public CoursesController(_IGenericRepo <Course> Courseobj)
     _Courseobj = Courseobj;
        //public EnrollmentsController() : this (new GenericRepo<Enrollment>())


        public EnrollmentsController(_IGenericRepo <Enrollment> Eobj)
            dbentity = new ProjectDataEntities();
            _Eobj    = Eobj;
        private _IGenericRepo <Student> Sobj;                 //declare the object of interface of _IGenericRepo

        public StudentsController()                        //Constructor to initiate the object of interface with GenericRepo Class to implement its methods.
            Sobj = new GenericRepo <Student>();
        private _IGenericRepo <Course> Cobj;                //declare the object of interface of _IGenericRepo

        public CoursesController()                          //Constructor to initiate the object of interface with GenericRepo Class to implement its methods.
            Cobj = new GenericRepo <Course>();
        private ProjectDataEntities _context;  //declare the object of the database to get access the members of Course and Student table.

        public EnrollmentsController()
            Eobj     = new GenericRepo <Enrollment>();
            _context = new ProjectDataEntities();