private void LoadRecords() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LoadQuery)) { dtResult = new DataTable(); dtResult = dtrans.SelectData(LoadQuery); dataGridView1.DataSource = null; dataGridView1.DataSource = dtResult; dataGridView1.Refresh(); } }
private bool CheckandInjectCode(clsVariableSettings cvs) { bool result = false; try { string SQLSelectSystemInfo = "select Count(*) from tbl_system_info where isEnabled = 1 and ProgramCode='" + cv.Crypt(programname) + "' and LicenseCode = '" + cvs.LicenseCode + "' and ActivationCode = '" + cvs.ActivationCode + "'"; cdt = new clsDatabaseTransactions(); DataTable dtResult = cdt.SelectData(SQLSelectSystemInfo); int RowAffected = dtResult.Rows.Count; RowAffected = RowAffected == 1 ? int.Parse(dtResult.Rows[0][0].ToString()) : 0; if (RowAffected == 0) { string SQLInsertSystemInfo = "Insert into tbl_system_info(ProgramCode,LicenseCode,ActivationCode)" + " Values ('" + cv.Crypt(programname) + "','" + cvs.LicenseCode + "','" + cvs.ActivationCode + "')"; result = cdt.InsertData(SQLInsertSystemInfo); } else { result = true; } } catch { } return(result); }
private void LoadRecords() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(QueryRecords)) { dataGridView1.DataSource = null; dataGridView1.DataSource = dtrans.SelectData(QueryRecords); dataGridView1.Refresh(); } }
private void LoadRecords() { string query = "SELECT sysID as 'ID', Transaction_Name AS 'Transaction',Amount FROM tbl_condo_transactionlistinfo WHERE isenabled = 1"; DataTable dtRecords = new DataTable(); dtRecords = dtrans.SelectData(query); if (dtRecords.Rows.Count > 0) { dataGridView1.DataSource = dtRecords; } }
private void loadRoomNumber() { string QueryRoom = "SELECT ui.sysID as 'ID',ui.UnitName,fi.FloorName,ui.AreaSQM,ui.isMontlyDueComputed,ui.MonthlyDue,ui.TotalDue FROM tbl_condo_unitinfo ui LEFT JOIN tbl_condo_floorinfo fi ON ui.FloorAssociate = fi.sysid WHERE ui.isEnabled = 1 ORDER BY ui.UnitName asc"; dtRoomInfo = dtrans.SelectData(QueryRoom); if (dtRoomInfo.Rows.Count > 0) { cbUnitNo.DataSource = dtRoomInfo; cbUnitNo.ValueMember = "ID"; cbUnitNo.DisplayMember = "UnitName"; } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataTable dtBillingTransaction = new DataTable(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBox1.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Error: Please enter Transaction Code to generated.", "Invalid Transaction Code", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } else { string QueryBilling = "SELECT MONTHNAME(co.BillStart) AS MonthName,co.YEAR,co.BillStart,co.BillEnd, ui.UnitName,CONCAT(ci.LastName,',', ci.FirstName,' ',ci.MiddleName) AS CustomerName,bd.BillingAmount,bd.BillingDescription,bd.BillingNotes FROM tbl_condo_billinginfo bi LEFT JOIN tbl_condo_billingdetails bd ON bi.sysID = bd.BillingRefID LEFT JOIN tbl_condo_cutoffinfo co ON bi.CutoffID = co.sysID LEFT JOIN tbl_condo_unitinfo ui ON bi.UnitNo = ui.SysID LEFT JOIN tbl_condo_customerinfo ci ON bi.CustomerID = ci.sysID WHERE bi.PrimaryKey = '" + textBox1.Text + "' and bi.isEnabled = 1 and bi.isVoid = 0"; dtBillingTransaction = dtrans.SelectData(QueryBilling); if (dtBillingTransaction.Rows.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Error: Please enter Transaction Code to generated.", "No Transaction Code found", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } string ClearTextPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\CONDO\\REPORTING\\SOA_Clear.pdf"; webBrowser1.Stop(); webBrowser1.Navigate("about:blank"); while (webBrowser1.ReadyState != WebBrowserReadyState.Complete) { Application.DoEvents(); Thread.Sleep(1000); } string OutputPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\CONDO\\REPORTING\\SOA.pdf"; GeneratePDF(OutputPath, dtBillingTransaction); if (this.webBrowser1 != null) { this.webBrowser1.Navigate(OutputPath); } } }
private void LoadRecords() { string QueryRecords = "Select ui.SysID as 'ID',ui.UnitName as 'Name',f.FloorName as 'Floor',ui.Description, ui.AreaSQM as 'Size',ui.MonthlyDue as 'Monthly Due per SQM',ui.TotalDue as 'Total Due' from tbl_condo_unitinfo ui LEFT JOIN tbl_condo_floorinfo f ON ui.FloorAssociate = f.sysid LEFT JOIN tbl_system_users u ON ui.createdby = u.sysID LEFT Join tbl_system_users p on ui.Updatedby = p.sysid WHERE ui.isEnabled = 1;"; dataGridView1.DataSource = dtrans.SelectData(QueryRecords); }
private void LoadRecords() { string QueryRecords = "Select f.sysid as 'ID',f.FloorName as 'FLOOR',f.FloorDescription as 'DESCRIPTION',u.Username as 'CREATED BY',f.DateDefined as 'CREATION DATE',p.Username as 'UPDATED BY',f.LastDateDefined as 'UPDATED DATE' from tbl_CONDO_FloorInfo f LEFT JOIN tbl_system_users u ON f.userID = u.sysID LEFT Join tbl_system_users p on f.LastUpdateUser = p.sysid WHERE f.isEnabled = 1;"; dataGridView1.DataSource = dtrans.SelectData(QueryRecords); }