/// <summary>
    /// Loads and decodes the strings.pak file as specificed by the Path.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="path">Path.</param>
    public void LoadStringsPak(string path)
        //Set some default string numbers that are different from the default in uw2
        switch (_RES)
        case GAME_UW2:

            str_it_looks_to_be_that_of_                       = 26;
            str_they_look_to_be_those_of_                     = 27;
            str_you_are_not_ready_to_advance_                 = 28;
            str_that_is_not_a_mantra_                         = 29;
            str_knowledge_and_understanding_fill_you_         = 30;
            str_you_cannot_advance_any_further_in_that_skill_ = 31;
            str_you_have_advanced_greatly_in_                 = 32;
            str_you_have_advanced_in_                         = 33;
            str_none_of_your_skills_improved_                 = 34;
            str_you_cannot_advance_in_                        = 38;
            str_to_the_north                = 40;
            str_to_the_northeast            = 41;
            str_to_the_east                 = 42;
            str_to_the_southeast            = 43;
            str_to_the_south                = 44;
            str_to_the_southwest            = 45;
            str_to_the_west                 = 46;
            str_to_the_northwest            = 47;
            str_far_far_below_you_1         = 48;
            str_far_far_below_you_2         = 48;
            str_far_below_you_1             = 50;
            str_far_below_you_2             = 50;
            str_below_you_1                 = 52;
            str_below_you_2                 = 52;
            str_underneath_you              = 54;
            str_above_you_1                 = 56;
            str_above_you_2                 = 56;
            str_above_you_3                 = 56;
            str_far_above_you_1             = 59;
            str_far_above_you_2             = 59;
            str_far_far_above_you_1         = 61;
            str_far_far_above_you_2         = 61;
            str_you_detect_a_creature_      = 63;
            str_you_detect_a_few_creatures_ = 64;
            str_you_detect_the_activity_of_many_creatures_ = 65;
            str_you_detect_no_monster_activity_            = 66;
            str__is_currently_active_      = 67;
            str_you_are_currently_         = 68;
            str_you_are_on_the_            = 73;
            str__level_of_the_abyss_       = 74;
            str_it_is_the_                 = 69;
            str__day_of_your_imprisonment_ = 70;
            str_it_has_been_an_uncountable_number_of_days_since_you_entered_the_abyss_ = 71;
            str_you_guess_that_it_is_currently_ = 72;
            str_night_1        = 84;
            str_night_2        = 84;
            str_dawn           = 86;
            str_early_morning  = 87;
            str_morning        = 88;
            str_late_morning   = 89;
            str_mid_day        = 90;
            str_afternoon      = 91;
            str_late_afternoon = 92;
            str_early_evening  = 93;
            str_evening        = 94;
            str_night_3        = 84;
            str__           = 96;
            str_barely      = 97;
            str_mildly      = 98;
            str_badly       = 99;
            str_seriously   = 100;
            str_egregiously = 101;
            str_your_current_vitality_is_     = 102;
            str_your_current_mana_points_are_ = 103;
            str_you_are_   = 104;
            str__poisoned_ = 105;
            str_that_is_too_far_away_to_take_         = 106;
            str_you_cannot_reach_that_                = 107;
            str_that_is_too_heavy_for_you_to_pick_up_ = 108;
            str_you_cannot_pick_that_up_              = 109;
            str_you_detect_no_traps_ = 110;
            str_you_found_a_trap__do_you_wish_to_try_to_disarm_it_1 = 111;
            str_you_catch_a_lovely_fish_ = 112;
            str_no_luck_this_time_       = 113;
            str_you_cannot_fish_there__perhaps_somewhere_else_ = 114;
            str_you_feel_a_nibble_but_the_fish_gets_away_      = 115;
            str__and_       = 116;
            str_starving    = 117;
            str_famished    = 118;
            str_very_hungry = 119;
            str_hungry      = 120;
            str_peckish     = 121;
            str_fed         = 122;
            str_well_fed    = 123;
            str_full        = 124;
            str_satiated    = 125;
            str_fatigued    = 126;
            str_very_tired  = 127;
            str_drowsy      = 128;
            str_awake       = 129;
            str_rested      = 130;
            str_wide_awake  = 131;
            str_you_can_only_use_those_individually__take_one_from_this_group_if_you_wish_to_use_it_ = 132;
            str_your_lockpicking_attempt_failed_ = 133;
            str_you_succeed_in_picking_the_lock_ = 135;
            str_that_is_not_locked_ = 136;
            str_lights_may_only_be_used_if_equipped_ = 137;
            str_that_light_is_already_used_up_       = 138;
            str_with_a_loud_snap_the_wand_cracks_    = 139;
            str_you_are_too_full_to_eat_that_now_    = 140;
            str_it_seems_to_have_no_effect_          = 146;
            str_you_thoughtfully_give_the_bones_a_final_resting_place_ = 148;
            str_the_rock_breaks_into_smaller_pieces_ = 149;
            str__is_nearly_done_                                     = 151;
            str__is_unstable_                                        = 152;
            str__is_stable_                                          = 153;
            str_you_destroyed_the_                                   = 154;
            str_you_damaged_the_                                     = 155;
            str_you_cannot_repair_that_                              = 156;
            str_your_attempt_has_no_effect_on_the_                   = 157;
            str_you_have_partially_repaired_the_                     = 158;
            str_you_have_fully_repaired_the_                         = 159;
            str_the_noise_you_made_has_attracted_attention_          = 160;
            str_you_have_attained_experience_level_                  = 161;
            str_the_bowl_does_not_contain_the_correct_ingredients_   = 162;
            str_you_mix_the_ingredients_into_a_stew_                 = 163;
            str_you_need_a_bowl_to_mix_the_ingredients_              = 164;
            str_enscribed_upon_the_scroll_is_your_map_               = 165;
            str_you_cannot_use_that_                                 = 166;
            str_why_is_this_being_printed_                           = 167;
            str_you_see_nothing_                                     = 168;
            str_nothing_to_get_                                      = 169;
            str_you_cannot_talk_to_that_                             = 170;
            str_using_the_pole_you_trigger_the_switch_               = 171;
            str_the_pole_cannot_be_used_on_that_                     = 172;
            str_impossible_you_are_between_worlds_                   = 173;
            str_you_cannot_select_options_partway_through_an_action_ = 174;
            str_no_save_game_there_                                  = 175;
            str_restore_game_complete_                               = 176;
            str_restore_game_failed_                                 = 177;
            str_save_game_failed_                                    = 178;
            str_save_game_succeeded_                                 = 179;
            str_restoring_game_                                      = 181;
            str_saving_game_                                         = 182;
            str_please_enter_a_save_file_description_                = 183;
            str_error_bad_save_file                                  = 184;
            str_you_see_a_bridge_           = 186;
            str__tasted_putrid_             = 187;
            str__tasted_a_little_rancid_    = 188;
            str__tasted_kind_of_bland_      = 189;
            str__tasted_pretty_good_        = 190;
            str__tasted_great_              = 191;
            str_you_cannot_use_oil_on_that_ = 192;
            str_you_think_it_is_a_bad_idea_to_add_oil_to_the_lit_lantern_ = 193;
            str_adding_oil_you_refuel_the_lantern_ = 194;
            str_the_lantern_is_already_full_       = 195;
            str_dousing_a_cloth_with_oil_and_applying_it_to_the_wood_you_make_a_torch_ = 196;
            str_you_think_it_is_a_bad_idea_to_add_oil_to_the_lit_torch_ = 197;
            str_you_refresh_the_torch_ = 198;
            str_the_torch_is_unused_   = 199;
            str_you_are_unable_to_use_that_from_here_ = 200;
            str_you_cannot_barter_a_container__instead_remove_the_contents_you_want_to_trade_ = 201;
            str_a_level_ = 202;
            str_after_   = 204;
            str_you_press_in_the_button_1 = 209;
            str_you_press_in_the_button_2 = 209;
            str_you_press_in_the_button_3 = 209;
            str_you_flip_the_switch_1     = 212;
            str_you_flip_the_switch_2     = 212;
            str_you_pull_the_lever_1      = 214;
            str_you_pull_the_chain_1      = 215;
            str_you_pull_the_chain_2      = 215;
            str_the_button_returns_to_its_original_state_1 = 217;
            str_the_button_returns_to_its_original_state_2 = 217;
            str_the_button_returns_to_its_original_state_3 = 217;
            str_you_flip_the_switch_1 = 212;
            str_you_flip_the_switch_2 = 212;
            str_you_push_the_lever_2  = 222;
            str_you_return_the_chain_to_its_original_position_1 = 223;
            str_you_return_the_chain_to_its_original_position_2 = 223;
            str_you_are_not_experienced_enough_to_cast_spells_of_that_circle_ = 225;
            str_you_do_not_have_enough_mana_to_cast_the_spell_ = 226;
            str_the_incantation_failed_      = 227;
            str_casting_was_not_successful_  = 228;
            str_the_spell_backfires_         = 229;
            str_you_attempt_to_use_the_wand_ = 230;
            str_you_think_it_will_be_        = 231;
            str__to_repair_the_   = 232;
            str__make_an_attempt_ = 233;
            str_trivial           = 234;
            str_simple            = 235;
            str_possible          = 236;
            str_hard           = 237;
            str_very_difficult = 238;
            str_the_leeches_remove_the_poison_as_well_as_some_of_your_skin_and_blood_ = 239;
            str__is_angered_by_your_action_ = 240;
            str__is_annoyed_by_your_action_ = 241;
            str__notes_your_action_         = 242;
            str_your_vision_distorts_and_you_feel_light_headed_                = 243;
            str_you_manage_to_finish_eating_the_leeches__barely_               = 244;
            str_you_eat_the_candle_but_doubt_that_it_was_good_for_you_         = 245;
            str_the_toadstool_tastes_odd_and_you_begin_to_feel_ill_            = 246;
            str_the_mushroom_causes_your_head_to_spin_and_your_vision_to_blur_ = 247;
            str_the_plant_is_plain_tasting_but_nourishing_ = 248;
            str_although_you_have_to_eat_around_the_thorny_flowers_the_plant_is_quite_good_ = 251;
            str_the_water_refreshes_you_          = 252;
            str_you_drink_the_dark_ale_           = 254;
            str_you_quaff_the_potion_in_one_gulp_ = 255;
            str_as_the_alcohol_hits_you_you_stumble_and_collapse_into_sleep_ = 256;
            str_the_drink_makes_you_feel_a_little_better_for_now_            = 257;
            str_you_wake_feeling_somewhat_unstable_but_better_      = 258;
            str_you_found_a_trap__do_you_wish_to_try_to_disarm_it_2 = 259;
            str_your_rune_of_warding_has_been_set_off_ = 260;
            str_your_hands_are_full_ = 261;
            str_you_can_only_put_runes_in_the_rune_bag_ = 262;
            str_that_item_does_not_fit_ = 263;
            str_the_waters_of_the_fountain_renew_your_strength_ = 264;
            str_you_play_the_instrument_                        = 265;
            str_you_put_the_instrument_down_                    = 266;
            str_that_is_too_heavy_to_take_                      = 268;
            str_there_is_no_space_to_drop_that_                 = 269;
            str_you_need_more_space_to_fire_that_weapon_        = 270;
            str_there_is_not_enough_room_to_release_that_spell_ = 271;
            str_enters_the_abyss___            = 272;
            str_you_reenter_the_abyss___       = 273;
            str_there_is_no_place_to_put_that_ = 274;
            str_you_see_ = 276;
            str_the_spell_unlocks_the_lock_          = 286;
            str_the_spell_has_no_discernable_effect_ = 287;
            str_the_moonstone_is_not_available_      = 289;
            str_the_cauldron_is_empty_ = 290;
            str_gamename = 291;
            str_there_is_no_room_to_create_that_ = 293;
            str_a_rending_sound_fills_the_air_   = 294;
            str_you_cannot_save_or_restore_games_in_the_demo_version_ = 297;


        string Result          = "";
        long   address_pointer = 0;

        huffman_node[] hman;
        block_dir[]    blocks;
        char[]         Buffer;
        string         Key = "";

        GameStrings = new Hashtable();
        EntryCounts = new Hashtable();

        if (DataLoader.ReadStreamFile(path, out Buffer))
            long NoOfNodes = DataLoader.getValAtAddress(Buffer, address_pointer, 16);
            int  i         = 0;
            hman            = new huffman_node [NoOfNodes];
            address_pointer = address_pointer + 2;
            while (i < NoOfNodes)
                hman[i].symbol = System.Convert.ToChar(Buffer[address_pointer + 0]);
                hman[i].parent = Buffer[address_pointer + 1];
                hman[i].left   = Buffer[address_pointer + 2];
                hman[i].right  = Buffer[address_pointer + 3];
                address_pointer = address_pointer + 4;

            long NoOfStringBlocks = DataLoader.getValAtAddress(Buffer, address_pointer, 16);
            blocks          = new block_dir[NoOfStringBlocks];
            address_pointer = address_pointer + 2;
            i = 0;
            while (i < NoOfStringBlocks)
                blocks[i].block_no    = DataLoader.getValAtAddress(Buffer, address_pointer, 16);
                address_pointer       = address_pointer + 2;
                blocks[i].address     = DataLoader.getValAtAddress(Buffer, address_pointer, 32);
                address_pointer       = address_pointer + 4;
                blocks[i].NoOfEntries = DataLoader.getValAtAddress(Buffer, blocks[i].address, 16);                                                      //look ahead and get no of entries.
                EntryCounts["_" + blocks[i].block_no] = blocks[i].NoOfEntries.ToString();
            i = 0;
            int Iteration = 0;
            while (i < NoOfStringBlocks)
                address_pointer = 2 + blocks[i].address + blocks[i].NoOfEntries * 2;
                int blnFnd;
                for (int j = 0; j < blocks[i].NoOfEntries; j++)
                    //Based on abysmal /uwadv implementations.
                    blnFnd = 0;
                    //char c;

                    int  bit  = 0;
                    int  raw  = 0;
                    long node = 0;

                        node = NoOfNodes - 1;                                                                         // starting node

                        // huffman tree decode loop
                        //This was -1 in the original code!
                        while (hman[node].left != 255 &&
                               hman[node].right != 255)
                            if (bit == 0)
                                bit = 8;
                                raw = Buffer[address_pointer++];                                                                                                        //stream.get<uint8_t>();
                            //Debug.Log("raw=" + raw + "=" + (raw & 0x80));
                            // decide which node is next
                            //node = raw & 0x80 ? hman[node].right
                            //	: hman[node].left;
                            if ((raw & 0x80) == 128)
                                node = hman[node].right;
                                node = hman[node].left;

                            raw <<= 1;

                        // have a new symbol
                        if ((hman[node].symbol != '|'))
                            if (blnFnd == 0)
                                Key = blocks[i].block_no.ToString("000") + "_" + j.ToString("000");
                            Result += hman[node].symbol;
                            blnFnd  = 1;
                            if ((Result.Length > 0) && (Key.Length > 0))
                                GameStrings[Key] = Result;
                                Result           = "";
                                Key = "";
                    } while (hman[node].symbol != '|');
            if ((Result.Length > 0) && (Key.Length > 0))
            {                                    //I still have the very last value to keep.
                GameStrings[Key] = Result;
                Result           = "";
    /// <summary>
    /// Loads and decodes the strings.pak file as specificed by the Path.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="path">Path.</param>
    public void LoadStringsPak(string path)
        string Result          = "";
        long   address_pointer = 0;

        huffman_node[] hman;
        block_dir[]    blocks;
        char[]         Buffer;
        string         Key = "";

        GameStrings = new Hashtable();

        if (DataLoader.ReadStreamFile(path, out Buffer))
            long NoOfNodes = DataLoader.getValAtAddress(Buffer, address_pointer, 16);
            int  i         = 0;
            hman            = new huffman_node [NoOfNodes];
            address_pointer = address_pointer + 2;
            while (i < NoOfNodes)
                hman[i].symbol = System.Convert.ToChar(Buffer[address_pointer + 0]);
                hman[i].parent = Buffer[address_pointer + 1];
                hman[i].left   = Buffer[address_pointer + 2];
                hman[i].right  = Buffer[address_pointer + 3];
                address_pointer = address_pointer + 4;

            long NoOfStringBlocks = DataLoader.getValAtAddress(Buffer, address_pointer, 16);
            blocks          = new block_dir[NoOfStringBlocks];
            address_pointer = address_pointer + 2;
            i = 0;
            while (i < NoOfStringBlocks)
                blocks[i].block_no    = DataLoader.getValAtAddress(Buffer, address_pointer, 16);
                address_pointer       = address_pointer + 2;
                blocks[i].address     = DataLoader.getValAtAddress(Buffer, address_pointer, 32);
                address_pointer       = address_pointer + 4;
                blocks[i].NoOfEntries = DataLoader.getValAtAddress(Buffer, blocks[i].address, 16);                      //look ahead and get no of entries.
            i = 0;
            int Iteration = 0;
            while (i < NoOfStringBlocks)
                address_pointer = 2 + blocks[i].address + blocks[i].NoOfEntries * 2;
                int blnFnd;
                for (int j = 0; j < blocks[i].NoOfEntries; j++)
                    //Based on abysmal /uwadv implementations.
                    blnFnd = 0;
                    //char c;

                    int  bit  = 0;
                    int  raw  = 0;
                    long node = 0;

                        node = NoOfNodes - 1;                         // starting node

                        // huffman tree decode loop
                        //This was -1 in the original code!
                        while (hman[node].left != 255 &&
                               hman[node].right != 255)
                            if (bit == 0)
                                bit = 8;
                                raw = Buffer[address_pointer++];                                        //stream.get<uint8_t>();
                            //Debug.Log("raw=" + raw + "=" + (raw & 0x80));
                            // decide which node is next
                            //node = raw & 0x80 ? hman[node].right
                            //	: hman[node].left;
                            if ((raw & 0x80) == 128)
                                node = hman[node].right;
                                node = hman[node].left;

                            raw <<= 1;

                        // have a new symbol
                        if ((hman[node].symbol != '|'))
                            if (blnFnd == 0)
                                Key = blocks[i].block_no.ToString("000") + "_" + j.ToString("000");
                            Result += hman[node].symbol;
                            blnFnd  = 1;
                            if ((Result.Length > 0) && (Key.Length > 0))
                                GameStrings[Key] = Result;
                                Result           = "";
                                Key = "";
                    } while (hman[node].symbol != '|');
            if ((Result.Length > 0) && (Key.Length > 0))
            {                    //I still have the very last value to keep.
                GameStrings[Key] = Result;
                Result           = "";