clsPurchase selectedPurchase = (clsPurchase)clsLists.mPurchase[loc]; txtCost.Text = selectedPurchase.cost.ToString(); cboPurchase.Text = selectedPurchase.PaymentType; txtPurchaseDate.Text = selectedPurchase.PaymentDate.ToString("d"); MessageBox.Show("If you want to update this record, change the details and click 'Update'.\n\nIf you want to delete this record, click 'Delete'."); }
//This is the Delete Button Method used to delete the Purchase data in the application. //===================================================================================== private void btnMediaDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int index = lstPurchase.SelectedIndex - 2; if (index < 0 || index >= clsLists.mPurchase.Count) { ShowMessage("Please select a valid client in the list to DELETE that client."); } else { clsPurchase clsPurchase = (clsPurchase)clsLists.mPurchase[index]; string sql = "DELETE FROM Purchase WHERE PurchaseID = " + clsPurchase.ID + ";"; clsSQL.nonQuery(sql); ShowMessage("Purchase has been removed"); readPurchases("SELECT * FROM Purchase"); } }
public ActionResult DeletePurchase(int id) { string message = ""; bool status = false; DataTable dtPurchase = new DataTable(); dtPurchase.Columns.Add("Id"); dtPurchase.Columns.Add("ItemName"); dtPurchase.Columns.Add("Qyt"); dtPurchase.Columns.Add("Rate"); dtPurchase.Rows.Add(new object[] { 0, "", 0, 0 }); clsPurchase st = new clsPurchase(); st.PurchaseId = id; string returnId = InsertUpdatePurchaseDb(st, dtPurchase, "Delete"); if (returnId == "Success") { ModelState.Clear(); status = true; message = "Successfully Deleted"; } else { ModelState.Clear(); status = false; message = returnId; } return(new JsonResult { Data = new { status = status, message = message } }); }
public ActionResult AddUpdatePurchase(clsPurchase purchase, string childData) { string message = ""; bool status = false; try { List <clsPurchase> PurchaseList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <clsPurchase> >(childData); //data table for Branch Starts DataTable dtPurchase = new DataTable(); dtPurchase.Columns.Add("Id"); dtPurchase.Columns.Add("ItemName"); dtPurchase.Columns.Add("Qyt"); dtPurchase.Columns.Add("Rate"); if (PurchaseList.Count != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < PurchaseList.Count; i++) { dtPurchase.Rows.Add(new object[] { i + 1, PurchaseList[i].ItemName, PurchaseList[i].Qyt, PurchaseList[i].Rate }); } } else { dtPurchase.Rows.Add(new object[] { 0, "", 0, 0 }); } string returnId = "0"; string insertUpdateStatus = ""; if (purchase.PurchaseId > 0) { insertUpdateStatus = "Update"; } else { insertUpdateStatus = "Save"; } returnId = InsertUpdatePurchaseDb(purchase, dtPurchase, insertUpdateStatus); if (returnId == "Success") { status = true; message = "User Type Successfully Updated"; } else { status = false; message = returnId; } } catch (Exception ex) { status = false; message = ex.Message.ToString(); } return(new JsonResult { Data = new { status = status, message = message } }); }