         * Closes the current ZIP entry and positions to read the next entry.
         * @throws IOException
         *             if an {@code IOException} occurs.
        public void closeEntry() // throws IOException {
            if (closed)
                throw new java.io.IOException("Stream is closed"); //$NON-NLS-1$
            if (currentEntry == null)
            if (currentEntry is java.util.jar.JarEntry)
                java.util.jar.Attributes temp = ((java.util.jar.JarEntry)currentEntry).getAttributes();
                if (temp != null && temp.containsKey("hidden"))   //$NON-NLS-1$

             * The following code is careful to leave the ZipInputStream in a
             * consistent state, even when close() results in an exception. It does
             * so by:
             *  - pushing bytes back into the source stream
             *  - reading a data descriptor footer from the source stream
             *  - resetting fields that manage the entry being closed

            // Ensure all entry bytes are read
            java.lang.Exception failure = null;
            try {
            } catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
                failure = e;

            int inB, outJ;

            if (currentEntry.compressionMethod == DEFLATED)
                inB  = inf.getTotalIn();
                outJ = inf.getTotalOut();
                inB  = inRead;
                outJ = inRead;
            int diff = entryIn - inB;

            // Pushback any required bytes
            if (diff != 0)
                ((java.io.PushbackInputStream)inJ).unread(buf, len - diff, diff);

            try {
                readAndVerifyDataDescriptor(inB, outJ);
            } catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
                if (failure == null)   // otherwise we're already going to throw
                    failure = e;

            lastRead = inRead = entryIn = len = 0;
            currentEntry = null;

            if (failure != null)
                if (failure is java.io.IOException)
                    throw (java.io.IOException)failure;
                else if (failure is java.lang.RuntimeException)
                    throw (java.lang.RuntimeException)failure;
                java.lang.AssertionError error = new java.lang.AssertionError();
                throw error;
         * Closes the current ZIP entry and positions to read the next entry.
         * @throws IOException
         *             if an {@code IOException} occurs.
        public void closeEntry()
            // throws IOException {
            if (closed) {
                throw new java.io.IOException("Stream is closed"); //$NON-NLS-1$
            if (currentEntry == null) {
            if (currentEntry is java.util.jar.JarEntry) {
                java.util.jar.Attributes temp = ((java.util.jar.JarEntry) currentEntry).getAttributes();
                if (temp != null && temp.containsKey("hidden")) { //$NON-NLS-1$

             * The following code is careful to leave the ZipInputStream in a
             * consistent state, even when close() results in an exception. It does
             * so by:
             *  - pushing bytes back into the source stream
             *  - reading a data descriptor footer from the source stream
             *  - resetting fields that manage the entry being closed

            // Ensure all entry bytes are read
            java.lang.Exception failure = null;
            try {
            } catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
                failure = e;

            int inB, outJ;
            if (currentEntry.compressionMethod == DEFLATED) {
                inB = inf.getTotalIn();
                outJ = inf.getTotalOut();
            } else {
                inB = inRead;
                outJ = inRead;
            int diff = entryIn - inB;
            // Pushback any required bytes
            if (diff != 0) {
                ((java.io.PushbackInputStream) inJ).unread(buf, len - diff, diff);

            try {
                readAndVerifyDataDescriptor(inB, outJ);
            } catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
                if (failure == null) { // otherwise we're already going to throw
                    failure = e;

            lastRead = inRead = entryIn = len = 0;
            currentEntry = null;

            if (failure != null) {
                if (failure is java.io.IOException) {
                    throw (java.io.IOException) failure;
                } else if (failure is java.lang.RuntimeException) {
                    throw (java.lang.RuntimeException) failure;
                java.lang.AssertionError error = new java.lang.AssertionError();
                throw error;