    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //start declarations for class
        unit.toonName    = "Lizard";
        unit.description = "He eats birds.";
        unit.elementType = "Water";

        unit.attack   = 2;
        unit.health   = 10;
        unit.movement = 2;
        unit.pageCost = 1;

        //fill in location info at start

        //just looking at dict in debug log.
        GameObject board = GameObject.Find("map");
        Map_v10    map   = board.GetComponent <Map_v10>();

        foreach (var group in map.tileLocPairs)
            Debug.Log("Key:" + group.Key + " Value:" + group.Value);
        foreach (var group in map.tileLocPairsInverse)
            Debug.Log("Key:" + group.Key + " Value:" + group.Value);
    // Use this for initialization, starting bird values
    void Start()
        //str values
        unit.toonName    = "Bird";
        unit.description = "Bird is light as a feather";
        unit.elementType = "Pastoral";
        //int values
        unit.attack   = 4;
        unit.health   = 4;
        unit.movement = 2;
        unit.pageCost = 1;
        //print his opening line. Optional

        //can delete everything below this i believe, keeping just in case

        //fill in location info at start
        //this might not need to exist anymore PLEASE CHECK

        //just looking at dict in debug log.
        //GameObject board = GameObject.Find("map");
        //Map_v12 map = board.GetComponent<Map_v12>();
        //foreach (var group in map.tileLocPairs)
        // Debug.Log("Key:" + group.Key + " Value:" + group.Value);
        //foreach (var group in map.tileLocPairsInverse)
        // Debug.Log("Key:" + group.Key + " Value:" + group.Value);
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        unit.toonName    = "Bird";
        unit.description = "Bird is light as a feather";
        unit.elementType = "Pastoral";

        unit.attack   = 4;
        unit.health   = 4;
        unit.movement = 2;
        unit.pageCost = 1;

        //fill in location info at start

        //just looking at dict in debug log.
        GameObject board = GameObject.Find("map");
        Map_v10    map   = board.GetComponent <Map_v10>();

        foreach (var group in map.tileLocPairs)
            Debug.Log("Key:" + group.Key + " Value:" + group.Value);
        foreach (var group in map.tileLocPairsInverse)
            Debug.Log("Key:" + group.Key + " Value:" + group.Value);
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //start declarations for class
        unit.toonName    = "Lizard";
        unit.description = "He eats birds.";
        unit.elementType = "Water";

        unit.attack   = 2;
        unit.health   = 100;
        unit.movement = 2;
        unit.pageCost = 1;

        //fill in location info at start

        //grabbing info from the map in an inefficient way. DEBUGS are if you want to look at either coordinate dictionary
        GameObject board = GameObject.Find("map");
        Map_v12    map   = board.GetComponent <Map_v12>();

        //foreach (var group in map.tileLocPairs)
        //  Debug.Log("Key:" + group.Key + " Value:" + group.Value);
        //foreach (var group in map.tileLocPairsInverse)
        //Debug.Log("Key:" + group.Key + " Value:" + group.Value);

        //move hexes, getting our location in unity coordinates by looking up the dictionary that stores all the pairs
        unityStr = map.tileLocPairs[tileStr];

        //everything below is to spawn the highlights that show player their possible moves.
        //temporary strings we will be saving to and combining for dictionary and list reasons.
        string unityXStr;
        string unityYStr;
        string neighUnityStr;
        //down 1 tile
        GameObject moveTiles = (GameObject)Instantiate(mouseHexPrefab, new Vector3(xLoc, 0, (yLoc - .89f)), Quaternion.Euler(90, 90, 0));

        moveTiles.gameObject.tag = "moveHex";
        //we take our unity location, turn it into a string, then add this neighbor to list if it is "in bounds" of map
        unityXStr     = xLoc.ToString();
        unityYStr     = (yLoc - .89f).ToString();
        neighUnityStr = '(' + unityXStr + ", " + unityYStr + ')';
        //to the left 1 and up 1
        if ((xLoc - .76f) > 0 && yLoc + (.445f) < 5.8)
            moveTiles = (GameObject)Instantiate(mouseHexPrefab, new Vector3(xLoc - .76f, 0, yLoc + (.445f)), Quaternion.Euler(90, 90, 0));
            moveTiles.gameObject.tag = "moveHex";
            //we take our unity location, turn it into a string, then add this neighbor to list if it is "in bounds" of map
            unityXStr     = (xLoc - .76f).ToString();
            unityYStr     = (yLoc + (.445f)).ToString();
            neighUnityStr = '(' + unityXStr + ", " + unityYStr + ')';
        //left 1, down 1
        if (((xLoc - .76f) > 0) && (yLoc - (.445f) > 0))
            moveTiles = (GameObject)Instantiate(mouseHexPrefab, new Vector3(xLoc - (.76f), 0, yLoc - (.445f)), Quaternion.Euler(90, 90, 0));
            moveTiles.gameObject.tag = "moveHex";
            //we take our unity location, turn it into a string, then add this neighbor to list if it is "in bounds" of map
            unityXStr     = (xLoc - .76f).ToString();
            unityYStr     = (yLoc - (.445f)).ToString();
            neighUnityStr = '(' + unityXStr + ", " + unityYStr + ')';
        //to the left 2
        if (xLoc - (.76f * 2) > 0)
            moveTiles = (GameObject)Instantiate(mouseHexPrefab, new Vector3(xLoc - (.76f * 2), 0, yLoc), Quaternion.Euler(90, 90, 0));
            moveTiles.gameObject.tag = "moveHex";
            //we take our unity location, turn it into a string, then add this neighbor to list if it is "in bounds" of map
            unityXStr     = (xLoc - (.76f * 2)).ToString();
            unityYStr     = (yLoc).ToString();
            neighUnityStr = '(' + unityXStr + ", " + unityYStr + ')';
        //to the left 2, up 2
        if ((xLoc - (.76f * 2) > 0) && ((yLoc + .89f) < 5.8))
            moveTiles = (GameObject)Instantiate(mouseHexPrefab, new Vector3(xLoc - (.76f * 2), 0, yLoc + .89f), Quaternion.Euler(90, 90, 0));
            moveTiles.gameObject.tag = "moveHex";
            //we take our unity location, turn it into a string, then add this neighbor to list if it is "in bounds" of map
            unityXStr     = (xLoc - (.76f * 2)).ToString();
            unityYStr     = (yLoc + .89f).ToString();
            neighUnityStr = '(' + unityXStr + ", " + unityYStr + ')';
        //to the left 2, down 2
        if ((xLoc - (.76f * 2) > 0) && ((yLoc - .89f) > 0))
            moveTiles = (GameObject)Instantiate(mouseHexPrefab, new Vector3(xLoc - (.76f * 2), 0, yLoc - .89f), Quaternion.Euler(90, 90, 0));
            moveTiles.gameObject.tag = "moveHex";
            //we take our unity location, turn it into a string, then add this neighbor to list if it is "in bounds" of map
            unityXStr     = (xLoc - (.76f * 2)).ToString();
            unityYStr     = (yLoc - .89f).ToString();
            neighUnityStr = '(' + unityXStr + ", " + unityYStr + ')';
        //to the right one and up
        if (((xLoc + (.76f)) < 4.56) && (yLoc + ((.445f)) < 5.8))
            moveTiles = (GameObject)Instantiate(mouseHexPrefab, new Vector3(xLoc + (.76f), 0, yLoc + (.445f)), Quaternion.Euler(90, 90, 0));
            moveTiles.gameObject.tag = "moveHex";
            //we take our unity location, turn it into a string, then add this neighbor to list if it is "in bounds" of map
            unityXStr     = (xLoc + .76f).ToString();
            unityYStr     = (yLoc + (.445f)).ToString();
            neighUnityStr = '(' + unityXStr + ", " + unityYStr + ')';
        //to the right one and down
        if (((xLoc + (.76f)) < 4.56) && (yLoc - (.445f) >= 0))
            moveTiles = (GameObject)Instantiate(mouseHexPrefab, new Vector3(xLoc + (.76f), 0, yLoc - (.445f)), Quaternion.Euler(90, 90, 0));
            moveTiles.gameObject.tag = "moveHex";
            //we take our unity location, turn it into a string, then add this neighbor to list if it is "in bounds" of map
            unityXStr     = (xLoc + .76f).ToString();
            unityYStr     = Math.Round((yLoc - .445f), 4).ToString();
            neighUnityStr = '(' + unityXStr + ", " + unityYStr + ')';
        //to the right 2
        if ((xLoc + (.76f * 2)) < 4.56)
            moveTiles = (GameObject)Instantiate(mouseHexPrefab, new Vector3(xLoc + (.76f * 2), 0, yLoc), Quaternion.Euler(90, 90, 0));
            moveTiles.gameObject.tag = "moveHex";
            //we take our unity location, turn it into a string, then add this neighbor to list if it is "in bounds" of map
            unityXStr     = (xLoc + (.76f * 2)).ToString();
            unityYStr     = (yLoc).ToString();
            neighUnityStr = '(' + unityXStr + ", " + unityYStr + ')';
        //right 2, up 2
        if (((xLoc + (.76f * 2)) < 4.56) && (yLoc + .89f < 5.8))
            moveTiles = (GameObject)Instantiate(mouseHexPrefab, new Vector3(xLoc + (.76f * 2), 0, yLoc + .89f), Quaternion.Euler(90, 90, 0));
            moveTiles.gameObject.tag = "moveHex";
            //we take our unity location, turn it into a string, then add this neighbor to list if it is "in bounds" of map
            unityXStr     = (xLoc + (.76f * 2)).ToString();
            unityYStr     = (yLoc + .89f).ToString();
            neighUnityStr = '(' + unityXStr + ", " + unityYStr + ')';
        //right 2, up 2
        if (((xLoc + (.76f * 2)) < 4.56) && (yLoc - .89f > 0))
            moveTiles = (GameObject)Instantiate(mouseHexPrefab, new Vector3(xLoc + (.76f * 2), 0, yLoc - .89f), Quaternion.Euler(90, 90, 0));
            moveTiles.gameObject.tag = "moveHex";
            //we take our unity location, turn it into a string, then add this neighbor to list if it is "in bounds" of map
            unityXStr     = (xLoc + (.76f * 2)).ToString();
            unityYStr     = (yLoc - .89f).ToString();
            neighUnityStr = '(' + unityXStr + ", " + unityYStr + ')';
        //one up
        if ((yLoc + .89f) < 5.8)
            moveTiles = (GameObject)Instantiate(mouseHexPrefab, new Vector3(xLoc, 0, yLoc + .89f), Quaternion.Euler(90, 90, 0));
            moveTiles.gameObject.tag = "moveHex";
            //we take our unity location, turn it into a string, then add this neighbor to list if it is "in bounds" of map
            unityXStr     = (xLoc).ToString();
            unityYStr     = (yLoc + .89f).ToString();
            neighUnityStr = '(' + unityXStr + ", " + unityYStr + ')';