        public SettingAppearance()

            var colorList = new[] {
                Color.FromArgb(164, 196, 0),
                Color.FromArgb(96, 169, 23),
                Color.FromArgb(0, 138, 0),
                Color.FromArgb(0, 171, 169),
                Color.FromArgb(27, 161, 226),
                Color.FromArgb(0, 80, 239),
                Color.FromArgb(106, 0, 255),
                Color.FromArgb(170, 0, 255),
                Color.FromArgb(244, 114, 208),
                Color.FromArgb(216, 0, 115),
                Color.FromArgb(162, 0, 37),
                Color.FromArgb(229, 20, 0),
                Color.FromArgb(250, 104, 0),
                Color.FromArgb(240, 163, 10),
                Color.FromArgb(227, 200, 0),
                Color.FromArgb(130, 90, 44),
                Color.FromArgb(109, 135, 100),
                Color.FromArgb(100, 118, 135),
                Color.FromArgb(118, 96, 138),
                Color.FromArgb(135, 121, 78)

            // AccentColors picker
            int x = 0;
            int y = 0;

            foreach (var accentColor in colorList)
                var newColorPicker = new YamuiColorRadioButton();
                newColorPicker.CheckedChanged += NewColorPickerOnCheckedChanged;
                newColorPicker.BackColor       = accentColor;
                newColorPicker.Bounds          = new Rectangle(x, y, 50, 50);
                if (y + 2 * newColorPicker.Height > _simplePanelAccentColor.Height)
                    x += newColorPicker.Width;
                    y  = 0;
                    y += newColorPicker.Height;
                if (YamuiThemeManager.Current.AccentColor == accentColor)
                    _checkButton           = newColorPicker;
                    newColorPicker.Checked = true;

            // themes comob box
            comboTheme.DataSource    = YamuiThemeManager.GetThemesList().Select(theme => theme.ThemeName).ToList();
            comboTheme.SelectedIndex = YamuiThemeManager.GetThemesList().IndexOf(YamuiThemeManager.Current);

            comboTheme.SelectedIndexChanged += ComboThemeOnSelectedIndexChanged;
        /// <summary>
        /// Changing accent Color
        /// </summary>
        private void NewColorPickerOnCheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
            YamuiColorRadioButton rb = sender as YamuiColorRadioButton;

            if (rb != null && rb.Checked)
                ThemeManager.Current.AccentColor = rb.BackColor;
                _checkButton = rb;
        /// <summary>
        /// Changing accent Color
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="eventArgs"></param>
        private void NewColorPickerOnCheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
            YamuiColorRadioButton rb = sender as YamuiColorRadioButton;

            if (rb != null && rb.Checked)
                YamuiThemeManager.Current.AccentColor = rb.BackColor;
                _checkButton = rb;
                if (Program.MainForm != null)
        public SettingAppearance()

            // AccentColors picker
            int x = 0;
            int y = 0;

            foreach (var accentColor in ThemeManager.GetAccentColors)
                var newColorPicker = new YamuiColorRadioButton();
                newColorPicker.CheckedChanged += NewColorPickerOnCheckedChanged;
                newColorPicker.BackColor       = accentColor;
                newColorPicker.Location        = new Point(x, y);
                newColorPicker.Size            = new Size(50, 50);
                //newColorPicker.Bounds = new Rectangle(x, y, 50, 50);
                if (y + 2 * newColorPicker.Height > _simplePanelAccentColor.Height)
                    x += newColorPicker.Width;
                    y  = 0;
                    y += newColorPicker.Height;
                if (ThemeManager.Current.AccentColor == accentColor)
                    _checkButton           = newColorPicker;
                    newColorPicker.Checked = true;
                toolTip.SetToolTip(newColorPicker, "Click me to set a new accent color for the current theme");

            // toggle
            tg_colorOn.ButtonPressed += TgOnCheckedChanged;
            tg_colorOn.Checked        = Config.Instance.UseSyntaxHighlightTheme;

            // tooltips
            toolTip.SetToolTip(cbApplication, "Choose the theme you wish to use for the software");
            toolTip.SetToolTip(cbSyntax, "Choose the theme you wish to use for the syntax highlighting");
            toolTip.SetToolTip(tg_colorOn, "Toggle this option OFF if you are using your own User Defined Language<br><br>By default, 3P created a new UDL called 'OpenEdgeABL' and applies the selected theme below<br>each time the user switches the current document<br>By toggling this OFF, you will prevent this behavior and you can define your own UDL<br><br><i>If you toggle this OFF, select the UDL to use from the Language menu before you can see any changes</i>");

            linkurl.Text = @"<img src='Help'><a href='" + Config.UrlHelpCustomThemes + @"'>How to customize the look of 3P?</a>";

            // dynamically reorder the controls for a correct tab order on notepad++
        public SettingAppearance()

            // AccentColors picker
            int x = 0;
            int y = 0;

            foreach (var accentColor in ThemeManager.GetAccentColors)
                var newColorPicker = new YamuiColorRadioButton();
                newColorPicker.CheckedChanged += NewColorPickerOnCheckedChanged;
                newColorPicker.BackColor       = accentColor;
                newColorPicker.Location        = new Point(x, y);
                newColorPicker.Size            = new Size(50, 50);
                //newColorPicker.Bounds = new Rectangle(x, y, 50, 50);
                if (y + 2 * newColorPicker.Height > _simplePanelAccentColor.Height)
                    x += newColorPicker.Width;
                    y  = 0;
                    y += newColorPicker.Height;
                if (ThemeManager.Current.AccentColor == accentColor)
                    _checkButton           = newColorPicker;
                    newColorPicker.Checked = true;
                toolTip.SetToolTip(newColorPicker, "Click me to set a new accent color for the current theme");

            // tooltips
            toolTip.SetToolTip(cbApplication, "Choose the theme you wish to use for the software");
            toolTip.SetToolTip(cbSyntax, "Choose the theme you wish to use for the syntax highlighting");

            linkurl.Text = @"<img src='Help'><a href='" + Config.UrlHelpCustomThemes + @"'>How to customize the look of 3P?</a>";

            // dynamically reorder the controls for a correct tab order on notepad++