 /// <summary>
 /// Pad all channels with 0s that are not divisible by y or cr divider
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="subYCrCb">Y Cr Cb channels</param>
 /// <param name="yDivider">y divider</param>
 /// <param name="crCbDivider">cr divider</param>
 /// <returns>padded channels</returns>
 public static YCrCb padChannels(YCrCb subYCrCb, int yDivider, int crCbDivider)
     if (subYCrCb.yWidth % yDivider != 0 || subYCrCb.yHeight % yDivider != 0)
         int rightPad = 0;
         if (subYCrCb.yWidth % yDivider != 0)
             rightPad = yDivider - (subYCrCb.yWidth % yDivider);
         int bottomPad = 0;
         if (subYCrCb.yHeight % yDivider != 0)
             bottomPad = yDivider - (subYCrCb.yHeight % yDivider);
         subYCrCb.Y        = padChannel(subYCrCb.Y, subYCrCb.yWidth, subYCrCb.yHeight, yDivider);
         subYCrCb.yWidth  += rightPad;
         subYCrCb.yHeight += bottomPad;
     if (subYCrCb.crCbWidth % crCbDivider != 0 ||
         subYCrCb.crCbHeight % crCbDivider != 0)
         subYCrCb.Cr = padChannel(subYCrCb.Cr, subYCrCb.crCbWidth, subYCrCb.crCbHeight, crCbDivider);
         subYCrCb.Cb = padChannel(subYCrCb.Cb, subYCrCb.crCbWidth, subYCrCb.crCbHeight, crCbDivider);
         if (subYCrCb.crCbWidth % crCbDivider != 0)
             subYCrCb.crCbWidth += crCbDivider - (subYCrCb.crCbWidth % crCbDivider);
         if (subYCrCb.crCbHeight % crCbDivider != 0)
             subYCrCb.crCbHeight += crCbDivider - (subYCrCb.crCbHeight % crCbDivider);
 /// <summary>
 /// Unpad all channels that were padded with 0 due to not divisible by y or cr divider
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="iYCrCb">Y Cr Cb channels</param>
 /// <param name="yDivider">y channel pad divider</param>
 /// <param name="crCbDivider">cr channel pad divider</param>
 /// <returns>Unpadded channels</returns>
 public static YCrCb unpadChannels(YCrCb iYCrCb, int yDivider, int crCbDivider)
     if (Compression.originalWidth % yDivider != 0 ||
         Compression.originalHeight % yDivider != 0)
         int rightPad = 0;
         if (Compression.originalWidth % yDivider != 0)
             rightPad = yDivider - (Compression.originalWidth % yDivider);
         int bottomPad = 0;
         if (Compression.originalHeight % yDivider != 0)
             bottomPad = yDivider - (Compression.originalHeight % yDivider);
         iYCrCb.Y = unpadChannel(iYCrCb.Y, Compression.originalWidth,
                                 Compression.originalHeight, yDivider);
         iYCrCb.yWidth  -= rightPad;
         iYCrCb.yHeight -= bottomPad;
     if ((int)Math.Ceiling(Compression.originalWidth / 2.0) % crCbDivider != 0 ||
         (int)Math.Ceiling(Compression.originalHeight / 2.0) % crCbDivider != 0)
         iYCrCb.Cr = unpadChannel(iYCrCb.Cr,
                                  (int)Math.Ceiling(Compression.originalWidth / 2.0),
                                  (int)Math.Ceiling(Compression.originalHeight / 2.0), crCbDivider);
         iYCrCb.Cb = unpadChannel(iYCrCb.Cb,
                                  (int)Math.Ceiling(Compression.originalWidth / 2.0),
                                  (int)Math.Ceiling(Compression.originalHeight / 2.0), crCbDivider);
         iYCrCb.crCbWidth  = (int)Math.Ceiling(Compression.originalWidth / 2.0);
         iYCrCb.crCbHeight = (int)Math.Ceiling(Compression.originalHeight / 2.0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Load saved byte array into JPEG info format
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="savedArray">saved byte array</param>
        /// <returns>JPEG info format of loaded file</returns>
        public static JPEGInfo loadByteArrayJPEG(byte[] savedArray)
            savedArray = RLCompression.ModifiedRunLengthDecompress(savedArray);
            byte[] widthByteArray  = new byte[Compression.intToByteSize];
            byte[] heightByteArray = new byte[Compression.intToByteSize];
            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(savedArray, 0, widthByteArray, 0,
            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(savedArray, Compression.intToByteSize,
                                    heightByteArray, 0, Compression.intToByteSize);

            int originalWidth  = BitConverter.ToInt32(widthByteArray, 0);
            int originalHeight = BitConverter.ToInt32(heightByteArray, 0);
            int width          = originalWidth;
            int height         = originalHeight;

            if (originalHeight % Compression.DCT_BLOCK_SIZE != 0)
                height += Compression.DCT_BLOCK_SIZE - (originalHeight % Compression.DCT_BLOCK_SIZE);
            if (originalWidth % Compression.DCT_BLOCK_SIZE != 0)
                width += Compression.DCT_BLOCK_SIZE - (originalWidth % Compression.DCT_BLOCK_SIZE);
            int reducedWidth  = (int)Math.Ceiling(originalWidth / 2.0);
            int reducedHeight = (int)Math.Ceiling(originalHeight / 2.0);

            if (reducedWidth % Compression.DCT_BLOCK_SIZE != 0)
                reducedWidth += Compression.DCT_BLOCK_SIZE - (reducedWidth % Compression.DCT_BLOCK_SIZE);
            if (reducedHeight % Compression.DCT_BLOCK_SIZE != 0)
                reducedHeight += Compression.DCT_BLOCK_SIZE - (reducedHeight % Compression.DCT_BLOCK_SIZE);

            byte[] qY  = new byte[width * height];
            byte[] qCr = new byte[reducedWidth * reducedHeight];
            byte[] qCb = new byte[reducedWidth * reducedHeight];

            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(savedArray, Compression.intToByteSize * 2, qY, 0, qY.Length);
            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(savedArray, Compression.intToByteSize * 2 + qY.Length,
                                    qCr, 0, qCr.Length);
            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(savedArray, Compression.intToByteSize * 2 + qY.Length +
                                    qCr.Length, qCb, 0, qCb.Length);
            YCrCb qYCrCb = new YCrCb(qY, qCr, qCb, height, width, reducedHeight, reducedWidth);

            return(new JPEGInfo(originalWidth, originalHeight, qYCrCb));
        /// <summary>
        /// prepare and return save byte array for custom mpeg compressed images
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mpegSaveInfo">mpeg save info</param>
        /// <returns>saved byte array</returns>
        public static byte[] saveIntoByteArray(MPEGInfo mpegSaveInfo)
            byte[]   widthByteArray  = BitConverter.GetBytes(mpegSaveInfo.originalWidth);
            byte[]   heightByteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(mpegSaveInfo.originalHeight);
            YCrCb[]  iFrames         = mpegSaveInfo.iFrames;
            PFrame[] pFrames         = mpegSaveInfo.pFrames;
            int      iFramesSpace    = iFrames.Length * (iFrames[0].Y.Length + iFrames[0].Cr.Length * 2);
            int      pFramesSpace    = pFrames.Length * (pFrames[0].MotionVectorsY.Length * 6 +
                                                         pFrames[0].DiffBlock.Y.Length + pFrames[0].DiffBlock.Cr.Length * 2);

            byte[] compressedByteArray = new byte[widthByteArray.Length +
                                                  heightByteArray.Length + iFramesSpace + pFramesSpace];

            int offset     = 0;
            int numOfFrame = iFrames.Length + pFrames.Length;

            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(widthByteArray, 0, compressedByteArray, 0, widthByteArray.Length);
            offset += widthByteArray.Length;
            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(heightByteArray, 0, compressedByteArray, offset, heightByteArray.Length);
            offset += heightByteArray.Length;

            int pFrameIndex = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < numOfFrame; i++)
                if (i % Compression.I_FRAME_RANGE == 0)
                    YCrCb frame = iFrames[i / Compression.I_FRAME_RANGE];
                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(frame.Y, 0, compressedByteArray, offset, frame.Y.Length);
                    offset += frame.Y.Length;
                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(frame.Cr, 0, compressedByteArray, offset, frame.Cr.Length);
                    offset += frame.Cr.Length;
                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(frame.Cb, 0, compressedByteArray, offset, frame.Cb.Length);
                    offset += frame.Cb.Length;
                    PFrame frame = pFrames[pFrameIndex];
                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(ArrayTransform.convertToByteFromVector(frame.MotionVectorsY), 0,
                                            compressedByteArray, offset, frame.MotionVectorsY.Length * 2);
                    offset += frame.MotionVectorsY.Length * 2;
                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(ArrayTransform.convertToByteFromVector(frame.MotionVectorsCr), 0,
                                            compressedByteArray, offset, frame.MotionVectorsCr.Length * 2);
                    offset += frame.MotionVectorsCr.Length * 2;
                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(ArrayTransform.convertToByteFromVector(frame.MotionVectorsCb), 0,
                                            compressedByteArray, offset, frame.MotionVectorsCb.Length * 2);
                    offset += frame.MotionVectorsCb.Length * 2;
                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(frame.DiffBlock.Y, 0, compressedByteArray,
                                            offset, frame.DiffBlock.Y.Length);
                    offset += frame.DiffBlock.Y.Length;
                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(frame.DiffBlock.Cr, 0, compressedByteArray,
                                            offset, frame.DiffBlock.Cr.Length);
                    offset += frame.DiffBlock.Cr.Length;
                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(frame.DiffBlock.Cb, 0, compressedByteArray,
                                            offset, frame.DiffBlock.Cb.Length);
                    offset += frame.DiffBlock.Cb.Length;
            compressedByteArray = RLCompression.ModifiedRunLengthCompression(compressedByteArray);
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a saved mpeg byte array
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="savedArray">saved mpeg byte array</param>
        /// <returns>MPEGInfo of the saved mpeg images</returns>
        public static MPEGInfo loadByteArrayMPEG(byte[] savedArray)
            savedArray = RLCompression.ModifiedRunLengthDecompress(savedArray);
            byte[] widthByteArray  = new byte[Compression.intToByteSize];
            byte[] heightByteArray = new byte[Compression.intToByteSize];
            int    offset          = 0;

            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(savedArray, 0, widthByteArray, 0, Compression.intToByteSize);
            offset += Compression.intToByteSize;
            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(savedArray, offset, heightByteArray, 0, Compression.intToByteSize);
            offset += Compression.intToByteSize;

            int originalWidth  = BitConverter.ToInt32(widthByteArray, 0);
            int originalHeight = BitConverter.ToInt32(heightByteArray, 0);
            // recalculate iframe width and height
            int iFrameYWidth     = originalWidth;
            int iFrameYHeight    = originalHeight;
            int iFrameCrCbWidth  = (int)Math.Ceiling(originalWidth / 2.0);
            int iFrameCrCbHeight = (int)Math.Ceiling(originalHeight / 2.0);

            if (originalWidth % Compression.DCT_BLOCK_SIZE != 0)
                iFrameYWidth += Compression.DCT_BLOCK_SIZE - (originalWidth % Compression.DCT_BLOCK_SIZE);
            if (originalHeight % Compression.DCT_BLOCK_SIZE != 0)
                iFrameYHeight += Compression.DCT_BLOCK_SIZE - (originalHeight % Compression.DCT_BLOCK_SIZE);
            if (iFrameCrCbWidth % Compression.DCT_BLOCK_SIZE != 0)
                iFrameCrCbWidth += Compression.DCT_BLOCK_SIZE - (iFrameCrCbWidth % Compression.DCT_BLOCK_SIZE);
            if (iFrameCrCbHeight % Compression.DCT_BLOCK_SIZE != 0)
                iFrameCrCbHeight += Compression.DCT_BLOCK_SIZE - (iFrameCrCbHeight % Compression.DCT_BLOCK_SIZE);
            int pFrameYWidth     = originalWidth;
            int pFrameYHeight    = originalHeight;
            int pFrameCrCbWidth  = (int)Math.Ceiling(originalWidth / 2.0);
            int pFrameCrCbHeight = (int)Math.Ceiling(originalHeight / 2.0);

            if (originalWidth % Compression.macroSizeY != 0)
                pFrameYWidth += Compression.macroSizeY - (originalWidth % Compression.macroSizeY);
            if (originalHeight % Compression.macroSizeY != 0)
                pFrameYHeight += Compression.macroSizeY - (originalHeight % Compression.macroSizeY);
            if (pFrameCrCbWidth % Compression.macroSizeCrCb != 0)
                pFrameCrCbWidth += Compression.macroSizeCrCb - (pFrameCrCbWidth % Compression.macroSizeCrCb);
            if (pFrameCrCbHeight % Compression.macroSizeCrCb != 0)
                pFrameCrCbHeight += Compression.macroSizeCrCb - (pFrameCrCbHeight % Compression.macroSizeCrCb);
            int motionVectorsSize = pFrameYWidth / Compression.macroSizeY * pFrameYHeight / Compression.macroSizeY;

            int iYCrCbSize = iFrameYWidth * iFrameYHeight + iFrameCrCbHeight * iFrameCrCbWidth * 2;
            int pYCrCbSize = pFrameYWidth * pFrameYHeight + pFrameCrCbHeight * pFrameCrCbWidth * 2;
            int pMVSize    = motionVectorsSize * 6;

            int numOfFrames      = 0;
            int numOfIFrames     = 0;
            int numOfPFrames     = 0;
            int currentRemaining = savedArray.Length - Compression.intToByteSize * 2;

            while (currentRemaining > 0)
                if (numOfFrames % 10 == 0)
                    currentRemaining -= iYCrCbSize;
                    currentRemaining -= (pYCrCbSize + pMVSize);

            YCrCb[]  iFrames     = new YCrCb[numOfIFrames];
            PFrame[] pFrames     = new PFrame[numOfPFrames];
            int      pFrameIndex = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < numOfFrames; i++)
                byte[] iFrameY             = new byte[iFrameYHeight * iFrameYWidth];
                byte[] iFrameCr            = new byte[iFrameCrCbHeight * iFrameCrCbWidth];
                byte[] iFrameCb            = new byte[iFrameCr.Length];
                byte[] pFrameY             = new byte[pFrameYHeight * pFrameYWidth];
                byte[] pFrameCr            = new byte[pFrameCrCbHeight * pFrameCrCbWidth];
                byte[] pFrameCb            = new byte[pFrameCr.Length];
                byte[] motionVectorsYByte  = new byte[motionVectorsSize * 2];
                byte[] motionVectorsCrByte = new byte[motionVectorsSize * 2];
                byte[] motionVectorsCbByte = new byte[motionVectorsSize * 2];

                if (i % Compression.I_FRAME_RANGE == 0)
                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(savedArray, offset, iFrameY, 0, iFrameY.Length);
                    offset += iFrameY.Length;
                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(savedArray, offset, iFrameCr, 0, iFrameCr.Length);
                    offset += iFrameCr.Length;
                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(savedArray, offset, iFrameCb, 0, iFrameCb.Length);
                    offset += iFrameCb.Length;
                    iFrames[i / Compression.I_FRAME_RANGE] = new YCrCb(iFrameY, iFrameCr, iFrameCb,
                                                                       iFrameYHeight, iFrameYWidth, iFrameCrCbHeight, iFrameCrCbWidth);
                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(savedArray, offset, motionVectorsYByte, 0, motionVectorsSize * 2);
                    offset += motionVectorsSize * 2;
                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(savedArray, offset, motionVectorsCrByte, 0, motionVectorsSize * 2);
                    offset += motionVectorsSize * 2;
                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(savedArray, offset, motionVectorsCbByte, 0, motionVectorsSize * 2);
                    offset += motionVectorsSize * 2;
                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(savedArray, offset, pFrameY, 0, pFrameY.Length);
                    offset += pFrameY.Length;
                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(savedArray, offset, pFrameCr, 0, pFrameCr.Length);
                    offset += pFrameCr.Length;
                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(savedArray, offset, pFrameCb, 0, pFrameCb.Length);
                    offset += pFrameCb.Length;
                    YCrCb diffBlock = new YCrCb(pFrameY, pFrameCr, pFrameCb, pFrameYHeight, pFrameYWidth,
                                                pFrameCrCbHeight, pFrameCrCbWidth);
                    pFrames[pFrameIndex++] = new PFrame(diffBlock, ArrayTransform.convertToVectorFromByte(motionVectorsYByte),
                                                        ArrayTransform.convertToVectorFromByte(motionVectorsCrByte), ArrayTransform.convertToVectorFromByte(motionVectorsCbByte));
            return(new MPEGInfo(originalWidth, originalHeight, iFrames, pFrames));