public void vupdate()
            if ((this.Request.QueryString["0001234445XXX43943OPFDSMZXUHSJFDSKFGKSDKGFSDKFSKFDKFD"] != null) &&
                (this.Request.QueryString["0001234445XXX43943OPFDSMZXUHSJFDSKFGKSDKGFSDKFSKFDKFD"] != "")
                vid = Request.QueryString["0001234445XXX43943OPFDSMZXUHSJFDSKFGKSDKGFSDKFSKFDKFD"];

                //  g_pwallet = ret.getG_PwalletByValidationID(vid);

                String spwallet = ret.getCheckStatusDetails(vid);
                this.c_mark  = this.t.getMarkInfoClassByUserID(spwallet);
                this.c_rep   = this.t.getRepClassByUserID(spwallet);
                this.c_stage = this.t.getStageClassByUserID(spwallet);
                this.c_app   = this.t.getApplicantClassByID(spwallet);

                if ((c_app.addressID != null) && (c_app.addressID != "") && (c_app.addressID != "0"))
                    this.c_app_addy = this.t.getAddressClassByID(this.c_app.addressID);
                if ((c_rep.addressID != null) && (c_rep.addressID != "") && (c_rep.addressID != "0"))
                    this.c_rep_addy = this.t.getAddressClassByID(this.c_rep.addressID);

                if ((vid != null))
                    //g_tm_info = ret.getG_Tm_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);

                    //g_app_info = ret.getG_App_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);

                    //g_applicant_info = ret.getG_Applicant_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    //g_agent_info = ret.getGenAgentByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    //g_ass_info = ret.getG_Ass_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    //g_cert_info = ret.getG_Cert_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    //g_change_info = ret.getG_Change_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    //g_merger_info = ret.getG_Merger_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    //g_renewal_info = ret.getG_Renewal_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    //g_prelim_search_info = ret.getG_Prelim_search_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    //g_other_items_info = ret.getG_Other_items_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);

                    //this.lt_tm_office = this.z.getG_TmOfficeDetailsByID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    //  List<Recordal> vd = ret.getG_PwalletByID2(g_pwallet.xid);

                    zues  zz2  = new zues();
                    Int32 vint = zz2.getMaxId(spwallet);
                    int   num  = 0;
                    vd = ret.getG_PwalletByID3(vint);

                    foreach (var ddp in vd)
                        if (ddp.TRANSACTIONID.Contains("-"))
                            string[] words = ddp.TRANSACTIONID.Split('-');

                            vp = ret.getAgent(words[0]);

                            vp = ret.getAgent(ddp.TRANSACTIONID);

                        if (ddp.RECORDAL_TYPE == "Change_Name")
                            Px = ddp;
                            Px.RECORDAL_TYPE = "FORM 22";

                            xusr  = "******";
                            xusr2 = "NEW APPLICANT NAME";
                            xusr3 = ddp.OLD_APPLICANTNAME;
                            xusr4 = ddp.NEW_APPLICANTNAME;

                        else if (ddp.RECORDAL_TYPE == "Change_Address")
                            //Px = ddp;
                            //Px.RECORDAL_TYPE = "FORM 22";
                            //xusr = "******";
                            //xusr2 = "NEW PRODUCT TITLE";
                            //xusr3 = ddp.OLD_PRODUCT_TITLE;
                            //xusr4 = ddp.;

                        else if (ddp.RECORDAL_TYPE == "Change_Rectification")
                            Px = ddp;
                            Px.RECORDAL_TYPE = "FORM 26";
                            xusr             = "******";
                            xusr2            = "NEW PRODUCT TITLE";
                            xusr3            = ddp.OLD_PRODUCT_TITLE;
                            xusr4            = ddp.NEW_PRODUCT_TITLE;

                            //if (ddp.LOGO_DESC == "1" || ddp.LOGO_DESC == "3")

                            //    dd2.Visible = true;
                            //   gen_nameAddress(ddp);

                        else if (ddp.RECORDAL_TYPE == "Change_Assignment")
                            Px = ddp;

                            List <Recordal_Detail> xp = new List <Recordal_Detail>();
                            xp = ret.get_RecordalDetail(ddp.Detail_Id);
                            Px.RECORDAL_TYPE = "FORM 16";
                            xusr             = "******";
                            xusr2            = "NEW APPLICANT NAME";
                            xusr3            = xp[0].oldApplicantName;
                            xusr4            = xp[0].newApplicantName;

                            xusr5 = "OLD APPLICANT ADDRESS";
                            xusr6 = "NEW APPLICANT ADDRESS";
                            xusr7 = xp[0].oldApplicantAddress;
                            xusr8 = xp[0].newApplicantAddress;

                            xusr9  = "OLD APPLICANT NATIONALITY";
                            xusr10 = "NEW APPLICANT NATIONALITY";
                            xusr11 = ret.getCountryName(xp[0].OldApplicantNationality);
                            xusr12 = ret.getCountryName(xp[0].newApplicantNationality);

                            //if (ddp.LOGO_DESC == "1" || ddp.LOGO_DESC == "3")

                            //    dd2.Visible = true;
                            //   gen_nameAddress(ddp);

                        else if (ddp.RECORDAL_TYPE == "Change_Assignment2")
                            Px = ddp;

                            List <Recordal_Detail> xp = new List <Recordal_Detail>();
                            xp = ret.get_RecordalDetail(ddp.Detail_Id);
                            Px.RECORDAL_TYPE = "FORM 17";
                            xusr             = "******";
                            xusr2            = "NEW APPLICANT NAME";
                            xusr3            = xp[0].oldApplicantName;
                            xusr4            = xp[0].newApplicantName;

                            xusr5 = "OLD APPLICANT ADDRESS";
                            xusr6 = "NEW APPLICANT ADDRESS";
                            xusr7 = xp[0].oldApplicantAddress;
                            xusr8 = xp[0].newApplicantAddress;

                            xusr9  = "OLD APPLICANT NATIONALITY";
                            xusr10 = "NEW APPLICANT NATIONALITY";
                            xusr11 = ret.getCountryName(xp[0].OldApplicantNationality);
                            xusr12 = ret.getCountryName(xp[0].newApplicantNationality);

                            //if (ddp.LOGO_DESC == "1" || ddp.LOGO_DESC == "3")

                            //    dd2.Visible = true;
                            //   gen_nameAddress(ddp);

                        else if (ddp.RECORDAL_TYPE == "Change_Renewal")
                            Px = ddp;

                            List <Recordal_Detail2> xp = new List <Recordal_Detail2>();
                            xp = ret.get_RecordalDetail2(ddp.Detail_Id);
                            Px.RECORDAL_TYPE = "FORM 12";
                            xusr             = "******";
                            xusr2            = "RENEWAL TYPE";
                            xusr3            = xp[0].Renewal_DueDate;
                            xusr4            = xp[0].Renewal_Type;

                            //if (ddp.LOGO_DESC == "1" || ddp.LOGO_DESC == "3")

                            //    dd2.Visible = true;
                            //   gen_nameAddress(ddp);
                    //for (int i = 0; i < this.lt_tm_office.Count; i++)
                    //    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                    //    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">";
                    //    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<strong>" + this.lt_tm_office[i].xcomment.ToUpper() + "</strong><br />";
                    //    this.lt_x_admin_details = this.z.getTmAdminDetailsByID(this.lt_tm_office[i].xofficer);
                    //    string xcomments = this.xcomments;
                    //    this.xcomments = xcomments + "COMMENT BY: <strong>" + this.lt_x_admin_details.xname.ToUpper() + "( " + this.z.getRoleNameByID(this.lt_x_admin_details.xroleID).ToUpper() + " UNIT)</strong><br />   Date: <strong>" + this.lt_tm_office[i].reg_date.ToUpper() + "</strong>";
                    //    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    //    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";
                    //    if (lt_tm_office[i].xdoc1 != "")
                    //    {
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "View Document 1: <a href=" + lt_tm_office[i].xdoc1 + " target='_blank'>View</a>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";
                    //    }

                    //    if (lt_tm_office[i].xdoc2 != "")
                    //    {
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "View Document 2: <a href=" + lt_tm_office[i].xdoc2 + " target='_blank'>View</a>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";
                    //    }

                    //    if (lt_tm_office[i].xdoc3 != "")
                    //    {
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "View Document 3: <a href=" + lt_tm_office[i].xdoc3 + " target='_blank'>View</a>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";
                    //    }
                    //    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                    //    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td class=\"coltbbg\" colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";
                    //    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "&nbsp;";
                    //    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    //    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";
                    //    if (this.lt_tm_office[i].admin_status == "3")
                    //    {
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td class=\"coltbbg\" colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "--- SUPPORTING SEARCH DOCUMENTS ---";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td align=\"right\">";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "Attached Document:";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td>";
                    //        //if ((this.swallet.search_str != "") && (this.swallet.search_str != null))
                    //        //{
                    //        //    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<a href=view_searcho.aspx?x=" + this.pID + " target='_blank'>View</a>";
                    //        //}
                    //        //else
                    //        //{
                    //        //    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "NONE";
                    //        //}
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td class=\"coltbbg\" colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "&nbsp;";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";
                    //    }

                    //    //////////
                    //    if (this.lt_tm_office[i].admin_status == "33")
                    //    {
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td class=\"coltbbg\" colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "--- SUPPORTING SEARCH 2 DOCUMENTS ---";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td align=\"right\">";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "Attached Document:";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td>";
                    //        //if ((this.swallet2.search_str != "") && (this.swallet2.search_str != null))
                    //        //{
                    //        //    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<a href=view_searcho2.aspx?x=" + this.pID + " target='_blank'>View</a>";
                    //        //}
                    //        //else
                    //        //{
                    //        //    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "NONE";
                    //        //}

                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";

                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td class=\"coltbbg\" colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "&nbsp;";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";
                    //    } //////////

                    //if (g_tm_info.logo_pic != "")
                    //    tm_img.ImageUrl = "../admin/tm/gf/" + g_tm_info.logo_pic;

                    //    if (File.Exists(serverpath + "\\admin\\tm\\gf\\" + g_tm_info.logo_pic))
                    //    {
                    //        tm_img.Height = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //        tm_img.Width = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //        try
                    //        {
                    //            FileStream st = new FileStream(serverpath + "\\admin\\tm\\gf\\" + g_tm_info.logo_pic, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                    //            System.Drawing.Image new_img = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(st);
                    //            string ht = new_img.Height.ToString();
                    //            string wt = new_img.Width.ToString();
                    //            if ((ht != "") && (wt != "") && (ht != null) && (wt != null))
                    //            {

                    //                if (Convert.ToInt32(ht) > Convert.ToInt32(wt))
                    //                {
                    //                    tm_img.Height = new Unit(320, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //                    tm_img.Width = new Unit(240, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //                }
                    //                else
                    //                {
                    //                    tm_img.Height = new Unit(240, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //                    tm_img.Width = new Unit(320, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //                }
                    //            }
                    //            else
                    //            {
                    //                // tm_img.Height = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //                // tm_img.Width = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //                tm_img.Visible = false;
                    //            }
                    //        }
                    //        catch (Exception ex)
                    //        {
                    //            tm_img.Visible = false;
                    //        }
                    //    }
                    //    else
                    //    {
                    //        // tm_img.Height = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //        // tm_img.Width = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //        tm_img.Visible = false;
                    //    }

                    //foreach (Classes.XObjs.Fee_list item in fee_list)
                    //    if (item.item_code == g_pwallet.log_officer)
                    //    {
                    //        lbl_type.Text = item.item.ToUpper();
                    //    }

        public void vupdate()
            if ((this.Session["pwalletID"] != null) && (this.Session["pwalletID"].ToString() != ""))
                admin = Convert.ToString(Session["pwalletID"]);

            if ((this.Request.QueryString["0001234445XXX43943OPFDSMZXUHSJFDSKFGKSDKGFSDKFSKFDKFD"] != null) &&
                (this.Request.QueryString["0001234445XXX43943OPFDSMZXUHSJFDSKFGKSDKGFSDKFSKFDKFD"] != "")
                vid  = Request.QueryString["0001234445XXX43943OPFDSMZXUHSJFDSKFGKSDKGFSDKFSKFDKFD"];
                vid2 = Request.QueryString["Recordalid"];

                spwallet     = ret.getCheckStatusDetails(vid);
                this.c_mark  = this.t.getMarkInfoClassByUserID(spwallet);
                this.c_rep   = this.t.getRepClassByUserID(spwallet);
                this.c_stage = this.t.getStageClassByUserID(spwallet);
                this.c_app   = this.t.getApplicantClassByID(spwallet);

                if ((c_app.addressID != null) && (c_app.addressID != "") && (c_app.addressID != "0"))
                    this.c_app_addy = this.t.getAddressClassByID(this.c_app.addressID);
                if ((c_rep.addressID != null) && (c_rep.addressID != "") && (c_rep.addressID != "0"))
                    this.c_rep_addy = this.t.getAddressClassByID(this.c_rep.addressID);

                //g_pwallet = ret.getG_PwalletByValidationID(vid);
                if ((vid != null))
                    //g_tm_info = ret.getG_Tm_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);

                    //g_app_info = ret.getG_App_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    Label1.Text = c_mark.reg_number;
                    Label2.Text = c_stage.rtm;
                    Label3.Text = c_mark.nice_class;

                    //g_applicant_info = ret.getG_Applicant_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    //g_agent_info = ret.getGenAgentByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);

                    Label8.Text  = c_rep.agent_code;
                    Label9.Text  = c_rep.xname;
                    Label10.Text = c_rep_addy.street;
                    Label11.Text = c_rep_addy.email1;
                    //g_ass_info = ret.getG_Ass_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    //g_cert_info = ret.getG_Cert_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    //g_change_info = ret.getG_Change_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    //g_merger_info = ret.getG_Merger_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    //g_renewal_info = ret.getG_Renewal_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    //g_prelim_search_info = ret.getG_Prelim_search_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    //g_other_items_info = ret.getG_Other_items_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);

                    zues  zz2   = new zues();
                    Int32 vint2 = zz2.getMaxId(spwallet);
                    //  int num = 0;
                    vint2 = Convert.ToInt32(vid2);
                    List <Recordal> vd = ret.getG_PwalletByID3(vint2);

                    //   this.lt_tm_office = this.z.getTmOfficeByID(g_pwallet.xid);

                    //  List<Recordal> vd = ret.getG_PwalletByID2(spwallet);
                    int         vvs = vd.Count() - 1;
                    zues.Adminz xxk = z.getAdminDetails(vd[vvs].OFFICER);
                    Label5.Text  = vd[vvs].RECORDAL_REQUEST_DATE.ToString("d");;
                    Label4.Text  = vd[vvs].OLD_PRODUCT_TITLE.ToUpper();;
                    Label6.Text  = vd[vvs].OLD_PRODUCT_TITLE.ToUpper();
                    Label7.Text  = vd[vvs].NEW_PRODUCT_TITLE.ToUpper();
                    Label12.Text = vd[vvs].RECORDAL_APPROVE_DATE.ToString("d");;
                    Label13.Text = xxk.xname;

                    if (vd[vvs].OLD_PRODUCT_LOGO != "")
                        serverpath      = base.Server.MapPath("~/");
                        tm_img.Visible  = true;
                        tm_img.ImageUrl = "~/admin/tm/" + vd[vvs].OLD_PRODUCT_LOGO;

                        //  tm_img.ImageUrl = "";

                        if (File.Exists(serverpath + "\\admin\\tm\\" + vd[vvs].OLD_PRODUCT_LOGO))
                            tm_img.Height = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                            tm_img.Width  = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                                FileStream           st      = new FileStream(serverpath + "\\admin\\tm\\" + vd[vvs].OLD_PRODUCT_LOGO, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                                System.Drawing.Image new_img = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(st);
                                string ht = new_img.Height.ToString();
                                string wt = new_img.Width.ToString();
                                if ((ht != "") && (wt != "") && (ht != null) && (wt != null))
                                    //  tm_img.Height = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel); tm_img.Width = new Unit(220, UnitType.Pixel);

                                    tm_img.Height = new Unit(50, UnitType.Pixel); tm_img.Width = new Unit(150, UnitType.Pixel);

                                    //if (Convert.ToInt32(ht) > Convert.ToInt32(wt))
                                    //    //  tm_img.Height = new Unit(320, UnitType.Pixel);
                                    //    //  tm_img.Width = new Unit(240, UnitType.Pixel);

                                    //    //  tm_img.Height = new Unit(180, UnitType.Pixel);
                                    //    //  tm_img.Width = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);

                                    //    tm_img.Height = new Unit(70, UnitType.Pixel);
                                    //    tm_img.Width = new Unit(170, UnitType.Pixel);
                                    //    // tm_img.Height = new Unit(240, UnitType.Pixel);
                                    //    // tm_img.Width = new Unit(320, UnitType.Pixel);

                                    //    tm_img.Height = new Unit(70, UnitType.Pixel);
                                    //    tm_img.Width = new Unit(190, UnitType.Pixel);
                                    // tm_img.Height = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                                    // tm_img.Width = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                                    tm_img.Visible = false;
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                tm_img.Visible = false;

                        tt2.Visible    = true;
                        tm_img.Visible = false;

                    if (vd[vvs].NEW_PRODUCT_LOGO != "")
                        serverpath       = base.Server.MapPath("~/");
                        tm_img2.Visible  = true;
                        tm_img2.ImageUrl = "~/admin/tm/" + vd[vvs].NEW_PRODUCT_LOGO;

                        if (File.Exists(serverpath + "\\admin\\tm\\" + vd[vvs].NEW_PRODUCT_LOGO))
                            tm_img2.Height = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                            tm_img2.Width  = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                                FileStream           st      = new FileStream(serverpath + "\\admin\\tm\\" + vd[vvs].NEW_PRODUCT_LOGO, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                                System.Drawing.Image new_img = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(st);
                                string ht = new_img.Height.ToString();
                                string wt = new_img.Width.ToString();
                                if ((ht != "") && (wt != "") && (ht != null) && (wt != null))
                                    //  tm_img2.Height = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel); tm_img2.Width = new Unit(220, UnitType.Pixel);

                                    tm_img2.Height = new Unit(50, UnitType.Pixel); tm_img2.Width = new Unit(150, UnitType.Pixel);
                                    //if (Convert.ToInt32(ht) > Convert.ToInt32(wt))
                                    //    //  tm_img.Height = new Unit(320, UnitType.Pixel);
                                    //    //  tm_img.Width = new Unit(240, UnitType.Pixel);

                                    //    //  tm_img.Height = new Unit(180, UnitType.Pixel);
                                    //    //  tm_img.Width = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);

                                    //    //tm_img2.Height = new Unit(70, UnitType.Pixel);
                                    //    //tm_img2.Width = new Unit(170, UnitType.Pixel);
                                    //    // tm_img.Height = new Unit(240, UnitType.Pixel);
                                    //    // tm_img.Width = new Unit(320, UnitType.Pixel);

                                    //    //tm_img2.Height = new Unit(70, UnitType.Pixel);
                                    //    //tm_img2.Width = new Unit(190, UnitType.Pixel);
                                    // tm_img.Height = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                                    // tm_img.Width = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                                    tm_img2.Visible = false;
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                tm_img2.Visible = false;

                        //   tm_img2.ImageUrl = "";

                        tt3.Visible     = true;
                        tm_img2.Visible = false;

                    //if (vd[vvs].LOGO_DESC == "1" || vd[vvs].LOGO_DESC == "3")

                    //    tt2.Visible = true;
                    //    tm_img.ImageUrl = "../tm/" + vd[vvs].OLD_PRODUCT_LOGO;
                    //    tm_img2.ImageUrl = "../tm/" + vd[vvs].NEW_PRODUCT_LOGO;

                    //    tt2.Visible = false;

                    //    tm_img.ImageUrl = "";

                    //    tm_img2.ImageUrl = "";

                    //if (g_tm_info.logo_pic != "")
                    //    tm_img.ImageUrl = "../admin/tm/gf/" + g_tm_info.logo_pic;

                    //    if (File.Exists(serverpath + "\\admin\\tm\\gf\\" + g_tm_info.logo_pic))
                    //    {
                    //        tm_img.Height = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //        tm_img.Width = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //        try
                    //        {
                    //            FileStream st = new FileStream(serverpath + "\\admin\\tm\\gf\\" + g_tm_info.logo_pic, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                    //            System.Drawing.Image new_img = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(st);
                    //            string ht = new_img.Height.ToString();
                    //            string wt = new_img.Width.ToString();
                    //            if ((ht != "") && (wt != "") && (ht != null) && (wt != null))
                    //            {

                    //                if (Convert.ToInt32(ht) > Convert.ToInt32(wt))
                    //                {
                    //                    tm_img.Height = new Unit(320, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //                    tm_img.Width = new Unit(240, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //                }
                    //                else
                    //                {
                    //                    tm_img.Height = new Unit(240, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //                    tm_img.Width = new Unit(320, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //                }
                    //            }
                    //            else
                    //            {
                    //                // tm_img.Height = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //                // tm_img.Width = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //                tm_img.Visible = false;
                    //            }
                    //        }
                    //        catch (Exception ex)
                    //        {
                    //            tm_img.Visible = false;
                    //        }
                    //    }
                    //    else
                    //    {
                    //        // tm_img.Height = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //        // tm_img.Width = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //        tm_img.Visible = false;
                    //    }

                    //foreach (Classes.XObjs.Fee_list item in fee_list)
                    //    if (item.item_code == g_pwallet.log_officer)
                    //    {
                    //        lbl_type.Text = item.item.ToUpper();
                    //    }

        public void vupdate()
            if ((this.Session["pwalletID"] != null) && (this.Session["pwalletID"].ToString() != ""))
                admin = Convert.ToString(Session["pwalletID"]);

            if ((this.Request.QueryString["0001234445XXX43943OPFDSMZXUHSJFDSKFGKSDKGFSDKFSKFDKFD"] != null) &&
                (this.Request.QueryString["0001234445XXX43943OPFDSMZXUHSJFDSKFGKSDKGFSDKFSKFDKFD"] != "")
                vid         = Request.QueryString["0001234445XXX43943OPFDSMZXUHSJFDSKFGKSDKGFSDKFSKFDKFD"];
                vid2        = Request.QueryString["Recordalid"];
                spwallet    = ret.getCheckStatusDetails(vid);
                this.c_mark = this.t.getMarkInfoClassByUserID(spwallet);

                this.c_rep   = this.t.getRepClassByUserID(spwallet);
                this.c_stage = this.t.getStageClassByUserID(spwallet);
                this.c_app   = this.t.getApplicantClassByID(spwallet);

                if ((c_app.addressID != null) && (c_app.addressID != "") && (c_app.addressID != "0"))
                    this.c_app_addy = this.t.getAddressClassByID(this.c_app.addressID);
                if ((c_rep.addressID != null) && (c_rep.addressID != "") && (c_rep.addressID != "0"))
                    this.c_rep_addy = this.t.getAddressClassByID(this.c_rep.addressID);
                serverpath = base.Server.MapPath("~/");
                if (c_mark.logo_pic != "")
                    tm_img.ImageUrl = "~/admin/tm/" + c_mark.logo_pic;

                    if (File.Exists(serverpath + "\\admin\\tm\\" + c_mark.logo_pic))
                        tm_img.Height = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel); tm_img.Width = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                            FileStream           st      = new FileStream(serverpath + "\\admin\\tm\\" + c_mark.logo_pic, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                            System.Drawing.Image new_img = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(st);
                            string ht = new_img.Height.ToString();
                            string wt = new_img.Width.ToString();
                            if ((ht != "") && (wt != "") && (ht != null) && (wt != null))
                                tm_img.Height = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel); tm_img.Width = new Unit(220, UnitType.Pixel);
                                //if (Convert.ToInt32(ht) > Convert.ToInt32(wt))
                                //    tm_img.Height = new Unit(300, UnitType.Pixel); tm_img.Width = new Unit(240, UnitType.Pixel);
                                //    tm_img.Height = new Unit(220, UnitType.Pixel); tm_img.Width = new Unit(320, UnitType.Pixel);
                                tm_img.Visible = false;// tm_img.Height = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel); tm_img.Width = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            tm_img.Visible = false;
                        tm_img.Visible = false;// tm_img.Height = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);  tm_img.Width = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);

                if ((vid != null))
                    //Label1.Text = c_mark.reg_number;
                    //Label2.Text = c_stage.rtm;
                    //Label3.Text = c_mark.nice_class;
                    //Label4.Text = c_mark.product_title;

                    //Label10.Text = c_rep_addy.street;
                    //Label11.Text = c_rep_addy.email1;

                    //this.lt_tm_office = this.z.getG_TmOfficeDetailsByID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    zues  zz2   = new zues();
                    Int32 vint2 = zz2.getMaxId(spwallet);
                    vint2 = Convert.ToInt32(vid2);
                    vd    = ret.getG_PwalletByID3(vint2);

                    //int vvs = vd.Count() - 1;
                    // xxk = z.getAdminDetails(vd[vvs].OFFICER);

                    xp = ret.get_RecordalDetail(vd[0].Detail_Id);

                    //Label8.Text =xp[0].newApplicantName;
                    //Label9.Text = xp[0].newApplicantAddress;
                    //Label5.Text = vd[vvs].RECORDAL_REQUEST_DATE.ToString("d"); ;
                    //Label6.Text = vd[vvs].OLD_APPLICANTADDRESS;
                    //Label7.Text = vd[vvs].NEW_APPLICANTADDRESS;
                    //Label12.Text = vd[vvs].RECORDAL_APPROVE_DATE.ToString("d"); ;

                    //Label13.Text = xxk.xname;
        public void vupdate()
            if ((this.Request.QueryString["0001234445XXX43943OPFDSMZXUHSJFDSKFGKSDKGFSDKFSKFDKFD"] != null) &&
                (this.Request.QueryString["0001234445XXX43943OPFDSMZXUHSJFDSKFGKSDKGFSDKFSKFDKFD"] != "")
                vid = Request.QueryString["0001234445XXX43943OPFDSMZXUHSJFDSKFGKSDKGFSDKFSKFDKFD"];

                //  g_pwallet = ret.getG_PwalletByValidationID(vid);

                //    String spwallet = ret.getCheckStatusDetails(vid);

                String spwallet = vid;
                this.c_mark  = this.t.getMarkInfoClassByUserID3(spwallet);
                this.c_rep   = this.t.getRepClassByUserID2(spwallet);
                this.c_stage = this.t.getStageClassByUserID2(spwallet);
                this.c_app   = this.t.getApplicantClassByID2(spwallet);

                if ((c_app.addressID != null) && (c_app.addressID != "") && (c_app.addressID != "0"))
                    this.c_app_addy = this.t.getAddressClassByID2(this.c_app.addressID);
                if ((c_rep.addressID != null) && (c_rep.addressID != "") && (c_rep.addressID != "0"))
                    this.c_rep_addy = this.t.getAddressClassByID2(this.c_rep.addressID);

                if ((vid != null))
                    //g_tm_info = ret.getG_Tm_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);

                    //g_app_info = ret.getG_App_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);

                    //g_applicant_info = ret.getG_Applicant_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    //g_agent_info = ret.getGenAgentByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    //g_ass_info = ret.getG_Ass_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    //g_cert_info = ret.getG_Cert_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    //g_change_info = ret.getG_Change_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    //g_merger_info = ret.getG_Merger_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    //g_renewal_info = ret.getG_Renewal_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    //g_prelim_search_info = ret.getG_Prelim_search_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    //g_other_items_info = ret.getG_Other_items_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);

                    //this.lt_tm_office = this.z.getG_TmOfficeDetailsByID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    //  List<Recordal> vd = ret.getG_PwalletByID2(g_pwallet.xid);

                    //zues zz2 = new zues();
                    //Int32 vint = zz2.getMaxId(spwallet);
                    //int num = 0;
                    //String vid2 = Request.QueryString["Recordalid"];
                    //vint = Convert.ToInt32(vid2);
                    //vd = ret.getG_PwalletByID3(vint);

                    //for (int i = 0; i < this.lt_tm_office.Count; i++)
                    //    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                    //    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">";
                    //    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<strong>" + this.lt_tm_office[i].xcomment.ToUpper() + "</strong><br />";
                    //    this.lt_x_admin_details = this.z.getTmAdminDetailsByID(this.lt_tm_office[i].xofficer);
                    //    string xcomments = this.xcomments;
                    //    this.xcomments = xcomments + "COMMENT BY: <strong>" + this.lt_x_admin_details.xname.ToUpper() + "( " + this.z.getRoleNameByID(this.lt_x_admin_details.xroleID).ToUpper() + " UNIT)</strong><br />   Date: <strong>" + this.lt_tm_office[i].reg_date.ToUpper() + "</strong>";
                    //    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    //    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";
                    //    if (lt_tm_office[i].xdoc1 != "")
                    //    {
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "View Document 1: <a href=" + lt_tm_office[i].xdoc1 + " target='_blank'>View</a>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";
                    //    }

                    //    if (lt_tm_office[i].xdoc2 != "")
                    //    {
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "View Document 2: <a href=" + lt_tm_office[i].xdoc2 + " target='_blank'>View</a>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";
                    //    }

                    //    if (lt_tm_office[i].xdoc3 != "")
                    //    {
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "View Document 3: <a href=" + lt_tm_office[i].xdoc3 + " target='_blank'>View</a>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";
                    //    }
                    //    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                    //    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td class=\"coltbbg\" colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";
                    //    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "&nbsp;";
                    //    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    //    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";
                    //    if (this.lt_tm_office[i].admin_status == "3")
                    //    {
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td class=\"coltbbg\" colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "--- SUPPORTING SEARCH DOCUMENTS ---";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td align=\"right\">";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "Attached Document:";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td>";
                    //        //if ((this.swallet.search_str != "") && (this.swallet.search_str != null))
                    //        //{
                    //        //    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<a href=view_searcho.aspx?x=" + this.pID + " target='_blank'>View</a>";
                    //        //}
                    //        //else
                    //        //{
                    //        //    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "NONE";
                    //        //}
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td class=\"coltbbg\" colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "&nbsp;";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";
                    //    }

                    //    //////////
                    //    if (this.lt_tm_office[i].admin_status == "33")
                    //    {
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td class=\"coltbbg\" colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "--- SUPPORTING SEARCH 2 DOCUMENTS ---";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td align=\"right\">";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "Attached Document:";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td>";
                    //        //if ((this.swallet2.search_str != "") && (this.swallet2.search_str != null))
                    //        //{
                    //        //    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<a href=view_searcho2.aspx?x=" + this.pID + " target='_blank'>View</a>";
                    //        //}
                    //        //else
                    //        //{
                    //        //    this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "NONE";
                    //        //}

                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";

                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<tr>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "<td class=\"coltbbg\" colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "&nbsp;";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</td>";
                    //        this.xcomments = this.xcomments + "</tr>";
                    //    } //////////

                    //if (g_tm_info.logo_pic != "")
                    //    tm_img.ImageUrl = "../admin/tm/gf/" + g_tm_info.logo_pic;

                    //    if (File.Exists(serverpath + "\\admin\\tm\\gf\\" + g_tm_info.logo_pic))
                    //    {
                    //        tm_img.Height = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //        tm_img.Width = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //        try
                    //        {
                    //            FileStream st = new FileStream(serverpath + "\\admin\\tm\\gf\\" + g_tm_info.logo_pic, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                    //            System.Drawing.Image new_img = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(st);
                    //            string ht = new_img.Height.ToString();
                    //            string wt = new_img.Width.ToString();
                    //            if ((ht != "") && (wt != "") && (ht != null) && (wt != null))
                    //            {

                    //                if (Convert.ToInt32(ht) > Convert.ToInt32(wt))
                    //                {
                    //                    tm_img.Height = new Unit(320, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //                    tm_img.Width = new Unit(240, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //                }
                    //                else
                    //                {
                    //                    tm_img.Height = new Unit(240, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //                    tm_img.Width = new Unit(320, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //                }
                    //            }
                    //            else
                    //            {
                    //                // tm_img.Height = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //                // tm_img.Width = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //                tm_img.Visible = false;
                    //            }
                    //        }
                    //        catch (Exception ex)
                    //        {
                    //            tm_img.Visible = false;
                    //        }
                    //    }
                    //    else
                    //    {
                    //        // tm_img.Height = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //        // tm_img.Width = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //        tm_img.Visible = false;
                    //    }

                    //foreach (Classes.XObjs.Fee_list item in fee_list)
                    //    if (item.item_code == g_pwallet.log_officer)
                    //    {
                    //        lbl_type.Text = item.item.ToUpper();
                    //    }

        public void sendemail( px2, px3, cmark, crep)
                int port = 0x24b;

                MailMessage mail = new MailMessage();
                mail.From =
                    new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**");
                // new MailAddress("*****@*****.**");
                mail.Priority = MailPriority.High;

                    new MailAddress(crep.email1));

                //    new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"));

                //mail.CC.Add(new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"));

                mail.Subject = "Request for Recordal Update";

                mail.IsBodyHtml = true;
                String ss2 = "Dear " + px2.xname + ",<br/> <br/>" + " This is to inform you that your request for Recordal update on the Trademark record with RTM number" + px3.rtm + " and File number  " + cmark.reg_number + " has been effected.<br/> <br/> Please pick up the Recordal Certificate at the Registry.  <br/> <br/>  <br/>Regards. <br/> <br/>  <br/> ";

                //  ss2 = ss2 + "To gain access to your account, you would need to click here <a href=\"" + vid + " \">click</a>   to validate your account and also make payment. " + "<br/><br/><br/>";
                ss2 = ss2 + "Please do not reply this mail. <br/> <br/> Live 24/7 Support: +234 (0)9038979681. <br/> Email: [email protected] or go online to use our live feedback form. <br/> <br/> <br/>";

                ss2 = ss2 + "<b> Disclaimer: </b>This e-mail and any attachments are confidential; it must not be read, copied, disclosed or used by any person other than the above named addressees. Unauthorized use, disclosure or copying is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. disclaims any liability for any action taken in reliance on the content of this e-mail. The comments or statements expressed in this e-mail could be personal opinions and are not necessarily  those of If you have received this email in error or think you may have done so, you may not peruse, use, disseminate, distribute or copy this message. Please notify the sender immediately and delete the original e-mail from your system.";

                //ss2 = ss2 + "Please keep your password safe and do not share your log in details with anyone. You may change your password at your convenience. In the event that you cannot remember your password, kindly follow the instructions provided for password recovery."  + "<br/>";
                //ss2 = ss2 + "Please do not reply this mail" +  "<br/><br/>";
                //ss2 = ss2 + "Email: [email protected] or go online to use our live feedback form .<br/><br/>";

                String ss = "<html> <head> </head> <body>" + ss2 + "</body> </html>";

                //  mail.Body = ss;

                mail.Body = ss;

                SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient("");
                //  SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient("");

                client.Port = port;

                //    client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "Zues.4102.Hector");

                client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "Einao2015@@$");

                //   new System.Net.NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "welcome@123");
                //   new System.Net.NetworkCredential(q60.smtp_user, q60.smtp_password);

            catch (Exception ee)
        public void vupdate()
            if ((this.Session["pwalletID"] != null) && (this.Session["pwalletID"].ToString() != ""))
                admin = Convert.ToString(Session["pwalletID"]);

            if ((this.Request.QueryString["0001234445XXX43943OPFDSMZXUHSJFDSKFGKSDKGFSDKFSKFDKFD"] != null) &&
                (this.Request.QueryString["0001234445XXX43943OPFDSMZXUHSJFDSKFGKSDKGFSDKFSKFDKFD"] != "")
                vid = Request.QueryString["0001234445XXX43943OPFDSMZXUHSJFDSKFGKSDKGFSDKFSKFDKFD"];

                spwallet     = ret.getCheckStatusDetails(vid);
                this.c_mark  = this.t.getMarkInfoClassByUserID(spwallet);
                this.c_rep   = this.t.getRepClassByUserID(spwallet);
                this.c_stage = this.t.getStageClassByUserID(spwallet);
                this.c_app   = this.t.getApplicantClassByID(spwallet);

                if ((c_app.addressID != null) && (c_app.addressID != "") && (c_app.addressID != "0"))
                    this.c_app_addy = this.t.getAddressClassByID(this.c_app.addressID);
                if ((c_rep.addressID != null) && (c_rep.addressID != "") && (c_rep.addressID != "0"))
                    this.c_rep_addy = this.t.getAddressClassByID(this.c_rep.addressID);

                if ((vid != null))
                    //Label1.Text = c_mark.reg_number;
                    //Label2.Text = c_stage.rtm;
                    //Label3.Text = c_mark.nice_class;
                    //Label4.Text = c_mark.product_title;

                    //Label10.Text = c_rep_addy.street;
                    //Label11.Text = c_rep_addy.email1;

                    //this.lt_tm_office = this.z.getG_TmOfficeDetailsByID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    zues  zz2   = new zues();
                    Int32 vint2 = zz2.getMaxId(spwallet);

                    vd = ret.getG_PwalletByID3(vint2);

                    //int vvs = vd.Count() - 1;
                    // xxk = z.getAdminDetails(vd[vvs].OFFICER);

                    xp = ret.get_RecordalDetail(vd[0].Detail_Id);

                    //Label8.Text =xp[0].newApplicantName;
                    //Label9.Text = xp[0].newApplicantAddress;
                    //Label5.Text = vd[vvs].RECORDAL_REQUEST_DATE.ToString("d"); ;
                    //Label6.Text = vd[vvs].OLD_APPLICANTADDRESS;
                    //Label7.Text = vd[vvs].NEW_APPLICANTADDRESS;
                    //Label12.Text = vd[vvs].RECORDAL_APPROVE_DATE.ToString("d"); ;

                    //Label13.Text = xxk.xname;
        public void vupdate()
            if ((this.Session["pwalletID"] != null) && (this.Session["pwalletID"].ToString() != ""))
                admin = Convert.ToString(Session["pwalletID"]);

            if ((this.Request.QueryString["0001234445XXX43943OPFDSMZXUHSJFDSKFGKSDKGFSDKFSKFDKFD"] != null) &&
                (this.Request.QueryString["0001234445XXX43943OPFDSMZXUHSJFDSKFGKSDKGFSDKFSKFDKFD"] != "")
                vid  = Request.QueryString["0001234445XXX43943OPFDSMZXUHSJFDSKFGKSDKGFSDKFSKFDKFD"];
                vid2 = Request.QueryString["Recordalid"];

                spwallet     = ret.getCheckStatusDetails(vid);
                this.c_mark  = this.t.getMarkInfoClassByUserID(spwallet);
                this.c_rep   = this.t.getRepClassByUserID(spwallet);
                this.c_stage = this.t.getStageClassByUserID(spwallet);
                this.c_app   = this.t.getApplicantClassByID(spwallet);

                if ((c_app.addressID != null) && (c_app.addressID != "") && (c_app.addressID != "0"))
                    this.c_app_addy = this.t.getAddressClassByID(this.c_app.addressID);
                if ((c_rep.addressID != null) && (c_rep.addressID != "") && (c_rep.addressID != "0"))
                    this.c_rep_addy = this.t.getAddressClassByID(this.c_rep.addressID);

                if ((vid != null))
                    Label1.Text = c_mark.reg_number;
                    Label2.Text = c_stage.rtm;
                    Label3.Text = c_mark.nice_class;
                    Label4.Text = c_mark.product_title;

                    //g_applicant_info = ret.getG_Applicant_infoByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    //g_agent_info = ret.getGenAgentByPwalletID(g_pwallet.xid);

                    Label8.Text  = c_rep.agent_code;
                    Label9.Text  = c_rep.xname;
                    Label10.Text = c_rep_addy.street;
                    Label11.Text = c_rep_addy.email1;

                    this.lt_tm_office = this.z.getG_TmOfficeDetailsByID(g_pwallet.xid);
                    zues  zz2   = new zues();
                    Int32 vint2 = zz2.getMaxId(spwallet);
                    vint2 = Convert.ToInt32(vid2);;
                    //  int num = 0;
                    List <Recordal> vd = ret.getG_PwalletByID3(vint2);

                    int         vvs = vd.Count() - 1;
                    zues.Adminz xxk = z.getAdminDetails(vd[vvs].OFFICER);
                    Label5.Text  = vd[vvs].RECORDAL_REQUEST_DATE.ToString("d");;
                    Label6.Text  = vd[vvs].OLD_APPLICANTADDRESS;
                    Label7.Text  = vd[vvs].NEW_APPLICANTADDRESS;
                    Label12.Text = vd[vvs].RECORDAL_APPROVE_DATE.ToString("d");;

                    Label13.Text = xxk.xname;

                    //if (g_tm_info.logo_pic != "")
                    //    tm_img.ImageUrl = "../admin/tm/gf/" + g_tm_info.logo_pic;

                    //    if (File.Exists(serverpath + "\\admin\\tm\\gf\\" + g_tm_info.logo_pic))
                    //    {
                    //        tm_img.Height = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //        tm_img.Width = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //        try
                    //        {
                    //            FileStream st = new FileStream(serverpath + "\\admin\\tm\\gf\\" + g_tm_info.logo_pic, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                    //            System.Drawing.Image new_img = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(st);
                    //            string ht = new_img.Height.ToString();
                    //            string wt = new_img.Width.ToString();
                    //            if ((ht != "") && (wt != "") && (ht != null) && (wt != null))
                    //            {

                    //                if (Convert.ToInt32(ht) > Convert.ToInt32(wt))
                    //                {
                    //                    tm_img.Height = new Unit(320, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //                    tm_img.Width = new Unit(240, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //                }
                    //                else
                    //                {
                    //                    tm_img.Height = new Unit(240, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //                    tm_img.Width = new Unit(320, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //                }
                    //            }
                    //            else
                    //            {
                    //                // tm_img.Height = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //                // tm_img.Width = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //                tm_img.Visible = false;
                    //            }
                    //        }
                    //        catch (Exception ex)
                    //        {
                    //            tm_img.Visible = false;
                    //        }
                    //    }
                    //    else
                    //    {
                    //        // tm_img.Height = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //        // tm_img.Width = new Unit(120, UnitType.Pixel);
                    //        tm_img.Visible = false;
                    //    }

                    //foreach (Classes.XObjs.Fee_list item in fee_list)
                    //    if (item.item_code == g_pwallet.log_officer)
                    //    {
                    //        lbl_type.Text = item.item.ToUpper();
                    //    }
