 private void ErrorHandling()
     if (ErrorDialog.IsVisible)
     { // Check if Demonbuddy found errordialog
         if (!handlederror)
             Send("CheckConnection", pause: true);
             handlederror = true;
             handlederror = false;
     else if (UIElementTester.isValid(_UIElement.errordialog_okbutton))
     { // Demonbuddy failed to find error dialog use static hash to find the OK button
         Send("CheckConnection", pause: true);
         handlederror = false;
         if (UIElementTester.isValid(_UIElement.loginscreen_username))
         { // We are at loginscreen
             Send("CheckConnection", pause: true);
        /// <summary>
        /// UIElement validation check
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hash">UIElement hash to check</param>
        /// <param name="isEnabled">should be enabled</param>
        /// <param name="isVisible">should be visible</param>
        /// <param name="bisValid">should be a valid UIElement</param>
        /// <returns>true if all requirements are valid</returns>
        public static bool isValid(ulong hash, bool isEnabled = true, bool isVisible = true, bool bisValid = true)
                if (!UIElement.IsValidElement(hash))
                    var element = UIElement.FromHash(hash);

                    if ((isEnabled && !element.IsEnabled) || (!isEnabled && element.IsEnabled))
                    if ((isVisible && !element.IsVisible) || (!isVisible && element.IsVisible))
                    if ((bisValid && !element.IsValid) || (!bisValid && element.IsValid))
        void CheckNotificationUI()
                Zeta.Internals.UIElement ui = null;

                if (Zeta.Internals.UIElement.IsValidElement(0x4CC93A73A58BAFFF) && (ui = Zeta.Internals.UIElement.FromHash(0x4CC93A73A58BAFFF)) != null)
                    if (ui.IsVisible)
                        Log(String.Format("Detect UI = {0}, Visible = {1}", ui.Name, ui.IsVisible));

                        Zeta.Internals.UIElement Button = null;

                        if (Zeta.Internals.UIElement.IsValidElement(0xB4433DA3F648A992) && (Button = Zeta.Internals.UIElement.FromHash(0xB4433DA3F648A992)) != null)
                            if (Button.IsVisible)
                                Log("Notification OK clicked");

                                // Case for click OK when Disconnect popups in Start/Resume menu
                                if (Zeta.Internals.UIElement.IsValidElement(0x51A3923949DC80B7) && (Button = Zeta.Internals.UIElement.FromHash(0x51A3923949DC80B7)) != null)
                                    if (Button.IsVisible && Button.IsEnabled)
                                        Log("Resume/Start Button clicked");
                else if (Zeta.Internals.UIElement.IsValidElement(0x7355E17C5FE4B253) && (ui = Zeta.Internals.UIElement.FromHash(0x7355E17C5FE4B253)) != null)
                    // Party notification
                    if (ui.IsVisible)
                        Log(String.Format("Detect UI = {0}, Visible = {1}", ui.Name, ui.IsVisible));
                        Zeta.Internals.UIElement Button = null;

                        if (Zeta.Internals.UIElement.IsValidElement(0xB4433DA3F648A992) && (Button = Zeta.Internals.UIElement.FromHash(0xB4433DA3F648A992)) != null)
                            if (Button.IsVisible)
                                Log("Party Notification click");
            catch (Exception)
 protected override Composite CreateBehavior()
         Zeta.Internals.UIElement okBtn = Zeta.Internals.UIElements.ConfirmationDialogOkButton;
         return(new PrioritySelector(
                    new Decorator(ret => isBusy(),
                                  new Zeta.TreeSharp.Action(delegate
             if (isBusy())
                 return RunStatus.Running;
                 return RunStatus.Success;
                    new Decorator(ret => okBtn != null && okBtn.IsValid && okBtn.IsVisible,
                                  new Zeta.TreeSharp.Action(delegate
             Logging.WriteDiagnostic("[ConfirmOK] Clicking OK");
             return RunStatus.Success;
                    new Zeta.TreeSharp.Action(delegate
             Logging.WriteDiagnostic("[ConfirmOK] Finished");
             m_IsDone = true;
     catch (Exception ex)
         return(new Zeta.TreeSharp.Action(delegate
             m_IsDone = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks to see if the Confirmation OK Dialog box is visible
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool ConfirmationDialogVisible()
                Zeta.Internals.UIElement okBtn = Zeta.Internals.UIElements.ConfirmationDialogOkButton;

                if (okBtn != null && okBtn.IsValid && okBtn.IsVisible)
            This method checks to see if the leader is in a different Level Area than the follower.
            If it is, then we need to see if there is a portal nearby, and if so use it.
            -- do not use portal if we are near a boss portal or in a boss area
        private void leaderLevelAreaChangeCheck(int levelAreaID)
            if (nearBossPortal())
                Log("leaderLevelAreaChangeCheck() - WARNING! We are near a Boss portal!");
            // if we don't find a portal then we need to TP and banner
            bool portalFound = false;
            // check if the leader's Level Area ID is different to the follower's
            // We can't be fighting a boss or near a boss portal... if either of these are true, then it's best to
            // TP to town if it turns out that we have lost the leader
            if (ZetaDia.CurrentLevelAreaId != levelAreaID && !BossEncounter && !nearBossPortal())
                // Is there a portal nearby
                // if so, locate portal and use it

                foreach (Actor worldActor in ZetaDia.Actors.RActorList)
                    // in order to be able to use the object's data we need to convert it to a DiaObject
                    DiaObject worldObject = (DiaObject)worldActor;

                    Log("leaderLevelAreaChangeCheck() - looking for a portal");

                    // is the object a portal, within 30 feet and NOT a BossPortal ?
                    if(worldObject is Zeta.Internals.Actors.Gizmos.GizmoPortal && worldObject.Distance < 50)
                        // portal found
                        portalFound = true;
                        Log("leaderLevelAreaChangeCheck() - There is  portal nearby!");
                        // move to the portal
                        Log("leaderLevelAreaChangeCheck() - Moving to the portal");
                        while (ZetaDia.Me.Position.Distance(worldObject.Position) > 10)
                            ZetaDia.Me.UsePower(SNOPower.Walk, worldObject.Position, ZetaDia.Me.WorldDynamicId, -1);
                        BotMain.PauseFor(System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds(randomNumber.Next(2, 3)));
                        // store the followers current coordinates
                        Vector3 prePortalCoordinates = ZetaDia.Me.Position;
                        // get me through that portal
                        // repeat until our world position has changed
                        while(prePortalCoordinates.Distance(ZetaDia.Me.Position) < 5)
                            Log("leaderLevelAreaChangeCheck() - Use dat portal, mon");
                            ZetaDia.Me.UsePower(SNOPower.Axe_Operate_Gizmo, worldObject.Position, ZetaDia.Me.WorldDynamicId, worldObject.ACDGuid);
                            // pause bot for a bit
                            BotMain.PauseFor(System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds(randomNumber.Next(1, 2)));

                            // Portal stone OK button
                            // this pops up for a number of reasons:
                            // - Portal Stone use
                            if (Zeta.Internals.UIElement.IsValidElement(0x891D21408238D18E) && (Button = Zeta.Internals.UIElement.FromHash(0x891D21408238D18E)) != null)
                                if (Button.IsVisible)
                                    // grab world ID
                                    int previousWorldID = ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId;
                                    Log("Clicking on OK button");
                                    // click on the ACCEPT button
                                    pauseForABit(2, 3);
                                    // wait till we get to the destination
                                    while(ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == previousWorldID)
                                        // do nothing
                                        Log("leaderLevelAreaChangeCheck() - we are transitioning out of this world, via the portal stone");
                        // Set this follower's DudeState file to Running, so that the leader knows that
                        // all the followers are through the portal and ready to continue the run again
            //			dudeRadio.updateDudeState("Running");
                        // set the time portal was last used to the current time
                        timeLastPortalWasUsed = DateTime.Now;

                // No portal
                // nothing more to check on, we may be out of range, so let that code deal with that possibility


            if (!portalFound)
                // no portal was found, so we need to head back to town
                Log("No portal found, let's TP back to town and find the leader's banner");
            this mothod looks for and invite to a party, accepts it, and
            acquires an ID for the dude
            updates the PartyState file, signifying this dude is in the part
        private void checkForPartyInvite()
            Log("checkForPartyInvite() - We are in Party Creation mode");
            // Wait for invite
            if (Zeta.Internals.UIElement.IsValidElement(0x9EFA05648195042D) && (Button = Zeta.Internals.UIElement.FromHash(0x9EFA05648195042D)) != null)
                // is the invite graphic visible
                if (Button.IsVisible)
                    Log("checkForPartyInvite() - Invite incoming!");
                    // invite has shown up, accept it
                    pauseForABit(1, 3);

                    // Confirm joining party (click OK)
                    if (Zeta.Internals.UIElement.IsValidElement(0xB4433DA3F648A992) && (Button = Zeta.Internals.UIElement.FromHash(0xB4433DA3F648A992)) != null)
                        // is the joining party confirmation button visible
                        if (Button.IsVisible)
                            // invite has shown up, accept it
                            pauseForABit(1, 3);
                            Log("checkForPartyInvite() - Accepting the invite to the party");
                            // click ok
                            // we are now in a party

                    // retrieve this dude's party member ID
                    // required for inter-party communication
                    partyID = dudeRadio.retrievePartyMemberID();

                    // update PartyState file saying this char is present
                    // need to make sure that the PartyState for this characters is set to Present
                    while (dudeRadio.thisDudeIsPresent(partyID) == false)

            // Follower leaving message
            // need to OKAY this in order to get rid of it
            if (Zeta.Internals.UIElement.IsValidElement(0xF85A00117F5902E9) && (Button = Zeta.Internals.UIElement.FromHash(0xF85A00117F5902E9)) != null)
                if (Button.IsVisible)
                    Log("Follower is leaving message has popped up");
                    // click on the OK button
            // Follower is joining up again - if you are the only one in the party, then might as well have the follower rejoin
            // need to OKAY this in order to get rid of it
            if (Zeta.Internals.UIElement.IsValidElement(0x161745BBCE22A8BA) && (Button = Zeta.Internals.UIElement.FromHash(0x161745BBCE22A8BA)) != null)
                if (Button.IsVisible)
                    Log("Follower is joining message has popped up");
                    // click on the YES button
            // Follower is joining up again - if you are the only one in the party, then might as well have the follower rejoin
            // need to OKAY this in order to get rid of it
            if (Zeta.Internals.UIElement.IsValidElement(0x161745BBCE22A8BA) && (Button = Zeta.Internals.UIElement.FromHash(0x161745BBCE22A8BA)) != null)
                if (Button.IsVisible)
                    Log("Follower is joining message has popped up");
                    // click on the YES button
        public void OnPulse()
            // Plugin Will Crash D3 if not in game world
            // do not do anything IF
            // - we are not in the game
            // - we are still loading the world
            // - comms directory exists
            if (ZetaDia.IsInGame && !ZetaDia.IsLoadingWorld && Directory.Exists(commsDirectory))

                // get the current GameState
                currentGameState = dudeRadio.getGameState();

                // keep on checking if the leader has finished with the boss and moved on
                if (BossEncounter && currentGameState != "BossEncounter")
                    Log("Boss fight is over, now where is the leader?");
                    BossEncounter = false;

                // are we creating the party - start of a game
                if (currentGameState == "CreateParty")
                    // TP back to town
                        // make sure there aren't any baddies about!
                        // To town, baby!
                        pauseForABit(1, 2);
                    // Are we on the run
                    if (!inCombat() && !isLooting() && !isStashing() && (currentGameState == "Running" || currentGameState == "BossEncounter"))

                    // grab Dude's current state
                    // PartyID will be = Dude1, Dude2, or Dude3
            //		string currentDudeState = dudeRadio.getDudeState();
                    // ready for when we add code that requires the Dude's state

                // Portal stone OK button
                // this pops up for a number of reasons:
                // - Portal Stone use
                if (Zeta.Internals.UIElement.IsValidElement(0x891D21408238D18E) && (Button = Zeta.Internals.UIElement.FromHash(0x891D21408238D18E)) != null)
                    if (Button.IsVisible)
                        // grab world ID
                        int previousWorldID = ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId;
                        Log("Clicking on OK button");
                        // click on the ACCEPT button
                        pauseForABit(2, 3);
                        // wait till we get to the destination
                        while(ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == previousWorldID)
                            // do nothing
                            Log("we are transitioning out of this world, via the portal stone");

                // Boss Encounter
                // This clicks on the ACCEPT button of the boss encounter
                // found to be the same hash for all bosses
                // Skeleton King - The Butcher - Zultan Kull - Belial - Ghom - Azmodan - Diablo
                if (Zeta.Internals.UIElement.IsValidElement(0x69B3F61C0F8490B0) && (Button = Zeta.Internals.UIElement.FromHash(0x69B3F61C0F8490B0)) != null)
                    if (Button.IsVisible)
                        pauseForABit(1, 3);
                        // click on the ACCEPT button
                        // set the boss encounter to true, so that we don't test for out of Range of the Leader
                        BossEncounter = true;
                        // Allow time to enter boss area
                        while (!inBossArea())
                            Log("We are transitioning to boss area");
                            pauseForABit(3, 4);
                if (Zeta.Internals.UIElement.IsValidElement(0xF495983BA9BE450F) && (Button = Zeta.Internals.UIElement.FromHash(0xF495983BA9BE450F)) != null)
                    if (Button.IsVisible)
                        pauseForABit(1, 3);
                        // click on the ACCEPT button
                        // set the boss encounter to true, so that we don't test for out of Range of the Leader
                        BossEncounter = true;
                        // Allow time to enter boss area
                        while (!inBossArea())
                            Log("We are transitioning to boss area");
                            pauseForABit(3, 4);

                // Follower leaving message
                // need to OKAY this in order to get rid of it
                if (Zeta.Internals.UIElement.IsValidElement(0xF85A00117F5902E9) && (Button = Zeta.Internals.UIElement.FromHash(0xF85A00117F5902E9)) != null)
                    if (Button.IsVisible)
                        Log("Follower is leaving message has popped up");
                        // click on the OK button
                // Follower is joining up again - if you are the only one in the party, then might as well have the follower rejoin
                // need to OKAY this in order to get rid of it
                if (Zeta.Internals.UIElement.IsValidElement(0x161745BBCE22A8BA) && (Button = Zeta.Internals.UIElement.FromHash(0x161745BBCE22A8BA)) != null)
                    if (Button.IsVisible)
                        Log("Follower is joining message has popped up");
                        // click on the YES button
                // Follower is joining up again - if you are the only one in the party, then might as well have the follower rejoin
                // need to OKAY this in order to get rid of it
                if (Zeta.Internals.UIElement.IsValidElement(0x161745BBCE22A8BA) && (Button = Zeta.Internals.UIElement.FromHash(0x161745BBCE22A8BA)) != null)
                    if (Button.IsVisible)
                        Log("Follower is joining message has popped up");
                        // click on the YES button

            // Dude died?
            // If the Revive at last checkpoint BUTTON pops up, then click on it
            if (Zeta.Internals.UIElement.IsValidElement(0xBFAAF48BA9316742) && (Button = Zeta.Internals.UIElement.FromHash(0xBFAAF48BA9316742)) != null)
                if (Button.IsVisible)
                    Log("Revive at last checkpoint BUTTON has popped up");
                    // wait for a second or 2
                    pauseForABit(1, 2);
                    Log("Clicking on the Revive at last checkpoint BUTTON");
                    // click on the Revive at last checkpoint BUTTON
                    // wait for a second or 2
                    pauseForABit(1, 2);