        /// <summary>
        /// Obtains an instance from a curve without initial fixing point and month-on-month seasonal adjustment.
        /// <para>
        /// The total adjustment is computed by accumulation of the monthly adjustment, starting with no adjustment for the
        /// last fixing month.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="curveWithoutFixing">  the curve without the fixing </param>
        /// <param name="valuationDate">  the valuation date of the curve </param>
        /// <param name="lastMonth">  the last month for which the fixing is known </param>
        /// <param name="lastFixingValue">  the value of the last fixing </param>
        /// <param name="seasonalityDefinition">  the seasonality definition, which is made of month-on-month adjustment
        ///   and the adjustment type </param>
        /// <returns> the seasonal curve instance </returns>
        public static InflationNodalCurve of(NodalCurve curveWithoutFixing, LocalDate valuationDate, YearMonth lastMonth, double lastFixingValue, SeasonalityDefinition seasonalityDefinition)
            YearMonth valuationMonth = YearMonth.from(valuationDate);

            ArgChecker.isTrue(lastMonth.isBefore(valuationMonth), "Last fixing month must be before valuation date");
            double      nbMonth = valuationMonth.until(lastMonth, MONTHS);
            DoubleArray x       = curveWithoutFixing.XValues;

            ArgChecker.isTrue(nbMonth < x.get(0), "The first estimation month should be after the last known index fixing");
            NodalCurve extendedCurve = curveWithoutFixing.withNode(nbMonth, lastFixingValue, ParameterMetadata.empty());

            double[] seasonalityCompoundedArray = new double[12];
            int      lastMonthIndex             = lastMonth.Month.Value - 1;

            seasonalityCompoundedArray[(int)((nbMonth + 12 + 1) % 12)] = seasonalityDefinition.SeasonalityMonthOnMonth.get(lastMonthIndex % 12);
            for (int i = 1; i < 12; i++)
                int j = (int)((nbMonth + 12 + 1 + i) % 12);
                seasonalityCompoundedArray[j] = seasonalityDefinition.AdjustmentType.applyShift(seasonalityCompoundedArray[(j - 1 + 12) % 12], seasonalityDefinition.SeasonalityMonthOnMonth.get((lastMonthIndex + i) % 12));
            return(new InflationNodalCurve(extendedCurve, DoubleArray.ofUnsafe(seasonalityCompoundedArray), seasonalityDefinition.AdjustmentType));