public void Update(object sender, UpdateQuantificationItemEventArgs e) { var summary = e.Item as SilacQuantificationSummaryItem; if (summary == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("UpdateQuantificationItemEventArgs.Item cannot be null"); } double sampleMz; double referenceMz; if (summary.SampleIsLight) { sampleMz = summary.ObservedEnvelopes[0].Light[0].Mz; referenceMz = summary.ObservedEnvelopes[0].Heavy[0].Mz; } else { sampleMz = summary.ObservedEnvelopes[0].Heavy[0].Mz; referenceMz = summary.ObservedEnvelopes[0].Light[0].Mz; } panel.ClearData(); var pplSample = new PointPairList(); var pplReference = new PointPairList(); var pplSampleCurve = new PointPairList(); var pplReferenceCurve = new PointPairList(); bool bChecked = false; for (int i = 0; i < summary.ObservedEnvelopes.Count; i++) { var envelope = summary.ObservedEnvelopes[i]; if (envelope.Enabled != bChecked) { if (pplSampleCurve.Count > 0) { if (bChecked) { panel.AddPoly("", pplSampleCurve, SilacQuantificationConstants.SAMPLE_COLOR, new[] { SilacQuantificationConstants.PLOY_COLOR }); panel.AddPoly("", pplReferenceCurve, SilacQuantificationConstants.REFERENCE_COLOR, new[] { SilacQuantificationConstants.PLOY_COLOR }); } } pplSampleCurve = new PointPairList(); pplReferenceCurve = new PointPairList(); bChecked = envelope.Enabled; } if (summary.SampleIsLight) { pplSampleCurve.Add(envelope.Scan, envelope.LightIntensity); pplReferenceCurve.Add(envelope.Scan, envelope.HeavyIntensity); pplSample.Add(envelope.Scan, envelope.LightIntensity); pplReference.Add(envelope.Scan, envelope.HeavyIntensity); } else { pplSampleCurve.Add(envelope.Scan, envelope.LightIntensity); pplReferenceCurve.Add(envelope.Scan, envelope.HeavyIntensity); pplSample.Add(envelope.Scan, envelope.HeavyIntensity); pplReference.Add(envelope.Scan, envelope.LightIntensity); } } if (pplSampleCurve.Count > 0) { if (bChecked) { panel.AddPoly("", pplSampleCurve, SilacQuantificationConstants.SAMPLE_COLOR, new[] { SilacQuantificationConstants.PLOY_COLOR }); panel.AddPoly("", pplReferenceCurve, SilacQuantificationConstants.REFERENCE_COLOR, new[] { SilacQuantificationConstants.PLOY_COLOR }); } } panel.AddCurve("Sample", pplSample, SilacQuantificationConstants.SAMPLE_COLOR, SymbolType.None); panel.AddCurve("Reference", pplReference, SilacQuantificationConstants.REFERENCE_COLOR, SymbolType.None); var identified = new PointPairList(); summary.ObservedEnvelopes.FindAll(m => m.IsIdentified).ForEach(m => { identified.Add(new PointPair(m.Scan, m.LightIntensity)); identified.Add(new PointPair(m.Scan, m.HeavyIntensity)); }); panel.AddIndividualLine("Identified", identified, SilacQuantificationConstants.IDENTIFIED_COLOR); var currentScan = new PointPairList(); summary.ObservedEnvelopes.FindAll(m => m.IsSelected).ForEach(m => { currentScan.Add(new PointPair(m.Scan, Math.Max(m.LightIntensity, m.HeavyIntensity))); }); if (currentScan.Count > 0) { panel.AddIndividualLine("CurrentScan", currentScan, Color.Black); } ZedGraphicExtension.UpdateGraph(zgcGraph); }
public override void Update(object sender, UpdateQuantificationItemEventArgs e) { IIdentifiedResult mr = e.Item as IIdentifiedResult; IQuantificationSummaryOption option = e.Option as IQuantificationSummaryOption; string xTitle = MyConvert.Format("(Log({0}) + Log({1})) / 2", option.Func.ReferenceKey, option.Func.SampleKey); string yTitle = MyConvert.Format("Log(Ratio)"); panel.InitGraphPane(title, xTitle, yTitle, true, 0.0); var groups = from g in mr where option.IsProteinRatioValid(g[0]) select g; try { var pplNormal = new PointPairList(); var pplSelected = new PointPairList(); var pplOutlier = new PointPairList(); double maxX = 0.0; foreach (var group in groups) { PointPairList ppl; if (group.Selected) { ppl = pplSelected; } else if (option.IsProteinOutlier(group[0])) { ppl = pplOutlier; } else { ppl = pplNormal; } double int1 = Math.Log(option.Func.GetReferenceIntensity(group[0])); double int2 = Math.Log(option.Func.GetSampleIntensity(group[0])); double A = (int1 + int2) / 2; double ratio = Math.Log(option.GetProteinRatio(group[0])); ppl.Add(A, ratio); ppl[ppl.Count - 1].Tag = group; Debug.Assert(ppl[ppl.Count - 1].Tag == group); maxX = Math.Max(A, maxX); } this.panel.ClearData(); var ratios = (from mpg in groups let ratio = Math.Log(option.GetProteinRatio(mpg[0])) orderby ratio select ratio).ToList(); panel.DrawProbabilityRange(maxX, ratios); this.panel.AddPoints(pplOutlier, OutlierColor, "Outlier"); this.panel.AddPoints(pplSelected, GroupColor, "Current Protein"); this.panel.AddPoints(pplNormal, NormalColor, "Other"); } finally { ZedGraphicExtension.UpdateGraph(this.zgcGraph); } }
public override void Update(object sender, UpdateQuantificationItemEventArgs e) { IQuantificationSummaryOption option = e.Option as IQuantificationSummaryOption; panel.InitGraphPane(this.title, option.Func.ReferenceKey, option.Func.SampleKey, true, 0.0); IIdentifiedProteinGroup group = e.Item as IIdentifiedProteinGroup; try { var pplNormal = new PointPairList(); var pplSelected = new PointPairList(); var spectra = group.GetPeptides(); var format = new SilacQuantificationSummaryItemXmlFormat(); foreach (var pep in spectra) { if (option.IsPeptideRatioValid(pep)) { string ratioFile = GetRatioFile(option, pep); if (ratioFile == null) { continue; } var item = format.ReadFromFile(ratioFile); Func <SilacPeakListPair, double> getSamIntensity; Func <SilacPeakListPair, double> getRefIntensity; if (item.SampleIsLight) { getSamIntensity = m => m.LightIntensity; getRefIntensity = m => m.HeavyIntensity; } else { getSamIntensity = m => m.HeavyIntensity; getRefIntensity = m => m.LightIntensity; } PointPairList ppl; if (pep.Selected) { ppl = pplSelected; } else { ppl = pplNormal; } foreach (var envelope in item.ObservedEnvelopes) { if (!envelope.Enabled) { continue; } double refIntensity = getRefIntensity(envelope); double sampleIntensity = getSamIntensity(envelope); if (refIntensity == 0.0 || sampleIntensity == 0.0) { continue; } ppl.Add(refIntensity, sampleIntensity); ppl[ppl.Count - 1].Tag = pep; Debug.Assert(ppl[ppl.Count - 1].Tag == pep); } } } this.panel.ClearData(); this.panel.AddPoints(pplSelected, SelectedColor); this.panel.AddPoints(pplNormal, NormalColor); var pplTotal = new PointPairList(); pplTotal.AddRange(pplSelected); pplTotal.AddRange(pplNormal); if (pplTotal.Count > 0) { var lr = pplTotal.GetRegression(); var lr_text = MyConvert.Format("Ratio={0:0.00}, Correl={1:0.00}, FValue={2:0.00}, FProb={3:E4}", lr.Ratio, lr.RSquare, lr.TValue, lr.PValue); PointPairList line = pplTotal.GetRegressionLine(); var lineItem = this.panel.AddCurve(lr_text, line, RegressionLineColor, SymbolType.None); lineItem.Label.FontSpec = new FontSpec() { Size = 15, Border = new Border() { IsVisible = false } }; } } finally { ZedGraphicExtension.UpdateGraph(this.zgcGraph); } }
public void Update(object sender, UpdateMRMPairedPeptideItemEventArgs e) { var summary = e.Item; if (summary == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("UpdateMRMPairedPeptideItemEventArgs.Item cannot be null"); } var myMaster = zgcGraph.GraphPane; myMaster.Title.Text = "Retention time ranges"; myMaster.XAxis.Title.Text = "Files"; myMaster.YAxis.Title.Text = "Retention time"; myMaster.CurveList.Clear(); try { var splRange = new PointPairList(); var splEnabled = new PointPairList(); var splAll = new StockPointList(); List <string> filenames = new List <string>(); int index = 0; List <double> median = new List <double>(); for (int i = 0; i < summary.ProductIonPairs.Count; i++) { if (summary.ProductIonPairs[i] == null) { continue; } index++; filenames.Add(summary.ProductIonPairs[i].FileName); var ints = summary.ProductIonPairs[i].Light.Intensities; var low = ints.First().RetentionTime; var high = ints.Last().RetentionTime; var firstEnabled = ints.Find(m => m.Enabled); var open = firstEnabled == null ? (low + high) / 2 : firstEnabled.RetentionTime; var lastEnabled = ints.FindLast(m => m.Enabled); var close = lastEnabled == null ? (low + high) / 2 : lastEnabled.RetentionTime; median.Add((open + close) / 2); splRange.Add(new PointPair(index, low, high)); splEnabled.Add(new PointPair(index, open, close)); splAll.Add(index, high, low, open, close, 1000); } myMaster.XAxis.Type = AxisType.Text; myMaster.XAxis.Scale.TextLabels = filenames.ToArray(); var item = myMaster.AddJapaneseCandleStick("", splAll); item.Stick.RisingFill = new Fill(Color.Red); item.Stick.FallingFill = new Fill(Color.Blue); zgcGraph.AxisChange(); } finally { ZedGraphicExtension.UpdateGraph(this.zgcGraph); } }
public void Update(object sender, UpdateMRMPairedProductIonEventArgs e) { panel.ClearData(); var summary = e.Item; if (summary == null) { return; } var option = e.ViewOption; panel.Tag = summary; panel.ClearData(); try { var enabledCount = summary.EnabledScanCount; double maxLightIntensity, maxHeavyIntensity; if (enabledCount == 0) { maxLightIntensity = summary.LightMaxIntensity; maxHeavyIntensity = summary.HeavyMaxIntensity; } else { maxLightIntensity = summary.LightMaxEnabledIntensity; maxHeavyIntensity = summary.HeavyMaxEnabledIntensity; } var maxIntensity = Math.Max(maxLightIntensity, maxHeavyIntensity); if (summary.IsCurrent && option.ViewCurrentHighlight) { panel.Chart.Fill = new Fill(Color.Cornsilk); } else { panel.Chart.Fill = new Fill(Color.Transparent); } if (summary.Light != null && summary.Heavy != null && !option.ViewGreenLine) { AddAbsoluteCurve(summary.Light, "Light", Color.Blue, DashStyle.Solid); AddAbsoluteCurve(summary.Heavy, "Heavy", Color.Red, DashStyle.Dot); } else { if (summary.Light != null) { AddAbsoluteCurve(summary.Light, "Light", Color.Blue, DashStyle.Solid); } if (summary.Heavy != null) { AddAbsoluteCurve(summary.Heavy, "Heavy", Color.Red, DashStyle.Solid); } if (option.ViewGreenLine) { if ((maxLightIntensity > maxHeavyIntensity) && (summary.Heavy != null)) { AddAbsoluteCurve2(summary.Heavy, maxLightIntensity * 0.9 / maxHeavyIntensity, Color.Green); } else if (summary.Light != null) { AddAbsoluteCurve2(summary.Light, maxHeavyIntensity * 0.9 / maxLightIntensity, Color.Green); } } } var filename = string.IsNullOrEmpty(summary.FileName) ? "" : summary.FileName + "; "; if (summary.IsPaired) { this.panel.Title.Text = filename + summary.GetFormula() + "\n" + summary.GetSignalToNoise(); } else { this.panel.Title.Text = filename + summary.GetSignalToNoise(); } this.panel.Title.IsVisible = true; this.panel.YAxis.Scale.Min = 0; if (option.ViewType == DisplayType.PerfectSize || option.ViewType == DisplayType.FullHeight) { var range = (from scan in summary.Light.Intensities where scan.Enabled orderby scan.RetentionTime select scan.RetentionTime).ToList(); if (range.Count > 0) { var minRt = range.First() - 1; var maxRt = range.Last() + 1; panel.XAxis.Scale.Min = minRt; panel.XAxis.Scale.Max = maxRt; } if (option.ViewType == DisplayType.PerfectSize) { panel.YAxis.Scale.Max = maxIntensity * 1.2; } } } finally { ZedGraphicExtension.UpdateGraph(this.zgcGraph); } }
private void UpdateCurve() { foreach (GraphPane pane in zgcCurve.MasterPane.PaneList) { pane.ClearData(); } try { if (lvPrecursor.SelectedItems.Count == 0) { return; } GraphPane graphScans = zgcCurve.MasterPane.PaneList[0]; GraphPane graphPPM = zgcCurve.MasterPane.PaneList[1]; var pplScan = new PointPairList(); var pplPPM = new PointPairList(); var pplScanCurve = new PointPairList(); bool bChecked = false; double precursorMz = MyConvert.ToDouble(lvPrecursor.SelectedItems[0].Text); var identified = new PointPairList(); foreach (ListViewItem item in this.lvScans.Items) { if (item == null) { return; } if (item.Checked != bChecked) { if (pplScanCurve.Count > 0 && bChecked) { graphScans.AddPoly("", pplScanCurve, Color.Blue, new[] { PLOY_COLOR }); } pplScanCurve = new PointPairList(); bChecked = item.Checked; } LabelFreeItem c = (LabelFreeItem)item.Tag; pplScan.Add(new PointPair(c.Scan, c.AdjustIntensity)); pplScanCurve.Add(new PointPair(c.Scan, c.AdjustIntensity)); pplPPM.Add(new PointPair(c.Scan, c.DeltaMzPPM)); if (c.Identified) { identified.Add(new PointPair(c.Scan, c.AdjustIntensity)); } } if (pplScanCurve.Count > 0 && bChecked) { graphScans.AddPoly("", pplScanCurve, Color.Blue, new[] { PLOY_COLOR }); } graphScans.AddCurve(precursorMz.ToString(), pplScan, Color.Blue, SymbolType.None); graphPPM.AddCurve(precursorMz.ToString(), pplPPM, Color.Blue, SymbolType.None); graphScans.AddIndividualLine("Identified", identified, Color.Red); } finally { ZedGraphicExtension.UpdateGraph(this.zgcCurve); } }
public void UpdateMaxIntensity(double maxIntensity) { panel.YAxis.Scale.Max = maxIntensity; ZedGraphicExtension.UpdateGraph(zgcGraph); }
public void Update(object sender, UpdateQuantificationItemEventArgs e) { var summary = e.Item as SilacQuantificationSummaryItem; if (summary == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("UpdateQuantificationItemEventArgs.Item cannot be null"); } ZedGraphicExtension.ClearData(zgcGraph, false); try { var envelope = summary.ObservedEnvelopes.Find(m => m.IsSelected); if (envelope == null) { return; } double minMz = envelope.Light[0].Mz - 1.0; double maxMz = envelope.Heavy[envelope.Heavy.Count - 1].Mz + 1.0; zgcGraph.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.Min = minMz; zgcGraph.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.Max = maxMz; var pplLight = new PointPairList(); envelope.Light.ForEach(p => pplLight.Add(p.Mz, p.Intensity)); var pplHeavy = new PointPairList(); envelope.Heavy.ForEach(p => pplHeavy.Add(p.Mz, p.Intensity)); if (summary.SampleIsLight) { ZedGraphicExtension.AddIndividualLine(zgcGraph, "Sample", pplLight, SilacQuantificationConstants.SAMPLE_COLOR, false); ZedGraphicExtension.AddIndividualLine(zgcGraph, "Reference", pplHeavy, SilacQuantificationConstants.REFERENCE_COLOR, false); } else { ZedGraphicExtension.AddIndividualLine(zgcGraph, "Sample", pplHeavy, SilacQuantificationConstants.SAMPLE_COLOR, false); ZedGraphicExtension.AddIndividualLine(zgcGraph, "Reference", pplLight, SilacQuantificationConstants.REFERENCE_COLOR, false); } // Shift the text items up by 5 user scale units above the bars const float shift = 5; var ppl = new PointPairList(); ppl.AddRange(pplLight); ppl.AddRange(pplHeavy); for (int i = 0; i < ppl.Count; i++) { // format the label string to have 1 decimal place string lab = ppl[i].X.ToString("0.00"); // create the text item (assumes the x axis is ordinal or text) // for negative bars, the label appears just above the zero value var text = new TextObj(lab, ppl[i].X, ppl[i].Y + shift); // tell Zedgraph to use user scale units for locating the TextItem text.Location.CoordinateFrame = CoordType.AxisXYScale; // AlignH the left-center of the text to the specified point text.Location.AlignH = AlignH.Left; text.Location.AlignV = AlignV.Center; text.FontSpec.Border.IsVisible = false; text.FontSpec.Fill.IsVisible = false; // rotate the text 90 degrees text.FontSpec.Angle = 90; // add the TextItem to the list zgcGraph.GraphPane.GraphObjList.Add(text); } if (File.Exists(summary.RawFilename)) { if (rawFile == null) { rawFile = new RawFileImpl(summary.RawFilename); } else if (!rawFile.FileName.Equals(summary.RawFilename)) { rawFile.Open(summary.RawFilename); } PeakList <Peak> pkl = rawFile.GetPeakList(envelope.Light.ScanTimes[0].Scan); var pplRaw = new PointPairList(); pplRaw.Add(minMz, 0.0); for (int i = 0; i < pkl.Count; i++) { if (pkl[i].Mz < minMz) { continue; } else if (pkl[i].Mz > maxMz) { break; } pplRaw.Add(pkl[i].Mz, -pkl[i].Intensity); } pplRaw.Add(maxMz, 0.0); ZedGraphicExtension.AddIndividualLine(zgcGraph, "PeakList From RawFile", pplRaw, SilacQuantificationConstants.IDENTIFIED_COLOR, true); } } finally { ZedGraphicExtension.UpdateGraph(zgcGraph); } }
public void Update(object sender, UpdateQuantificationItemEventArgs e) { var summary = e.Item as SilacQuantificationSummaryItem; if (summary == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("UpdateQuantificationItemEventArgs.Item cannot be null"); } panel.ClearData(); try { int firstScan = summary.ObservedEnvelopes.First().Scan; int lastScan = summary.ObservedEnvelopes.Last().Scan; var samplePPMList = summary.GetSamplePPMList(); var refPPMList = summary.GetReferencePPMList(); var samplePPMs = GetPoints(firstScan, lastScan, samplePPMList); var referencePPMs = GetPoints(firstScan, lastScan, refPPMList); panel.AddCurve("Sample", samplePPMs, SilacQuantificationConstants.SAMPLE_COLOR, SymbolType.None); panel.AddCurve("Reference", referencePPMs, SilacQuantificationConstants.REFERENCE_COLOR, SymbolType.None); var identified = new PointPairList(); summary.ObservedEnvelopes.FindAll(m => m.IsIdentified).ForEach(m => { if (samplePPMList.ContainsKey(m)) { identified.Add(new PointPair(m.Scan, samplePPMList[m])); } if (refPPMList.ContainsKey(m)) { identified.Add(new PointPair(m.Scan, refPPMList[m])); } }); panel.AddIndividualLine("Identified", identified, SilacQuantificationConstants.IDENTIFIED_COLOR); var selected = new PointPairList(); summary.ObservedEnvelopes.FindAll(m => m.IsSelected).ForEach(m => { if (samplePPMList.ContainsKey(m)) { selected.Add(new PointPair(m.Scan, samplePPMList[m])); } if (refPPMList.ContainsKey(m)) { selected.Add(new PointPair(m.Scan, refPPMList[m])); } }); if (selected.Count > 0) { panel.AddIndividualLine("CurrentScan", selected, Color.Black); } panel.YAxis.Scale.Min = -10; panel.YAxis.Scale.Max = 10; } finally { ZedGraphicExtension.UpdateGraph(this.zgcGraph); } }
private void lvPeptides_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lvPeptides.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { var spectrum = lvPeptides.SelectedItems[0].Tag as IIdentifiedSpectrum; var file = ProteinChromatographProcessor.GetTargetFile(GetOriginFile(), rawFile.FullName, SpectrumToChro(spectrum)); var chro = new SimplePeakChroXmlFormat().ReadFromFile(file); try { zgcScans.ClearData(false); var mainPane = ZedGraphicExtension.InitMasterPanel(zgcScans, CreateGraphics(), 2, "Chromotograph"); if (chro.Peaks.Count > 0) { var pplSample = new PointPairList(); var pplppm = new PointPairList(); var bFirst = true; foreach (ScanPeak p in chro.Peaks) { pplSample.Add(p.RetentionTime, p.Intensity); pplppm.Add(p.RetentionTime, p.PPMDistance); //if (p.Intensity > 0) //{ // pplSample.Add(p.RetentionTime, p.Intensity); // pplppm.Add(p.RetentionTime, p.PPMDistance); //} //else if (pplSample.Count > 0) //{ // if (bFirst) // { // mainPane.PaneList[0].AddCurve(MyConvert.Format("{0:0.0000},{1}", chro.Mz, chro.Charge), pplSample, Color.Red, SymbolType.None); // mainPane.PaneList[1].AddCurve(MyConvert.Format("{0:0.0000},{1}", chro.Mz, chro.Charge), pplppm, Color.Red, SymbolType.None); // } // else // { // mainPane.PaneList[0].AddCurve("a", pplSample, Color.Red, SymbolType.None); // mainPane.PaneList[1].AddCurve("a", pplppm, Color.Red, SymbolType.None); // } // pplSample.Clear(); // pplppm.Clear(); // bFirst = false; //} } if (pplSample.Count > 0) { if (bFirst) { mainPane.PaneList[0].AddCurve(MyConvert.Format("{0:0.0000},{1}", chro.Mz, chro.Charge), pplSample, Color.Red, SymbolType.None); mainPane.PaneList[1].AddCurve(MyConvert.Format("{0:0.0000},{1}", chro.Mz, chro.Charge), pplppm, Color.Red, SymbolType.None); } else { mainPane.PaneList[0].AddCurve("a", pplSample, Color.Red, SymbolType.None); mainPane.PaneList[1].AddCurve("a", pplppm, Color.Red, SymbolType.None); } } } } finally { ZedGraphicExtension.UpdateGraph(zgcScans); } } }
public void Update(object sender, UpdateQuantificationItemEventArgs e) { ITraqProteinStatisticOption option = e.Option as ITraqProteinStatisticOption; IIdentifiedProteinGroup protein = null; if (e.Item is IEnumerable <IIdentifiedSpectrum> ) { var spectra = e.Item as IEnumerable <IIdentifiedSpectrum>; protein = new IdentifiedProteinGroup(); protein.Add(new IdentifiedProtein()); protein[0].Peptides.AddRange(from s in spectra select s.Peptide); } else if (e.Item is IIdentifiedProteinGroup) { protein = e.Item as IIdentifiedProteinGroup; } if (protein == null) { throw new ArgumentException("e.Item should be IIdentifiedProteinGroup or IEnumerable<IIdentifiedSpectrum>"); } var validItem = protein[0].Peptides.FirstOrDefault(m => { var item = m.Spectrum.FindIsobaricItem(); return(null != item && item.Valid); }); if (null == validItem) { zgcGraph.ClearData(true); return; } var masterPane = zgcGraph.InitMasterPanel(g, 1, title,; var panel = masterPane[0]; var samples = option.GetSamples(validItem.Spectrum.FindIsobaricItem().PlexType); var dsNames = option.DatasetMap.Keys.OrderBy(m => m).ToList(); var ratioCalc = option.GetRatioCalculator(); List <string> xlabels = new List <string>(); List <PointPairList> outliers = new List <PointPairList>(); List <PointPairList> normals = new List <PointPairList>(); PointPairList proteins = new PointPairList(); //按照数据集循环 foreach (var dsName in dsNames) { var expNames = new HashSet <string>(option.DatasetMap[dsName]); //按照样品循环 foreach (var sample in samples) { ratioCalc.GetSample = sample.GetValue; ratioCalc.DatasetName = dsName; ratioCalc.ChannelName = sample.ChannelRatioName; ratioCalc.Filter = m => expNames.Contains(m.Query.FileScan.Experimental); var ratios = ratioCalc.Calculate(protein); //添加相应的分类名 xlabels.Add(dsName + ":" + sample.Name); //每个分类有三种数据:outlier,normal和proteinratio var outlier = new PointPairList(); outliers.Add(outlier); var normal = new PointPairList(); normals.Add(normal); if (ratios.Count > 0) { var ratio = protein[0].FindITraqChannelItem(dsName, sample.ChannelRatioName).Ratio; proteins.Add(new PointPair() { Y = Math.Log(ratio) }); ratios.ForEach(m => { if (m.IsOutlier) { outlier.Add(new PointPair() { Y = Math.Log(m.Ratio) }); } else { normal.Add(new PointPair() { Y = Math.Log(m.Ratio) }); } }); } else { //缺失值用missing表示。 proteins.Add(new PointPair() { Y = PointPair.Missing }); } } } panel.AddPoints(proteins, Color.Red, "Ratio"); AddOrdinalPoints(outliers, panel, Color.Green, "Outlier"); AddOrdinalPoints(normals, panel, Color.Black, ""); panel.XAxis.Type = AxisType.Text; panel.XAxis.Scale.FontSpec.Angle = 90; panel.XAxis.Scale.TextLabels = xlabels.ToArray(); panel.YAxis.Title.Text = "log(Ratio)"; ZedGraphicExtension.UpdateGraph(zgcGraph); }
public void Update(object sender, UpdateQuantificationItemEventArgs e) { var summary = e.Item as O18QuantificationSummaryItem; if (summary == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("UpdateQuantificationItemEventArgs.Item cannot be null"); } panel.ClearData(); var pplO16 = new PointPairList(); var pplO18_1 = new PointPairList(); var pplO18_2 = new PointPairList(); var pplO16Curve = new PointPairList(); var pplO18_1Curve = new PointPairList(); var pplO18_2Curve = new PointPairList(); var identified = new PointPairList(); var currentScan = new PointPairList(); bool bChecked = false; for (int i = 0; i < summary.ObservedEnvelopes.Count; i++) { var envelope = summary.ObservedEnvelopes[i]; if (envelope.Enabled != bChecked) { if (pplO16Curve.Count > 0) { if (bChecked) { panel.AddPoly("", pplO16Curve, O18QuantificationConstants.COLOR_O16, new[] { O18QuantificationConstants.COLOR_PLOY }); panel.AddPoly("", pplO18_1Curve, O18QuantificationConstants.COLOR_O18_1, new[] { O18QuantificationConstants.COLOR_PLOY }); panel.AddPoly("", pplO18_2Curve, O18QuantificationConstants.COLOR_O18_2, new[] { O18QuantificationConstants.COLOR_PLOY }); } } pplO16Curve = new PointPairList(); pplO18_1Curve = new PointPairList(); pplO18_2Curve = new PointPairList(); bChecked = envelope.Enabled; } pplO16.Add(envelope.Scan, envelope[0].Intensity); pplO18_1.Add(envelope.Scan, envelope[2].Intensity); pplO18_2.Add(envelope.Scan, envelope[4].Intensity); pplO16Curve.Add(envelope.Scan, envelope[0].Intensity); pplO18_1Curve.Add(envelope.Scan, envelope[2].Intensity); pplO18_2Curve.Add(envelope.Scan, envelope[4].Intensity); if (envelope.IsIdentified) { identified.Add(envelope.Scan, new double[] { envelope[0].Intensity, envelope[2].Intensity, envelope[4].Intensity }.Max()); } if (envelope.IsSelected) { currentScan.Add(envelope.Scan, new double[] { envelope[0].Intensity, envelope[2].Intensity, envelope[4].Intensity }.Max()); } } if (pplO16Curve.Count > 0) { if (bChecked) { panel.AddPoly("", pplO16Curve, O18QuantificationConstants.COLOR_O16, new[] { O18QuantificationConstants.COLOR_PLOY }); panel.AddPoly("", pplO18_1Curve, O18QuantificationConstants.COLOR_O18_1, new[] { O18QuantificationConstants.COLOR_PLOY }); panel.AddPoly("", pplO18_2Curve, O18QuantificationConstants.COLOR_O18_2, new[] { O18QuantificationConstants.COLOR_PLOY }); } } panel.AddCurve("O16", pplO16, O18QuantificationConstants.COLOR_O16, SymbolType.None); panel.AddCurve("O18(1)", pplO18_1, O18QuantificationConstants.COLOR_O18_1, SymbolType.None); panel.AddCurve("O18(2)", pplO18_2, O18QuantificationConstants.COLOR_O18_2, SymbolType.None); panel.AddIndividualLine("Identified", identified, O18QuantificationConstants.COLOR_IDENTIFIED); panel.AddIndividualLine("CurrentScan", currentScan, Color.Black); ZedGraphicExtension.UpdateGraph(zgcGraph); }
public override void Update(object sender, UpdateQuantificationItemEventArgs e) { IQuantificationSummaryOption option = e.Option as IQuantificationSummaryOption; IIdentifiedResult mr = e.Item as IIdentifiedResult; string xTitle = MyConvert.Format("(Log({0}) + Log({1})) / 2", option.Func.ReferenceKey, option.Func.SampleKey); string yTitle = MyConvert.Format("Log(Ratio)"); panel.InitGraphPane(title, xTitle, yTitle, true, 0.0); try { var pplNormal = new PointPairList(); var pplSelected = new PointPairList(); var pplOutlier = new PointPairList(); var pplGroup = new PointPairList(); var groups = from g in mr where g[0].IsEnabled(true) && option.IsProteinRatioValid(g[0]) select g; HashSet <IIdentifiedSpectrum> spectra = new HashSet <IIdentifiedSpectrum>(); double maxX = 0.0; PointPairList ppl; foreach (var mpg in groups) { var peptides = from p in mpg.GetPeptides() where p.IsEnabled(true) && option.IsPeptideRatioValid(p) select p; spectra.UnionWith(peptides); foreach (var pep in peptides) { if (pep.Selected) { ppl = pplSelected; } else if (mpg.Selected) { ppl = pplGroup; } else if (option.IsPeptideOutlier(pep)) { ppl = pplOutlier; } else { ppl = pplNormal; } double refIntensity = Math.Log(option.Func.GetReferenceIntensity(pep)); double sampleIntensity = Math.Log(option.Func.GetSampleIntensity(pep)); double A = (refIntensity + sampleIntensity) / 2; double ratio = Math.Log(option.GetPeptideRatio(pep)); ppl.Add(A, ratio); ppl[ppl.Count - 1].Tag = new Pair <IIdentifiedProteinGroup, IIdentifiedSpectrum>(mpg, pep); maxX = Math.Max(A, maxX); } } this.panel.ClearData(); var ratios = (from pep in spectra let ratio = Math.Log(option.GetPeptideRatio(pep)) orderby ratio select ratio).ToList(); this.panel.DrawProbabilityRange(maxX, ratios); this.panel.AddPoints(pplSelected, SelectedColor, "Current Peptide"); this.panel.AddPoints(pplGroup, GroupColor, "Current Protein"); this.panel.AddPoints(pplOutlier, OutlierColor, "Outlier"); this.panel.AddPoints(pplNormal, NormalColor, "Other"); } finally { ZedGraphicExtension.UpdateGraph(this.zgcGraph); } }
public override void Update(object sender, UpdateQuantificationItemEventArgs e) { IQuantificationSummaryOption option = e.Option as IQuantificationSummaryOption; IIdentifiedResult mr = e.Item as IIdentifiedResult; panel.InitGraphPane(title, option.Func.ReferenceKey, option.Func.SampleKey, true, 0.0); try { var pplNormal = new PointPairList(); var pplSelected = new PointPairList(); var pplOutlier = new PointPairList(); var pplGroup = new PointPairList(); var groups = from g in mr where option.IsProteinRatioValid(g[0]) select g; HashSet <IIdentifiedSpectrum> spectra = new HashSet <IIdentifiedSpectrum>(); double maxX = 0.0; PointPairList ppl; foreach (var mpg in groups) { var peptides = from p in mpg.GetPeptides() where option.IsPeptideRatioValid(p) select p; spectra.UnionWith(peptides); foreach (var pep in peptides) { if (pep.Selected) { ppl = pplSelected; } else if (mpg.Selected) { ppl = pplGroup; } else if (option.IsPeptideOutlier(pep)) { ppl = pplOutlier; } else { ppl = pplNormal; } double refIntensity = option.Func.GetReferenceIntensity(pep); double samIntensity = option.Func.GetSampleIntensity(pep); ppl.Add(refIntensity, samIntensity); ppl[ppl.Count - 1].Tag = new Pair <IIdentifiedProteinGroup, IIdentifiedSpectrum>(mpg, pep); maxX = Math.Max(refIntensity, maxX); } } this.panel.ClearData(); this.panel.AddPoints(pplSelected, SelectedColor, "Current Peptide"); this.panel.AddPoints(pplGroup, GroupColor, "Current Protein"); this.panel.AddPoints(pplOutlier, OutlierColor, "Outlier"); this.panel.AddPoints(pplNormal, NormalColor, "Other"); var pplTotal = new PointPairList(); pplTotal.AddRange(pplSelected); pplTotal.AddRange(pplNormal); pplTotal.AddRange(pplOutlier); if (pplTotal.Count > 0) { var maxValue = (from p in pplTotal select Math.Max(p.X, p.Y)).Max() * 1.1; this.panel.XAxis.Scale.Max = maxValue; this.panel.YAxis.Scale.Max = maxValue; var lrrr = pplTotal.GetRegression(); PointPairList line = pplTotal.GetRegressionLine(lrrr.Ratio); var lineItem = this.panel.AddCurve(MyConvert.Format("Ratio={0:0.0000}, R2={1:0.0000}", lrrr.Ratio, lrrr.RSquare), line, Color.Red, SymbolType.None); } } finally { ZedGraphicExtension.UpdateGraph(this.zgcGraph); } }
private void lbPeptides_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lbPeptides.SelectedItem != null) { DigestPeptideInfo dpi = lbPeptides.SelectedItem as DigestPeptideInfo; lbPrecursor.BeginUpdate(); try { lbPrecursor.Items.Clear(); List <SimplePeakChro> peaks = (List <SimplePeakChro>)dpi.Annotations[CHRO_KEY]; var validPeaks = (from p in peaks where p.Peaks.Count > 0 select p).ToList(); try { if (validPeaks.Count == 0) { ZedGraphicExtension.InitMasterPanel(zgcScans, CreateGraphics(), 1, "Chromotograph"); zgcScans.MasterPane.PaneList[0].ClearData(); return; } var mainPane = ZedGraphicExtension.InitMasterPanel(zgcScans, CreateGraphics(), validPeaks.Count, "Chromotograph"); int index = 0; foreach (var chro in peaks) { lbPrecursor.Items.Add(chro); if (chro.Peaks.Count > 0) { var pplSample = new PointPairList(); foreach (ScanPeak p in chro.Peaks) { pplSample.Add(p.Scan, p.Intensity); } mainPane.PaneList[index].AddCurve(MyConvert.Format("{0:0.0000},{1}", chro.Mz, chro.Charge), pplSample, Color.Red, SymbolType.None); //mainPane.PaneList[index].XAxis.Scale.Min = 0; //mainPane.PaneList[index].XAxis.Scale.Max = chro.MaxRetentionTime; index++; } } } finally { ZedGraphicExtension.UpdateGraph(zgcScans); } } finally { lbPrecursor.EndUpdate(); } lbIdentified.Items.Clear(); if (ir != null) { if (pepMap.ContainsKey(dpi.PeptideSeq)) { lbIdentified.BeginUpdate(); try { var ids = pepMap[dpi.PeptideSeq]; foreach (var id in ids) { lbIdentified.Items.Add(MyConvert.Format("[{0}; {1}]", id.Query.FileScan.FirstScan, id.Charge)); } } finally { lbIdentified.EndUpdate(); } } } } }
public override void Update(object sender, UpdateQuantificationItemEventArgs e) { IQuantificationSummaryOption option = e.Option as IQuantificationSummaryOption; panel.InitGraphPane(title, option.Func.ReferenceKey, option.Func.SampleKey, true, 0.0); IIdentifiedProteinGroup group = e.Item as IIdentifiedProteinGroup; try { var pplNormal = new PointPairList(); var pplSelected = new PointPairList(); var pplOutlier = new PointPairList(); var spectra = group.GetPeptides(); foreach (var pep in spectra) { if (option.IsPeptideRatioValid(pep)) { PointPairList ppl; if (pep.Selected) { ppl = pplSelected; } else if (option.IsPeptideOutlier(pep)) { ppl = pplOutlier; } else { ppl = pplNormal; } double sampleIntensity = option.Func.GetSampleIntensity(pep); double refIntensity = option.Func.GetReferenceIntensity(pep); ppl.Add(refIntensity, sampleIntensity); ppl[ppl.Count - 1].Tag = pep; Debug.Assert(ppl[ppl.Count - 1].Tag == pep); } } this.panel.ClearData(); this.panel.AddPoints(pplSelected, SelectedColor); this.panel.AddPoints(pplNormal, NormalColor); this.panel.AddPoints(pplOutlier, OutlierColor); var pplTotal = new PointPairList(); pplTotal.AddRange(pplSelected); pplTotal.AddRange(pplNormal); pplTotal.AddRange(pplOutlier); if (pplTotal.Count > 0) { var maxValue = (from p in pplTotal select Math.Max(p.X, p.Y)).Max() * 1.1; this.panel.XAxis.Scale.Max = maxValue; this.panel.YAxis.Scale.Max = maxValue; var ratio = option.GetProteinRatio(group[0]); PointPairList line = pplTotal.GetRegressionLine(ratio); var lineItem = this.panel.AddCurve(option.GetProteinRatioDescription(group[0]), line, RegressionLineColor, SymbolType.None); lineItem.Label.FontSpec = new FontSpec() { Size = 15, Border = new Border() { IsVisible = false } }; } } finally { ZedGraphicExtension.UpdateGraph(this.zgcGraph); } }
public void Update(object sender, UpdateQuantificationItemEventArgs e) { ITraqProteinStatisticOption option = e.Option as ITraqProteinStatisticOption; IIdentifiedProteinGroup protein = null; if (e.Item is IEnumerable <IIdentifiedSpectrum> ) { var spectra = e.Item as IEnumerable <IIdentifiedSpectrum>; protein = new IdentifiedProteinGroup(); protein.Add(new IdentifiedProtein()); protein[0].Peptides.AddRange(from s in spectra select s.Peptide); } else if (e.Item is IIdentifiedProteinGroup) { protein = e.Item as IIdentifiedProteinGroup; } if (protein == null) { throw new ArgumentException("e.Item should be IIdentifiedProteinGroup or IEnumerable<IIdentifiedSpectrum>"); } var validItem = protein[0].Peptides.FirstOrDefault(m => { var item = m.Spectrum.FindIsobaricItem(); return(null != item && item.Valid); }); if (null == validItem) { zgcGraph.ClearData(true); return; } var masterPane = zgcGraph.InitMasterPanel(g, 1, title,; var panel = masterPane[0]; var samples = option.GetSamples(validItem.Spectrum.FindIsobaricItem().PlexType); var dsNames = option.DatasetMap.Keys.OrderBy(m => m).ToList(); var ratioCalc = option.GetRatioCalculator(); xlabels.Clear(); double index = 0.0; string outlierStr = "Outlier"; string proteinStr = "Protein Ratio"; foreach (var dsName in dsNames) { var expNames = new HashSet <string>(option.DatasetMap[dsName]); foreach (var sample in samples) { index += 1.0; ratioCalc.GetSample = sample.GetValue; ratioCalc.DatasetName = dsName; ratioCalc.ChannelName = sample.ChannelRatioName; ratioCalc.Filter = m => expNames.Contains(m.Query.FileScan.Experimental); var ratios = ratioCalc.Calculate(protein); xlabels.Add(dsName + ":" + sample.Name); if (ratios.Count > 0) { var ratio = protein[0].FindITraqChannelItem(dsName, sample.ChannelRatioName).Ratio; PointPairList pplNormal = new PointPairList(); PointPairList pplOutlier = new PointPairList(); PointPairList pplProteinRatio = new PointPairList(); foreach (var r in ratios) { if (r.IsOutlier) { pplOutlier.Add(new PointPair(index, Math.Log(r.Ratio))); } else { pplNormal.Add(new PointPair(index, Math.Log(r.Ratio))); } } pplProteinRatio.Add(new PointPair(index, Math.Log(ratio))); panel.AddPoints(pplProteinRatio, Color.Red, proteinStr); if (pplOutlier.Count > 0) { panel.AddPoints(pplOutlier, Color.Green, outlierStr); outlierStr = string.Empty; } panel.AddPoints(pplNormal, Color.Black); proteinStr = string.Empty; } } } panel.XAxis.ScaleFormatEvent += new Axis.ScaleFormatHandler(XAxis_ScaleFormatEvent); panel.XAxis.Scale.Min = 0.0; panel.XAxis.Scale.Max = index + 1.0; panel.XAxis.Scale.FontSpec.Angle = 90; panel.YAxis.Title.Text = "log(Ratio)"; ZedGraphicExtension.UpdateGraph(zgcGraph); }
public override void Update(object sender, UpdateQuantificationItemEventArgs e) { IQuantificationSummaryOption option = e.Option as IQuantificationSummaryOption; IIdentifiedResult mr = e.Item as IIdentifiedResult; panel.InitGraphPane(title, option.Func.ReferenceKey, option.Func.SampleKey, true, 0.0); try { var pplNormal = new PointPairList(); var pplSelected = new PointPairList(); var pplOutlier = new PointPairList(); var groups = (from g in mr where option.IsProteinRatioValid(g[0]) select g).ToList(); foreach (var group in groups) { PointPairList ppl; if (group.Selected) { ppl = pplSelected; } else if (option.IsProteinOutlier(group[0])) { ppl = pplOutlier; } else { ppl = pplNormal; } double sampleIntensity = option.Func.GetSampleIntensity(group[0]); double refIntensity = option.Func.GetReferenceIntensity(group[0]); ppl.Add(refIntensity, sampleIntensity); ppl[ppl.Count - 1].Tag = group; Debug.Assert(ppl[ppl.Count - 1].Tag == group); } this.panel.ClearData(); this.panel.AddPoints(pplOutlier, OutlierColor, "Outlier"); this.panel.AddPoints(pplSelected, GroupColor, "Current Protein"); this.panel.AddPoints(pplNormal, NormalColor, "Other"); var pplTotal = new PointPairList(); pplTotal.AddRange(pplSelected); pplTotal.AddRange(pplNormal); pplTotal.AddRange(pplOutlier); if (pplTotal.Count > 0) { var maxValue = (from p in pplTotal select Math.Max(p.X, p.Y)).Max() * 1.1; this.panel.XAxis.Scale.Max = maxValue; this.panel.YAxis.Scale.Max = maxValue; var lrrr = pplTotal.GetRegression(); PointPairList line = pplTotal.GetRegressionLine(lrrr.Ratio); var lineItem = this.panel.AddCurve(MyConvert.Format("Ratio={0:0.0000}", lrrr.Ratio), line, Color.Red, SymbolType.None); } } finally { ZedGraphicExtension.UpdateGraph(this.zgcGraph); } }
public override void Update(object sender, UpdateQuantificationItemEventArgs e) { var summary = e.Item as O18QuantificationSummaryItem; if (summary == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("UpdateQuantificationItemEventArgs.Item cannot be null"); } panel.InitGraphPane(this.title, "m/z", "Intensity", true, 0.0); ZedGraphicExtension.ClearData(zgcGraph, false); try { var envelope = summary.ObservedEnvelopes.Find(m => m.IsSelected); if (envelope == null) { return; } panel.InitGraphPane(this.title + ", Scan=" + envelope.Scan.ToString(), "m/z", "Intensity", true, 0.0); double minMz = envelope[0].Mz - 1.0; double maxMz = envelope[envelope.Count - 1].Mz + 1.0; zgcGraph.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.Min = minMz; zgcGraph.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.Max = maxMz; var ppl = new PointPairList(); envelope.ForEach(p => { if (p.Intensity > 0) { ppl.Add(p.Mz, p.Intensity); } }); panel.AddIndividualLine("Isotopic Envelope", ppl, Color.Red); panel.AddTextUp(ppl, 5, (m => m.X.ToString("0.0000"))); var halfMax = (from env in envelope select env.Intensity).Max() / 2; ppl.Clear(); envelope.ForEach(p => { if (p.Intensity == 0) { ppl.Add(p.Mz, halfMax); } }); panel.AddIndividualLine("", ppl, defaultColor: Color.Red, dStyle: DashStyle.Dash); panel.AddTextUp(ppl, 5, (m => m.X.ToString("0.0000"))); if (File.Exists(summary.RawFilename)) { if (rawFile == null) { rawFile = RawFileFactory.GetRawFileReader(summary.RawFilename); } else if (!rawFile.FileName.Equals(summary.RawFilename)) { rawFile.Close(); rawFile = RawFileFactory.GetRawFileReader(summary.RawFilename); } PeakList <Peak> pkl = rawFile.GetPeakList(envelope.ScanTimes[0].Scan); var pplRaw = new PointPairList(); for (int i = 0; i < pkl.Count; i++) { if (pkl[i].Mz < minMz) { continue; } else if (pkl[i].Mz > maxMz) { break; } pplRaw.Add(pkl[i].Mz, -pkl[i].Intensity); } panel.AddIndividualLine("PeakList From RawFile", pplRaw, Color.Blue); panel.AddTextDown(pplRaw, 5, (m => m.X.ToString("0.0000"))); /* * foreach (var p in ppl) * { * if (p.Y == 0) * { * double ppm = double.MaxValue; * double ppmAbs = Math.Abs(ppm); * foreach (var pp in pplRaw) * { * double ppmCur = PrecursorUtils.mz2ppm(pp.X, pp.X - p.X); * double ppmCurAbs = Math.Abs(ppmCur); * if (Math.Abs(ppmCur) < ppmAbs) * { * ppm = ppmCur; * ppmAbs = ppmCurAbs; * } * * if (pp.X > p.X) * { * break; * } * } * * p.Z = ppm; * } * } */ } } finally { ZedGraphicExtension.UpdateGraph(zgcGraph); } }