private void ShowList() { int i, j; clsCustomFieldsDef cfd = null; string sTypeName; try { dgMainList.Controls.Clear(); dtResult = new DataTable("Result"); dtData = equip.GetEquipList(); if (dtData.Rows.Count > 0) { //arrCFD = _functions.CustomFieldsParse(dtData, Convert.ToInt32(Session["EquipTypeId"])); arrCFD = _functions.GetCustomFields(false, equip.iTypeId.Value, HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name); if (arrCFD.Count > 0) { // adding fixed fields dtResult.Columns.Add("id"); // adding variable columns and fields for (i = 0; i < arrCFD.Count; i++) { cfd = (clsCustomFieldsDef)arrCFD[i]; dtResult.Columns.Add(cfd.Name); _column = new BoundColumn(); _column.DataField = cfd.Name; _column.HeaderText = cfd.NameText; dgMainList.Columns.Add(_column); if (cfd.NameLookupTable == "EquipModels") // adding make column if model is exist { _column = null; _column = new BoundColumn(); dtResult.Columns.Add("MakeName"); _column.DataField = "MakeName"; _column.HeaderText = "Make"; dgMainList.Columns.Add(_column); } cfd = null; _column = null; } // fill fields for (i = 0; i < dtData.Rows.Count; i++) { // fill fixed fields drItem = dtResult.NewRow(); drItem["Id"] = dtData.Rows[i]["Id"]; // fill variable fields for (j = 0; j < arrCFD.Count; j++) { cfd = (clsCustomFieldsDef)arrCFD[j]; sTypeName = _functions.GetFieldTypeText(cfd.FieldTypeId) + cfd.NumberColumn.ToString(); switch (cfd.FieldTypeId) { case DBFieldType._lookup: switch (cfd.NameLookupTable) { case "EquipModels": mm = new clsMakesModels(); mm.iOrgId = _functions.GetUserOrgId(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, false); mm.iModelId = Convert.ToInt32(dtData.Rows[i][sTypeName]); mm.GetModelMakes(); drItem[cfd.Name] = mm.sModelName; drItem["MakeName"] = mm.sMakeName; break; case "Departments": dep = new clsDepartments(); dep.cAction = "S"; dep.iOrgId = _functions.GetUserOrgId(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, false); dep.iId = Convert.ToInt32(dtData.Rows[i][sTypeName]); if (dep.DepartmentDetail() == 0) { drItem[cfd.Name] = dep.sName.Value; } break; case "Locations": loc = new clsLocations(); loc.cAction = "S"; loc.iOrgId = _functions.GetUserOrgId(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, false); loc.iId = Convert.ToInt32(dtData.Rows[i][sTypeName]); if (loc.LocationDetail() == 0) { drItem[cfd.Name] = loc.sName.Value; } break; default: break; } break; case DBFieldType._bit: if (((bool)dtData.Rows[i][sTypeName]) == true) { drItem[cfd.Name] = "Yes"; } else { drItem[cfd.Name] = "No"; } break; default: drItem[cfd.Name] = dtData.Rows[i][sTypeName]; break; } cfd = null; } dtResult.Rows.Add(drItem); } } else { Session["lastpage"] = ParentPageURL; Session["error"] = _functions.ErrorMessage(102); Response.Redirect("error.aspx", false); } } dgMainList.DataSource = new DataView(dtResult); dgMainList.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { if (dtData != null) { dtData.Dispose(); } if (loc != null) { loc.Dispose(); } if (dep != null) { dep.Dispose(); } if (mm != null) { mm.Dispose(); } } }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { clsCustomFieldsDef cfd = null; int j; try { if (Request.QueryString["id"] == null) { Session["lastpage"] = "list.aspx"; Session["error"] = _functions.ErrorMessage(104); Response.Redirect("error.aspx", false); return; } try { EquipId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); } catch (FormatException fex) { Session["lastpage"] = "list.aspx"; Session["error"] = _functions.ErrorMessage(105); Response.Redirect("error.aspx", false); return; } PageTitle = "Equipment Detail"; string [,] arrBrdCrumbs = new string [2, 2]; arrBrdCrumbs[0, 0] = "main.aspx"; arrBrdCrumbs[0, 1] = "Home"; arrBrdCrumbs[1, 0] = "list.aspx"; arrBrdCrumbs[1, 1] = "Equipment List"; PageTitle = "Equipment Detail"; Header.BrdCrumbs = ParseBreadCrumbs(arrBrdCrumbs, PageTitle); Header.PageTitle = PageTitle; if (!IsPostBack) { Session["EquipId"] = EquipId; equip = new clsEquipment(); comp = new clsComponents(); dtCustomFields = new DataTable(); dtCustomFields.Columns.Add("ValueName"); dtCustomFields.Columns.Add("Value"); equip.iOrgId = _functions.GetUserOrgId(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, false); equip.iId = EquipId; equip.cAction = "S"; // getting a fixed fields in the label controls if (equip.EquipmentDetail() == -1) { Session["lastpage"] = ParentPageURL; Session["error"] = _functions.ErrorMessage(102); Response.Redirect("error.aspx", false); } // showing a Equipment's data from fixed fields lbStatus.Text = equip.sStatus.Value; lbPMSched.Text = equip.sPMSched.Value; lbInspection.Text = equip.sInspect.Value; if (!equip.iCurrentUnits.IsNull) { lbUnits.Text = equip.iCurrentUnits.Value.ToString(); } if (!equip.daInService.IsNull) { lbDtInService.Text = equip.daInService.Value.ToShortDateString(); } if (!equip.daAquired.IsNull) { lbDtAquired.Text = equip.daAquired.Value.ToShortDateString(); } lbVchPurOrgContact.Text = equip.sPurOrgContact.Value; if (!equip.curPurAmount.IsNull) { lbSmPurAmount.Text = equip.curPurAmount.Value.ToString(); } if (!equip.iPurUnits.IsNull) { lbIntPurUnits.Text = equip.iPurUnits.Value.ToString(); } lbVchPurNotes.Text = equip.sPurNotes.Value; if (!equip.daOutOfService.IsNull) { lbDtOutOfService.Text = equip.daOutOfService.Value.ToShortDateString(); } if (!equip.daDisposed.IsNull) { lbDtDisposed.Text = equip.daDisposed.Value.ToShortDateString(); } if (!equip.sDispMethod.IsNull) { lbVchDispMethod.Text = equip.sDispMethod.Value; } if (!equip.sDispOrgContact.IsNull) { lbVchDispOrgContact.Text = equip.sDispOrgContact.Value; } if (!equip.curDispAmount.IsNull) { lbSmDispAmount.Text = equip.curDispAmount.Value.ToString(); } if (!equip.iDispUnits.IsNull) { lbIntDispUnits.Text = equip.iDispUnits.Value.ToString(); } lbVchDispNotes.Text = equip.sDispNotes.Value; // getting all component's types to dropdownlist comp.iOrgId = _functions.GetUserOrgId(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, false); ddlComponentTypes.DataTextField = "vchName"; ddlComponentTypes.DataValueField = "Id"; ddlComponentTypes.DataSource = new DataView(comp.GetComponentTypeList()); ddlComponentTypes.DataBind(); // getting the fixed fields in the DataList control dtCustomFieldsFromDB = equip.EquipmentDetail_CustomFields(null); dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { "Type", dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0]["TypeName"] }); // getting the custom fields in the DataList control //arrCFD = _functions.CustomFieldsParse(dtCustomFieldsFromDB, Convert.ToInt32(Session["EquipTypeId"])); arrCFD = _functions.GetCustomFields(false, Convert.ToInt32(Session["EquipTypeId"]), HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name); if (arrCFD.Count > 0) { // fill custom fields for (j = 0; j < arrCFD.Count; j++) { cfd = (clsCustomFieldsDef)arrCFD[j]; sTypeName = _functions.GetFieldTypeText(cfd.FieldTypeId) + cfd.NumberColumn.ToString(); switch (cfd.FieldTypeId) { case DBFieldType._lookup: switch (cfd.NameLookupTable) { case "EquipModels": mm = new clsMakesModels(); mm.iOrgId = _functions.GetUserOrgId(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, false); mm.iModelId = Convert.ToInt32(dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName]); mm.GetModelMakes(); dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { "Make/Model", mm.sMakeName + "/" + mm.sModelName }); break; case "Departments": dep = new clsDepartments(); dep.cAction = "S"; dep.iOrgId = _functions.GetUserOrgId(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, false); dep.iId = Convert.ToInt32(dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName]); if (dep.DepartmentDetail() == 0) { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, dep.sName.Value }); } break; case "Locations": loc = new clsLocations(); loc.cAction = "S"; loc.iOrgId = _functions.GetUserOrgId(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, false); loc.iId = Convert.ToInt32(dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName]); if (loc.LocationDetail() == 0) { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, loc.sName.Value }); } break; default: break; } break; case DBFieldType._datetime: dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, ((DateTime)dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName]).ToShortDateString() }); break; case DBFieldType._bit: if (((bool)dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName]) == true) { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, "Yes" }); } else { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, "No" }); } break; default: dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName] }); break; } cfd = null; } // showing a Equipment's data from custom fields repCustomFields.DataSource = new DataView(dtCustomFields); repCustomFields.DataBind(); comp.iEquipId = EquipId; comp.iOrgId = _functions.GetUserOrgId(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, false); dtComponents = comp.GetComponentsList(); ViewState["Components"] = dtComponents; repComponents.DataSource = new DataView(dtComponents); repComponents.DataBind(); } else { Session["lastpage"] = ParentPageURL; Session["error"] = _functions.ErrorMessage(102); Response.Redirect("error.aspx", false); } } } catch (Exception ex) { _functions.Log("Application error: \n" + ex.ToString()); Session["lastpage"] = ParentPageURL; Session["error"] = ex.Message; Session["error_report"] = ex.ToString(); Response.Redirect("error.aspx", false); } finally { if (comp != null) { comp.Dispose(); } if (loc != null) { loc.Dispose(); } if (dep != null) { dep.Dispose(); } if (mm != null) { mm.Dispose(); } if (comp != null) { comp.Dispose(); } if (equip != null) { equip.Dispose(); } } }
private void repComponents_ItemDataBound(object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { System.Data.DataRowView drItem = null; object oItem; try { if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.SelectedItem) { dtCustomFields = new DataTable(); dtCustomFields.Columns.Add("ValueName_Comp"); dtCustomFields.Columns.Add("Value_Comp"); dtComponents = (DataTable)ViewState["Components"]; for (int i = 0; i < dtComponents.Rows.Count; i++) { drItem = (System.Data.DataRowView)e.Item.DataItem; if (drItem.Row.ItemArray[0].ToString() == dtComponents.Rows[i]["ComponentId"].ToString()) { // getting the custoom fields info for a Component arrCFD = _functions.GetCustomFields(true, Convert.ToInt32(dtComponents.Rows[i]["TypeId"]), HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name); for (int j = 0; j < arrCFD.Count; j++) { cfd = (clsCustomFieldsDef)arrCFD[j]; sTypeName = _functions.GetFieldTypeText(cfd.FieldTypeId) + cfd.NumberColumn.ToString(); oItem = dtComponents.Rows[i][sTypeName]; switch (cfd.FieldTypeId) { case DBFieldType._lookup: switch (cfd.NameLookupTable) { case "EquipModels": if (oItem != DBNull.Value) { mm = new clsMakesModels(); mm.iOrgId = 1; // later change mm.iModelId = Convert.ToInt32(oItem); mm.GetModelMakes(); dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { "Make/Model", mm.sMakeName + "/" + mm.sModelName }); } else { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { "Make/Model", "" }); } break; case "Departments": if (oItem != DBNull.Value) { dep = new clsDepartments(); dep.cAction = "S"; dep.iOrgId = 1; dep.iId = Convert.ToInt32(oItem); if (dep.DepartmentDetail() == 0) { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, dep.sName.Value }); } } else { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, "" }); } break; case "Locations": if (oItem != DBNull.Value) { loc = new clsLocations(); loc.cAction = "S"; loc.iOrgId = 1; loc.iId = Convert.ToInt32(oItem); if (loc.LocationDetail() == 0) { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, loc.sName.Value }); } } else { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, "" }); } break; default: break; } break; case DBFieldType._datetime: if (oItem != DBNull.Value) { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, Convert.ToDateTime(oItem).ToShortDateString() }); } else { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, "" }); } break; case DBFieldType._bit: if (oItem != DBNull.Value) { if (((SqlBoolean)oItem) == SqlBoolean.True) { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, "Yes" }); } else { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, "No" }); } } else { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, "" }); } break; default: if (oItem != DBNull.Value) { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, oItem }); } else { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, "" }); } break; } cfd = null; } ((Repeater)e.Item.FindControl("repComponentItem")).DataSource = new DataView(dtCustomFields); ((Repeater)e.Item.FindControl("repComponentItem")).DataBind(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { _functions.Log("Application error: \n" + ex.ToString()); Session["lastpage"] = ParentPageURL; Session["error"] = ex.Message; Session["error_report"] = ex.ToString(); Response.Redirect("error.aspx", false); } finally { } }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string sTypeName; try { OrgId = _functions.GetUserOrgId(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, false); if (Request.QueryString["id"] == null) { Session["lastpage"] = "main.aspx"; Session["error"] = _functions.ErrorMessage(104); Response.Redirect("error.aspx", false); return; } try { OrderId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); } catch (FormatException fex) { Session["lastpage"] = "main.aspx"; Session["error"] = _functions.ErrorMessage(105); Response.Redirect("error.aspx", false); return; } NextBackControl.BackPage = "wo_addInspections.aspx?id=" + OrderId.ToString(); NextBackControl.BackVisible = true; NextBackControl.NextText = "Open/Finish"; if (!IsPostBack) { hlStart.NavigateUrl = "wo_openWorkOrder.aspx?id=" + OrderId.ToString(); hlInspections.NavigateUrl = "wo_addInspections.aspx?id=" + OrderId.ToString(); hlIssues.NavigateUrl = "wo_addRepairs.aspx?id=" + OrderId.ToString() + "&back=open"; hlPMItems.NavigateUrl = "wo_addPreventiveMaintenance.aspx?id=" + OrderId.ToString() + "&back=preview"; dtCustomFields = new DataTable(); dtCustomFields.Columns.Add("ValueName"); dtCustomFields.Columns.Add("Value"); order = new clsWorkOrders(); order.cAction = "S"; order.iOrgId = OrgId; order.iId = OrderId; if (order.WorkOrderDetails() == -1) { Session["lastpage"] = "wo_addInspections.aspx?id=" + OrderId.ToString(); Session["error"] = _functions.ErrorMessage(120); Response.Redirect("error.aspx", false); return; } if (order.iStatusId.Value != (int)WorkOrderStatus.Scheduled || order.iOperatorStatusId.Value != (int)WorkOrderOperatorStatus.Checked_In) { Signature.sError = _functions.ErrorMessage(144); NextBackControl.NextEnabled = false; } // showing main info lblWorkOrderN.Text = order.daCreated.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "-" + order.iWorkOrderNumber.Value.ToString(); lblWOType.Text = order.sType.Value; lblStatus.Text = order.sStatusId.Value; lblOperatorStatus.Text = order.sOperatorStatus.Value; lblOperator.Text = order.sOperatorName.Value; lblStaying.Text = order.bStaying.IsNull?"not defined":(order.bStaying.Value?"Yes":"No"); lblSpare.Text = order.sSpareEquipId.Value; lblTech.Text = order.sTechName.Value; lblDroppedOffBy.Text = order.sDropedOffBy.Value; lblArrivalDate.Text = order.daArrival.IsNull?"":order.daArrival.Value.ToLongDateString(); lblScheduledDate.Text = order.daScheduled.Value.ToLongDateString(); hlEquipId.Text = order.sEquipId.Value; hlEquipId.NavigateUrl = "e_view.aspx?id=" + order.iEquipId.Value.ToString(); lblType.Text = order.sEquipTypeName.Value; lblMakeModel.Text = order.sEquipMakeModel.Value; lblYear.Text = (order.sEquipYear.Value == "0")?"unknown":order.sEquipYear.Value; lblUnits.Text = Convert.ToDouble(order.dmMileage.Value).ToString(); // showing issues dsRepairs = order.GetReportedIssueLists(); if (dsRepairs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { html_tblNoneIssues.Visible = false; } else { html_tblNoneIssues.Visible = true; } repIssues.DataSource = new DataView(dsRepairs.Tables[0]); repIssues.DataBind(); // showing the pm items dwPMItems = new DataView(order.GetPMServicesListForWorkOrder()); dwPMItems.RowFilter = "IsChecked='True'"; if (dwPMItems.Count > 0) { html_tblNonePMItems.Visible = false; } else { html_tblNonePMItems.Visible = true; } repPMItems.DataSource = dwPMItems; repPMItems.DataBind(); // showing the inspections dwInspections = new DataView(order.GetInspectionsListForWorkOrder()); dwInspections.RowFilter = "IsChecked='True'"; if (dwInspections.Count > 0) { html_tblNoneInspections.Visible = false; } else { html_tblNoneInspections.Visible = true; } repInspections.DataSource = dwInspections; repInspections.DataBind(); // showing notes order.iItemId = OrderId; order.iNoteTypeId = (int)NoteTypes.CreationNote; repCreationNotes.DataSource = new DataView(order.GetNotesList()); repCreationNotes.DataBind(); order.iNoteTypeId = (int)NoteTypes.OperatorNote; repOperatorNotes.DataSource = new DataView(order.GetNotesList()); repOperatorNotes.DataBind(); #region Showing custom fields of order on screen dtCustomFieldsFromDB = order.WorkOrderDetail_CustomFields(null); if (dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows.Count > 0) { arrCFD = _functions.GetCustomFields(CFDataType.WorkOrder, 0, HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name); if (arrCFD.Count > 0) { // fill custom fields for (int j = 0; j < arrCFD.Count; j++) { cfd = (clsCustomFieldsDef)arrCFD[j]; sTypeName = _functions.GetFieldTypeText(cfd.FieldTypeId) + cfd.NumberColumn.ToString(); switch (cfd.FieldTypeId) { case DBFieldType._lookup: switch (cfd.NameLookupTable) { case "EquipModels": if (dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName] == DBNull.Value) { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { "Make/Model", "" }); } else { mm = new clsMakesModels(); mm.iOrgId = _functions.GetUserOrgId(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, false); mm.iModelId = Convert.ToInt32(dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName]); mm.GetModelMakes(); dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { "Make/Model", mm.sMakeName + "/" + mm.sModelName }); if (mm != null) { mm.Dispose(); } } break; case "Departments": if (dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName] == DBNull.Value) { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, "" }); } else { dep = new clsDepartments(); dep.cAction = "S"; dep.iOrgId = _functions.GetUserOrgId(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, false); dep.iId = Convert.ToInt32(dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName]); if (dep.DepartmentDetail() == 0) { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, dep.sName.Value }); } else { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, "" }); } if (dep != null) { dep.Dispose(); } } break; case "Locations": if (dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName] == DBNull.Value) { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, "" }); } else { loc = new clsLocations(); loc.cAction = "S"; loc.iOrgId = _functions.GetUserOrgId(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, false); loc.iId = Convert.ToInt32(dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName]); if (loc.LocationDetail() == 0) { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, loc.sName.Value }); } else { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, "" }); } if (loc != null) { loc.Dispose(); } } break; default: break; } break; case DBFieldType._datetime: if (dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName] == DBNull.Value) { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, "" }); } else { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, ((DateTime)dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName]).ToShortDateString() }); } break; case DBFieldType._bit: if (dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName] == DBNull.Value) { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, "" }); } else { if (((bool)dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName]) == true) { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, "Yes" }); } else { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, "No" }); } } break; default: if (dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName] == DBNull.Value) { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, "" }); } else { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName] }); } break; } cfd = null; } // showing a Equipment's data from custom fields repCustomFields.DataSource = new DataView(dtCustomFields); repCustomFields.DataBind(); } } #endregion } } catch (Exception ex) { _functions.Log(ex, HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, SourcePageName); Session["lastpage"] = "wo_addInspections.aspx?id=" + OrderId.ToString(); Session["error"] = ex.Message; Session["error_report"] = ex.ToString(); Response.Redirect("error.aspx", false); } finally { if (order != null) { order.Dispose(); } } }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { if (Request.QueryString["id"] == null) { Session["lastpage"] = "list.aspx"; Session["error"] = _functions.ErrorMessage(104); Response.Redirect("error.aspx", false); return; } try { EquipId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); } catch (FormatException fex) { Session["lastpage"] = "list.aspx"; Session["error"] = _functions.ErrorMessage(105); Response.Redirect("error.aspx", false); return; } PageTitle = "Reassign Equipment"; string [,] arrBrdCrumbs = new string [3, 2]; arrBrdCrumbs[0, 0] = "main.aspx"; arrBrdCrumbs[0, 1] = "Home"; arrBrdCrumbs[1, 0] = "list.aspx"; arrBrdCrumbs[1, 1] = "Equipment List"; arrBrdCrumbs[2, 0] = "view.aspx?id=" + EquipId; arrBrdCrumbs[2, 1] = "Equipment Detail"; Header.BrdCrumbs = ParseBreadCrumbs(arrBrdCrumbs, PageTitle); Header.PageTitle = "Reassign Equipment"; SaveCancelControl.ParentPageURL = ParentPageURL; if (!IsPostBack) { ViewState["EquipId"] = EquipId; equip = new clsEquipment(); dtCustomFields = new DataTable(); dtCustomFields.Columns.Add("ValueName"); dtCustomFields.Columns.Add("Value"); equip.iOrgId = _functions.GetUserOrgId(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, false); equip.iId = EquipId; equip.cAction = "S"; dtUsers = equip.GetEquipAssignTo(); if (dtUsers.Rows.Count < 1) { Session["lastpage"] = ParentPageURL; Session["error"] = _functions.ErrorMessage(111); Response.Redirect("error.aspx", false); return; } ddAssignTo.DataTextField = "vchName"; ddAssignTo.DataValueField = "id"; ddAssignTo.DataSource = new DataView(dtUsers); ddAssignTo.DataBind(); ddAssignTo.Items.Insert(0, ""); // getting equipment's data dtCustomFieldsFromDB = equip.EquipmentDetail_CustomFields(null); if (dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows.Count > 0) { if (dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0]["UserName"] == DBNull.Value) { lbAssignFrom.Text = ""; } else { lbAssignFrom.Text = dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0]["UserName"].ToString(); } dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { "Type", dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0]["TypeName"] }); // getting the custom fields in the DataList control arrCFD = _functions.GetCustomFields(false, Convert.ToInt32(Session["EquipTypeId"]), HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name); if (arrCFD.Count > 0) { // fill custom fields for (int j = 0; j < arrCFD.Count; j++) { cfd = (clsCustomFieldsDef)arrCFD[j]; if (cfd.FieldTypeId == DBFieldType._lookup) { switch (cfd.NameLookupTable) { case "EquipModels": mm = new clsMakesModels(); mm.iOrgId = 1; // later change mm.iModelId = Convert.ToInt32(dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][_functions.GetFieldTypeText(cfd.FieldTypeId) + cfd.NumberColumn.ToString()]); mm.GetModelMakes(); dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { "Make/Model", mm.sMakeName + "/" + mm.sModelName }); break; case "Departments": dep = new clsDepartments(); dep.cAction = "S"; dep.iOrgId = 1; dep.iId = Convert.ToInt32(dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][_functions.GetFieldTypeText(cfd.FieldTypeId) + cfd.NumberColumn.ToString()]); if (dep.DepartmentDetail() == 0) { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, dep.sName.Value }); } break; case "Locations": loc = new clsLocations(); loc.cAction = "S"; loc.iOrgId = 1; loc.iId = Convert.ToInt32(dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][_functions.GetFieldTypeText(cfd.FieldTypeId) + cfd.NumberColumn.ToString()]); if (loc.LocationDetail() == 0) { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, loc.sName.Value }); } break; default: break; } } else { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][_functions.GetFieldTypeText(cfd.FieldTypeId) + cfd.NumberColumn.ToString()] }); } cfd = null; } repCustomFields.DataSource = new DataView(dtCustomFields); repCustomFields.DataBind(); } else { Session["lastpage"] = ParentPageURL; Session["error"] = _functions.ErrorMessage(102); Response.Redirect("error.aspx", false); } } else { Session["lastpage"] = ParentPageURL; Session["error"] = _functions.ErrorMessage(102); Response.Redirect("error.aspx", false); } } } catch (Exception ex) { _functions.Log("Application error: \n" + ex.ToString()); Session["lastpage"] = ParentPageURL; Session["error"] = ex.Message; Session["error_report"] = ex.ToString(); Response.Redirect("error.aspx", false); } finally { if (loc != null) { loc.Dispose(); } if (dep != null) { dep.Dispose(); } if (mm != null) { mm.Dispose(); } if (equip != null) { equip.Dispose(); } } }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { int j; bool bVisibleLink; try { OrgId = _functions.GetUserOrgId(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, false); if (Request.QueryString["id"] == null) { Session["lastpage"] = "e_list.aspx"; Session["error"] = _functions.ErrorMessage(104); Response.Redirect("error.aspx", false); return; } try { EquipId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); } catch (FormatException fex) { Session["lastpage"] = "e_list.aspx"; Session["error"] = _functions.ErrorMessage(105); Response.Redirect("error.aspx", false); return; } if (!IsPostBack) { hlEdit.NavigateUrl = "e_edit.aspx?id=" + EquipId.ToString(); hlEdit2.NavigateUrl = "e_edit2.aspx?id=" + EquipId.ToString(); hlEditCustom.NavigateUrl = "e_editCustom.aspx?id=" + EquipId.ToString(); hlEditAquis.NavigateUrl = "e_editAquis.aspx?id=" + EquipId.ToString(); hlEditDisp.NavigateUrl = "e_editDisp.aspx?id=" + EquipId.ToString(); hlReport.NavigateUrl = "e_viewEquipAssignmentReport.aspx?id=" + EquipId.ToString(); bVisibleLink = base.CheckPermission("e_editComponent.aspx"); trAddComponent.Visible = bVisibleLink; Session["EquipId"] = EquipId; equip = new clsEquipment(); comp = new clsComponents(); dtCustomFields = new DataTable(); dtCustomFields.Columns.Add("ValueName"); dtCustomFields.Columns.Add("Value"); equip.iUserId = _functions.GetUserOrgId(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, true); equip.iOrgId = OrgId; equip.iId = EquipId; equip.cAction = "S"; // showing a Equipment's main data from fixed fields if (equip.EquipmentDetail() == -1) { Session["lastpage"] = ParentPageURL; Session["error"] = _functions.ErrorMessage(102); Response.Redirect("error.aspx", false); return; } lblEquipment.Text = equip.sEquipId.Value; lblType.Text = equip.sType.Value; lblMakeModel.Text = equip.sMakeModelName.Value; lblYear.Text = equip.iYear.Value.ToString(); lblSerial.Text = equip.sVinSerial.Value; lblFuelCode.Text = equip.sFuelCode.Value; lblPlateNumber.Text = equip.sPlateNumber.Value; lblDepartment.Text = equip.sDeptName.Value; lblLocation.Text = equip.sLocName.Value; lblSpare.Text = equip.bSpare.Value?"Yes":"No"; lblAssignedTo.Text = equip.sEquipOperator.Value; lblAssignTempTo.Text = equip.sTempOperator.Value; // showing a Equipment's Alt data from fixed fields if (equip.EquipmentDetail_Alt() == -1) { Session["lastpage"] = ParentPageURL; Session["error"] = _functions.ErrorMessage(102); Response.Redirect("error.aspx", false); return; } lbPMSched.Text = equip.sPMSched.Value; lbInspection.Text = equip.sInspectSchedule.Value; if (!equip.dmCurrentUnits.IsNull) { lbUnits.Text = Convert.ToDouble(equip.dmCurrentUnits.Value).ToString(); } // showing an Aquisition information from fixed fields if (equip.EquipmentDetail_Aquis() == -1) { Session["lastpage"] = ParentPageURL; Session["error"] = _functions.ErrorMessage(102); Response.Redirect("error.aspx", false); return; } if (!equip.daInService.IsNull) { lbDtInService.Text = equip.daInService.Value.ToShortDateString(); } if (!equip.daAquired.IsNull) { lbDtAquired.Text = equip.daAquired.Value.ToShortDateString(); } lbVchPurOrgContact.Text = equip.sPurOrgContact.Value; if (!equip.curPurAmount.IsNull) { lbSmPurAmount.Text = equip.curPurAmount.Value.ToString(); } if (!equip.dmPurUnits.IsNull) { lbIntPurUnits.Text = Convert.ToDouble(equip.dmPurUnits.Value).ToString(); } lbVchPurNotes.Text = equip.sPurNotes.Value; // showing a Disposal info from fixed fields if (equip.EquipmentDetail_Disp() == -1) { Session["lastpage"] = ParentPageURL; Session["error"] = _functions.ErrorMessage(102); Response.Redirect("error.aspx", false); return; } if (!equip.daOutOfService.IsNull) { lbDtOutOfService.Text = equip.daOutOfService.Value.ToShortDateString(); } if (!equip.daDisposed.IsNull) { lbDtDisposed.Text = equip.daDisposed.Value.ToShortDateString(); } if (!equip.sDispMethod.IsNull) { lbVchDispMethod.Text = equip.sDispMethod.Value; } if (!equip.sDispOrgContact.IsNull) { lbVchDispOrgContact.Text = equip.sDispOrgContact.Value; } if (!equip.curDispAmount.IsNull) { lbSmDispAmount.Text = equip.curDispAmount.Value.ToString(); } if (!equip.dmDispUnits.IsNull) { lbIntDispUnits.Text = Convert.ToDouble(equip.dmDispUnits.Value).ToString(); } lbVchDispNotes.Text = equip.sDispNotes.Value; // getting all component's types to dropdownlist comp.iEquipId = EquipId; DataTable dtComponmentAdd = comp.GetComponentTypeList(); if (dtComponmentAdd.Rows.Count > 0) { ddlComponentTypes.DataTextField = "vchName"; ddlComponentTypes.DataValueField = "Id"; ddlComponentTypes.DataSource = new DataView(dtComponmentAdd); ddlComponentTypes.DataBind(); } else { ddlComponentTypes.Items.Add(new ListItem("<none>", "0")); lbAddComponent.Enabled = false; } #region Show Custom Fileds for current equipment // getting the custom fields in the DataList control equip.iId = EquipId; dtCustomFieldsFromDB = equip.EquipmentDetail_CustomFields(null); if (dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows.Count > 0) { arrCFD = _functions.GetCustomFields(CFDataType.Equipment, Convert.ToInt32(dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0]["TypeId"]), HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name); if (arrCFD.Count > 0) { // fill custom fields for (j = 0; j < arrCFD.Count; j++) { cfd = (clsCustomFieldsDef)arrCFD[j]; sTypeName = _functions.GetFieldTypeText(cfd.FieldTypeId) + cfd.NumberColumn.ToString(); switch (cfd.FieldTypeId) { case DBFieldType._lookup: switch (cfd.NameLookupTable) { case "EquipModels": if (dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName] == DBNull.Value) { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { "Make/Model", "" }); } else { mm = new clsMakesModels(); mm.iOrgId = _functions.GetUserOrgId(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, false); mm.iModelId = Convert.ToInt32(dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName]); mm.GetModelMakes(); dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { "Make/Model", mm.sMakeName + "/" + mm.sModelName }); } break; case "Departments": if (dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName] == DBNull.Value) { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, "" }); } else { dep = new clsDepartments(); dep.cAction = "S"; dep.iOrgId = _functions.GetUserOrgId(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, false); dep.iId = Convert.ToInt32(dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName]); if (dep.DepartmentDetail() == 0) { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, dep.sName.Value }); } else { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, "" }); } } break; case "Locations": if (dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName] == DBNull.Value) { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, "" }); } else { loc = new clsLocations(); loc.cAction = "S"; loc.iOrgId = _functions.GetUserOrgId(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, false); loc.iId = Convert.ToInt32(dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName]); if (loc.LocationDetail() == 0) { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, loc.sName.Value }); } else { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, "" }); } } break; default: break; } break; case DBFieldType._datetime: if (dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName] == DBNull.Value) { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, "" }); } else { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, ((DateTime)dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName]).ToShortDateString() }); } break; case DBFieldType._bit: if (dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName] == DBNull.Value) { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, "" }); } else { if (((bool)dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName]) == true) { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, "Yes" }); } else { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, "No" }); } } break; default: if (dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName] == DBNull.Value) { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, "" }); } else { dtCustomFields.Rows.Add(new object [] { cfd.NameText, dtCustomFieldsFromDB.Rows[0][sTypeName] }); } break; } cfd = null; } // showing a Equipment's data from custom fields repCustomFields.DataSource = new DataView(dtCustomFields); repCustomFields.DataBind(); comp.iEquipId = EquipId; comp.iOrgId = OrgId; dtComponents = comp.GetComponentsList(); dtComponents.Columns.Add("VisibleLink"); foreach (DataRow _row in dtComponents.Rows) { if (bVisibleLink) { _row["VisibleLink"] = "True"; } else { _row["VisibleLink"] = "False"; } } ViewState["Components"] = dtComponents; repComponents.DataSource = new DataView(dtComponents); repComponents.DataBind(); } else { Session["lastpage"] = ParentPageURL; Session["error"] = _functions.ErrorMessage(102); Response.Redirect("error.aspx", false); } } } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { _functions.Log(ex, HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, SourcePageName); Session["lastpage"] = ParentPageURL; Session["error"] = ex.Message; Session["error_report"] = ex.ToString(); Response.Redirect("error.aspx", false); } finally { if (comp != null) { comp.Dispose(); } if (loc != null) { loc.Dispose(); } if (dep != null) { dep.Dispose(); } if (mm != null) { mm.Dispose(); } if (comp != null) { comp.Dispose(); } if (equip != null) { equip.Dispose(); } } }