        // DrawAccessoryList()

        public static float DrawAccessoryList(cDataFiles DataFiles, ref PrintPageEventArgs e, float nStartY = -1.0f, cGear.eGearTypes eType = cGear.eGearTypes.Firearm)
            // Set the currency symbol on the Price column

            sm_Columns[4].Name = String.Format("Price ({0})", DataFiles.Preferences.Currency);

            // Gather the list of accessories

            if (sm_GearList == null)
                sm_GearList = DataFiles.FirearmAccessoryList(sm_Firearm, eType);


            // Create the fonts

            Font AccessoryTypeFont = new Font("Trebuchet MS", 10, FontStyle.Bold);
            Font HeaderFont        = new Font("Trebuchet MS", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
            Font DataFont          = new Font("Trebuchet MS", 8, FontStyle.Regular);

            // Calculate Column Header Name Widths

            string strText;
            SizeF  TextSize;

            foreach (cPrintColumn PrintColumn in sm_Columns)
                TextSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(PrintColumn.Name, HeaderFont);

                if (TextSize.Width > PrintColumn.Width)
                    PrintColumn.Width = TextSize.Width;

            // Calculate Header Widths

            foreach (cGear Gear in sm_GearList)
                // Manufacturer Name

                TextSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(Gear.Manufacturer.ToString(), DataFont);

                if (TextSize.Width > sm_Columns[0].Width)
                    sm_Columns[0].Width = TextSize.Width;

                // Part Number

                TextSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(Gear.PartNumber, DataFont);

                if (TextSize.Width > sm_Columns[1].Width)
                    sm_Columns[1].Width = TextSize.Width;

                // Description

                TextSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(Gear.Description, DataFont);

                if (TextSize.Width > sm_Columns[2].Width)
                    sm_Columns[2].Width = TextSize.Width;

                // Purchase Date

                TextSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(Gear.PurchaseDate.ToShortDateString(), DataFont);

                if (TextSize.Width > sm_Columns[3].Width)
                    sm_Columns[3].Width = TextSize.Width;

                // Purchase Price

                TextSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(String.Format("{0:N2}", Gear.PurchasePrice), DataFont);

                if (TextSize.Width > sm_Columns[4].Width)
                    sm_Columns[4].Width = TextSize.Width;

                // Tax

                TextSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(String.Format("{0:N2}", Gear.Tax), DataFont);

                if (TextSize.Width > sm_Columns[5].Width)
                    sm_Columns[5].Width = TextSize.Width;

                // Shipping

                TextSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(String.Format("{0:N2}", Gear.Shipping), DataFont);

                if (TextSize.Width > sm_Columns[6].Width)
                    sm_Columns[6].Width = TextSize.Width;

                // Total

                TextSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(String.Format("{0:N2}", Gear.PurchasePrice + Gear.Tax + Gear.Shipping), DataFont);

                if (TextSize.Width > sm_Columns[7].Width)
                    sm_Columns[7].Width = TextSize.Width;

            float nLineWidth = 0;

            foreach (cPrintColumn PrintColumn in sm_Columns)
                nLineWidth += PrintColumn.Width;

            nLineWidth += ((sm_Columns.Length - 1) * 10.0f);

            float nLeftMargin = (e.PageBounds.Width / 2) - (nLineWidth / 2.0f);

            // Set Rectangle Size Info

            Rectangle PageRect = e.PageBounds;

            int nXDPI = (int)((double)PageRect.Width / 8.5);
            int nYDPI = (int)((double)PageRect.Height / 11);

            PageRect.X     += (int)((double)nXDPI * 0.5);
            PageRect.Width -= ((int)((double)nXDPI * 0.5) * 2);

            PageRect.Y      += (int)((double)nYDPI * 0.5);
            PageRect.Height -= ((int)((double)nYDPI * 0.5) * 2);

            float nY = nStartY >= 0.0f ? nStartY : PageRect.Top;
            float nX = PageRect.Left;

            bool fPageHeader = false;
            bool fTypeHeader = false;
            bool fHeader     = false;

            cGear.eGearTypes eLastType = cGear.eGearTypes.Firearm;

            // Loop through the accessories

            if (sm_fDrawGroups)

            foreach (cGear Gear in sm_GearList)
                if (Gear.Printed)

                if (nY > PageRect.Height - HeaderFont.Height - (AccessoryTypeFont.Height * 2))
                    e.HasMorePages = true;


                if (Gear.GearType != (cGear.eGearTypes)eLastType)
                    fTypeHeader = false;

                    eLastType = Gear.GearType;

                // Draw the page header if needed

                if (!fPageHeader && sm_fDrawHeader)
                    // Draw the Title

                    nY = cPrintObject.PrintReportTitle("Firearm Parts & Accessories List", e, PageRect);

                    strText = "";

                    if (sm_Firearm != null)
                        strText = String.Format("Attached to {0} only.", sm_Firearm.ToString());

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strText))
                        TextSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strText, HeaderFont);

                        e.Graphics.DrawString(strText, HeaderFont, Brushes.Black, e.MarginBounds.Left + (e.MarginBounds.Width / 2) - (TextSize.Width / 2), nY);

                        nY += HeaderFont.Height;

                    fPageHeader = true;
                    fTypeHeader = false;

                // Draw the type header if needed

                if (!fTypeHeader && sm_fDrawGroups)
                    nY += AccessoryTypeFont.Height;

                    strText = cGear.GearTypeString(Gear.GearType);

                    TextSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strText, AccessoryTypeFont);

                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strText, AccessoryTypeFont, Brushes.Black, nLeftMargin, nY);

                    nY += TextSize.Height;

                    fTypeHeader = true;
                    fHeader     = false;

                // Draw the column headers if needed

                if (!fHeader)
                    nY += HeaderFont.Height;

                    nX = nLeftMargin;

                    foreach (cPrintColumn PrintColumn in sm_Columns)
                        e.Graphics.DrawString(PrintColumn.Name, HeaderFont, Brushes.Black, nX, nY);

                        nX += (PrintColumn.Width + 10);

                    nY += HeaderFont.Height;

                    e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, nLeftMargin, nY, nX - 10, nY);

                    nY += 4;

                    fHeader = true;

                // Draw the accessory info

                // Manufacturer Name

                strText = Gear.Manufacturer.Name;

                nX = nLeftMargin;

                e.Graphics.DrawString(strText, DataFont, Brushes.Black, nX, nY);

                nX += (sm_Columns[0].Width + 10);

                // Part #

                strText = Gear.PartNumber;

                e.Graphics.DrawString(strText, DataFont, Brushes.Black, nX, nY);

                nX += (sm_Columns[1].Width + 10);

                // Description

                strText = Gear.Description;

                e.Graphics.DrawString(strText, DataFont, Brushes.Black, nX, nY);

                nX += (sm_Columns[2].Width + 10);

                // Purchase Date

                if (Gear.PurchaseDate.Year < 1900)
                    strText = "Unknown";
                    strText = Gear.PurchaseDate.ToShortDateString();

                TextSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strText, DataFont);

                e.Graphics.DrawString(strText, DataFont, Brushes.Black, nX + (sm_Columns[3].Width / 2) - (TextSize.Width / 2), nY);

                nX += (sm_Columns[3].Width + 10);

                // Purchase Price

                strText = Gear.PurchasePrice > 0.0 ? String.Format("{0:N2}", Gear.PurchasePrice) : "-";

                TextSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strText, DataFont);

                e.Graphics.DrawString(strText, DataFont, Brushes.Black, nX + sm_Columns[4].Width - TextSize.Width, nY);

                nX += (sm_Columns[4].Width + 10);

                // Tax

                strText = Gear.Tax > 0.0 ? String.Format("{0:N2}", Gear.Tax) : "-";

                TextSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strText, DataFont);

                e.Graphics.DrawString(strText, DataFont, Brushes.Black, nX + sm_Columns[5].Width - TextSize.Width, nY);

                nX += (sm_Columns[5].Width + 10);

                // Shipping

                strText = Gear.Shipping > 0.0 ? String.Format("{0:N2}", Gear.Shipping) : "-";

                TextSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strText, DataFont);

                e.Graphics.DrawString(strText, DataFont, Brushes.Black, nX + sm_Columns[6].Width - TextSize.Width, nY);

                nX += (sm_Columns[6].Width + 10);

                // Total

                double dTotal = Gear.PurchasePrice + Gear.Tax + Gear.Shipping;

                strText = dTotal > 0.0 ? String.Format("{0:N2}", dTotal) : "-";

                TextSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strText, DataFont);

                e.Graphics.DrawString(strText, DataFont, Brushes.Black, nX + sm_Columns[7].Width - TextSize.Width, nY);

                nX += (sm_Columns[7].Width);

                nY += DataFont.Height;

                Gear.Printed = true;

            e.HasMorePages = false;
