public YahooPlayersCollection FilterByPlayerNameThenCreateInstance(string playerName)
            string leagueKey            = _yahooApiRequestController.GetTheGameIsTheGameLeagueKey();
            string uriPlayersCollection = _endPoints.PlayersCollectionForPlayerName(leagueKey, playerName).EndPointUri;
            YahooPlayersCollection yPc  = CreatePlayersCollectionInstance(uriPlayersCollection);

        // STATUS [ June 9, 2019 ] : this works
        /// <summary>
        ///     Create instance of yahoo team model; save it to the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="managerId">
        ///     A number 0 - X; Where X is the total number of teams in the league;
        ///     Basically every manager has their own single number Id;
        ///     Select the Id of the Manager you would want to view
        /// </param>
        /// <example>
        ///     var teamBase = CreateYahooTeamResourceInstance(7);
        /// </example>
        public YahooTeamResource CreateYahooTeamResourceInstance(int managerId)
            // _h.StartMethod();
            YahooTeamResource tB = new YahooTeamResource();

            string leagueKey   = _yahooApiRequestController.GetTheGameIsTheGameLeagueKey();
            var    uriTeamBase = endPoints.TeamResourceEndPoint(leagueKey, managerId).EndPointUri;

            // Console.WriteLine($"MANAGER CONTROLLER > leagueKey: {leagueKey}");
            Console.WriteLine($"uriTeamBase: {uriTeamBase}");

            // for each team in the league, dig through their team json, find the required items to create the new YahooTeamBase and set those items
            JObject resourceJson = _yahooApiRequestController.GenerateYahooResourceJObject(uriTeamBase);

            PopulateInitialTeamResourceInstanceProperties(tB, resourceJson);

            // Managers is nested under 'teamBasePath'
            var managerPath = resourceJson["fantasy_content"]["team"]["managers"]["manager"];

            // The type under 'manager' will indicate if the team has one manager or co-managers
            // Type for one manager = "Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject"
            // Type for co-managers = "Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray"
            var          managerPathChildrenType = managerPath.GetType().ToString();
            const string jObjectType             = "Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject";
            const string jArrayType = "Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray";

            // One manager path
            if (string.Equals(managerPathChildrenType, jObjectType, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                PopulateTeamResourceInstanceWithOneManager(tB, managerPath);

            // Co-manager path
            List <YahooManager> teamManagersList = new List <YahooManager>();

            tB.TeamManagersList = new List <YahooManager>();

            if (string.Equals(managerPathChildrenType, jArrayType, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                PopulateTeamBaseWithCoManagers(tB, managerPath, teamManagersList);

            // _h.CompleteMethod();