protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        clsBusinessLayer myBusinessLayer = new clsBusinessLayer(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/"));

        bool isValidUser = myBusinessLayer.CheckUserCredentials(Session, txtUserID.Text, txtPassword.Text);

        //checking if valid customer
        if (isValidUser)
            //redirct page
        else if (Convert.ToBoolean(Session["LockedSession"]))
            Master.UserFeedBack.Text = "Account is disabled. Contact System Administrator";

            //hide login button
            btnLogin.Visible = false;
            //result message error
            Master.UserFeedBack.Text = "The User ID and/or Password supplied is incorrect. Please try again!";
    // login button functionality
    protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // business path
        clsBusinessLayer myBusinessLayer = new clsBusinessLayer(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/"));

        // is user valid
        bool isValidUser = myBusinessLayer.CheckUserCredentials(Session, txtUserID.Text, txtPassword.Text);

        // if valid
        if (isValidUser)
            // if valid redirect
        else if (Convert.ToBoolean(Session["LockedSession"]))
            Master.UserFeedBack.Text = "Account is disabled. Contact your System Administrator! ";

            // hide login
            btnLogin.Visible = false;
            // incorrect user
            Master.UserFeedBack.Text = "The User ID and/or Password is incorrect. Please try again! ";
    // *Updated Method to process the login credentials for authentication and authorization
    // No longer redirects to login page after successful login
    protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Users.accdb is in App_Data
        //  Please verify that your data directory path is correct!!!!
        clsBusinessLayer myBusinessLayer = new clsBusinessLayer(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/"));

        // Cross reference for authorization
        bool isValidUser = myBusinessLayer.CheckUserCredentials(Session, txtUserID.Text, txtPassword.Text);

        // If the user checks out, then they will go to check out page
        if (isValidUser)
            // Redirection page
        else if (Convert.ToBoolean(Session["LockedSession"]))
            Master.UserFeedBack.Text = "Account is disabled. Contact System Administrator";

            // Hide login button :-)
            btnLogin.Visible = false;
            // Adds an attempt as failure message is displayed
            Master.UserFeedBack.Text = "The User ID and/or Password supplied is incorrect. Please try again!";
    protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Create new instant of the BusinessLayer
        clsBusinessLayer myBusinessLayer = new clsBusinessLayer(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/"));

        // Checks session credentials with database
        bool isValid = myBusinessLayer.CheckUserCredentials(Session, txtUserID.Text, txtPassword.Text);

        // Checks session credentials with database
        bool isValidUser = myBusinessLayer.CheckUsername(Session, txtUserID.Text);

        // If the user is in the database then they proceed
        if (txtUserID.Text == null || txtUserID.Text == String.Empty || txtPassword.Text == null || txtPassword.Text == String.Empty)

            if (isValid)
                lblCurrentUser.Text = User.Text;

        else if (Convert.ToBoolean(Session["LockedSession"]))
            Master.UserFeedBack.Text = "Account is disabled. Contact System Administrator";

            // Hide login button
            btnLogin.Visible = false;

            Master.UserFeedBack.Text = "The User ID and/or Password supplied is incorrect. Please try again!";
    protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Accesses App_Data directory in the clsBusinessLayer.cs business layer
        clsBusinessLayer myBusinessLayer = new clsBusinessLayer(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/"));

        //Accesses isValidUser method in business layer for user credentials
        bool isValidUser = myBusinessLayer.CheckUserCredentials(Session, txtUserName.Text);

        //if user is valid then it redirects to the frmRegister.aspx page
        if (isValidUser)
            //Redirects to the frmRegister.aspx page
        else if (Convert.ToBoolean(Session["LockedSession"]))
            Master.UserProgrammer.Text = "Account is disabled. Contact System Administrator";

            //Hides login button visibility
            btnLogin.Visible = false;
            //Creates incorrect login message
            Master.UserProgrammer.Text = "The User ID and/or Password supplied is incorrect. Please try again!";
    protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        clsBusinessLayer myBusinessLayer = new clsBusinessLayer(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/"));

        bool isValidUser = myBusinessLayer.CheckUserCredentials(Session, txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text);

        if (isValidUser)
            Session["NewUser"]         = false;
            Session["SessionUsername"] = txtUsername.Text;
        else if (Convert.ToBoolean(Session["LockedSession"]))
            Master.UserFeedBack.Text = "Too many incorrect attempts, login disabled!";
            btnLogin.Visible         = false;
            Master.UserFeedBack.Text = "The Username and Password entered are incorrect. Try again.";
    protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Create new instant of the BusinessLayer
        clsBusinessLayer myBusinessLayer = new clsBusinessLayer(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/"));

        // Checks session credentials with database
        bool isValid = myBusinessLayer.CheckUserCredentials(Session, txtUserID.Text, txtPassword.Text);

            // If the user is in the database then they proceed
            if (isValid)
                lblCurrentUser.Text  = txtUserID.Text;
                panelCatalog.Visible = true;

                Master.AboutUs.Visible        = true;
                Master.AccountDetails.Visible = true;
                Master.Checkout.Visible       = true;
                Master.FAQ.Visible            = true;
                Master.HomePage.Visible       = true;
                Master.Login.Visible          = true;
                Master.OrderReview.Visible    = false;

                Master.AboutUs.Enabled        = true;
                Master.AccountDetails.Enabled = true;
                Master.Checkout.Enabled       = true;
                Master.FAQ.Enabled            = true;
                Master.HomePage.Enabled       = true;
                Master.Login.Enabled          = true;
                Master.OrderReview.Enabled    = false;

                panelCatalog.Enabled = true;
                panelCatalog.Visible = true;

                panelReLogin.Enabled = false;
                panelReLogin.Visible = false;

                // Output message if match data is found
                Master.UserFeedBack.Text = "Welcome " + lblCurrentUser.Text + "!";

                if (lblCurrentUser.Text.Contains("systemAdmin"))
                    Master.OrderReview.Visible = true;

                    // Output message if match data is found
                    Master.UserFeedBack.Text = "Welcome " + lblCurrentUser.Text + "!";

            else if (Convert.ToBoolean(Session["LockedSession"]))
                Master.UserFeedBack.Text = "Account is disabled. Contact System Administrator";

                // Hide login button
                btnLogin.Visible = false;

                Master.UserFeedBack.Text = "The User ID and/or Password supplied is incorrect. Please try again!";

        catch (Exception error)
            Master.UserFeedBack.Text = error.Message;