     * Funcion llamada al inicio de lanzar una habilidad
     * */
    public static void startAction(GameObject target, _Skill script)
        _Stats stats = turns[0].GetComponent <_Stats>();

        stats.armor = 0f;
        //Animacion que desencadena la mierda que toque
        turns [0].GetComponent <Animator> ().SetTrigger("Skill" + script.pos);          //en primer caso llama attack y endTurn
        //en ser cargada no llamara nada
        //Lanzamos accion inmediata
        if (script.speed == 1f)
            stats.nextSkill      = null;
            stats.preparingSkill = false;
            stats.nextTarget     = target;
            int pos = Mathf.CeilToInt(stats.turns * (1f + stats.speed * 0.1f));
            placeTurn(turns[0], stats, pos);
            turns[0] = null;
            HUD.addTimelineImage(null, 0);
            //Lanzamos accion con carga
            int pos = Mathf.CeilToInt(stats.turns * (1f + stats.speed * 0.1f)) / 2;
            stats.nextSkill        = script;
            stats.preparingSkill   = true;
            stats.nextTarget       = target;
            stats.nextSkillTrigger = "Skill" + script.pos;
            placeTurn(turns [0], stats, pos);
            public _Pokemon(PokemonTranslator pokemonTranslator, PokemonAvailability._Pokemon _availability, Traits traits, _Stats._MaxStats maxStats) :
                base(pokemonTranslator.Id, pokemonTranslator.Name, pokemonTranslator.Form)
                family       = pokemonTranslator.CandyType;
                buddy_km     = (int)pokemonTranslator.PokemonSettings.km_buddy_distance;
                gender_ratio = pokemonTranslator.GenderRatio;
                rarity       = pokemonTranslator.Rarity;
                shiny        = _availability.shiny;
                ditto        = traits.CanBeDitto(pokemonTranslator);
                var egg = traits.GetEgg(pokemonTranslator);

                availability = (egg != null && string.Equals(_availability.availability, PokeConstants.Availability.HatchOnly)) ?
                               string.Format(PokeConstants.Availability.HatchOnlyFormat, egg.type) :

                Type = new PokeTypes(pokemonTranslator.Type1, pokemonTranslator.Type2);

                if (pokemonTranslator.EvolvesFromId > 0)
                    EvolvesFrom = new EvolvesFrom(pokemonTranslator);

                Stats = new _Stats(
                    new _Stats.IVScore(pokemonTranslator.PokemonSettings.stats.base_attack, pokemonTranslator.PokemonSettings.stats.base_defense, pokemonTranslator.PokemonSettings.stats.base_stamina),
                    new _Stats.Variation(pokemonTranslator.PokemonSettings.pokedex_height_m, pokemonTranslator.PokemonSettings.pokedex_height_m),
                    new _Stats.Variation(pokemonTranslator.PokemonSettings.pokedex_weight_kg, pokemonTranslator.PokemonSettings.pokedex_weight_kg),
                    new _Stats._Rates(Math.Min(pokemonTranslator.PokemonSettings.encounter.base_capture_rate, 1.0f), pokemonTranslator.PokemonSettings.encounter.base_flee_rate, pokemonTranslator.PokemonSettings.encounter.attack_probability, pokemonTranslator.PokemonSettings.encounter.dodge_probability),
     * Realiza una habilidad(skill) de attacker a target
     * Si se puede realizar la accion se debe comprobar antes de esta funcion
     * */
    public static void attack(GameObject attacker, GameObject target, _Skill skill)
        if (attacker == null || target == null || skill == null)
        _Stats statsAttacker = attacker.GetComponent <_Stats> ();

        if (target == null)
            target = selectNewTarget(statsAttacker.team);
        _Stats statsTarget = target.GetComponent <_Stats> ();
        int    damage      = (int)(statsAttacker.attack * skill.attack);

        statsAttacker.cost -= skill.cost;
        if (skill.both)
            if (skill.area)
                for (int i = 0; i < units.Count; ++i)
                    //aplicar dano a todos los enemigos
                    _Stats tmp = units [i].GetComponent <_Stats> ();
                    tmp.getAttack(damage, statsAttacker.type);
                    tmp.armor = skill.armor;
                    recalculateTurn(units [i], tmp);
                statsAttacker.getAttack(damage, statsAttacker.type);
                recalculateTurn(attacker, statsAttacker);
                statsTarget.getAttack(damage, statsAttacker.type);
                recalculateTurn(target, statsTarget);
            if (skill.area)
                List <GameObject> targets;
                targets = (statsTarget.team == Team.Ally) ? allies : enemies;
                for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; ++i)
                    _Stats tmp = targets [i].GetComponent <_Stats> ();
                    tmp.getAttack(damage, statsAttacker.type);
                    tmp.armor = skill.armor;
                    recalculateTurn(targets [i], tmp);
                statsTarget.getAttack(damage, statsAttacker.type);
                statsTarget.armor = skill.armor;
                recalculateTurn(target, statsTarget);
    public void updateHUD()
        //actualizar skills
        _Stats act = _CombatLogic.getTurnZero().GetComponent <_Stats>();

        //Llamar al hijo que hace el display de todo
        skillPanel.GetComponent <SkillPanelScript>().updatePanel(act);
    public GameObject enemy;       //Barra derecha

    public void updatePanel(_Stats stats)
        //Cambiar componente en el script de los botones a la skill que toque (stats.setSkills[i])
        for (int i = 0; i < button.Length; ++i)
            button[i].GetComponent <ButtonScript>().setSkill(stats.setSkills[i]);
        //TODO: pasar habilidad que toca
        description.GetComponent <DescriptionScript> ().setText(stats.setSkills[0]);
    //Pone el objeto t en la posicion pos (s es el script _Stats de t)
    private static void placeTurn(GameObject t, _Stats s, int pos)
        pos = Mathf.Clamp(pos, 0, turns.Length - 1);
        if (turns [pos] == null)
            turns [pos] = t;
            HUD.addTimelineImage(s.icon, pos);
            GameObject other = turns [pos];
            if (s.initiative > other.GetComponent <_Stats> ().initiative)
                //move turns[pos] to turns[pos+1]
                for (int j = (turns.Length - 2); pos <= j; --j)
                    turns [j + 1] = turns [j];
                    if (turns [j + 1] != null)
                        HUD.addTimelineImage(turns [j + 1].GetComponent <_Stats> ().icon, j + 1);
                        HUD.addTimelineImage(null, j + 1);
                turns [pos] = t;
                HUD.addTimelineImage(s.icon, pos);
                //move t to turns[pos+1]
                for (int j = (turns.Length - 2); (pos + 1) < j; --j)
                    turns [j + 1] = turns [j];
                    if (turns [j + 1] != null)
                        HUD.addTimelineImage(turns[j + 1].GetComponent <_Stats>().icon, j + 1);
                        HUD.addTimelineImage(null, j + 1);
                turns [pos + 1] = t;

                HUD.addTimelineImage(s.icon, pos + 1);
     * Prepara el vector de turnos (turns) con los primeros turnos de todas las unidades
     * */
    public static void start()
        int maxInit  = units [0].GetComponent <_Stats> ().initiative;
        int maxSpeed = units [0].GetComponent <_Stats> ().speed;
        int selected = 0;         //para ignorarlo en el for de poner el siguiente turno

        //active = units [0];
        for (int i = 1; i < units.Count; ++i)
            _Stats t = units [i].GetComponent <_Stats> ();
            if (t.initiative > maxInit)
                //select it
                maxInit  = t.initiative;
                maxSpeed = t.speed;
                selected = i;
            else if (t.initiative == maxInit)
                if (t.speed > maxSpeed)
                    //select it
                    maxInit  = t.initiative;
                    maxSpeed = t.speed;
                    selected = i;
        for (int i = 0; i < units.Count; ++i)
            GameObject t = units [i];
            _Stats     s = units [i].GetComponent <_Stats> ();
            if (i == selected)
                //ponerlo en pos 0
                turns[0] = t;
                HUD.addTimelineImage(s.icon, 0);
                //ponerlo a distancia turno
                int pos = Mathf.CeilToInt((s.turns - 1) * (1f + s.speed * 0.1f));
                placeTurn(t, s, pos);
        HUD.updateHUD(); //Test purposes
  * Funcion llamada mientras estamos en seleccion de habilidad
  * */
 public static int previewNextTurn(_Skill script)
     if (script.speed == 1f)
         _Stats stats = turns[0].GetComponent <_Stats>();
         int    t     = Mathf.CeilToInt(script.speed * (1f + stats.speed * 0.1f)) / 2;
         if (turns [t] == null)
         if (stats.initiative <= turns [t].GetComponent <_Stats> ().initiative)
             return(t + 1);
     * Funcion llamada al haber un cambio de speed en los _Stats de una unidad
     * si pos es -1, su busca el t en el array primero
     * */
    static void recalculateTurn(GameObject t, _Stats s)
        int  pos   = -1;
        bool found = false;

        for (pos = 0; (pos < turns.Length) && (!found); ++pos)
            if (turns [pos] == t)
                found = true;
        if (pos < 0 || pos >= turns.Length)
        int newPos = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.CeilToInt(pos * (1f + s.speed * 0.1f)), 0, turns.Length - 1);

        if (pos != newPos)
            turns [pos] = null;
            placeTurn(t, s, newPos);
     * Funcion llamada cuando acaba el turno actual
     * */
    public static void endTurn()
        if (allies.Count == 0)
        else if (enemies.Count == 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < allies.Count; ++i)
                allies[i].GetComponent <Animator> ().SetTrigger("Win");
            //Desplazamos el array de turnos
            int count = 0;
            int dist  = 0;

            for (int i = 1; (i < turns.Length) && (count < units.Count); ++i)
                if (turns [i] != null)
                    if (dist == 0)
                        dist = i;
                    turns [i - dist] = turns [i];
                    turns[i]         = null;
                    HUD.addTimelineImage(turns [i - dist].GetComponent <_Stats>().icon, (i - dist));
                    HUD.addTimelineImage(null, i);

            GameObject t = turns[0];
            _Stats     s = t.GetComponent <_Stats> ();
            s.armor = 0f;
            if (s.preparingSkill)
                //TODO: lanzar accion
                turns [0].GetComponent <Animator> ().SetTrigger(s.nextSkillTrigger);                 //esta llamara attack y endTurn

                s.nextSkill        = null;
                s.preparingSkill   = false;
                s.nextTarget       = null;
                s.nextSkillTrigger = "";

                int pos = Mathf.CeilToInt(s.speed * (1f + s.speed * 0.1f));
                placeTurn(turns[0], s, pos);
                turns[0] = null;
            else if (s.team == Team.Enemy)
                //TODO: IA del enemigo (random)
                startAction(allies[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, allies.Count)], s.setSkills[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, s.setSkills.Length)]);
                //TODO: habilitar control del jugador