void SetDelegates() { Yodo1U3dMas.SetInitializeDelegate((bool success, Yodo1U3dAdError error) => { Debug.Log("[Yodo1 Mas] InitializeDelegate, success:" + success + ", error: \n" + error.ToString()); }); Yodo1U3dMas.SetInterstitialAdDelegate((Yodo1U3dAdEvent adEvent, Yodo1U3dAdError error) => { Debug.Log("[Yodo1 Mas] InterstitialAdDelegate:" + adEvent.ToString() + "\n" + error.ToString()); switch (adEvent) { case Yodo1U3dAdEvent.AdClosed: Debug.Log("[Yodo1 Mas] Interstital ad has been closed."); break; case Yodo1U3dAdEvent.AdOpened: Debug.Log("[Yodo1 Mas] Interstital ad has been shown."); break; case Yodo1U3dAdEvent.AdError: Debug.Log("[Yodo1 Mas] Interstital ad error, " + error.ToString()); break; } }); }
public void InterstitialEvents() { Yodo1U3dMas.SetInterstitialAdDelegate((Yodo1U3dAdEvent adEvent, Yodo1U3dAdError error) => { Debug.Log("[Yodo1 Mas] InterstitialAdDelegate:" + adEvent.ToString() + "\n" + error.ToString()); switch (adEvent) { case Yodo1U3dAdEvent.AdClosed: Debug.Log("[Yodo1 Mas] Interstital ad has been closed."); break; case Yodo1U3dAdEvent.AdOpened: Debug.Log("[Yodo1 Mas] Interstital ad has been shown."); coins += 10; Coinstext.text = "Coins: " + coins.ToString(); ConsoleText.text = "Interstitial Ad Showed with Success \n Reward Received + 10 Coins"; break; case Yodo1U3dAdEvent.AdError: Debug.Log("[Yodo1 Mas] Interstital ad error, " + error.ToString()); break; } }); }
private void SetDelegates() { Yodo1U3dMas.SetInitializeDelegate((bool success, Yodo1U3dAdError error) => { Debug.Log("[Yodo1 Mas] InitializeDelegate, success:" + success + ", error: \n" + error.ToString()); if (success) { StartCoroutine(BannerCoroutine()); } else { } }); Yodo1U3dMas.SetBannerAdDelegate((Yodo1U3dAdEvent adEvent, Yodo1U3dAdError error) => { Debug.Log("[Yodo1 Mas] BannerdDelegate:" + adEvent.ToString() + "\n" + error.ToString()); switch (adEvent) { case Yodo1U3dAdEvent.AdClosed: Debug.Log("[Yodo1 Mas] Banner ad has been closed."); break; case Yodo1U3dAdEvent.AdOpened: Debug.Log("[Yodo1 Mas] Banner ad has been shown."); break; case Yodo1U3dAdEvent.AdError: Debug.Log("[Yodo1 Mas] Banner ad error, " + error.ToString()); break; } }); Yodo1U3dMas.SetInterstitialAdDelegate((Yodo1U3dAdEvent adEvent, Yodo1U3dAdError error) => { Debug.Log("[Yodo1 Mas] InterstitialAdDelegate:" + adEvent.ToString() + "\n" + error.ToString()); switch (adEvent) { case Yodo1U3dAdEvent.AdClosed: Debug.Log("[Yodo1 Mas] Interstital ad has been closed."); break; case Yodo1U3dAdEvent.AdOpened: Debug.Log("[Yodo1 Mas] Interstital ad has been shown."); break; case Yodo1U3dAdEvent.AdError: Debug.Log("[Yodo1 Mas] Interstital ad error, " + error.ToString()); break; } }); Yodo1U3dMas.SetRewardedAdDelegate((Yodo1U3dAdEvent adEvent, Yodo1U3dAdError error) => { Debug.Log("[Yodo1 Mas] RewardVideoDelegate:" + adEvent.ToString() + "\n" + error.ToString()); switch (adEvent) { case Yodo1U3dAdEvent.AdClosed: Debug.Log("[Yodo1 Mas] Reward video ad has been closed."); break; case Yodo1U3dAdEvent.AdOpened: Debug.Log("[Yodo1 Mas] Reward video ad has shown successful."); break; case Yodo1U3dAdEvent.AdError: Debug.Log("[Yodo1 Mas] Reward video ad error, " + error); break; case Yodo1U3dAdEvent.AdReward: Debug.Log("[Yodo1 Mas] Reward video ad reward, give rewards to the player."); break; } }); }