//버튼 UI private void btn_Load() { ArrayList array = new ArrayList(); array.Add(new pnSet(this, 10, 310, 480, 20)); array.Add(new pnSet(this, 10, 310, 480, 450)); array.Add(new pnSet(this, 420, 20, 30, 375)); array.Add(new pnSet(this, 730, 20, 520, 375)); array.Add(new pnSet(this, 730, 20, 520, 375)); array.Add(new btnSet(this, "count", "카운트", 175, 310, 1080, 450, btn_Click)); for (int i = 0; i < array.Count; i++) { if (typeof(pnSet) == array[i].GetType()) { Panel panel = ct.panel((pnSet)array[i]); panel.BackColor = Color.Silver; pn4.Controls.Add(panel); } if (typeof(btnSet) == array[i].GetType()) { Button button = ct.btn((btnSet)array[i]); button.BackColor = Color.Silver; button.Enabled = false; button.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; button.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0; button.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 20, FontStyle.Bold); pn4.Controls.Add(button); } } api = new WebAPI(); ht = new Hashtable(); ht.Add("spName", "sp_Table_Select"); ht.Add("param", ""); ArrayList list = api.Select("", ht); if (list != null) { ArrayList arrayList = api.Button3(pn4, list, btn_Click); for (int i = 0; i < arrayList.Count; i++) { Button button = ct.btn((btnSet)arrayList[i]); button.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; button.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0; button.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 15, FontStyle.Bold); pn4.Controls.Add(button); } } }
private void Menu_modal_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClientSize = new Size(300, 50); pnSet pn = new pnSet(this, 300, 50, 0, 0); Panel panel = ct.panel(pn); Controls.Add(panel); //arr.Add(new tbSet(this, "tb1", 200, 50, 0, 0)); tbSet tb = new tbSet(this, "tb1", 200, 50, 0, 0); textbox1 = ct.txtbox(tb); panel.Controls.Add(textbox1); ArrayList arr = new ArrayList(); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "btn1", "추가", 50, 50, 200, 0, btn_click)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "btn2", "취소", 50, 50, 250, 0, btn_click)); for (int i = 0; i < arr.Count; i++) { if (typeof(btnSet) == arr[i].GetType()) { Button button = ct.btn((btnSet)arr[i]); panel.Controls.Add(button); } else if (typeof(tbSet) == arr[i].GetType()) { TextBox textbox = ct.txtbox((tbSet)arr[i]); panel.Controls.Add(textbox); } } }
private void get_button() { comm = new Commons(); Button btn = new Button(); btnSet bs1 = new btnSet(this, "ok", "검색", 50, 22, 450, 39, ok_Click); btn = ct.btn(bs1); Controls.Add(btn); }
private void Menu_Insert_modal_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClientSize = new Size(280, 50); pnSet pn = new pnSet(this, 280, 50, 0, 0); Panel panel = ct.panel(pn); Controls.Add(panel); tbSet tb = new tbSet(this, "tb1", 130, 25, 50, 0); textbox1 = ct.txtbox(tb); textbox1.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 10, FontStyle.Bold); panel.Controls.Add(textbox1); tbSet tb2 = new tbSet(this, "tb2", 130, 25, 50, 25); textbox2 = ct.txtbox(tb2); textbox2.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 10, FontStyle.Bold); panel.Controls.Add(textbox2); ArrayList arr = new ArrayList(); arr.Add(new lbSet(this, "label1", "이름", 50, 25, 0, 0, 10)); arr.Add(new lbSet(this, "label2", "가격", 50, 25, 0, 25, 10)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "btn1", "추가", 50, 50, 180, 0, btn_click)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "btn2", "취소", 50, 50, 230, 0, btn_click)); for (int i = 0; i < arr.Count; i++) { if (typeof(btnSet) == arr[i].GetType()) { Button button = ct.btn((btnSet)arr[i]); button.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 10, FontStyle.Bold); panel.Controls.Add(button); } else if (typeof(tbSet) == arr[i].GetType()) { TextBox textbox = ct.txtbox((tbSet)arr[i]); textbox.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 10, FontStyle.Bold); panel.Controls.Add(textbox); } else if (typeof(lbSet) == arr[i].GetType()) { Label label = ct.lable((lbSet)arr[i]); label.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 10, FontStyle.Bold); panel.Controls.Add(label); } } }
public void get_Button() { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list.Add(new btnSet(this, "ok", "확인", 70, 40, 250, 600, ok_Click)); list.Add(new btnSet(this, "cancel", "취소", 70, 40, 320, 600, cancel_Click)); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { Button button = ct.btn((btnSet)list[i]); Controls.Add(button); } }
private void Head() { pnSet pn1 = new pnSet(this, 1200, 100, 0, 0); Panel head = ct.panel(pn1); Controls.Add(head); PictureBox mojave = new PictureBox(); mojave.Image = (Bitmap)PosSystem.Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject("mojave"); mojave.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; mojave.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(19, 38, 78); mojave.Size = new Size(240, 100); mojave.Location = new Point(0, 0); head.Controls.Add(mojave); pnSet pn2 = new pnSet(this, 1200, 800, 0, 100); bottom = ct.panel(pn2); // 패널이름 : bottom Controls.Add(bottom); MenuForm mf = new MenuForm(); mf.MdiParent = this; mf.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; mf.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; bottom.Controls.Add(mf); mf.Show(); ArrayList btn_list = new ArrayList(); //btn_list.Add(new btnSet(this, "image", "image", 300, 100, 0, 0, Main_Click)); btn_list.Add(new btnSet(this, "menu", "메뉴관리", 240, 100, 240, 0, Main_Click)); btn_list.Add(new btnSet(this, "money", "매출관리", 240, 100, 480, 0, Main_Click)); btn_list.Add(new btnSet(this, "rank", "메뉴순위", 240, 100, 720, 0, Main_Click)); btn_list.Add(new btnSet(this, "exit", "종료", 240, 100, 960, 0, Main_Click)); for (int i = 0; i < btn_list.Count; i++) { Button button = ct.btn((btnSet)btn_list[i]); button.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(19, 38, 78); button.ForeColor = Color.White; button.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; button.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0; head.Controls.Add(button); } }
public void listView() { ArrayList arr = new ArrayList(); arr.Add(new pnSet(this, 580, 760, 10, 10)); arr.Add(new lvSet(this, "", 570, 300, 5, 5, list_Click)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "btn1", "+", 130, 70, 12, 310, btn_Click)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "btn2", "현금결제", 230, 100, 320, 520, btn_Click)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "btn3", "주문", 230, 100, 320, 400, btn_Click)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "btn4", "카드결제", 230, 100, 320, 640, btn_Click)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "btn5", "-", 130, 70, 152, 310, btn_Click)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "btn6", "선택 취소", 130, 70, 292, 310, btn_Click)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "btn7", "전체 취소", 130, 70, 432, 310, btn_Click)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "btn8", "주문 수정", 230, 100, 30, 400, btn_Click)); arr.Add(new lbSet(this, "label1", "Table No. :", 150, 40, 15, 580, 20)); arr.Add(new lbSet(this, "label2", "총 금 액", 200, 40, 15, 640, 20)); arr.Add(new tbSet(this, "총금액", 250, 40, 15, 680)); for (int i = 0; i < arr.Count; i++) { if (typeof(pnSet) == arr[i].GetType()) { panel = ct.panel((pnSet)arr[i]); panel.BackColor = Color.Gainsboro; Controls.Add(panel); } else if (typeof(lvSet) == arr[i].GetType()) { lv = ct.listview((lvSet)arr[i]); lv.BackColor = Color.WhiteSmoke; panel.Controls.Add(lv); lv.Columns.Add("", 0, HorizontalAlignment.Center); lv.Columns.Add("메뉴명", 250, HorizontalAlignment.Center); lv.Columns.Add("단가", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Center); lv.Columns.Add("수량", 85, HorizontalAlignment.Center); lv.Columns.Add("금액", 130, HorizontalAlignment.Center); lv.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 15, FontStyle.Bold); } else if (typeof(btnSet) == arr[i].GetType()) { Button button = ct.btn((btnSet)arr[i]); panel.Controls.Add(button); } else if (typeof(lbSet) == arr[i].GetType()) { Label label = ct.lable((lbSet)arr[i]); label.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 20, FontStyle.Bold); panel.Controls.Add(label); } else if (typeof(tbSet) == arr[i].GetType()) { textbox = ct.txtbox((tbSet)arr[i]); textbox.ReadOnly = true; textbox.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 18, FontStyle.Bold); panel.Controls.Add(textbox); } } lbSet lb = new lbSet(this, "tNo", "", 100, 40, 170, 580, 20); Label label2 = ct.lable(lb); label2.Text = _tNo; label2.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 20, FontStyle.Bold); panel.Controls.Add(label2); }
/// <summary> /// 화면 디자인 /// </summary> private void Cash_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.BackColor = Color.Silver; ClientSize = new Size(900, 500); pnSet pn = new pnSet(this, 800, 400, 50, 50); Panel panel = ct.panel(pn); panel.BackColor = Color.Gainsboro; Controls.Add(panel); //계산내용 tbSet tb = new tbSet(this, "tb4", 310, 30, 450, 100); textbox1 = ct.txtbox(tb); textbox1.ReadOnly = true; textbox1.Font = new Font("굴림", 18, FontStyle.Bold); panel.Controls.Add(textbox1); //받은금액 tbSet tb1 = new tbSet(this, "받은금액", 200, 30, 150, 180); textbox2 = ct.txtbox(tb1); textbox2.ReadOnly = true; textbox2.Font = new Font("굴림", 18, FontStyle.Bold); panel.Controls.Add(textbox2); //거스름돈 tbSet tb2 = new tbSet(this, "거스름돈", 200, 30, 150, 260); textbox3 = ct.txtbox(tb2); textbox3.ReadOnly = true; textbox3.Font = new Font("굴림", 18, FontStyle.Bold); panel.Controls.Add(textbox3); //총금액 tbSet tb3 = new tbSet(this, "받을금액", 200, 30, 150, 100); textbox4 = ct.txtbox(tb3); textbox4.Text = Totalresult; textbox4.ReadOnly = true; textbox4.Font = new Font("굴림", 18, FontStyle.Bold); panel.Controls.Add(textbox4); ArrayList arr = new ArrayList(); arr.Add(new lbSet(this, "lb1", "현금결제", 500, 30, 350, 20, 20)); arr.Add(new lbSet(this, "lb2", "결제 금액", 100, 30, 30, 100, 15)); arr.Add(new lbSet(this, "lb3", "받은 금액", 100, 30, 30, 180, 15)); arr.Add(new lbSet(this, "lb4", "거스름돈", 100, 30, 30, 260, 15)); //arr.Add(new tbSet(this, "tb1", 200, 30, 150, 100)); //arr.Add(new tbSet(this, "tb2", 200, 30, 150, 180)); //arr.Add(new tbSet(this, "tb3", 200, 30, 150, 260)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "결제완료", "결제완료", 315, 40, 35, 330, btn1_Click)); //계산기 //arr.Add(new tbSet(this, "tb4", 300, 30, 460, 100)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "1", "1", 70, 50, 450, 260, btn_Click)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "2", "2", 70, 50, 530, 260, btn_Click)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "3", "3", 70, 50, 610, 260, btn_Click)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "4", "4", 70, 50, 450, 200, btn_Click)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "5", "5", 70, 50, 530, 200, btn_Click)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "6", "6", 70, 50, 610, 200, btn_Click)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "DEL", "DEL", 70, 50, 690, 200, btn1_Click)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "7", "7", 70, 50, 450, 140, btn_Click)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "8", "8", 70, 50, 530, 140, btn_Click)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "9", "9", 70, 50, 610, 140, btn_Click)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "CA", "CA", 70, 50, 690, 140, btn1_Click)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "0", "0", 70, 50, 450, 320, btn_Click)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "00", "00", 70, 50, 530, 320, btn_Click)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "000", "000", 70, 50, 610, 320, btn_Click)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "ENTER", "ENTER", 70, 110, 690, 260, btn1_Click)); for (int i = 0; i < arr.Count; i++) { if (typeof(lbSet) == arr[i].GetType()) { Label label = ct.lable((lbSet)arr[i]); panel.Controls.Add(label); } else if (typeof(btnSet) == arr[i].GetType()) { Button button = ct.btn((btnSet)arr[i]); panel.Controls.Add(button); } else if (typeof(tbSet) == arr[i].GetType()) { TextBox textbox = ct.txtbox((tbSet)arr[i]); textbox.ReadOnly = true; panel.Controls.Add(textbox); } } }
public void FORM_03_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle; ClientSize = new Size(750, 430); ct = new _Create(); BackColor = Color.FromArgb(191, 191, 191); this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; //날짜라벨 lbSet pn1_lb5 = new lbSet(this, "pn1_lb5", "//날짜", 250, 30, 5, 240, 15); 날짜 = ct.lable(pn1_lb5); 날짜.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; 날짜.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 15, FontStyle.Bold); 날짜.ForeColor = Color.White; Controls.Add(날짜); //시간라벨 lbSet pn1_lb6 = new lbSet(this, "pn1_lb6", "//시간", 170, 30, 45, 270, 15); 시간 = ct.lable(pn1_lb6); 시간.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; 시간.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 15, FontStyle.Bold); 시간.ForeColor = Color.White; Controls.Add(시간); PictureBox mojave = new PictureBox(); mojave.Image = (Bitmap)PosSystem.Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject("모자브포스3"); mojave.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; mojave.Size = new Size(250, 110); mojave.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(19, 38, 78); mojave.Location = new Point(0, 0); Controls.Add(mojave); //패널 pnSet pn1 = new pnSet(this, 250, 350, 0, 0); Panel 패널1 = ct.panel(pn1); 패널1.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(19, 38, 78); Controls.Add(패널1); //패널 화면 출력 패널1.Controls.Add(날짜); 패널1.Controls.Add(시간); 패널1.Controls.Add(mojave); //그림넣기 //분기매출액 표현하기 ArrayList arr = new ArrayList(); arr.Add(new lbSet(this, "label1", "오늘매출액", 100, 25, 70, 140, 10)); arr.Add(new lbSet(this, "label1_1", " ", 100, 25, 60, 170, 10)); arr.Add(new lbSet(this, "label1_2", "원", 20, 25, 160, 170, 10)); // arr.Add(new lbSet(this, "pn1_lb2", "분기 매출액", 110, 25, 70, 140, 10)); // arr.Add(new lbSet(this, "pn1_lb2_0", "2", 20, 25, 58, 140, 10)); // arr.Add(new lbSet(this, "pn1_lb2_1", "10,000,000", 100, 25, 60, 170, 10)); // arr.Add(new lbSet(this, "pn1_lb2_2", "원", 20, 25, 160, 170, 10)); for (int i = 0; i < arr.Count; i++) { if (typeof(lbSet) == arr[i].GetType()) { Label label = ct.lable((lbSet)arr[i]); if (i == 1) { api = new Module(); string total_money = api.getIdPass(""); if (total_money == null) { label.Text = "0"; } else { label.Text = total_money; } } label.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; label.ForeColor = Color.White; label.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 10, FontStyle.Bold); 패널1.Controls.Add(label); } } //영업시작 파트 //영업시작 버튼 btnSet pn2_btn_1 = new btnSet(this, "pn2_btn_1", " ", 80, 80, 50, 30, btn_Click); Button 영업시작버튼 = ct.btn(pn2_btn_1); 영업시작버튼.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 10, FontStyle.Bold); //영업시작버튼.BackgroundImage = PosSystem.Properties.Resources.자물쇠잠김; 영업시작버튼.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(232, 227, 227); 영업시작버튼.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; 영업시작버튼.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0; Controls.Add(영업시작버튼); //영업시작 라벨 lbSet pn2_lb1 = new lbSet(this, "pn2_lb1", lbText3, 130, 30, 30, 120, 20); 영업시작 = ct.lable(pn2_lb1); 영업시작.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; 영업시작.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 20, FontStyle.Bold); Controls.Add(영업시작); //영업시작 패널 pnSet pn2 = new pnSet(this, 180, 220, 300, 70); Panel 패널2 = ct.panel(pn2); 패널2.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(232, 227, 227); Controls.Add(패널2); //패널 화면 출력 패널2.Controls.Add(영업시작버튼); 패널2.Controls.Add(영업시작); //관리자 시작 파트 //관리자 버튼 btnSet pn3_btn_1 = new btnSet(this, "pn3_btn_1", " ", 80, 80, 50, 30, btn1_Click); Button 관리자버튼 = ct.btn(pn3_btn_1); 관리자버튼.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 10, FontStyle.Bold); 관리자버튼.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(232, 227, 227); 관리자버튼.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; 관리자버튼.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0; //관리자버튼.BackgroundImage = PosSystem.Properties.Resources.가방수정; Controls.Add(관리자버튼); //관리자 라벨 lbSet pn3_lb1 = new lbSet(this, "pn3_lb1", "관리자", 100, 35, 45, 120, 20); Label 관리자 = ct.lable(pn3_lb1); 관리자.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 20, FontStyle.Bold); 영업시작.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; Controls.Add(관리자); //관리자 패널 pnSet pn3 = new pnSet(this, 180, 220, 520, 70); Panel 패널3 = ct.panel(pn3); 패널3.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(232, 227, 227); Controls.Add(패널3); //패널 화면 출력 패널3.Controls.Add(관리자버튼); 패널3.Controls.Add(관리자); a = pn4_lb; //경고문 라벨 pn4_lb = new lbSet(this, "label2", lbText1, 750, 30, 0, 12, 15); 경고문 = ct.lable(pn4_lb); 경고문.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 15, FontStyle.Bold); 경고문.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; Controls.Add(경고문); //하단부 패널 pnSet pn4 = new pnSet(this, 750, 50, 0, 380); Panel 패널4 = ct.panel(pn4); 패널4.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(232, 227, 227); 패널4.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 20, FontStyle.Bold); Controls.Add(패널4); 패널4.Controls.Add(경고문); Control_Init(); }
private void FORM_01_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle; ClientSize = new Size(750, 430); // 폼 사이즈 지정 //this.ControlBox = false; BackColor = Color.Black; // 제목 패널 pnSet pn1 = new pnSet(this, 750, 110, 0, 0); Panel 패널 = ct.panel(pn1); 패널.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(19, 38, 78); Controls.Add(패널); //패널 화면 출력 ArrayList arr = new ArrayList(); arr.Add(new lbSet(this, "lb1", "ELBON", 500, 35, 330, 10, 40)); arr.Add(new lbSet(this, "lb2", "the table", 300, 70, 260, 30, 20)); for (int i = 0; i < arr.Count; i++) { if (typeof(lbSet) == arr[i].GetType()) { Label label = ct.lable((lbSet)arr[i]); if (i == 1) { label.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 40, FontStyle.Bold); //글꼴설정 label.ForeColor = Color.White; } else { label.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 20, FontStyle.Bold); label.ForeColor = Color.White; } 패널.Controls.Add(label); } } //로그인 패널 Richtb tx1 = new Richtb(this, "tb1", 200, 35, 370, 45); 텍스트박스1 = ct.richbox(tx1); 텍스트박스1.SelectionFont = new Font("Tahoma", 15, FontStyle.Bold); Controls.Add(텍스트박스1); tbSet tx2 = new tbSet(this, "tb2", 200, 35, 370, 93); 텍스트박스2 = ct.txtbox(tx2); 텍스트박스2.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 15, FontStyle.Bold); 텍스트박스2.PasswordChar = '*'; Controls.Add(텍스트박스2); pnSet pn2 = new pnSet(this, 750, 169, 0, 110); Panel 패널2 = ct.panel(pn2); 패널2.BackColor = Color.White; Controls.Add(패널2); 패널2.Controls.Add(텍스트박스1); 패널2.Controls.Add(텍스트박스2); ArrayList arr1 = new ArrayList(); arr1.Add(new lbSet(this, "lb3", "Name ", 150, 20, 190, 50, 15)); arr1.Add(new lbSet(this, "lb4", "Password", 150, 20, 190, 100, 15)); for (int i = 0; i < arr1.Count; i++) { if (typeof(lbSet) == arr1[i].GetType()) { Label label = ct.lable((lbSet)arr1[i]); label.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 15, FontStyle.Bold); 패널2.Controls.Add(label); } } //끝 패널 pnSet pn3 = new pnSet(this, 750, 130, 0, 280); Panel 패널3 = ct.panel(pn3); 패널3.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(19, 38, 78); Controls.Add(패널3); //패널 화면 출력 ArrayList arr2 = new ArrayList(); arr2.Add(new btnSet(this, "button", "로그인", 250, 40, 260, 25, btn_Click)); arr2.Add(new btnSet(this, "button", "계정만들기", 130, 30, 320, 75, btn2_Click)); for (int i = 0; i < arr2.Count; i++) { if (typeof(btnSet) == arr2[i].GetType()) { Button button = ct.btn((btnSet)arr2[i]); button.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 8, FontStyle.Regular); button.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; button.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0; 패널3.Controls.Add(button); } } pnSet pn4 = new pnSet(this, 750, 19, 0, 411); Panel 패널4 = ct.panel(pn4); 패널4.BackColor = Color.White; Controls.Add(패널4); //패널 화면 출력 ArrayList arr3 = new ArrayList(); arr3.Add(new lbSet(this, "lb3", "관리자 : (주)Mojave 연락처 : 1588-3000", 300, 20, 517, 3, 8)); for (int i = 0; i < arr3.Count; i++) { if (typeof(lbSet) == arr3[i].GetType()) { Label label = ct.lable((lbSet)arr3[i]); label.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 8, FontStyle.Bold); 패널4.Controls.Add(label); } } }
private void MenuForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClientSize = new Size(1200, 800); lvSet lv1 = new lvSet(this, "lv1", 300, 265, 170, 230, lv_mouseClick); listview = ct.listview(lv1); listview.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 20, FontStyle.Bold); listview.Items.Clear(); listview.HeaderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeaderStyle.None; listview.Columns.Add(" ", 0, HorizontalAlignment.Center); listview.Columns.Add(" ", 296, HorizontalAlignment.Center); Controls.Add(listview); api = new Module(); api.selectListView("", listview); lvSet lv2 = new lvSet(this, "lv2", 350, 500, 625, 230, lv2_mouseClick); listview2 = ct.listview(lv2); listview2.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 15, FontStyle.Bold); listview2.Columns.Add("", 0, HorizontalAlignment.Center); listview2.Columns.Add("메뉴명", 200, HorizontalAlignment.Center); listview2.Columns.Add("가격", 150, HorizontalAlignment.Center); //listview2.Columns.Add("변경/삭제", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Center); btnSet btn1_1 = new btnSet(this, "btn_1_1", "--", 30, 30, 370, 170, btn3_Click); 수정버튼 = ct.btn(btn1_1); Controls.Add(수정버튼); btnSet btn2_1 = new btnSet(this, "btn_2_1", "--", 30, 30, 840, 170, btn4_Click); 수정버튼2 = ct.btn(btn2_1); Controls.Add(수정버튼2); pnSet pn3 = new pnSet(this, 950, 2, 100, 218); line = ct.panel(pn3); Controls.Add(line); pnSet pn2 = new pnSet(this, 1200, 800, 0, 0); bottom = ct.panel(pn2); // 패널이름 : bottom Controls.Add(bottom); bottom.Controls.Add(listview); bottom.Controls.Add(listview2); bottom.Controls.Add(수정버튼); bottom.Controls.Add(수정버튼2); ArrayList arr = new ArrayList(); arr.Add(new lbSet(this, "lb1", "Category", 250, 60, 200, 100, 35)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "btn_1", "", 30, 30, 330, 170, btn_Click)); arr.Add(new pictureBoxSet(this, 40, 40, 280, 165, " ")); arr.Add(new lbSet(this, "lb2", "Menu", 200, 50, 710, 100, 35)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "btn_2", "", 30, 30, 800, 170, btn2_Click)); arr.Add(new pictureBoxSet(this, 40, 40, 750, 165, " ")); for (int i = 0; i < arr.Count; i++) { if (typeof(lbSet) == arr[i].GetType()) { Label label = ct.lable((lbSet)arr[i]); label.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 35, FontStyle.Bold); label.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent; bottom.Controls.Add(label); } else if (typeof(btnSet) == arr[i].GetType()) { button = ct.btn((btnSet)arr[i]); button.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 10, FontStyle.Bold); //button.BackgroundImage = PosSystem.Properties.Resources.버튼; bottom.Controls.Add(button); } //else if (typeof(pictureBoxSet) == arr[i].GetType()) //{ // PictureBox picuturebox = ct.picture((pictureBoxSet)arr[i]); // //picuturebox.BackgroundImage = PosSystem.Properties.Resources.coo1; // bottom.Controls.Add(picuturebox); //} } //bottom.BackColor = Color.BurlyWood; bottom.BackgroundImage = (Bitmap)PosSystem.Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject("배경화면1"); }
private void FORM_02_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle; ClientSize = new Size(750, 430); //폼 사이즈 this.ControlBox = false; //최소화 최대화 버튼 없애기 ct = new _Create(); //Name 텍스트박스 출력 Richtb tx1 = new Richtb(this, "txt1", 170, 30, 30, 60); 네임택박 = ct.richbox(tx1); 네임택박.SelectionFont = new Font("Tahoma", 15, FontStyle.Bold); Controls.Add(네임택박); //Postion 텍스트박스 출력 Richtb tx2 = new Richtb(this, "txt2", 170, 30, 30, 120); 포지션택박 = ct.richbox(tx2); 포지션택박.SelectionFont = new Font("Tahoma", 15, FontStyle.Bold); Controls.Add(포지션택박); //Password 텍스트박스 출력 tbSet tx3 = new tbSet(this, "txt3", 170, 30, 30, 180); 패스워드택박 = ct.txtbox(tx3); 패스워드택박.PasswordChar = '*'; 패스워드택박.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 15, FontStyle.Bold); Controls.Add(패스워드택박); //Serial 텍스트박스 출력 Richtb tx4 = new Richtb(this, "txt4", 170, 30, 30, 240); 시리얼택박 = ct.richbox(tx4); 시리얼택박.SelectionFont = new Font("Tahoma", 15, FontStyle.Bold); Controls.Add(시리얼택박); pnSet pn1 = new pnSet(this, 230, 370, 30, 30); Panel 패널 = ct.panel(pn1); 패널.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(19, 38, 78); Controls.Add(패널); 패널.Controls.Add(네임택박); 패널.Controls.Add(포지션택박); 패널.Controls.Add(패스워드택박); 패널.Controls.Add(시리얼택박); ArrayList arr = new ArrayList(); arr.Add(new lbSet(this, "label1", "Name", 50, 15, 90, 40, 10)); arr.Add(new lbSet(this, "label2", "Postion", 100, 15, 83, 100, 10)); arr.Add(new lbSet(this, "label3", "Password", 100, 15, 75, 160, 10)); arr.Add(new lbSet(this, "label4", "Serial Number", 100, 15, 90, 220, 10)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "Btn1_pn1", "가입", 80, 50, 30, 290, btn_Click)); arr.Add(new btnSet(this, "Btn2_pn1", "취소", 80, 50, 120, 290, btn2_Click)); for (int i = 0; i < arr.Count; i++) { if (typeof(lbSet) == arr[i].GetType()) { Label label = ct.lable((lbSet)arr[i]); label.ForeColor = Color.White; label.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 10, FontStyle.Bold); 패널.Controls.Add(label); } else { if (typeof(btnSet) == arr[i].GetType()) { Button button = ct.btn((btnSet)arr[i]); button.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; button.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0; button.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 8, FontStyle.Bold); 패널.Controls.Add(button); } } } pnSet pn2 = new pnSet(this, 420, 370, 300, 30); Panel 패널2 = ct.panel(pn2); 패널2.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(232, 227, 227); Controls.Add(패널2); //패널 화면 출력 ArrayList arr2 = new ArrayList(); arr2.Add(new lbSet(this, "label5", "ELBON the table _", 140, 15, 35, 40, 10)); arr2.Add(new lbSet(this, "label6", "Mojave of Pos", 200, 27, 180, 29, 30)); arr2.Add(new lbSet(this, "label7", "1. Mojave of Pos 는 'Mojave/모하비'에서 제작하였습니다.", 350, 15, 35, 70, 8)); arr2.Add(new lbSet(this, "label8", "2. Mojave of Pos는 ELBON the table의 효율적인 재정관리를 할 수 있도록 돕기 위해 제작 되었습니다.", 380, 30, 35, 100, 8)); arr2.Add(new lbSet(this, "label9", "3. Mojave of Pos는 자체 제공한 시리얼넘버로 하나의 아이디만 회원 가입할수 있습니다.", 380, 30, 35, 145, 8)); arr2.Add(new lbSet(this, "label10", "4. Mojave of Pos는 비밀번호찾기 기능을 따로 제공하지 않습니다.", 380, 15, 35, 190, 8)); arr2.Add(new lbSet(this, "label6", "5. Mojave of Pos안의 ELBON the table 정보는 절대 외부에 공개를 하지 않습니다.", 380, 30, 35, 220, 8)); arr2.Add(new lbSet(this, "label12", "6. Mojave of Pos는 포스기에 최적화 되어 있습니다.", 380, 15, 35, 265, 8)); arr2.Add(new lbSet(this, "label13", "문의사항 : [email protected]", 380, 15, 35, 310, 8)); for (int i = 0; i < arr2.Count; i++) { if (typeof(lbSet) == arr2[i].GetType()) { Label label = ct.lable((lbSet)arr2[i]); if (i == 0) { label.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 9, FontStyle.Bold); } else if (i == 1) { label.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 19, FontStyle.Bold); } else { label.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 8, FontStyle.Bold); } 패널2.Controls.Add(label); } } }