//========== PRIVATE METHODS ===================================================================================

        private void Awake()
            m_Map = GetArg("-map") ?? "Level1";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_ServerIP) == false && m_ServerPort > 0)
                Zeuz.SetServerOverrides(m_ServerIP, m_ServerPort);

            // Initialize zeuz and preventively unreserve service
            // This also loads settings to run game server and identify gameplay - IP, Port, Server Group ID, Game Profile ID

        //========== PUBLIC METHODS ====================================================================================

        public override void Disconnected(BoltConnection connection)
            foreach (BoltConnection client in BoltNetwork.Connections)
                if (connection != client)

            // Deinitialize zeuz and unreserve service when last client disconnected
            // This should be called when the game is over and you don't need this game server instance anymore
