
	public void SetData( cUnitData data , _SKILL_TYPE eType )
		if ( eType != _SKILL_TYPE._SKILL && eType != _SKILL_TYPE._ABILITY ) {
			return ; // don't change data

		ClearData ();
		eSkillType = eType;
		nOpIdent  = data.n_Ident;
		nOpCharID = data.n_CharID;

		pData = data;

		DataTable pTable = ConstDataManager.Instance.GetTable < SKILL > ();
		if (pTable == null) 

		List< SKILL > sklLst = new List< SKILL > ();

		if (eType == _SKILL_TYPE._SKILL) {

			foreach(  KeyValuePair< int , cSkillData > pair in pData.SkillPool ){
				SKILL skl = pair.Value.skill;
				if( skl.n_SCHOOL == 0 )	// == 0 is ability
				if( skl.n_PASSIVE == 1 )

				sklLst.Add( skl );

//			int ISch = pData.nActSch [0];
//			int ESch = pData.nActSch [1];
//			int ELv = pData.GetSchoolLv (ESch);
//			foreach( SKILL skl in pTable )
//			{
//				if( skl.n_SCHOOL == 0 )	// == 0 is ability
//					continue;
//				if( skl.n_PASSIVE == 1 )
//					continue;
//				// normal 
//				if( skl.n_SCHOOL != ESch )
//					continue;
//				// cheat code for god
//				if( Config.GOD ){
//					sklLst.Add( skl );
//					continue;
//				}
//				if( skl.n_LEVEL_LEARN > ELv )
//					continue;
//				sklLst.Add( skl );
//			}
		else if (eType == _SKILL_TYPE._ABILITY ) 		
			int CLv = pData.n_Lv;

			foreach( KeyValuePair< int , int > pair in pData.AbilityPool )
				SKILL skl = ConstDataManager.Instance.GetRow< SKILL >( pair.Key ) ;
				if( skl == null )
				if( skl.n_SCHOOL > 0 ) // > 0 is school
				if( skl.n_PASSIVE == 1 )
				if( Config.GOD ){
					sklLst.Add( skl );
				if( CLv < pair.Value )
				sklLst.Add( skl );

//			foreach( SKILL skl in pTable )
//			{
//				if( skl.n_SCHOOL > 0 ) // > 0 is school
//					continue;
//				if( skl.n_PASSIVE == 1 )
//					continue;
//				if( Config.GOD ){
//					sklLst.Add( skl );
//					continue;
//				}
//				// check char have this ability
//				if( pData.AbilityPool.ContainsKey( skl.n_ID  ) == false ){
//					continue;
//				}
//				if( skl.n_LEVEL_LEARN > CLv )
//					continue;
//				sklLst.Add( skl );
//			}

		// Create UI item

		foreach( SKILL skl in sklLst )
				// add this skill
			GameObject go = ResourcesManager.CreatePrefabGameObj( SkillGrid , "Prefab/Item_Skill" ); 
			if( go == null )

			Item_Skill item = go.GetComponent<Item_Skill> ();
			item.SetItemData( MyTool.GetSkillName( skl.n_ID )  , skl.n_RANGE , skl.n_MP );
			item.SetScrollView( ScrollView );

		//	UIEventListener.Get(go).onClick += OnSkillClick; // for trig next line
			UIEventListener.Get(go).onPress += OnSkillPress; // 

			sklPool.Add(  go , skl );

		// default to 1 st skill
		SetSkill (null);
		//foreach (KeyValuePair<GameObject  , SKILL> pair in sklPool) {
		//	SetSkill( pair.Value );			// set to first 
		//	break;

		// for grid re pos
		UIGrid grid = SkillGrid.GetComponent<UIGrid>(); 
		grid.repositionNow = true;		// need this for second pop to re pos

		//CastNote.SetActive( false ); 
	public static Panel_Skill OpenUI( int nIdent , _SKILL_TYPE eType  )
		cUnitData data = GameDataManager.Instance.GetUnitDateByIdent ( nIdent );
		if (data == null)
			return null;
		GameObject go = PanelManager.Instance.OpenUI (Name );
		if (go == null) 
			return null;

		Panel_Skill pUI = MyTool.GetPanel<Panel_Skill>( go );
		pUI.SetData( data , eType );
		return pUI;