        public static async Task <CompanyStatsYF> GetCompanyStatsAsync(string symbol)
            CompanyStatsYF companyStat = new CompanyStatsYF();

                //Yahoo Quote
                Security quote = GetQuoteAsync(symbol).Result;
                if (quote != null)
                    //parse quote data into company stat
                    companyStat.Symbol         = symbol;
                    companyStat.Exchange       = quote.FullExchangeName;
                    companyStat.CompanyName    = quote.LongName;
                    companyStat.CompanyTrading = quote.Tradeable;

                    //companyStat.CompanyQuoteType = quote.QuoteType;
                    //companyStat.CompanyMarket = quote.Market;
                    //companyStat.MarketCap = quote.MarketCap;
                    //companyStat.SharesOutstanding = quote.SharesOutstanding;

                    decimal peTrailing = 0.0M;
                    try { peTrailing = decimal.Parse(quote.TrailingPE.ToString()); }
                    catch (Exception e) { /*do nothing*/ }

                    decimal peForward = 0.0M;
                    try { peForward = decimal.Parse(quote.ForwardPE.ToString()); }
                    catch (Exception e) { /*set to trailing*/ peForward = peTrailing; }

                    decimal epsTrailing = 0.0M;
                    try { epsTrailing = decimal.Parse(quote.EpsTrailingTwelveMonths.ToString()); }
                    catch (Exception e) { /*do nothing*/ }

                    decimal epsForward = 0.0M;
                    try { epsForward = decimal.Parse(quote.EpsForward.ToString()); }
                    catch (Exception e) { /*set to trailing*/ epsForward = epsTrailing; }

                    //companyStat.BookValue = decimal.Parse(quote.BookValue.ToString());

                    companyStat.Price = decimal.Parse(quote.RegularMarketPrice.ToString());

                    companyStat.PriceAverage50DayUSD  = decimal.Parse(quote.FiftyDayAverage.ToString());
                    companyStat.PriceAverage200DayUSD = decimal.Parse(quote.TwoHundredDayAverage.ToString());

                    companyStat.PriceHigh52w            = decimal.Parse(quote.FiftyTwoWeekHigh.ToString());
                    companyStat.PriceLow52w             = decimal.Parse(quote.FiftyTwoWeekLow.ToString());
                    companyStat.PriceAverageEstimate52w = (companyStat.PriceHigh52w + companyStat.PriceLow52w) / 2;

                    //companyStat.PriceToBook = decimal.Parse(quote.PriceToBook.ToString());

                    companyStat.VolumeToday         = decimal.Parse(quote.RegularMarketVolume.ToString());
                    companyStat.VolumeTodayUSD      = (companyStat.VolumeToday * companyStat.Price);
                    companyStat.VolumeAverage10d    = decimal.Parse(quote.AverageDailyVolume10Day.ToString());
                    companyStat.VolumeAverage10dUSD = (companyStat.VolumeAverage10d * companyStat.Price);
                    companyStat.VolumeAverage3m     = decimal.Parse(quote.AverageDailyVolume3Month.ToString());
                    companyStat.VolumeAverage3mUSD  = (companyStat.VolumeAverage3m * companyStat.Price);

                    /*Could get more trade data from IEX possibly
                     * companyStat.TradeData = new TradeDataYF
                     * {
                     *  BidPrice = decimal.Parse(quote.Bid.ToString()),
                     *  BidSize = decimal.Parse(quote.BidSize.ToString()),
                     *  AskPrice = decimal.Parse(quote.Ask.ToString()),
                     *  AskSize = decimal.Parse(quote.AskSize.ToString())
                     * };*/

                //Yahoo Dividends for the last year
                //You should be able to query data from various markets including US, HK, TW
                var dividends = await Yahoo.GetDividendsAsync(symbol, DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1), DateTime.Now);

                foreach (DividendTick div in dividends)

                //Yahoo historical trade data and splits data
                var splits = await Yahoo.GetSplitsAsync(symbol, DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1), DateTime.Now);

                foreach (var split in splits)

                //Composite Score, this gets the YF quote twice right now
                //TODO: Update this method to not get YF quote twice during cache loading
                var score = Controllers.SearchController.GetCompositeScoreInternal(symbol, quote);
                if (score.CompositeScoreValue > 0)
                    companyStat.CompositeScoreResult = score;
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.WriteLine("EXCEPTION CAUGHT: YF.cs YF.GetComanyStatsAsync for symbol " + symbol + ", message: " + e.Message + ", StackTrace: " + e.StackTrace);
            return(await Task.FromResult(companyStat));