        public override void copy(cCritter pcritter)
            /*We need to overload the cCritter copy because if I have
             * cCritterWallRobot which is a cCritterWall, and it gets split in two
             * by a replicate call, then I want the new copy to have all the same
             * shooting behavior as the old one.  In general, I should
             * overload copy for each of my critter child classes, but for now this
             * one is the most important.  The overload does the regular copy, then
             * looks if the thing being copied is a cCritterWall, and if it is then
             * it copies the additional fields. */
            if (!(pcritter is cCritterWall))
                return; //You're done if pcritter isn't a cCritterWall*.
            cCritterWall pcritterwall = (cCritterWall)(pcritter);

            /* I know it is a cCritterWall at this point, but I need
             * to do a cast, so the compiler will let me
             * access cCritterWall methods and fields. */
            cRealBox3 r = new cRealBox3();

            Skeleton          = r;
            _defaultfillcolor = pcritterwall._defaultfillcolor;
        public cSpriteTextureBox(cRealBox3 pskeleton, int resourceID, int xtilecount ) 
			_pskeleton = new cRealBox3( pskeleton.LoCorner, 
			setAllSidesTexture( resourceID, xtilecount ); 
 public cCritterWall(cVector3 enda, cVector3 endb)
     : base(null)
     _pskeleton        = null;
     _defaultfillcolor = WALLFILLCOLOR;
     initialize(enda, endb, THICKNESS, WALLPRISMDZ, null);
 public cCritterWall(cVector3 enda, cVector3 endb, float thickness, cGame pownergame)
     : base(pownergame)
     _pskeleton        = null;
     _defaultfillcolor = WALLFILLCOLOR;
     initialize(enda, endb, thickness, WALLPRISMDZ, pownergame);
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets a default SkyBox, which is a box aligned with the border of the world.  The SkyBox is needed
        /// so that you can set the walls, ceiling or floor to different colors using setSideSolidColor or to
        /// different textures using setSideTexture.  You use these functions on the SkyBox.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void fixSkyBox()
            cRealBox3 skeleton = _border;

            if (skeleton.ZSize < 0.5f)
                skeleton.setZRange(cGame.BACKGROUNDOFFSET, 1.0f); /* Move LOZ down to
                                                                   * avoid z-fighting with sprites in the xy plane.  MOve HIZ up to make
                                                                   * walls around the world.*/
            setSkyBox(skeleton.LoCorner, skeleton.HiCorner, -1);
            //Make the walls four shades.
            SkyBox.setSideSolidColor(cRealBox3.LOX, Color.FromArgb(180, 30, 200));
            SkyBox.setSideSolidColor(cRealBox3.HIX, Color.FromArgb(30, 10, 180));
            SkyBox.setSideSolidColor(cRealBox3.LOY, Color.FromArgb(255, 200, 200));
            SkyBox.setSideSolidColor(cRealBox3.HIY, Color.FromArgb(10, 255, 200));
            //Make floor be almost black
            SkyBox.setSideSolidColor(cRealBox3.LOZ, Color.FromArgb(15, 15, 15));
            //Make the top side transparent
            SkyBox.setSideInvisible(cRealBox3.HIZ); /* Means make it gray and
                                                     * don't draw it. */
            SkyBox.Edged           = false;         //Turns off edges for the filled faces.
            SkyBox.LineColor       = Color.DarkGray;
            SkyBox.LineWidthWeight = cColorStyle.LW_IGNORELINEWIDTHWEIGHT;
            SkyBox.LineWidth       = 1;
        public override int clamp(cRealBox3 border)
        { /* We don't change _pskeleton as it has the geometric info.  We
           *    just change _position. */
            if (_baseAccessControl == 1)
            cRealBox3 effectivebox = border;
            cVector3  oldcorner;
            cVector3  newcorner    = new cVector3();
            int       outcode      = 0;
            int       totaloutcode = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) //Step through the wall's corners
                oldcorner = _pskeleton.corner(i) + _position;
                outcode = effectivebox.clamp(newcorner);
                if (outcode != cRealBox3.BOX_INSIDE) //corner was moved
                    _position += newcorner - oldcorner;

                    /* As long at the wall is small enough to
                     * fit inside the border, the successive
                     * corrections won't cancel each other out. */
                    totaloutcode |= outcode;
            /* So it won't think it wrapped. */
        public cRealBox3 border()
            cRealBox3 b = new cRealBox3();

文件: ACDoc.cs 项目: jpmck/mario3d
        public cRealBox3 border()
            cRealBox3 bord = new cRealBox3();

		public cSpriteTextureBox( cVector3 locorner, cVector3 hicorner, int resourceID = -1 ) 
			_pskeleton = new cRealBox3( locorner, hicorner ); 
			if ( resourceID != -1 ) 
				setAllSidesTexture( resourceID, 1 ); 
        }                           /* Don't bother doing anything as this is only
                                     * used in copy and serialize. */

        public cCritterViewer(ACView pview)
            _pownerview = pview;
            _proportionofworldtoshow = PROPORTIONOFWORLDTOSHOW;
            _aspect           = (4.0f / 3.0f); //Start with standard screen aspect.
            _fieldofviewangle = STARTFIELDOFVIEWANGLE;
            _trackplayer      = false;         /* Depending on the game, you might want to start with either FALSE
                                                * or TRUE for _trackplayer. In general the place where your game can make adjustments
                                                * to the critterviewer is in the cGame.initializeView method. */
            _perspective      = false;         //Will be reset by setViewer,
            _foveaproportion  = FOVEAPROPORTION;
            _movebox          = new cRealBox3(Game.Border.Center,
                                              MOVEBOXTOGAMEBORDERRATIO * Game.Border.MaxSize); /* Put the
                                                                                                * viewer in a cube (or square in the 2D case) whose edge is a multiple
                                                                                                * of the world's largest dimension. */
            _dragbox = new cRealBox3();
            _wrapflag = cCritter.CLAMP;   /* I had WRAP, which was a big mistake,
                                           * as sometimes I'd back way up above the world and then suddenly be
                                           * under it. */
            //We will set _znear and _zfar in the cCritterViewer.setZClipPlanes call.
            setViewpoint();               /* Default viewpoint is up the z axis looking down at the origin.
                                           * This call also initializes some of the remaining vairables. */
            /* Don't bother to set a listener, as the various cGame.initializeView will do
             * that indirectly via a setGraphicsClass call, and then possibly with a
             * direct call to change the listener again. */
            Density               = 0.0f; //so you don't move things you bump into.
            AbsorberFlag          = true; //So you don't bounce when you bump things.
            Sprite.Radius         = 0.1f; /* Although this guy is invisible, it seems to be
                                           * good to have a radius of 1.0 for use in the COLLIDEVIEWER code. */
            _lastgoodplayeroffset = new cVector3();
 public cCritterWall()
     : base(null)
     _pskeleton        = null;
     _defaultfillcolor = WALLFILLCOLOR;
     initialize(new cVector3(-0.5f, 0.0f), new cVector3(0.0f, 0.5f),
                THICKNESS, WALLPRISMDZ, null);
 public void setHeight(float newheight = 0.0f)
     Skeleton = new cRealBox3(Length, Thickness, newheight);
     Sprite.PrismDz = newheight;
     Sprite.SpriteAttitude = cMatrix3.translation(new cVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -Height / 2.0f));
     /* This corrects for the fact that we always draw the ppolygon with its
 bottom face in the xy plane and its top in the plane z = height.  We
 shift it down so it's drawn to match the skeleton positon. */
        /* This
         *      method unprojects to the near and far possiblities for the pixel position, draws the "sight
         *      line" between the two (I call it a "sight line" because these are all positions that
         *      get projected into the same pixel), and finds the point where the line crosses the plane.
         *      This method is useful if you know what plane you are trying to pick in; often, for instance,
         *      you want to pick a point in the plane of the player. It uses the virtual pixelToSightLine
         *      method. */

        public CRect realBoxToCRect(cRealBox3 realbox)
            int   intlox, intloy, inthix, inthiy;
            float zbuff;             //dummy to ignore

            vectorToPixel(new cVector3(realbox.Lox, realbox.Loy), out intlox, out intloy, out zbuff);
            vectorToPixel(new cVector3(realbox.Hix, realbox.Hiy), out inthix, out inthiy, out zbuff);
            return(new CRect(intlox, inthiy, inthix, intloy));              /* The CRect constructor expects
                                                                             * args in the left, top, right, bottom order. */

        public void setEndsThicknessHeight(cVector3 enda, cVector3 endb,
                                           float thickness = THICKNESS, float height = WALLPRISMDZ)
            _position = (enda + endb) * 0.5f;

            /* This line is important, as otherwise the
             * cCritter.draw will thing this thing was wrapped,
             * and it'll get drawn in two places. */
            _tangent = endb - enda;
            float length = _tangent.Magnitude;

            _normal   = _tangent.defaultNormal(); /* We orient so that
                                                   * the normal is oriented to the tangent as the "y-axis"
                                                   * is to the the "x-axis".*/
            _binormal = _tangent.mult(_normal);
            _attitude = new cMatrix3(_tangent, _normal, _binormal, _position);
            Skeleton  = new cRealBox3(length, thickness, height);
            Speed     = 0.0f; /* Also sets _velocity to ZEROVECTOR,
                               * but doesn't wipe out _direction. */
            /*In looking at these settings, think of the wall as aligned horizontally with endb - enda pointing to the right and the normal pointing into the screen*/
            cShape ppolygon = new cShape(4);

            ppolygon.Edged           = true;
            ppolygon.FillColor       = Color.Gray;
            ppolygon.LineWidthWeight = cColorStyle.LW_IGNORELINEWIDTHWEIGHT;
            ppolygon.LineWidth       = 1;
            //Means draw a one-pixel edge line.
            ppolygon.setVertex(0, new cVector3(0.5f * length, 0.5f * thickness));
            ppolygon.setVertex(1, new cVector3(-0.5f * length, 0.5f * thickness));
            ppolygon.setVertex(2, new cVector3(-0.5f * length, -0.5f * thickness));
            ppolygon.setVertex(3, new cVector3(0.5f * length, -0.5f * thickness));
            ppolygon.fixCenterAndRadius(); /* Use this call after a bunch
                                            * of setVertex if points are just where you want. */
            ppolygon.SpriteAttitude = cMatrix3.translation(new cVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -height / 2.0f));

            /* This corrects for the fact that we always draw the ppolygon with its
             * bottom face in the xy plane and its top in the plane z = height.  We
             * shift it down so it's drawn to match the skeleton positon. */
            Sprite = ppolygon; /* Also sets cSprite._prismdz to
                                * cCritter._defaultprismdz, which we set to
                                * CritterWall.WALLPRISMDZ in our cCritterWall
                                * constructor. */
        //setRoom1 creates a new room when the player runs through the previous door
        public void setRoom1( )
            //remove critters and wall

            setBorder(64.0f, 16.0f, 64.0f); // size of the world

            //create new room 'shell'
            cRealBox3 skeleton = new cRealBox3();


            //set textures and graphics
            SkyBox.setSideTexture(cRealBox3.HIZ, BitmapRes.Wall3);    //Make the near HIZ transparent
            SkyBox.setSideTexture(cRealBox3.LOZ, BitmapRes.Wall3);    //Far wall
            SkyBox.setSideTexture(cRealBox3.LOX, BitmapRes.Wall3);    //left wall
            SkyBox.setSideTexture(cRealBox3.HIX, BitmapRes.Wall3);    //right wall
            SkyBox.setSideTexture(cRealBox3.LOY, BitmapRes.Concrete); //floor
            SkyBox.setSideTexture(cRealBox3.HIY, BitmapRes.Concrete); //ceiling

            //set number of critters to be created. Adjust numbers for increasing difficulty between rooms
            _seedcount = 7;

            WrapFlag = cCritter.BOUNCE;
            setPlayer(new cCritter3DPlayer(this));
            _ptreasure = new cCritterTreasure(this);

            //create a door at a new position in the room
            cCritterDoor pdwall = new cCritterDoor(
                new cVector3(_border.Lox, _border.Loy, _border.Midz),
                new cVector3(_border.Lox, _border.Midy - 3, _border.Midz),
                0.1f, 2, this);
            cSpriteTextureBox pspritedoor =
                new cSpriteTextureBox(pdwall.Skeleton, BitmapRes.Door);

            pdwall.Sprite = pspritedoor;

            //move player to new position in next room
            Player.moveTo(new cVector3(0.0f, -10.0f, 32.0f));

            //set collision flag and reset age of new room
            wentThrough  = true;
            startNewRoom = Age;
        public void setTestRoom()
            setBorder(50.0f, 20.0f, 100.0f);
            cRealBox3 skeleton = new cRealBox3();

            SkyBox.setSideTexture(cRealBox3.BOX_HIX, BitmapRes.Wood2);
            SkyBox.setSideTexture(cRealBox3.BOX_LOX, BitmapRes.Graphics2);
            SkyBox.setSideTexture(cRealBox3.BOX_HIY, BitmapRes.Sky);
            SkyBox.setSideTexture(cRealBox3.BOX_LOY, BitmapRes.Metal);
            SkyBox.setSideTexture(cRealBox3.BOX_HIZ, BitmapRes.Wall1);
            SkyBox.setSideTexture(cRealBox3.BOX_LOZ, BitmapRes.Graphics3);
            _seedcount = 0;
            Player.setMoveBox(new cRealBox3(50.0f, 20.0f, 100.0f));
        public void setRoom3()
            setBorder(50.0f, 20.0f, 50.0f);
            cRealBox3 skeleton = new cRealBox3();

            SkyBox.setAllSidesTexture(BitmapRes.Graphics3, 2);
            SkyBox.setSideTexture(cRealBox3.LOY, BitmapRes.Concrete);
            SkyBox.setSideSolidColor(cRealBox3.HIY, Color.Blue);
            _seedcount = 0;
            Player.setMoveBox(new cRealBox3(50.0f, 20.0f, 50.0f));

            wentThrough  = true;
            startNewRoom = Age;

            cCritterDoor pdwall = new cCritterDoor(
                new cVector3(_border.Midx, _border.Loy, _border.Loz),
                new cVector3(_border.Midx, _border.Midy - 3, _border.Loz),
                2.0f, 2, this);
            cSpriteTextureBox pspritedoor =
                new cSpriteTextureBox(pdwall.Skeleton, BitmapRes.Door);

            pdwall.Sprite = pspritedoor;

            float             height        = 0.1f * _border.YSize;
            float             ycenter       = -_border.YRadius + height / 2.0f;
            float             wallthickness = cGame3D.WALLTHICKNESS + 1.0f;
            cCritterSlideWall pwall         = new cCritterSlideWall(new cVector3(_border.Midx, ycenter - 10, _border.Midz + 10), new cVector3(_border.Hix + 50, ycenter - 10, _border.Midz + 10),
                                                                    height, wallthickness, this, cCritterSlideWall.TYPE.HARMFUL, new cVector3(0.0f, -0.05f, 0.0f), false, 200);
            cSpriteTextureBox pspritebox = new cSpriteTextureBox(pwall.Skeleton, BitmapRes.Wood2, 16);

            pwall.Sprite = pspritebox;


            _ptreasure = new cCritterMedpack(this, new cVector3(_border.Midx, _border.Midy - 2.0f,
                                                                _border.Loz - 1.5f * cGame3D.TREASURERADIUS));

            cCritterBossDragonKnight boss = new cCritterBossDragonKnight(this, new cVector3(_border.Midx, _border.Loy, _border.Midz - 5), new DragonBullet(1.0f));
        public cGame3D()
            doorcollision = false;
            _menuflags   &= ~cGame.MENU_BOUNCEWRAP;
            _menuflags   |= cGame.MENU_HOPPER;           //Turn on hopper listener option.
            _spritetype   = cGame.ST_MESHSKIN;
            setBorder(64.0f, 16.0f, 64.0f);              // size of the world

            cRealBox3 skeleton = new cRealBox3();


            /* In this world the coordinates are screwed up to match the screwed up
             * listener that I use.  I should fix the listener and the coords.
             * Meanwhile...
             * I am flying into the screen from HIZ towards LOZ, and
             * LOX below and HIX above and
             * LOY on the right and HIY on the left. */
            SkyBox.setSideTexture(cRealBox3.HIZ, BitmapRes.Wall3);    //Make the near HIZ transparent
            SkyBox.setSideTexture(cRealBox3.LOZ, BitmapRes.Wall3);    //Far wall
            SkyBox.setSideTexture(cRealBox3.LOX, BitmapRes.Wall3);    //left wall
            SkyBox.setSideTexture(cRealBox3.HIX, BitmapRes.Wall3);    //right wall
            SkyBox.setSideTexture(cRealBox3.LOY, BitmapRes.Concrete); //floor
            SkyBox.setSideTexture(cRealBox3.HIY, BitmapRes.Concrete); //ceiling

            WrapFlag   = cCritter.BOUNCE;
            _seedcount = 7;
            setPlayer(new cCritter3DPlayer(this));
            _ptreasure = new cCritterTreasure(this);

            cCritterDoor pdwall = new cCritterDoor(
                new cVector3(_border.Lox, _border.Loy, _border.Midz),
                new cVector3(_border.Lox, _border.Midy - 3, _border.Midz),
                0.1f, 2, this);
            cSpriteTextureBox pspritedoor =
                new cSpriteTextureBox(pdwall.Skeleton, BitmapRes.Door);

            pdwall.Sprite = pspritedoor;
        public void setRoom1( )
            Biota.purgeCritters <cCritterWall>();
            Biota.purgeCritters <cCritter3Dcharacter>();
            Biota.purgeCritters <cCritterShape>();
            setBorder(10.0f, 15.0f, 10.0f);
            cRealBox3 skeleton = new cRealBox3();

            SkyBox.setAllSidesTexture(BitmapRes.Graphics1, 2);
            SkyBox.setSideTexture(cRealBox3.LOY, BitmapRes.Concrete);
            SkyBox.setSideSolidColor(cRealBox3.HIY, Color.Blue);
            _seedcount = 0;;;
            Player.setMoveBox(new cRealBox3(10.0f, 15.0f, 10.0f));
            float zpos                 = 0.0f; /* Point on the z axis where we set down the wall.  0 would be center,
                                                * halfway down the hall, but we can offset it if we like. */
            float        height        = 0.1f * _border.YSize;
            float        ycenter       = -_border.YRadius + height / 2.0f;
            float        wallthickness = cGame3D.WALLTHICKNESS;
            cCritterWall pwall         = new cCritterWall(
                new cVector3(_border.Midx + 2.0f, ycenter, zpos),
                new cVector3(_border.Hix, ycenter, zpos),
                height,        //thickness param for wall's dy which goes perpendicular to the
                //baseline established by the frist two args, up the screen
                wallthickness, //height argument for this wall's dz  goes into the screen
            cSpriteTextureBox pspritebox =
                new cSpriteTextureBox(pwall.Skeleton, BitmapRes.Wall3, 16); //Sets all sides

            /* We'll tile our sprites three times along the long sides, and on the
             * short ends, we'll only tile them once, so we reset these two. */

            pwall.Sprite = pspritebox;
            wentThrough  = true;
            startNewRoom = Age;

        public cGame()
            _seedcount       = COUNTSTART;
            _gameover        = false;
            _maxscore        = MAXSCORE;
            _scorecorrection = 0;
            _wrapflag        = cCritter.WRAP;
            _bDragging       = false;
            _pfocus          = null;
            _pplayer         = null;
            _border          = new cRealBox3(cGame.WORLDWIDTH, cGame.WORLDHEIGHT); //Default no zsize, computes faster.
            _pskybox         = null;
            _cursorpos       = new cVector3(0.0f, 0.0f);
            _level           = 1;
            _spritetype      = cGame.ST_SPRITETYPENOTUSED;
            _menuflags       = (cGame.MENU_ALL & ~cGame.MENU_AUTOPLAY & ~cGame.MENU_HOPPER);
            _newgame         = true;
            //Fix the static readonlys

            /* Reset the various static readonlys that may have been set to different values by previously
             * running some other game. */
            cCritter.Maxspeed     = cGame.CRITTERMAXSPEED;
            cCritter.MinRadius    = cGame.CRITTERMINRADIUS;
            cCritter.MaxRadius    = cGame.CRITTERMAXRADIUS;
            cCritter.BulletRadius = cGame.BULLETRADIUS;
            //Allocate the pointer variables.
            _pbiota         = new cBiota(this);
            _pcollider      = new cCollider();
            _pcontroller    = Framework.Keydev;
            _plightingmodel = new cLightingModel(true); //Default lighting model enables lights.
            setBorder(cGame.WORLDWIDTH, cGame.WORLDHEIGHT, 0.0f);
            // setBorder initializes _pskybox as well

            //Set the player, we want to make sure a game always has a player
            setPlayer(new cCritterPlayer(this)); //Sets _pplayer AND adds it to _pbiota.
        public cGame(cBiota pbiota)
            _pcollider   = new cCollider();
            _pcontroller = Framework.Keydev;
            _pbiota      = pbiota;
            _pfocus         = new cCritter();
            _border         = new cRealBox3();
            _pskybox        = new cSpriteTextureBox();
            _plightingmodel = new cLightingModel();
            _cursorpos      = new cVector3();

            //Deleting the _pbiota killed off your _pplayer, so you need to get a new one.
            if (_pbiota.Size > 0) // use the first member of pbiota if there is one.
                _pplayer = _pbiota.GetAt(0);
            else //otherwise make a dummy.
                _pplayer = new cCritter();
                cCritter pdummyplayer = new cCritter();
		public cSpriteTextureBox( cVector3 locorner ) 
			_pskeleton = new cRealBox3( locorner, new cVector3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) ); 
        /* Uses _foveaproportion which lies between 0.0 and 1.0. We say something is visible if it
         *  appears on the inner _foveaproportion central box of the viewer's image screen,
         *  which is what you see in the view window. */

        //Use _pownerview to get the CpopDoc and get the cGame from that.

        public override void update(ACView pactiveview, float dt)
            base.update(pactiveview, dt);
            ZClipPlanes = Game.Border.outerBox(cSprite.MAXPRISMDZ);
            if (_trackplayer &&
                !((Listener != null) && Listener.RuntimeClass == "cListenerViewerRide"))

            /* The meaning of the visibleplayer() condition is that it doesn't make sense
             * to track the player if it's not an onscreen player. The reason for the
             * listener condition is that you don't want to stare at the player when
             * riding it. */
            /*  I should  explain that the goal here is to not bother turning when the player
             * is  moving around in the middle of the veiw area, and only to turn when he's near
             * the edge, but to have the turning when he's near the edge be smoooth.
             * The use of the 0.85 foveaproportion parameter means that you react before the player
             * gets right up to the edge.  The reactproportion factor in lookAtProportional and
             * moveToProportional is delicate and should probably be adjusted according to the
             * current player speed relative to the visible window.  The issue is that (a) if I make
             * reactproportion too small, like 0.01, then the viewer doesn't turn (or move) fast
             * enough to catch up with the player and keep it in view, but (b) if I make reactpropotion
             * too big, like 0.5, then the turning or moving is such an abrupt jump that the visual
             * effect is jerky.  The goal is to do turns that are just big enough to not look jerky,
             * but to have the turns be big enough so you aren't turning more often than you really
             * have to.  Another downside of a toosmall reactproportion, by the way, is that it can be
             * computationally expensive to react.
             * The way we finally solved this is to do a while loop to turn just
             * far enough, moving just a little at a time so as to not overshoot. */
                if (isVisible(Game.Player.Position)) // Uses _foveaproportion
                    _lastgoodplayeroffset = Position - Game.Player.Position;

                /*I'm not sure about constantly changing _lastgoodplayeroffset.  On the
                 * one hand, the offset I set in setViewpoint was a standard good one, so why
                 * not keep it.  On the other, if I want to move my viewpoint around then I
                 * do want to be able to get a new value here. It seems ok for now.*/
                else //not visible, so do somehting about it.
                    int loopcount      = 0; /* Never have a while loop without a loopcount
                                             * to make sure you don't spin inside the while forever under some
                                             * unexpected situation like at startup. */
                    cVector3 lookat    = Game.Player.Position;
                    cVector3 viewerpos = lookat + _lastgoodplayeroffset;
                    if (Game.worldShape() == cGame.SHAPE_XSCROLLER)
                        lookat = new cVector3(Game.Player.Position.X,
                                              Game.Border.Midy, Game.Player.Position.Z);
                        viewerpos = new cVector3(lookat.X, Position.Y, Position.Z);
                    if (Game.worldShape() == cGame.SHAPE_YSCROLLER)
                        lookat = new cVector3(Game.Border.Midx,
                                              Game.Player.Position.Y, Game.Player.Position.Z);
                        viewerpos = new cVector3(Position.X, lookat.Y, Position.Z);
                    if (_perspective)
                        while (!isVisible(lookat) && loopcount < 100) // Uses _foveaproportion
                            moveToProportional(viewerpos, cCritterViewer.TURNPROPORTION);
                    else //ortho case
                        while (!isVisible(lookat) && loopcount < 100) // Uses _foveaproportion
                            moveToProportional(lookat + Game.Player.Binormal * 10.0f,
            //Possibly ride the player.
            if (Listener is cListenerViewerRide)
                cCritter pplayer = Game.Player;
                cVector3 offset  = ((cListenerViewerRide)Listener).Offset;
                moveTo(pplayer.Position +
                       pplayer.AttitudeTangent * offset.X +
                       pplayer.AttitudeNormal * offset.Y +
                       pplayer.AttitudeBinormal * offset.Z);
                cRealBox3 skeleton = pplayer.MoveBox;
                if (skeleton.ZSize < 0.5f)
                    skeleton.setZRange(0.0f, offset.Z);
                if (skeleton.YSize < 0.5f)
                    skeleton.setYRange(0.0f, offset.Z);
                for (int i = 0; i < Game.Biota.count(); i++)
                    cCritter pother = Game.Biota.GetAt(i);
                    if (pother is cCritterWall)

                /* colliding with the wall may have twisted the viwer's orientation,
                 * so align it once again. */
                Attitude = pplayer.Attitude; /* Before we call lookAt,
                                              * make sure your attitude matches the player.  For one thing,
                                              * you may have gotten twisted around in the COLLIDEVIEWER code. */
                lookAt(pplayer.Position +
                       pplayer.AttitudeTangent * cListenerViewerRide.PLAYERLOOKAHEAD * pplayer.Radius);

                /* This has the effect that as offset gets large you change your
                 * looking direction see right in front of the player. The multiplier
                 * cCritterViewer.PLAYERLOOKAHEAD is tweaked to work well
                 * with the default cCritterViewer.OFFSET. */
 /// <summary>
 /// Used to set the SkyBox, a box set around the player and critters, which allows colors and textures to
 /// be added to the walls, ceiling and floor (on the SkyBox object, use setSideSolidColor or setSideTexture,
 /// for example).  The SkyBox is set by passing in a cRealBox3 object as the first parameter.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pskeleton">The cRealBox3 object to use as the SkyBox.</param>
 /// <param name="resourceID">You can use this to set textures to all sides (individual sides can be changed later).
 /// Use BitmapRest to select the texture to use.  This paramater is set to -1 by default, which means just
 /// use plain rectangles initially for the faces.</param>
 public void setSkyBox(cRealBox3 pskeleton, int resourceID = -1)
     setSkyBox(pskeleton.LoCorner, pskeleton.HiCorner, resourceID);
 public virtual void setRealBox(cRealBox3 border)
        public cGame3D()
            doorcollision = false;
            _menuflags   &= ~cGame.MENU_BOUNCEWRAP;
            _menuflags   |= cGame.MENU_HOPPER;           //Turn on hopper listener option.
            _spritetype   = cGame.ST_MESHSKIN;
            setBorder(64.0f, 16.0f, 64.0f);              // size of the world

            cRealBox3 skeleton = new cRealBox3();


            /* In this world the coordinates are screwed up to match the screwed up
             * listener that I use.  I should fix the listener and the coords.
             * Meanwhile...
             * I am flying into the screen from HIZ towards LOZ, and
             * LOX below and HIX above and
             * LOY on the right and HIY on the left. */
            SkyBox.setSideSolidColor(cRealBox3.HIZ, Color.Aqua);        //Make the near HIZ transparent
            SkyBox.setSideSolidColor(cRealBox3.LOZ, Color.Aqua);        //Far wall
            SkyBox.setSideSolidColor(cRealBox3.LOX, Color.DarkOrchid);  //left wall
            SkyBox.setSideTexture(cRealBox3.HIX, BitmapRes.Wall2, 2);   //right wall
            SkyBox.setSideTexture(cRealBox3.LOY, BitmapRes.Graphics3);  //floor
            SkyBox.setSideTexture(cRealBox3.HIY, BitmapRes.Sky);        //ceiling

            WrapFlag   = cCritter.BOUNCE;
            _seedcount = 7;
            setPlayer(new cCritter3DPlayer(this));
            _ptreasure   = new cCritterTreasure(this);
            shape        = new cCritterShape(this);
            shape.Sprite = new cSphere(3, Color.DarkBlue);
            shape.moveTo(new cVector3(Border.Midx, Border.Hiy, Border.Midz));

            /* In this world the x and y go left and up respectively, while z comes out of the screen.
             * A wall views its "thickness" as in the y direction, which is up here, and its
             * "height" as in the z direction, which is into the screen. */
            //First draw a wall with dy height resting on the bottom of the world.
            float zpos                 = 0.0f; /* Point on the z axis where we set down the wall.  0 would be center,
                                                * halfway down the hall, but we can offset it if we like. */
            float        height        = 0.1f * _border.YSize;
            float        ycenter       = -_border.YRadius + height / 2.0f;
            float        wallthickness = cGame3D.WALLTHICKNESS;
            cCritterWall pwall         = new cCritterWall(
                new cVector3(_border.Midx + 2.0f, ycenter, zpos),
                new cVector3(_border.Hix, ycenter, zpos),
                height,                 //thickness param for wall's dy which goes perpendicular to the
                                        //baseline established by the frist two args, up the screen
                wallthickness,          //height argument for this wall's dz  goes into the screen
            cSpriteTextureBox pspritebox =
                new cSpriteTextureBox(pwall.Skeleton, BitmapRes.Wall3, 16);                   //Sets all sides

            /* We'll tile our sprites three times along the long sides, and on the
             * short ends, we'll only tile them once, so we reset these two. */

            pwall.Sprite = pspritebox;

            //Then draw a ramp to the top of the wall.  Scoot it over against the right wall.
            float planckwidth = 0.75f * height;

            pwall = new cCritterWall(
                new cVector3(_border.Hix - planckwidth / 2.0f, _border.Loy, _border.Hiz - 2.0f),
                new cVector3(_border.Hix - planckwidth / 2.0f, _border.Loy + height, zpos),
                planckwidth,                 //thickness param for wall's dy which is perpenedicualr to the baseline,
                                             //which goes into the screen, so thickness goes to the right
                wallthickness,               //_border.zradius(),  //height argument for wall's dz which goes into the screen
            cSpriteTextureBox stb = new cSpriteTextureBox(pwall.Skeleton,
                                                          BitmapRes.Wood2, 2);

            pwall.Sprite = stb;

            cCritterDoor pdwall = new cCritterDoor(
                new cVector3(_border.Lox, _border.Loy, _border.Midz),
                new cVector3(_border.Lox, _border.Midy - 3, _border.Midz),
                0.1f, 2, this);
            cSpriteTextureBox pspritedoor =
                new cSpriteTextureBox(pdwall.Skeleton, BitmapRes.Door);

            pdwall.Sprite = pspritedoor;
        }                                                                      /* In sophisticated graphics
                                                                                * implementations, if _activeDisplayListIDIsReady is FALSE, we close the list and
                                                                                * add it to the _map_SpriteIDToDisplayListID.  And then in any case we call
                                                                                * a graphics method to call the list. */

        //Other graphics overloads

        public virtual void setClipRegion(cRealBox3 pclipbox)
		public cSpriteTextureBox( ) 
			_pskeleton = new cRealBox3( new cVector3( -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f ), 
                new cVector3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) ); 
 public cSpriteTextureBox(cRealBox3 pskeleton, Color color)
     _pskeleton = new cRealBox3(pskeleton.LoCorner, pskeleton.HiCorner);
 public cSpriteTextureBox(cVector3 locorner, cVector3 hicorner, Color color)
     _pskeleton = new cRealBox3(locorner, hicorner);