    /// Set the active state of the body. An inactive body is not
    /// simulated and cannot be collided with or woken up.
    /// If you pass a flag of true, all fixtures will be added to the
    /// broad-phase.
    /// If you pass a flag of false, all fixtures will be removed from
    /// the broad-phase and all contacts will be destroyed.
    /// Fixtures and joints are otherwise unaffected. You may continue
    /// to create/destroy fixtures and joints on inactive bodies.
    /// Fixtures on an inactive body are implicitly inactive and will
    /// not participate in collisions, ray-casts, or queries.
    /// Joints connected to an inactive body are implicitly inactive.
    /// An inactive body is still owned by a b2World object and remains
    /// in the body list.
    public void SetActive(bool flag)
        Debug.Assert(m_world.IsLocked() == false);

        if (flag == IsActive())

        if (flag)
            m_flags |= BodyFlags.e_activeFlag;

            // Create all proxies.
            b2BroadPhase broadPhase = m_world.m_contactManager.m_broadPhase;
            for (b2Fixture f = m_fixtureList; f != null; f = f.m_next)
                f.CreateProxies(broadPhase, m_xf);

            // Contacts are created the next time step.
            m_flags &= ~BodyFlags.e_activeFlag;

            // Destroy all proxies.
            b2BroadPhase broadPhase = m_world.m_contactManager.m_broadPhase;
            for (b2Fixture f = m_fixtureList; f != null; f = f.m_next)

            // Destroy the attached contacts.
            b2ContactEdge ce = m_contactList;
            while (ce != null)
                b2ContactEdge ce0 = ce;
                ce = ce.next;
            m_contactList = null;
    /// Destroy a fixture. This removes the fixture from the broad-phase and
    /// destroys all contacts associated with this fixture. This will
    /// automatically adjust the mass of the body if the body is dynamic and the
    /// fixture has positive density.
    /// All fixtures attached to a body are implicitly destroyed when the body is destroyed.
    /// @param fixture the fixture to be removed.
    /// @warning This function is locked during callbacks.
    public void DestroyFixture(b2Fixture fixture)
        if (fixture == null)

        Debug.Assert(m_world.IsLocked() == false);
        if (m_world.IsLocked() == true)

        Debug.Assert(fixture.m_body == this);

        // Remove the fixture from this body's singly linked list.
        Debug.Assert(m_fixtureCount > 0);
        b2Fixture node  = m_fixtureList;
        bool      found = false;

        while (node != null)
            if (node == fixture)
                node  = fixture.m_next;
                found = true;

            node = node.m_next;

        // You tried to remove a shape that is not attached to this body.

        // Destroy any contacts associated with the fixture.
        b2ContactEdge edge = m_contactList;

        while (edge != null)
            b2Contact c = edge.contact;
            edge = edge.next;

            b2Fixture fixtureA = c.GetFixtureA();
            b2Fixture fixtureB = c.GetFixtureB();

            if (fixture == fixtureA || fixture == fixtureB)
                // This destroys the contact and removes it from
                // this body's contact list.

        if ((m_flags & BodyFlags.e_activeFlag) != 0)
            b2BroadPhase broadPhase = m_world.m_contactManager.m_broadPhase;

        fixture.m_body = null;
        fixture.m_next = null;


        // Reset the mass data.