    // This is ran whenever the user clicks the box
    public void DoClick()
        // We check to see if the player has chosen their box yet
        if (boxContainer.playerBox == null)
            boxContainer.playerBox = this.gameObject;                              // We give the player this box
            boxContainer.boxValues.Remove(boxContainer.boxValuesCache[boxNumber]); // We remove the player box from the game
            GetComponent <Button>().interactable = false;                          // We make it so the player can't click this box
            transform.position = new Vector2(-2.85f, -1.3f);                       // We move the box


            // We tell the player how many boxes they can choose
            bankerScript.bankerText.text = "Please choose " + boxContainer.boxesToChoose + " boxes";
        else if (boxContainer.boxesToChoose > 0 && boxContainer.playerBox != this.gameObject)
            RevealBox();                                                                     // We open the box
            boxContainer.boxesToChoose -= 1;                                                 // We tell the player they can choose one fewer box
            boxContainer.boxValues.Remove(boxContainer.boxValuesCache[boxNumber]);           // We remove the current box from the game
            GetComponent <Button>().interactable = false;                                    // We make it so the player can't click this box anymore

            GameObject[] sidePanelValues = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("panel value"); // We find all side panel values
            // This checks through all side panel values
            for (int i = 0; i < sidePanelValues.Length; i += 1)
                // We check if the current side panel is equal to the box which was just removed
                if (sidePanelValues[i].name == "" + boxContainer.boxValuesCache[boxNumber])
                    Destroy(sidePanelValues[i]); // We remove the value from the side of the screen

            // We check if the player can choose no more boxes
            if (boxContainer.boxesToChoose == 0)
                bankerScript.MakeOffer();                                 // We tell the banker to make an offer
                dondPanel.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1.0f, 1.0f); // Make the deal or no deal panel visible
                // We tell the player how many boxes they can choose
                bankerScript.bankerText.text = "Please choose " + boxContainer.boxesToChoose + " boxes";
    // This is when the player clicks the No Deal button
    public void DoNoDeal()
        // We check if the player has been offered a box swap
        if (isBoxSwap)
            GameObject[] remainingBoxes = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("box"); // This is an array with all boxes

            // We loop through every box, even the ones which have already been removed
            for (int i = 0; i < remainingBoxes.Length; i += 1)
                // We search for the last box
                if (remainingBoxes[i].GetComponent <Button>().interactable&& remainingBoxes[i] != boxContainer.playerBox)
                    // We open both boxes
                    remainingBoxes[i].GetComponent <box>().RevealBox();
                    boxContainer.playerBox.GetComponent <box>().RevealBox();

                    // We tell the player what they have won
                    bankerText.text = "Congratulations!\n You win: £"
                                      + boxContainer.boxValuesCache[boxContainer.playerBox.GetComponent <box>().boxNumber];
                    dondPanel.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f); // We hide the deal or no deal panel
            // We check if we are on the last round
            if (boxContainer.currentRound + 1 == boxContainer.rounds.Length)
                bankerText.text = "I would like to offer you a box swap\nDeal or No Deal?"; // Offer the player a box swap
                isBoxSwap       = true;
                dondPanel.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f); // We hide the deal or no deal panel
                boxContainer.EndRound();                                  // We end the round if it isn't the last
                // We tell the player how many boxes they can choose
                bankerText.text = "Please choose " + boxContainer.boxesToChoose + " boxes";