 /// <summary>
 /// Specify the way to store a property or field of some class or structure.
 /// See <see cref="Serializer"/> for detail.
 /// </summary>
 /// <seealso cref="YamlSerializeAttribute"/>
 /// <seealso cref="Serializer"/>
 /// <param name="SerializeMethod">
 ///  <para>
 ///  - Never:   The property / field will not be stored.</para>
 ///  <para>
 ///  - Assign:  When restored, new object is created by using the parameters in
 ///             the YAML data and assigned to the property / field. When the
 ///             property / filed is writeable, this is the default.</para>
 ///  <para>
 ///  - Content: Only valid for a property / field that has a class or struct type.
 ///             When restored, instead of recreating the whole class or struct,
 ///             the members are independently restored. When the property / field
 ///             is not writeable this is the default.</para>
 ///  <para>
 ///  - Binary:  Only valid for a property / field that has an  array type of a
 ///             some value type. The content of the array is stored in a binary
 ///             format encoded in base64 style.</para>
 /// </param>
 public YamlSerializeAttribute(YamlSerializeMethod SerializeMethod)
     this.SerializeMethod = SerializeMethod;
 /// <summary>
 /// Specify the way to store a property or field of some class or structure.
 /// See <see cref="Serializer"/> for detail.
 /// </summary>
 /// <seealso cref="YamlSerializeAttribute"/>
 /// <seealso cref="Serializer"/>
 /// <param name="SerializeMethod">
 ///  <para>
 ///  - Never:   The property / field will not be stored.</para>
 ///  <para>
 ///  - Assign:  When restored, new object is created by using the parameters in
 ///             the YAML data and assigned to the property / field. When the
 ///             property / filed is writeable, this is the default.</para>
 ///  <para>
 ///  - Content: Only valid for a property / field that has a class or struct type.
 ///             When restored, instead of recreating the whole class or struct,
 ///             the members are independently restored. When the property / field
 ///             is not writeable this is the default.</para>
 ///  <para>
 ///  - Binary:  Only valid for a property / field that has an  array type of a 
 ///             some value type. The content of the array is stored in a binary
 ///             format encoded in base64 style.</para>
 /// </param>
 public YamlSerializeAttribute(YamlSerializeMethod SerializeMethod)
     this.SerializeMethod = SerializeMethod;