        public OrderData(Order anOrder)
            orderId = anOrder.Id;
            using (citylifedb8_blContext db = new citylifedb8_blContext())
                Guest theGuest = db.Guest.Find(anOrder.GuestId);
                name  = theGuest?.Name;
                phone = theGuest?.Phone;
                email = theGuest?.Email;
                Country guestCountry = theGuest?.CountryCodeNavigation;
                country = guestCountry?.Name;
                Apartment theApartment = db.Apartment.Find(anOrder.ApartmentId);
                apartmentNumber = theApartment?.Number ?? 0;  //if an apartment was not found - put 0 (although not expected)

            adults   = anOrder.AdultCount;
            children = anOrder.ChildrenCount;
            checkin  = anOrder.CheckinDate;
            checkout = anOrder.CheckoutDate;
            nights   = anOrder.nights;
            Money priceM  = anOrder.priceAsMoney();
            Money paidM   = anOrder.amountPaidAsMoney();
            Money unpaidM = priceM - paidM;

            price              = priceM.toMoneyString();
            paid               = paidM.toMoneyString();
            unpaid             = unpaidM.toMoneyString();
            expectedArrival    = anOrder.ExpectedArrival;
            comments           = anOrder.SpecialRequest;
            bookedBy           = anOrder.BookedBy;
            confirmationNumber = anOrder.ConfirmationNumber;
            status             = (OrderStatus)anOrder.Status;
            orderColor         = (Color)anOrder.OrderColor;
            staffComments      = anOrder.StaffComments;
        /// <summary>
        /// converts the money object to string representation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="showCents">when true will show cents as 123.45 When false will round to the closest integral value</param>
        /// <param name="showCurrency">when true will show the currency symbol to the left of the value.</param>
        /// <returns>$1,234.56 orf $1235 bsaed on the showCents param</returns>
        public string toMoneyString(bool showCents = false, bool showCurrency = false, bool showComma = true)
            string currencySymbol = "";

            if (showCurrency)
                citylifedb8_blContext db = new citylifedb8_blContext();
                var theCurrency          = db.Currency.SingleOrDefault(aCurrency => aCurrency.CurrencyCode == this.currencyCode);
                if (theCurrency == null)
                    throw new AppException(102, null, "such currency does not exist in DB:" + this.currencyCode);
                currencySymbol = theCurrency.Symbol;
            //At this point currency symbol contains either the currency symbol or empty string, if show currency is false
            string comma = "";

            if (showComma)
                comma = ",";
            string moneyString;

            if (showCents)
                moneyString = string.Format("{0}{1:#" + comma + "##0.00}", currencySymbol, this.amount);
                moneyString = string.Format("{0}{1:#" + comma + "##0}", currencySymbol, decimal.Round(this.amount));

 /// <summary>
 /// Converts the amount of money from currency to currency based on currency exchange records in the DB.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="newCurrencyCode">target currency to which we need to convert</param>
 /// <param name="atDate">the date for which we would like to convert. The method will look for latest currency
 /// exchange record which is still before or at that date. </param>
 /// <param name="rounded">When set to true - rounds the converted result to integral value</param>
 /// <returns>a Money object converted to the new currency.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="101">no suitable currency exchange record found in the DB. (Either the currency code was illegal, or no
 /// such record exists)</exception>
 public Money converTo(string newCurrencyCode, DateTime?atDate = null, bool rounded = false)
     if (currencyCode == newCurrencyCode)
         //current and target currencies are the same - no conversion needed.
         return(new Money(this));
         //Look for all exchange rates records that match the "to currency" and "from currency".
         //Note that in the DB we do not keep both conversion rates: EUR->USD and USD->EUR - since one is the reciprocal
         //of the other. We only keep the pair where the "from" curency code is alphabetically lower than the "to"
         //So we keep EUR->USD, UAH->USD, etc.
         citylifedb8_blContext db = new citylifedb8_blContext();
         if (atDate == null)
             atDate = FakeDateTime.Now;
         string lowerCurrencyCode;
         string upperCurrencyCOde;
         if (this.currencyCode.CompareTo(newCurrencyCode) < 0)
             lowerCurrencyCode = this.currencyCode;
             upperCurrencyCOde = newCurrencyCode;
             lowerCurrencyCode = newCurrencyCode;
             upperCurrencyCOde = this.currencyCode;
         var exchangeRates = from anExchangeRate in db.CurrencyExchange
                             where anExchangeRate.FromCurrencyCurrencyCode == lowerCurrencyCode &&
                             anExchangeRate.ToCurrencyCurrencyCode == upperCurrencyCOde &&
                             anExchangeRate.Date <= atDate
                             orderby anExchangeRate.Date descending
                             select anExchangeRate;
         if (exchangeRates.Count() == 0)
             //no suitable exchange rate was found
             throw new AppException(101, null, this.currencyCode, newCurrencyCode, atDate, this.amount);
         var     theExchangeRate = exchangeRates.First(); //take the latest record which is still before or at the requested date
         decimal result;
         if (theExchangeRate.FromCurrencyCurrencyCode == this.currencyCode)
             result = this.amount * theExchangeRate.ConversionRate;
             result = this.amount / theExchangeRate.ConversionRate;
         if (rounded)
             result = decimal.Round(result);
         return(new Money(result, newCurrencyCode));
 public OrderData s22OrderDetails(int orderId)
     //Session["lastOrderDetails"] = orderId;  //Keep the data so we know which order to highlight
     using (citylifedb8_blContext db = new citylifedb8_blContext())
         var       theOrder     = db.Order.Find(orderId);
         OrderData theOrderData = new OrderData(theOrder);
        public static void writeException(int code, Exception innerException, string stackTrace, params object[] parameters)
            citylifedb8_blContext db           = new citylifedb8_blContext();
            ErrorCode             theErrorCode = db.ErrorCode.SingleOrDefault(aRecord => aRecord.Code == code);

            if (theErrorCode != null)
                //This error code already exists in the DB.
                theErrorCode.LastOccurenceDate = DateTime.Now;
                //The error code does not exist - create it
                theErrorCode = new ErrorCode()
                    Code = code, Message = ErrorCodeCollection.message(code),
                    LastOccurenceDate = DateTime.Now, OccurenceCount = 1
            //check if the same error message exists in the error message table
            string       formattedMessage = AppException.formatMessage(code, parameters);
            ErrorMessage theErrorMessage  = (from anErrorMessage in theErrorCode.ErrorMessages
                                             where anErrorMessage.FormattedMessage == formattedMessage &&
                                             anErrorMessage.StackTrace == stackTrace
                                             select anErrorMessage).FirstOrDefault(); //actually we expect only a single record to be found

            if (theErrorMessage != null)
                //Such an exact error message already exists - increment the counter
                theErrorMessage.LastOccurenceDate = DateTime.Now;
                //such exact error message does not exist - add it
                theErrorMessage = new ErrorMessage()
                    ErrorCodeCode     = theErrorCode.Code,
                    FormattedMessage  = formattedMessage,
                    LastOccurenceDate = DateTime.Now,
                    OccurenceCount    = 1,
                    StackTrace        = stackTrace,
 public Employee UserLoggedin(string userName, string password)
     using (var db = new citylifedb8_blContext())
         Employee theEmployee = db.Employee.SingleOrDefault(anEmp => anEmp.UserName == userName);
         if (theEmployee != null && theEmployee.PasswordHash == password)
             LoggedinUser = theEmployee;
             theEmployee = null;
         return(theEmployee);  //(or null if no user is logged in)
        /// <summary>
        /// The constructor gets a string containing: $1,234.56. If currencyCode exists - uses it as the currency, regardless if thre is a currency symbol
        /// or not. If not - creates the currency based on the symbol. If symbol does not exist, or it is an unknown symbol - aborts
        /// Note that empty string will be converted to 0
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="moneyString"></param>
        /// <param name="currencyCode"></param>
        public Money(string moneyString, string currencyCode = null)
            if (moneyString == "" || moneyString == null)
                this.amount       = 0;
                this.currencyCode = currencyCode;
            //The string is not empty
            char firstChar = moneyString[0];

            if (firstChar < '0' || firstChar > '9')
                //The amount start with a non-digit character - assuming it is a currency symbol
                citylifedb8_blContext db   = new citylifedb8_blContext();
                string   firstCharAsString = firstChar.ToString();
                Currency theCurrency       = db.Currency.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Symbol == firstCharAsString);
                if (theCurrency == null)
                    //Such currency does not exist in our DB - raise an exception
                    throw new AppException(117, null, moneyString);
                this.currencyCode = theCurrency.CurrencyCode;
                string amountSt = moneyString.Substring(1);   //Take out the currency symbol - assuming this is a clean number
                if (!decimal.TryParse(amountSt, out this.amount))
                    //The conversion did not succeed - raise an exception
                    throw new AppException(118, null, moneyString);
                //Assume that the number does not contain a currency symbol - convert it to decimal
                if (!decimal.TryParse(moneyString, out this.amount))
                    //The conversion did not succeed - raise an exception
                    throw new AppException(118, null, moneyString);
                this.currencyCode = currencyCode;
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the horizontal version of the dashboard. It shows the orders of all apartments for 31 days, since the date entered by the user,
        /// or since today. (the default)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromDate">Date entered in the date picker, or null</param>
        /// <param name="wideDashboard">When "on" means that the user wants to get the wide version of the dashboard.
        /// In this mode, each column is wider (about 4 normal columns), we show only 3 days, and we put more data into\
        /// each order element.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        //public void s21Dashboard(DateTime startDate, string wideDashboard = "off")
        //    this.FromDate = startDate;

        //    //Currntly for both normal mode and wide mode we dislay 31 days. The number of days can be set here.
        //    //We display one month. The calculation is: the number of days displayed are equal to the month length of the starting month.
        //    //In most cases this will yield an end date which is one less that the starting date. The only exception is January 30 and 31, which will
        //    //end at 1 or 2 of March.
        //    //For example: start date    end date
        //    //             10/11/2019    9/12/2019
        //    //             31/12/2019    30/1/2020
        //    //             30/1/2019     1/3/2019 (except for leap year, where it will be 29/2/2020)
        //    //             1/11/2019     30/11/2019
        //    //             1/12/2019     31/12/2019
        //    //             1/2/2020      29/2/2020 (2020 is leap year)
        //    int dashboardDays = FakeDateTime.monthLength(startDate);

        //        List<Money> revenuePerDay = null;
        //        List<Money> expensePerDay = null;
        //        List<string> expenseTypes = null;
        //        EmployeeWorkDay[] empWorkDaysArray = null;
        //        List<Employee> maidList = null;
        //        List<Money> revenuePerApartment = null;
        //        List<double> aveargeDaysPerApartment = null;
        //        List<int> percentOccupancyPerApartment = null;
        //        var apartmentDayBlocks = s21dashboardPreparation(
        //            startDate,
        //            dashboardDays,
        //            ref revenuePerDay,
        //            ref expensePerDay,
        //            ref expenseTypes,
        //            ref revenuePerApartment,
        //            ref aveargeDaysPerApartment,
        //            ref percentOccupancyPerApartment,
        //            ref empWorkDaysArray,
        //            ref maidList);

        //        if (Session["lastOrderDetails"] != null)
        //        {
        //            ViewBag.highlightOrderId = (int)Session["lastOrderDetails"];
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            ViewBag.highlightOrderId = 0;
        //        }
        //        return View("s21Dashboard");


        /// <summary>
        /// The function reads the orders for all apartments starting from the date set by the user and for a full month (30 or 31 days,
        /// and for February 28 or 29 days)
        /// </summary>
        ///<param name="fromDate">starting date of the dashboard</param>
        ///<param name="days">the number of days we wish to display.(depends on the starting month)</param>
        ///<param name="revenuePerDay">An output parameter - will contain the list of revenues per day</param>
        ///<param name="expensePerDay">total expenses for each day</param>
        ///<param name="percentOccupancyPerApartment">Number of days the apartment is occupied divided by total number of days (rounded to
        ///whole percent)</param>
        ///<param name="revenuePerApartment">Total revenue per apartment for that month</param>
        ///<param name="averageDaysPerApartment">contains the average number of days per rent for each apartment. We include in this average
        ///only rents that have started in the displayed month. IF a rent started in that month and spans to the next month
        ///the average takes into account the total time for that rent - not only the portion will falls in this month</param>
        ///<param name="empWorkDaysArray">An array containing an employeeWorkDay record for each day in the month.
        ///Days for which no record found - will be null. Days for which more than one recrod found - will contain
        ///the last record. </param>
        ///<param name="maidList">A list of maids (employees of role="maid") - ouitput parameter</param>
        /// <returns>List of apartment orders. For each apartment:
        /// list of DayBlocks.
        /// A dayBlock is either a single free day, or an order which can span 1 or more days. Note that a day block may not
        /// be identical to the corresponding order because the order may start before the "fromDate" or end after the "fromDate+31".
        /// Note  that the list contains first all real apartments, then "waiting" apartments</returns>
        public List <List <DayBlock> > s21dashboardPreparation(DateTime fromDate,
                                                               int days,
                                                               ref List <Money> revenuePerDay,
                                                               ref List <Money> expensePerDay,
                                                               ref List <string> expenseTypes,
                                                               ref List <Money> revenuePerApartment,
                                                               ref List <double> averageDaysPerApartment,
                                                               ref List <int> percentOccupancyPerApartment,
                                                               ref EmployeeWorkDay[] empWorkDaysArray,
                                                               ref List <Employee> maidList)
            //for each apartment
            //for each day from from_date to from_date+3
            //lastOrderId = 0;
            //orderLength = 0;
            //apartmentDay = read apartmentDay record for apartment and day
            //if record does not exist or record status == free - this is a free day - add a free block
            //order = apartmentDay->order
            //if order.isFirstDay - create a new busy block
            //add the day to the busy block
            //if order.isLastDay - write busy block
            //write last busy block

            //a 2 dimensional array - a list of apartments, and for each apartment - a list of day blocks
            //where each day block is either a free day or an order.
            using (citylifedb8_blContext db = new citylifedb8_blContext())
                var apartmentDayBlocks = new List <List <DayBlock> >();
                revenuePerDay = new List <Money>();
                expensePerDay = new List <Money>();
                for (int i = 0; i < days; i++)
                    revenuePerDay.Add(new Money(0m, "UAH"));

                var lastDate = fromDate.AddDays(days - 1);
                revenuePerApartment          = new List <Money>();
                averageDaysPerApartment      = new List <double>();
                percentOccupancyPerApartment = new List <int>();

                //Calculate the expenses for each date in the range
                for (DateTime aDate = fromDate; aDate <= lastDate; aDate = aDate.AddDays(1))
                    //Read all expenses for the date and sum them
                    var expenseListCentsForDate = (from expense in db.Expense
                                                   where expense.Date == aDate
                                                   select expense.Amount).ToList();   //The expenses are kept as cents in the DB
                    int expensesCentsForDate = 0;
                    if (expenseListCentsForDate.Count() > 0)
                        expensesCentsForDate = expenseListCentsForDate.Sum();
                    Money expensesForDate = new Money(expensesCentsForDate, "UAH");

                //Sort apartments by type (first all "normal" apartments then the "waiting" apartments), then by their number
                var sortedApartments = (from anApartment in db.Apartment
                                        orderby anApartment.Type, anApartment.Number
                                        select anApartment).ToList();
                Order anOrder = new Order()   //create a fictitious order with id = 0
                    Id = 0

                foreach (var anApartment in sortedApartments)
                    var      dayBlocks             = new List <DayBlock>();
                    DayBlock aDayBlock             = null;
                    int      dayNumber             = 0;
                    Money    apartmentRevenue      = new Money(0m, "UAH");
                    double   apartmentOccupiedDays = 0;   //Use float for the percentage calculation later
                    double   totalRents            = 0.0; //Counter for how many orders are during the month for that apartment.
                                                          //We keep it as double in order to calculate the average (which should be in float)
                    int totalRentDays = 0;                //the total amount of rented days for that apartment in that month. We take into account only rents that started
                                                          //in the displayed month.
                                                          //Get all apartment days of the current apartment for the desired month
                    var apartmentDaysForMonth = (from theApartmentDay in db.ApartmentDay
                                                 where theApartmentDay.Apartment.Id == anApartment.Id && theApartmentDay.Date >= fromDate && theApartmentDay.Date <= lastDate
                                                 orderby theApartmentDay.Date
                                                 select theApartmentDay).ToList();
                    int          apartmentDaysI = 0;
                    ApartmentDay anApartmentDay;
                    int          apartmentDaysCount = apartmentDaysForMonth.Count();
                    for (var aDate = fromDate; aDate <= lastDate; aDate = aDate.AddDays(1))
                        if (apartmentDaysCount > apartmentDaysI && apartmentDaysForMonth[apartmentDaysI].Date == aDate)
                            //The current apartmentDays record matches the on-hand date - an apartmentDay exists
                            anApartmentDay = apartmentDaysForMonth[apartmentDaysI];
                            //An apartment day does not exist - it will be null
                            anApartmentDay = null;

                        if (anApartmentDay == null || anApartmentDay.Status == (int)ApartOccuStatus.Free)
                            //This is a free day
                            if (aDayBlock != null)
                                //Although this should not occur (assuming that the apartmentDays table matches the orders checkin and checkout dates)
                                //But anyway - we will write the dayBlock to the list
                            aDayBlock = new DayBlock()
                                apartmentNumber = anApartment.Number, status = OrderStatus.Free, firstDate = aDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
                            };                                                                                                                                       //"Free" status denotes a free day
                            aDayBlock = null;
                            //this is a busy day. Read the order record
                            if (anOrder.Id != anApartmentDay.OrderId)
                                //We did not read this order yet - read it
                                anOrder = db.Order.Find(anApartmentDay.OrderId);
                                // anOrder = db.Order.Single(record => record.Id == anApartmentDay.Order.Id);
                                //Check if this order started today
                                if (anOrder.CheckinDate == aDate)
                                    //take this order into account for calculation of average days per rent
                                    totalRentDays += anOrder.DayCount;
                                    //This is a new order but it started before the first day of the dispalyed month - do not take it into consideration
                                    //for calculating average rent days.
                                //the order is for more than one day. We have already read this order in the previous cycle in the date loop
                            //At this point anOrder contains the order pointed by the on-hand apartmentDay record
                            //Add the revenue of that day to the total revenu per day
                            revenuePerDay[dayNumber] += anApartmentDay.revenueAsMoney();
                            apartmentRevenue         += anApartmentDay.revenueAsMoney();
                            if (aDayBlock == null)
                                //This is the first time we see this order - open a new DayBlock object. Note that if the report starts from
                                //1/12/2019 and we have an order that started on 39/11/2019 and continued to 4/12/2019 - then the first time we
                                //encounted this order is not in the checkin date of it.
                                aDayBlock = new DayBlock(anOrder)
                                    days      = 1,
                                    firstDate = aDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                                //This is a continuation of the order - increment the number of days
                            if (anOrder.isLastDay(aDate))
                                //This is the last day of the order - write the day block
                                aDayBlock = null;
                    //At this point we finished going on all dates for a specific apartment. It is possible that the last DayBlock was not yet written
                    //if its checkout date is beyond the last day of the report (our report is from 1/12/2019 till 31/12/2019, but the checkout date
                    //of the last order is 2/1/2020)
                    if (aDayBlock != null)
                        aDayBlock = null;
                    //Add the dayBlocks list into the apartmentDayBlocks. Check if it is a "waiting" apartment.

                    //Add the apartment revenue and apartment occupacy percentage - only for "normal" apartments
                    double apartmentOccupancyPercent        = apartmentOccupiedDays / days * 100.0;
                    int    apartmentOccupancyPercentRounded = (int)Math.Round(apartmentOccupancyPercent);

                    //calculate the average rent days per apartment
                    double averageRentDays = 0.0;
                    if (totalRents > 0)
                        averageRentDays = totalRentDays / totalRents;
                //At this point the apartmentDayBlocks variable contaiins a list of list of day blocks

                //Calculate the list of employee work days. The list contains a single record for each day (or null, if no employee is assigned
                //for that day). If 2 employees are assigned for the same day - only one is taken (the last one)
                //empWorkDaysList = new List<EmployeeWorkDay>();
                empWorkDaysArray = new EmployeeWorkDay[days];
                var empWorkDays = from anEmpWorkDay in db.EmployeeWorkDay
                                  where anEmpWorkDay.DateAndTime >= fromDate && anEmpWorkDay.DateAndTime <= lastDate
                                  orderby anEmpWorkDay.DateAndTime
                                  select anEmpWorkDay;
                foreach (var anEmpWorkDays in empWorkDays)
                    int dayNumber = (int)Math.Round((anEmpWorkDays.DateAndTime.Date - fromDate).TotalDays, 0);
                    empWorkDaysArray[dayNumber] = anEmpWorkDays;

                maidList = db.Employee.Where(emp => emp.Role == "maid").ToList();  //Add all maids to the maid list

                expenseTypes = (from expenseType in db.ExpenseType
                                select expenseType.NameKey).ToList();

        /// <summary>
        /// The function checks the booking data for validity. There is a difference if the booking was made by a guest or by admin.
        /// If by guest - there will be more checks then if done by admin.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool isValid()
            if (this.name == null || this.name == "")
                this.errorMessage.Add("name", "Please enter name");

            if (this.country == "" && this.bookedBy == "Guest")
                //A guest must specify country
                this.errorMessage.Add("country", "Please select country");
            else if (this.country == "")
                //Booking was done by admin and not by a guest - it is OK not to have country
                //Cuntry is not empty - check that it exists in our DB
                citylifedb8_blContext db = new citylifedb8_blContext();
                Country theCountry       = db.Country.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Name == this.country);
                if (theCountry == null)
                    //Although we do not expect such a case, as our country list contains all countries, and the user can only choose from the list
                    this.errorMessage.Add("country", "This country does not exist in our country list");
            if (this.bookedBy == "Guest" && !OrderData.IsValidEmail(this.email))    //Email is mandatory for a guest, but not for admin
                this.errorMessage.Add("email", "Please enter a valid email address");
            //When a guest enters a phone number - it should be between 10 to 13 digits. no special characters allowed in the number.
            if (this.bookedBy == "Guest" && !Regex.Match(this.phone, @"^(\+?[0-9]{10,13})$").Success)
                this.errorMessage.Add("phone", "Please enter a valid phone number");
            if (adults < 1)
                this.errorMessage.Add("adults", "Number of adults must be at least 1");
            if (children < 0)
                this.errorMessage.Add("children", "number of children cannot be negative");
            if (checkout <= checkin)
                this.errorMessage.Add("checkin", "Checkout date cannot be before or equal to checkin date");
                Money priceM = new Money(this.price);
            catch (AppException)
                //The price amount could not be converted to Money - it is not legal as money (either the currency does not exist or non numeric
                this.errorMessage.Add("price", "Invalid price");
                Money paidM = new Money(this.paid);
            catch (AppException)
                //The paid amount could not be converted to Money - it is not legal as money (either the currency does not exist or non numeric
                this.errorMessage.Add("paid", "Invalid amount");

            return(errorMessage.Count() == 0);
 /// <summary>
 /// perform a translation operation to the target languagewhich was defined in the constructor. If the translation key does not exist
 /// creates a record in the translation key table, and also a record in the translation table for the English text. So default English
 /// translation will be created immediately. This translation can later be changed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="translationKey">the translation key which needs to be translated</param>
 /// <param name="lineNumber">the line number in the code where the translate method was last called. Note that
 /// if the same key is requested in more than one place in the code - the DB will only save the last call</param>
 /// <param name="filePath">the file path where the method was last called</param>
 /// <returns>the translation in the required language. If translation was not found in the required language -
 /// will try to return the translation in the default language. Otherwise will return the trnaslation key
 /// itself. If "show asterisks" is set - then will reutnr the translation key with surounded with asterisks</returns>
 public string translate(string translationKey,
                         [CallerLineNumber] int lineNumber  = 0,
                         [CallerFilePath]   string filePath = null)
     if (translationKey == null)
         AppException.writeException(120, null, Environment.StackTrace);
     using (citylifedb8_blContext db = new citylifedb8_blContext())
         TranslationKey theTranslationKey = db.TranslationKey.SingleOrDefault(record => record.TransKey == translationKey);
         if (theTranslationKey == null)
             //the translation key does not exist. Add it to the translation key table and add the
             //same text to the translation text as English text
             theTranslationKey = new TranslationKey()
                 TransKey = translationKey, IsUsed = true, FilePath = filePath, LineNumber = lineNumber
             Language    english = db.Language.Single(a => a.LanguageCode == "EN");
             Translation theEnglishTranslation = new Translation()
                 LanguageLanguageCode = english.LanguageCode, TranslationKey = theTranslationKey, Message = translationKey
             if (_noTranslation == "showAsterisks")
                 //return the translation key surrounded by asterisks for QA
                 string translated = '*' + translationKey + '*';
                 //assuming "defaultLanguage" - but since there is no translation at all for this key - return the key without asterisks
             //The translation key exists -
             if (theTranslationKey.LineNumber != lineNumber || theTranslationKey.FilePath != filePath)
                 //The file path or the line number where the call was performed has changed. Assuming it is because we added some lines of
                 //code, or refactored the code - update the file path tne line number
                 theTranslationKey.LineNumber = lineNumber;
                 theTranslationKey.FilePath   = filePath;
             //check if we have translation in the desired language
             Translation theTranslation = db.Translation.SingleOrDefault(record => record.TranslationKey.Id == theTranslationKey.Id &&
                                                                         record.LanguageLanguageCode == _targetLanguageCode);
             if (theTranslation != null)
                 //the translation exists in the target language - return it
                 //The translation does not exist in the target language
                 if (_noTranslation == "showAsterisks")
                     //In this case we need to return the translation key with asterisks
                     return('*' + translationKey + '*');
                     //assuming _noTranslation is "defaultLanguage" - look for translation in the default language
                     theTranslation = db.Translation.SingleOrDefault(record => record.TranslationKey.Id == theTranslationKey.Id &&
                                                                     record.LanguageLanguageCode == _defaultLanguageCode);
                     if (theTranslation != null)
                         //translation exists - return it
                         //no translation exists even in the default language - return the translation key (without asterisks)