        public void ProtectedTempZip()
            FileInfo        tmpFile  = TempFile.CreateTempFile("protectedXlsx", ".zip");
            FileInfo        tikaProt = XSSFTestDataSamples.GetSampleFile("protected_passtika.xlsx");
            FileInputStream fis      = new FileInputStream(tikaProt.Open(FileMode.Open));
            POIFSFileSystem poifs    = new POIFSFileSystem(fis);
            EncryptionInfo  ei       = new EncryptionInfo(poifs);
            Decryptor       dec      = ei.Decryptor;
            bool            passOk   = dec.VerifyPassword("tika");


            // generate session key
            SecureRandom sr = new SecureRandom();

            byte[] ivBytes = new byte[16], keyBytes = new byte[16];

            // extract encrypted ooxml file and write to custom encrypted zip file
            InputStream is1 = dec.GetDataStream(poifs);

            CopyToFile(is1, tmpFile, CipherAlgorithm.aes128, keyBytes, ivBytes);

            // provide ZipEntrySource to poi which decrypts on the fly
            ZipEntrySource source = fileToSource(tmpFile, CipherAlgorithm.aes128, keyBytes, ivBytes);

            // test the source
            OPCPackage opc      = OPCPackage.Open(source);
            String     expected = "This is an Encrypted Excel spreadsheet.";

            //XSSFEventBasedExcelExtractor extractor = new XSSFEventBasedExcelExtractor(opc);
            //extractor.IncludeSheetNames = (/*setter*/false);
            //String txt = extractor.Text;
            //Assert.AreEqual(expected, txt.Trim());

            //XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(opc);
            //txt = wb.GetSheetAt(0).GetRow(0).GetCell(0).StringCellValue;
            //Assert.AreEqual(expected, txt);



            throw new NotImplementedException();
 private void InjectData(ZipEntrySource zipEntrySource, Stream outStream)
         ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(outStream);
             var en = zipEntrySource.Entries;
             while (en.MoveNext())
                 var ze = (ZipEntry)en.Current;
                 zos.PutNextEntry(new ZipEntry(ze.Name));
                 var       inputStream = zipEntrySource.GetInputStream(ze);
                 XSSFSheet xSheet      = GetSheetFromZipEntryName(ze.Name);
                 if (xSheet != null)
                     SXSSFSheet sxSheet = GetSXSSFSheet(xSheet);
                     var        xis     = sxSheet.getWorksheetXMLInputStream();
                         CopyStreamAndInjectWorksheet(inputStream, zos, xis);
                     CopyStream(inputStream, zos);
        /// <summary>
        /// Extract to a stream
        /// In other words, you can extract to a stream or to a directory (filesystem), but not both!
        /// The Password param is required for encrypted entries.
        /// </summary>
        void InternalExtractToStream(Stream outStream, string password, ZipContainer zipContainer, ZipEntrySource zipEntrySource, string fileName)
            // workitem 7958
            if (zipContainer == null)
                throw new BadStateException("This entry is an orphan");

            // workitem 10355
            if (zipContainer.ZipFile == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Use Extract() only with ZipFile.");


            if (zipEntrySource != ZipEntrySource.ZipFile)
                throw new BadStateException("You must call ZipFile.Save before calling any Extract method");

            OnBeforeExtract(this, null, zipContainer.ZipFile);

            _ioOperationCanceled = false;

                ValidateCompression(_CompressionMethod_FromZipFile, fileName, GetUnsupportedCompressionMethod(_CompressionMethod));
                ValidateEncryption(Encryption, fileName, _UnsupportedAlgorithmId);

                if (IsDoneWithOutputToStream())
                    WriteStatus("extract dir {0}...", null);
                    // if true, then the entry was a directory and has been created.
                    // We need to fire the Extract Event.

                // If no password explicitly specified, use the password on the entry itself,
                // or on the zipfile itself.
                if (_Encryption_FromZipFile != EncryptionAlgorithm.None)

                WriteStatus("extract entry {0} to stream...", fileName);

                var archiveStream = ArchiveStream;

                if (ExtractToStream(archiveStream, outStream, Encryption, _Crc32))
                    goto ExitTry;


                ExitTry: ;
            catch (Exception)
                _ioOperationCanceled = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Pass in either basedir or s, but not both.
        /// In other words, you can extract to a stream or to a directory (filesystem), but not both!
        /// The Password param is required for encrypted entries.
        /// </summary>
        void InternalExtractToBaseDir(string baseDir, string password, ZipContainer zipContainer, ZipEntrySource zipEntrySource, string fileName)
            if (baseDir == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("baseDir");

            // workitem 7958
            if (zipContainer == null)
                throw new BadStateException("This entry is an orphan");

            // workitem 10355
            if (zipContainer.ZipFile == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Use Extract() only with ZipFile.");


            if (zipEntrySource != ZipEntrySource.ZipFile)
                throw new BadStateException("You must call ZipFile.Save before calling any Extract method");

            OnBeforeExtract(this, baseDir, zipContainer.ZipFile);

            _ioOperationCanceled = false;

            var fileExistsBeforeExtraction = false;
            var checkLaterForResetDirTimes = false;
            string targetFileName = null;
                ValidateCompression(_CompressionMethod_FromZipFile, fileName, GetUnsupportedCompressionMethod(_CompressionMethod));
                ValidateEncryption(Encryption, fileName, _UnsupportedAlgorithmId);

                if (IsDoneWithOutputToBaseDir(baseDir, out targetFileName))
                    WriteStatus("extract dir {0}...", targetFileName);
                    // if true, then the entry was a directory and has been created.
                    // We need to fire the Extract Event.

                // workitem 10639
                // do we want to extract to a regular filesystem file?
                // Check for extracting to a previously existing file. The user
                // can specify bejavior for that case: overwrite, don't
                // overwrite, and throw.  Also, if the file exists prior to
                // extraction, it affects exception handling: whether to delete
                // the target of extraction or not. This check needs to be done
                // before the password check is done, because password check may
                // throw a BadPasswordException, which triggers the catch,
                // wherein the existing file may be deleted if not flagged as
                // pre-existing.
                if (File.Exists(targetFileName))
                    fileExistsBeforeExtraction = true;
                    int rc = CheckExtractExistingFile(baseDir, targetFileName);
                    if (rc == 2) goto ExitTry; // cancel
                    if (rc == 1) return; // do not overwrite

                // If no password explicitly specified, use the password on the entry itself,
                // or on the zipfile itself.
                if (_Encryption_FromZipFile != EncryptionAlgorithm.None)

                // set up the output stream
                var tmpName = Path.GetRandomFileName();
                var tmpPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(targetFileName), tmpName);
                WriteStatus("extract file {0}...", targetFileName);

                using (var output = OpenFileStream(tmpPath, ref checkLaterForResetDirTimes))
                    if (ExtractToStream(ArchiveStream, output, Encryption, _Crc32))
                        goto ExitTry;


                MoveFileInPlace(fileExistsBeforeExtraction, targetFileName, tmpPath, checkLaterForResetDirTimes);


                ExitTry: ;
            catch (Exception)
                _ioOperationCanceled = true;
                if (_ioOperationCanceled && targetFileName != null)
                    // An exception has occurred. If the file exists, check
                    // to see if it existed before we tried extracting.  If
                    // it did not, attempt to remove the target file. There
                    // is a small possibility that the existing file has
                    // been extracted successfully, overwriting a previously
                    // existing file, and an exception was thrown after that
                    // but before final completion (setting times, etc). In
                    // that case the file will remain, even though some
                    // error occurred.  Nothing to be done about it.
                    if (File.Exists(targetFileName) && !fileExistsBeforeExtraction)
        private static ZipEntry Create(string nameInArchive, ZipEntrySource source, Object arg1, Object arg2)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(nameInArchive))
                throw new Ionic.Zip.ZipException("The entry name must be non-null and non-empty.");

            ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry();

            // workitem 7071
            // workitem 7926 - "version made by" OS should be zero for compat with WinZip
            entry._VersionMadeBy = (0 << 8) + 45; // indicates the attributes are FAT Attributes, and v4.5 of the spec
            entry._Source = source;
            entry._Mtime = entry._Atime = entry._Ctime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            if (source == ZipEntrySource.Stream)
                entry._sourceStream = (arg1 as Stream);         // may  or may not be null
            else if (source == ZipEntrySource.WriteDelegate)
                entry._WriteDelegate = (arg1 as WriteDelegate); // may  or may not be null
            else if (source == ZipEntrySource.JitStream)
                entry._OpenDelegate = (arg1 as OpenDelegate);   // may  or may not be null
                entry._CloseDelegate = (arg2 as CloseDelegate); // may  or may not be null
            else if (source == ZipEntrySource.ZipOutputStream)
            // workitem 9073
            else if (source == ZipEntrySource.None)
                // make this a valid value, for later.
                entry._Source = ZipEntrySource.FileSystem;
                String filename = (arg1 as String);   // must not be null

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filename))
                    throw new Ionic.Zip.ZipException("The filename must be non-null and non-empty.");

                // The named file may or may not exist at this time.  For example, when
                // adding a directory by name.  We test existence when necessary:
                // when saving the ZipFile, or when getting the attributes, and so on.

                // workitem 6878
                // Ionic.Zip.SharedUtilities.AdjustTime_Win32ToDotNet
                entry._Mtime = File.GetLastWriteTime(filename).ToUniversalTime();
                entry._Ctime = File.GetCreationTime(filename).ToUniversalTime();
                entry._Atime = File.GetLastAccessTime(filename).ToUniversalTime();

                // workitem 7071
                // can only get attributes of files that exist.
                if (File.Exists(filename) || Directory.Exists(filename))
                    entry._ExternalFileAttrs = (int)NetCfFile.GetAttributes(filename);

                // workitem 6878??
                entry._Mtime = File.GetLastWriteTime(filename).ToUniversalTime();
                entry._Ctime = File.GetCreationTime(filename).ToUniversalTime();
                entry._Atime = File.GetLastAccessTime(filename).ToUniversalTime();

                // workitem 7071
                // can only get attributes on files that exist.
                if (File.Exists(filename) || Directory.Exists(filename))
                    entry._ExternalFileAttrs = (int)File.GetAttributes(filename);

                entry._ntfsTimesAreSet = true;

                entry._LocalFileName = Path.GetFullPath(filename); // workitem 8813

            entry._LastModified = entry._Mtime;
            entry._FileNameInArchive = SharedUtilities.NormalizePathForUseInZipFile(nameInArchive);
            // We don't actually slurp in the file data until the caller invokes Write on this entry.

            return entry;
        private static ZipEntry Create(string nameInArchive, ZipEntrySource source, Object arg1, Object arg2)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(nameInArchive))
                throw new Ionic.Zip.ZipException("The entry name must be non-null and non-empty.");

            ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry();

            // workitem 7071
            // workitem 7926 - "version made by" OS should be zero for compat with WinZip
            entry._VersionMadeBy = (0 << 8) + 45; // indicates the attributes are FAT Attributes, and v4.5 of the spec
            entry._Source = source;
            entry._Mtime = entry._Atime = entry._Ctime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            if (source == ZipEntrySource.Stream)
                entry._sourceStream = (arg1 as Stream);         // may  or may not be null
            else if (source == ZipEntrySource.WriteDelegate)
                entry._WriteDelegate = (arg1 as WriteDelegate); // may  or may not be null
            else if (source == ZipEntrySource.JitStream)
                entry._OpenDelegate = (arg1 as OpenDelegate);   // may  or may not be null
                entry._CloseDelegate = (arg2 as CloseDelegate); // may  or may not be null
            else if (source == ZipEntrySource.ZipOutputStream)
            // workitem 9073
            else if (source == ZipEntrySource.None)
                // make this a valid value, for later.
                entry._Source = ZipEntrySource.Stream;
                throw new ArgumentException("ZipEntrySource must be a valid value.", "source");

            entry._LastModified = entry._Mtime;
            entry._FileNameInArchive = SharedUtilities.NormalizePathForUseInZipFile(nameInArchive);
            // We don't actually slurp in the file data until the caller invokes Write on this entry.

            return entry;
  * Constructor. Opens a Zip based Open XML document from
  *  a custom ZipEntrySource, typically an open archive
  *  from another system
  * @param zipEntry
  *            Zip data to load.
  * @param access
  *            The package access mode.
 public ZipPackage(ZipEntrySource zipEntry, PackageAccess access)
     : base(access)
     this.zipArchive = zipEntry;
        private void InternalExtractToStream(Stream outStream, string password, ZipContainer zipContainer, ZipEntrySource zipEntrySource, string fileName)
            // workitem 7958
            if (zipContainer == null)
                throw new BadStateException("This entry is an orphan");

            // workitem 10355
            if (zipContainer.ZipFile == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Use Extract() only with ZipFile.");

            if (zipEntrySource != ZipEntrySource.ZipFile)
                throw new BadStateException("You must call ZipFile.Save before calling any Extract method");

            _ioOperationCanceled = false;

                ValidateCompression(_CompressionMethod_FromZipFile, fileName, GetUnsupportedCompressionMethod(_CompressionMethod));
                ValidateEncryption(Encryption, fileName, _UnsupportedAlgorithmId);

                if (IsDoneWithOutputToStream())

                // If no password explicitly specified, use the password on the entry itself,
                // or on the zipfile itself.
                if (_Encryption_FromZipFile != EncryptionAlgorithm.None)

                if (ExtractToStream(ArchiveStream, outStream, Encryption, _Crc32))
                    goto ExitTry;

                ExitTry: ;
            catch (Exception)
                _ioOperationCanceled = true;
        private void InternalExtractToStream(Stream outStream, string password, ZipContainer zipContainer, ZipEntrySource zipEntrySource, string fileName)
            // workitem 7958
            if (zipContainer == null)
                throw new BadStateException("This entry is an orphan");

            // workitem 10355
            if (zipContainer.ZipFile == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Use Extract() only with ZipFile.");

            if (zipEntrySource != ZipEntrySource.ZipFile)
                throw new BadStateException("You must call ZipFile.Save before calling any Extract method");

            _ioOperationCanceled = false;

                ValidateCompression(_CompressionMethod_FromZipFile, fileName, GetUnsupportedCompressionMethod(_CompressionMethod));
                ValidateEncryption(Encryption, fileName, _UnsupportedAlgorithmId);

                if (IsDoneWithOutputToStream())

                // If no password explicitly specified, use the password on the entry itself,
                // or on the zipfile itself.
                if (_Encryption_FromZipFile != EncryptionAlgorithm.None)

                if (ExtractToStream(ArchiveStream, outStream, Encryption, _Crc32))
                    goto ExitTry;

                ExitTry :;
            catch (Exception)
                _ioOperationCanceled = true;
        private static ZipEntry Create(string nameInArchive, ZipEntrySource source, Object arg1, Object arg2)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(nameInArchive))
                throw new Ionic.Zip.ZipException("The entry name must be non-null and non-empty.");

            ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry();

            // workitem 7071
            // workitem 7926 - "version made by" OS should be zero for compat with WinZip
            entry._VersionMadeBy = (0 << 8) + 45; // indicates the attributes are FAT Attributes, and v4.5 of the spec
            entry._Source        = source;
            entry._Mtime         = entry._Atime = entry._Ctime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            if (source == ZipEntrySource.Stream)
                entry._sourceStream = (arg1 as Stream);         // may  or may not be null
            else if (source == ZipEntrySource.WriteDelegate)
                entry._WriteDelegate = (arg1 as WriteDelegate); // may  or may not be null
            else if (source == ZipEntrySource.JitStream)
                entry._OpenDelegate  = (arg1 as OpenDelegate);  // may  or may not be null
                entry._CloseDelegate = (arg2 as CloseDelegate); // may  or may not be null
            else if (source == ZipEntrySource.ZipOutputStream)
            // workitem 9073
            else if (source == ZipEntrySource.None)
                // make this a valid value, for later.
                entry._Source = ZipEntrySource.FileSystem;
                String filename = (arg1 as String);   // must not be null

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filename))
                    throw new Ionic.Zip.ZipException("The filename must be non-null and non-empty.");

                    // The named file may or may not exist at this time.  For
                    // example, when adding a directory by name.  We test existence
                    // when necessary: when saving the ZipFile, or when getting the
                    // attributes, and so on.

                    // workitem 6878??
                    entry._Mtime = File.GetLastWriteTime(filename).ToUniversalTime();
                    entry._Ctime = File.GetCreationTime(filename).ToUniversalTime();
                    entry._Atime = File.GetLastAccessTime(filename).ToUniversalTime();

                    // workitem 7071
                    // can only get attributes on files that exist.
                    if (File.Exists(filename) || Directory.Exists(filename))
                        entry._ExternalFileAttrs = (int)File.GetAttributes(filename);

                    entry._ntfsTimesAreSet = true;

                    entry._LocalFileName = Path.GetFullPath(filename); // workitem 8813
                catch (System.IO.PathTooLongException ptle)
                    // workitem 14035
                    var msg = String.Format("The path is too long, filename={0}",
                    throw new ZipException(msg, ptle);

            entry._LastModified      = entry._Mtime;
            entry._FileNameInArchive = SharedUtilities.NormalizePathForUseInZipFile(nameInArchive);
            // We don't actually slurp in the file data until the caller invokes Write on this entry.

        /// <summary>
        /// Extract to a stream
        /// In other words, you can extract to a stream or to a directory (filesystem), but not both!
        /// The Password param is required for encrypted entries.
        /// </summary>
        void InternalExtractToStream(Stream outStream, string password, ZipContainer zipContainer, ZipEntrySource zipEntrySource, string fileName)
            // workitem 10355
            if (zipContainer.ZipFile == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Use Extract() only with ZipFile.");


            if (zipEntrySource != ZipEntrySource.ZipFile)
                throw new BadStateException("You must call ZipFile.Save before calling any Extract method");

            OnBeforeExtract(this, null, zipContainer.ZipFile);

            _ioOperationCanceled = false;

                ValidateCompression(_CompressionMethod_FromZipFile, fileName, GetUnsupportedCompressionMethod(_CompressionMethod));
                ValidateEncryption(Encryption, fileName, _UnsupportedAlgorithmId);

                if (IsDoneWithOutputToStream())
                    WriteStatus("extract dir {0}...", null);
                    // if true, then the entry was a directory and has been created.
                    // We need to fire the Extract Event.

                // If no password explicitly specified, use the password on the entry itself,
                // or on the zipfile itself.
                if (_Encryption_FromZipFile != EncryptionAlgorithm.None)

                WriteStatus("extract entry {0} to stream...", fileName);

                var archiveStream = ArchiveStream;

                if (ExtractToStream(archiveStream, outStream, Encryption, _Crc32))
                    goto ExitTry;


                ExitTry :;
            catch (Exception)
                _ioOperationCanceled = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Default constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Applications should never need to call this directly.  It is exposed to
 /// support COM Automation environments.
 /// </remarks>
 public ZipEntry()
     _CompressionMethod = (Int16)CompressionMethod.Deflate;
     _Encryption = EncryptionAlgorithm.None;
     _Source = ZipEntrySource.None;
     #if !WINDOWS
     // See https://dotnetzip.codeplex.com/workitem/14049
     AlternateEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8");
     AlternateEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("IBM437");
     AlternateEncodingUsage = ZipOption.Never;