public string ReSet(string EMail) { //used to generate a re-set password email message //string to store any message String Message = ""; //if the email exists if (EMailTaken(EMail) == true) { //generate a new email message mEMailMessage = new clsEMail(); mEMailMessage.Subject = "Instructions for re-setting your password"; mEMailMessage.Recipient = EMail; mEMailMessage.Sender = "*****@*****.**"; //get the temp password string TempPW = GetTempPW(); mEMailMessage.Body = "<a href=ChangePassword.aspx?EMail=" + EMail + "&TempPW=" + TempPW + ">Re Set Password</a>"; //updat the temp password in the database clsDataConnection DB = new clsDataConnection(); DB.AddParameter("@AccountEMail", EMail.ToLower()); DB.AddParameter("@TempPW", TempPW); DB.Execute("sproc_tblAccount_UpdateTempPW"); //send the email mEMailMessage.SendEMail(); //set the return message Message = "An email has been sent to your acccount with instructions on how to re-set your password."; } else { //send error Message = "Account not found"; } //return any messages return(Message); }
private void SendActivationEMail(string EMail) { //sends an activation email to the user when email confirmation is required //generate a new email message mEMailMessage = new clsEMail(); //set the subject mEMailMessage.Subject = "Instructions for activating your account"; //set the recipient mEMailMessage.Recipient = EMail; //set the sender mEMailMessage.Sender = "*****@*****.**"; //generate a temporary system password string TempPW = GetTempPW(); //set the body of the email mEMailMessage.Body = "<a href=ActivateAccount.aspx?EMail=" + EMail + "&TempPW=" + TempPW + ">Activate Account</a>"; //connect to the database clsDataConnection DB = new clsDataConnection(); DB.AddParameter("@AccountEMail", EMail.ToLower()); DB.AddParameter("@TempPW", TempPW); //update the temporary password DB.Execute("sproc_tblAccount_UpdateTempPW"); //send the email mEMailMessage.SendEMail(); }
private void RejectOffer() { //sends an email to the person making the offer and delete the offer from the database // //var to store the email address of the person making the offer string OfferEMail; //var to store the user name of the person making the offer string OfferUserName; //var to store the title of the offer string OfferTitle; //declare an instance of my email object clsEMail AnEMail = new clsEMail(); //var to store successful sending of the email Boolean Success; //get the email address of the person making the offer OfferEMail = GetOfferEMail(OfferNo); //get the user name of the person making the offer OfferUserName = GetOfferUserName(OfferNo); //get the title of the item on offer OfferTitle = GetOfferTitle(OfferNo); //send a rejection email to the person who made the offer Success = AnEMail.SendEMail("dvd.mdb", OfferEMail, "Your swap shop offer", ThisSite.SiteOwner + " has declined your offer of " + OfferTitle); //find the record for this offer in the database clsDataConnection AnOffer = new clsDataConnection("select * from offer where offerno=" + OfferNo); //if the record is found if (AnOffer.Count == 1) { //delete it AnOffer.RemoveRecord(0); //save the changes AnOffer.SaveChanges(); } }
private bool SendPassword(string EMail, string Password) { //this function sends the password to the specified email address Boolean Success; //create an instance of my email object clsEMail AnEMail = new clsEMail(); //send the email - success will contain true or fals depending on if it works or not Success = AnEMail.SendEMail("*****@*****.**", EMail, "Your swap shop password", "Your password is " + Password); //return success return(Success); }
private void AcceptOffer(int SwapNo, int OfferNo) { //this sub accepst an offer made on a swap //it accepts two parameters the swap number and the offer number //it sends an email to the person making the offer //and another email to the site owner //the offer is date stamped so that the site owner knows when the offer was accepted // //my email object used to send emails clsEMail AnEmail = new clsEMail(); //var to store the email address of the person making the offer string OfferEMail; //var to store the title of the offered item string OfferTitle; //var to store the title of the swap string SwapTitle; //var to store the name of the person making the offer string OfferUserName; //get the email address of the person making the offer OfferEMail = GetOfferEMail(OfferNo); //get the title of the item being swapped SwapTitle = GetSwapTitle(SwapNo); //get the title of the item being offered OfferTitle = GetOfferTitle(OfferNo); //get the name of the person making the offer OfferUserName = GetOfferUserName(OfferNo); //construct and send an acceptance email to the person making the offer AnEmail.SendEMail(ThisSite.OwnerEMail, OfferEMail, "Your offer has been accepted", ThisSite.SiteOwner + " has accepted your offer of " + OfferTitle + " for " + SwapTitle + " please reply to this email to arrange the exchange."); //construct and send an email to the owner of the site AnEmail.SendEMail(OfferEMail, ThisSite.OwnerEMail, "You have accepted my offer", OfferUserName + " is going to swap " + OfferTitle + " for " + SwapTitle + " reply to this message to arrange an exchange."); //date stamp the swap //open a connection to the database finding the record for this offer clsDataConnection AnOffer = new clsDataConnection("select * from Offer where OfferNo = " + OfferNo); //date stamp the offer AnOffer.DataTable.Rows[0]["AcceptanceDate"] = DateTime.Now.Day + "/" + DateTime.Now.Month + "/" + DateTime.Now.Year; //save the changes AnOffer.SaveChanges(); }
private bool EMailOwner(string UserName, string EMail, string OfferTitle) { //this function sends an email to the site owner //it returns true or false if the email was sent or not // //var to store success Boolean Success; //instance of the email object clsEMail AnEmail = new clsEMail(); //send the email Success = AnEmail.SendEMail(EMail, ThisSite.OwnerEMail, "An offer has been made on one of your swaps", UserName + " has made an offer on " + OfferTitle); //return the outcome return(Success); }
private Boolean SendPassword(string FirstName, string LastName, string EMail, string Password) { //this function sends the password for the new account to the user //if the email is sent ok then it returns true, else false //it accepts four parameters FirstName, LastName, EMail and Password // //create a new instance of the MyEmail object clsEMail AnEmail = new clsEMail(); //var to record success of email send Boolean AllOk; //send the email to the user containing the password AllOk = AnEmail.SendEMail("*****@*****.**", EMail, "Your DVD swap shop password", FirstName + " Your password is " + Password); //return the status of the action return(AllOk); }