void Update() { // If fingers are within hovering distance of the object if (intObj.isPrimaryHovered) { currDistance = intObj.primaryHoverDistance; // If your fingers are within the objects proximity and the button isn't already being held down if (intObj.primaryHoverDistance < proximityDistance && state == null) { state = "Active"; // Call Button Pressed Function buttonPress bPScr = gameObject.GetComponent <buttonPress>(); bPScr.ButtonPressed(); } // If fingers have left the objects proximity else if (state == "Active" && intObj.primaryHoverDistance > proximityDistance) { state = null; // Call Button UnPressed Function buttonPress bPScr = gameObject.GetComponent <buttonPress>(); bPScr.ButtonUnPressed(); } } }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider collider) { //Detect fingers touching object if (isHands == true) { // If object not active currently if (state == null) { for (int i = 0; i < collidingObjects.Length; i++) { // If colliding object is the same trigger object if (collider.gameObject.GetInstanceID() == collidingObjects [i].GetInstanceID()) { state = "Active"; isTouching = true; if (gameObject.name == "2DButton") { // Call Button Pressed Function buttonPress bPScr = gameObject.GetComponent <buttonPress> (); bPScr.ButtonPressed(); } //PLACE ELSE IF CONDITION(S) HERE TO ADD MORE FEATURES FOR DIFFERENT TYPES OF BUTTONS } } } } }