public Form1()

            oEdit = new Zoople.HTMLEditControl
                Dock                     = DockStyle.Fill,
                DocumentHTML             = "<img align='right' src='images/anna2.jpg' width='200px'/><h2>Saving as an Email with inline images.</h2><p>This example shows how to save an eml file containing inline (embedded) images</p>",
                ShowPropertyGrid         = false,
                CSSText                  = "BODY {font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Arial, Sans-Serif;}",
                LicenceKey               = "YourLicenseKey",
                LicenceKeyInlineSpelling = "YourInlineSpellingLicenseKey",
                EnableInlineSpelling     = true,
                BaseURL                  = Application.StartupPath.Replace("\\", "/"),
                UseRelativeURLs          = true,
                ImageStorageLocation     = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "images")


            var oButton = oEdit.ToolStripItems.Add("Save As Email");

            oButton.Click  += AsEmail_Click;
            oButton.Padding = new Padding(3);

            var oButtonSpell = oEdit.ToolStripItems.Add("Check Spelling");

            oButtonSpell.Click  += OButtonSpell_Click;
            oButtonSpell.Padding = new Padding(3);

            oEdit.SpellCheckComplete += OEdit_SpellCheckComplete;
        private void frmLanguage_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            oEdit = new Zoople.HTMLEditControl
                Dock         = DockStyle.Fill,
                CSSText      = "BODY {border: 0; font-family: Arial}",
                DocumentHTML = "<h1>Localisation</h2><p>The editor component is localisable into other languages via customisable XML files.</p><p>There are six language xml files included the installation package; French, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, German and English.</p>"
            oEdit.ConfigurationError += oEdit_ConfigurationError;

        public frmMain()

            oEdit = new Zoople.HTMLEditControl
                Dock                     = DockStyle.Fill,
                DocumentHTML             = "<h2>The simplest and most extensible Winforms HTML Editor.</h2><img align='right' src='' /><p>Caters for all levels of end-user, from the most basic to people with advanced HTML knowledge.</p><p>Complete HTML DOM manipulation is achievable, simply and without the need for COM references</p>",
                ShowPropertyGrid         = true,
                CSSText                  = "BODY {font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Arial, Sans-Serif; border: none;} .courierText {font-family: courier;} .BlueBackground {background-color: blue; }",
                LicenceKey               = "YourLicenseKey",
                LicenceKeyInlineSpelling = "InlineSpellingLicenseKey",
                EnableInlineSpelling     = false,
                CleanMSWordHTMLOnPaste   = true,
                FontSizesList            = "8pt;10pt;12pt;16pt;22pt;",
                HideDOMToolbar           = false

        public Form1()

            oEdit = new Zoople.HTMLEditControl
                Parent                   = this.panel3,
                Dock                     = DockStyle.Fill,
                HideDOMToolbar           = false,
                HideMainToolbar          = true,
                DocumentHTML             = "<h2>Custom Menu and Toolstrip.</h2><img align='right' src='' /><p>This instance of the control is using a <i>custom menu bar</i> and <b>toolstrip</b>.</p><p>The CurrentSelectionInfoUpdated event contains information regarding the status of the avaliable clipboard operations, text / control attributes for the current selection in the editor as you see when clicking on the <b>bold</b> or <i>italic</i> text</p>",
                ShowPropertyGrid         = false,
                CSSText                  = "BODY {font-family: Arial Unicode MS, Arial, Sans-Serif; border: none;} .courierText {font-family: courier;} .BlueBorder {border: 1px solid rgb(77, 178, 255); padding-left:3px; padding-right: 3px}",
                LicenceKey               = "YourLicenseKey",
                LicenceKeyInlineSpelling = "InlineSpellingLicence",
                EnableInlineSpelling     = true

            toolStrip1.Items.Add("Insert Signature").Click += SigClick;
