    protected void btnAddBhv_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!ValidatePage())

        for (int i = 0; i < gvBhv.Rows.Count; i++)
            for (int j = 2; j < gvBhv.Rows[i].Cells.Count; j++)
                CheckBox ckCurrent = (CheckBox)gvBhv.Rows[i].FindControl("ckStuBhv_" + j);
                if (ckCurrent.Checked)
                    ch_students_behaviors stu_bhvCurrent = new ch_students_behaviors();
                    stu_bhvCurrent.bhv_id       = ch_behaviorsSvc.GetIdByBhvName(gvBhv.HeaderRow.Cells[j].Text);
                    stu_bhvCurrent.stu_id       = Convert.ToInt32(gvBhv.Rows[i].Cells[0].Text);
                    stu_bhvCurrent.les_id       = Convert.ToInt32(ddlLessons.SelectedValue);
                    stu_bhvCurrent.stu_bhv_date = DateTime.ParseExact(txtLesDate.Text, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    stu_bhvCurrent.hr_id        = Convert.ToInt32(ddlHours.SelectedValue);

    /// <summary>
    /// Add a new ch_students_behaviors record to the database
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="stubhv1">a new student behavior you want to add</param>
    /// <returns>string of an error or a string.Empty if the action is completed</returns>
    public static string AddStuBehavior(ch_students_behaviors stubhv1) {
        if (IsStuBehaviorExist(stubhv1) > 0)
            return "לא יכולה להירשם התנהגות כפולה באותו יום ושעה לאותו תלמיד";

        string strSql = "INSERT INTO ch_students_behaviors(bhv_id, stu_id, les_id, stu_bhv_date, hr_id)  VALUES(" + stubhv1.bhv_id + "," + stubhv1.stu_id + "," + stubhv1.les_id + ",'" + stubhv1.stu_bhv_date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "'," + stubhv1.hr_id + ")";
        Connect.DoAction(strSql, "ch_students_behaviors");
        return "";
    /// <summary>
    /// Update an old stu_bhv by a new one.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="old_stubhv1">the old stu_bhv to change</param>
    /// <param name="new_stubhv1">the new stu_bhv</param>
    /// <returns>string of an error or a string.Empty if the action is completed</returns>
    public static string UpdateStuBehavior(ch_students_behaviors old_stubhv1, ch_students_behaviors new_stubhv1) {
        string strSql1 = "SELECT COUNT(bhv_id) FROM ch_students_behaviors WHERE bhv_id = " + new_stubhv1.bhv_id + " AND stu_id = " + new_stubhv1.stu_id + " AND les_id = " + new_stubhv1.les_id + " AND Format(stu_bhv_date, 'yyyy/MM/dd') = #" + new_stubhv1.stu_bhv_date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "# AND hr_id = " + new_stubhv1.hr_id;
        int num = Convert.ToInt32(Connect.MathAction(strSql1, "ch_students_behaviors"));

        if (num > 0)
            return "לא יכולה להירשם התנהגות כפולה באותו יום ושעה לאותו תלמיד";

        string strSql = "UPDATE ch_students_behaviors SET bhv_id = " + new_stubhv1.bhv_id + " AND stu_id = " + new_stubhv1.stu_id + " AND les_id = " + new_stubhv1.les_id + " AND Format(stu_bhv_date, 'yyyy/MM/dd') = #" + new_stubhv1.stu_bhv_date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "# AND hr_id = " + new_stubhv1.hr_id + " WHERE bhv_id = " + old_stubhv1.bhv_id + " AND stu_id = " + old_stubhv1.stu_id + " AND les_id = " + old_stubhv1.les_id + " AND Format(stu_bhv_date, 'yyyy/MM/dd') = #" + old_stubhv1.stu_bhv_date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "# AND hr_id = " + old_stubhv1.hr_id;
        Connect.DoAction(strSql, "ch_students_behaviors");

        return "";
 public bool IsEqual(ch_students_behaviors stu_bhv)
     if (this.stu_id != stu_bhv.stu_id)
     if (this.bhv_id != stu_bhv.bhv_id)
    protected void btn_delete_bhv_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
        ImageButton btn = (ImageButton)sender;
        GridViewRow gvr = (GridViewRow)btn.NamingContainer;

        //Delete selected row
        Label lblBhvDate = (Label)gvr.FindControl("lblBhvDate");
        Label lblBhvName = (Label)gvr.FindControl("lblBhvName");
        Label lblLesName = (Label)gvr.FindControl("lblLesName");
        Label lblHrName  = (Label)gvr.FindControl("lblHrName");

        ch_students_behaviors stu_bhv = new ch_students_behaviors();

        stu_bhv.stu_bhv_date = Convert.ToDateTime(lblBhvDate.Text);
        stu_bhv.bhv_id       = ch_behaviorsSvc.GetIdByBhvName(lblBhvName.Text);
        stu_bhv.les_id       = ch_lessonsSvc.GetIdByLesName(lblLesName.Text);
        stu_bhv.stu_id       = Convert.ToInt32(lbStudents.SelectedValue);
        int sc_id = Convert.ToInt32(Session["lvl_id"]) < 4 ? Convert.ToInt32(Session["sc_id"]) : Convert.ToInt32(ddlSchools.SelectedValue);

        stu_bhv.hr_id = ch_hoursSvc.GetId(sc_id, lblHrName.Text);
        //Response.Write("stu_bhv_date=" + stu_bhv.stu_bhv_date + "&bhv_id=" + stu_bhv.bhv_id + "&les_id=" + stu_bhv.les_id + "&stu_id=" + stu_bhv.stu_id + "&hr_id=" + stu_bhv.hr_id);

        if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["lvl_id"]) == 1)   // אם מורה
        //Bind data to GridView
            pnlBhv.Visible = true;

            int stu_id = Convert.ToInt32(lbStudents.SelectedValue);
            int tch_id = Convert.ToInt32(Session["usr_id"]);

            DataSet dsBhv = ch_students_behaviorsSvc.GetStuBehaviors(stu_id);

            lblSumPoints.Text = "סה\"כ נקודות החודש(" + GetMonth() + "): " + ch_students_behaviorsSvc.GetStuBehaviorsPointsByMonth(stu_id);

            GridViewSvc.GVBind(dsBhv, gvBhv);
        else if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["lvl_id"]) >= 3)   //אם עורך בית ספר ומעלה
        //Bind data to GridView
            pnlBhv.Visible = true;

            int     stu_id = Convert.ToInt32(lbStudents.SelectedValue);
            DataSet dsBhv  = ch_students_behaviorsSvc.GetStuBehaviors(stu_id);

            lblSumPoints.Text = "סה\"כ נקודות החודש(" + GetMonth() + "): " + ch_students_behaviorsSvc.GetStuBehaviorsPointsByMonth(stu_id);

            GridViewSvc.GVBind(dsBhv, gvBhv);
 /// <returns>DataRow of a specific student behavior</returns>
 public static DataRow GetStuBehavior(ch_students_behaviors stubhv1) {
     string strSql = "SELECT * FROM ch_students_behaviors WHERE bhv_id = " + stubhv1.bhv_id + " AND stu_id = " + stubhv1.stu_id + " AND les_id = " + stubhv1.les_id + " AND Format(stu_bhv_date, 'yyyy/MM/dd') = #" + stubhv1.stu_bhv_date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "# AND hr_id = " + stubhv1.hr_id;
     return Connect.GetData(strSql, "ch_students_behaviors").Tables[0].Rows[0];
 /// <param name="stubhv1">the object to check if exist in database</param>
 /// <returns>the number of instances of stubhv1 existing in database</returns>
 public static int IsStuBehaviorExist(ch_students_behaviors stubhv1) {
     string strSql1 = "SELECT COUNT(bhv_id) FROM ch_students_behaviors WHERE bhv_id = " + stubhv1.bhv_id + " AND stu_id = " + stubhv1.stu_id + " AND les_id = " + stubhv1.les_id + " AND Format(stu_bhv_date, 'yyyy/MM/dd') = #" + stubhv1.stu_bhv_date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "# AND hr_id = " + stubhv1.hr_id;
     return Convert.ToInt32(Connect.MathAction(strSql1, "ch_students_behaviors"));
 /// <summary>
 /// Delete a student behavior
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="stubhv1">student behavior to delete</param>
 public static void DeleteStuBehavior(ch_students_behaviors stubhv1) {
     string strSql = "DELETE * FROM ch_students_behaviors WHERE bhv_id = " + stubhv1.bhv_id + " AND stu_id = " + stubhv1.stu_id + " AND les_id = " + stubhv1.les_id + " AND Format(stu_bhv_date, 'yyyy/MM/dd') = '" + stubhv1.stu_bhv_date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' AND hr_id = " + stubhv1.hr_id;
     Connect.DoAction(strSql, "ch_students_behaviors");