void bttnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataRowView oDataRowView = cboBatch.SelectedItem as DataRowView; if (radioGroup1.SelectedIndex == -1) { Common.setEmptyField("IGR Report Options...", Program.ApplicationName); return; } else { try { SplashScreenManager.ShowForm(this, typeof(WaitForm1), true, true, false); if (oDataRowView != null) { if (radioGroup1.EditValue == "Bank")//Call Report for bank Reconciliation { using (SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(Logic.ConnectionString)) { connect.Open(); _command = new SqlCommand("doIGRReport", connect) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure }; _command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Type", SqlDbType.VarChar)).Value = "Bank"; _command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@BatchCode", SqlDbType.VarChar)).Value = oDataRowView.Row["BatchCode"]; _command.CommandTimeout = 0; using (System.Data.DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet()) { ds.Clear(); adp = new SqlDataAdapter(_command); adp.Fill(ds); connect.Close(); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["returnCode"].ToString() == "00") { XtraRepGen report = new XtraRepGen(); report.xrLabel18.Text = String.Format(" for the month of : [{0}]", oDataRowView.Row["BatchName"]); report.DataSource = ds.Tables[1]; report.DataMember = "table"; report.ShowPreviewDialog(); } else { return; } } } } else if (radioGroup1.EditValue == "Agency") { using (SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(Logic.ConnectionString)) { connect.Open(); _command = new SqlCommand("doIGRReport", connect) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure }; _command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Type", SqlDbType.VarChar)).Value = "Agency"; _command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@BatchCode", SqlDbType.VarChar)).Value = oDataRowView.Row["BatchCode"]; _command.CommandTimeout = 0; using (System.Data.DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet()) { ds.Clear(); adp = new SqlDataAdapter(_command); adp.Fill(ds); connect.Close(); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["returnCode"].ToString() == "00") { XtraRepSummrayAgency repAgency = new XtraRepSummrayAgency() { DataSource = ds, DataMember = "table" }; repAgency.xrLabel32.Text = string.Format(" {0} STATE GOVERNMENT ", Program.StateName.ToUpper()); repAgency.xrLabel33.Text = string.Format("Summary of Collection by Agencies for the Month of {0}", oDataRowView.Row["BatchName"]); repAgency.DataSource = ds.Tables[1]; repAgency.DataMember = "ViewReconciliationAgencyDetails"; repAgency.ShowPreviewDialog(); } else { return; } } } } else if (radioGroup1.EditValue == "Revenue") { using (SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(Logic.ConnectionString)) { connect.Open(); _command = new SqlCommand("doIGRReport", connect) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure }; _command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Type", SqlDbType.VarChar)).Value = "Revenue"; _command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@BatchCode", SqlDbType.VarChar)).Value = oDataRowView.Row["BatchCode"]; _command.CommandTimeout = 0; using (System.Data.DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet()) { ds.Clear(); adp = new SqlDataAdapter(_command); adp.Fill(ds); connect.Close(); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["returnCode"].ToString() == "00") { XtraRepSummRevenue report = new XtraRepSummRevenue() { DataSource = ds.Tables[1], DataMember = "table" }; //report.paramMonths.Value = dtpStart.Value.Month; //report.paramYear.Value = dtpStart.Value.Year; report.xrLabel32.Text = string.Format(" {0} STATE GOVERNMENT ", Program.StateName.ToUpper()); report.xrLabel33.Text = string.Format("Summary of Collection by Revenue Type for the Month of {0}", oDataRowView.Row["BatchName"]); report.ShowPreviewDialog(); } else { return; } } } } else if (radioGroup1.EditValue == "Details") { using (SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(Logic.ConnectionString)) { connect.Open(); _command = new SqlCommand("doIGRReport", connect) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure }; _command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Type", SqlDbType.VarChar)).Value = "Details"; _command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@BatchCode", SqlDbType.VarChar)).Value = oDataRowView.Row["BatchCode"]; _command.CommandTimeout = 0; using (System.Data.DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet()) { ds.Clear(); adp = new SqlDataAdapter(_command); adp.Fill(ds); connect.Close(); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["returnCode"].ToString() == "00") { XtraRepAgencyDetails report = new XtraRepAgencyDetails(); report.xrLabel32.Text = string.Format(" {0} STATE GOVERNMENT ", Program.StateName.ToUpper()); report.xrLabel33.Text = string.Format("Summary of Collection by Agencies Details for the Month of {0}", oDataRowView.Row["BatchName"]); //report.paramMonths.Value = dtpStart.Value.Month; //report.paramYears.Value = dtpStart.Value.Year; report.DataSource = ds.Tables[1]; report.DataMember = "ViewReconciliationAgencyDetails"; //report.DataAdapter report.ShowPreviewDialog(); } else { return; } } } } else if (radioGroup1.EditValue == "Account") { using (SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(Logic.ConnectionString)) { connect.Open(); _command = new SqlCommand("doIGRReport", connect) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure }; _command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Type", SqlDbType.VarChar)).Value = "Account"; _command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@BatchCode", SqlDbType.VarChar)).Value = oDataRowView.Row["BatchCode"]; _command.CommandTimeout = 0; using (System.Data.DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet()) { ds.Clear(); adp = new SqlDataAdapter(_command); adp.Fill(ds); connect.Close(); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["returnCode"].ToString() == "00") { //XtraRepIGRSummary repsumary = new XtraRepIGRSummary(); XtraRepIGRAccounts repacct = new XtraRepIGRAccounts(); //repsumary.xrLabel13.Text = string.Format("{0} State Government", Program.StateName); //repsumary.xrLabel14.Text = string.Format("Summary of {0} State Government IGR Accounts for {1}", Program.StateName, oDataRowView.Row["BatchName"]); repacct.xrLabel27.Text = string.Format(" {0} STATE GOVERNMENT ", Program.StateName.ToUpper()); repacct.xrLabel28.Text = string.Format(" DETAILS OF TRANSFER / CHARGES FOR {0}", oDataRowView.Row["BatchName"]); repacct.DataSource = ds.Tables[1]; repacct.DataMember = "table"; repacct.ShowPreviewDialog(); } else { return; } } } } else if (radioGroup1.EditValue == "Consolidate") { using (SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(Logic.ConnectionString)) { connect.Open(); _command = new SqlCommand("doIGRReport", connect) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure }; _command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Type", SqlDbType.VarChar)).Value = "Consolidate"; _command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@BatchCode", SqlDbType.VarChar)).Value = oDataRowView.Row["BatchCode"]; _command.CommandTimeout = 0; using (System.Data.DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet()) { ds.Clear(); adp = new SqlDataAdapter(_command); adp.Fill(ds); connect.Close(); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["returnCode"].ToString() == "00") { XtraRepSummary repsummary = new XtraRepSummary(); repsummary.xrLabel32.Text = string.Format("{0} STATE GOVERNMENT ", Program.StateName.ToUpper()); repsummary.xrLabel33.Text = string.Format("CONSOLIDATED SUMMARY ACCOUNT OF IGR FOR THE MONTH OF {0}", oDataRowView.Row["BatchName"]); repsummary.DataSource = ds.Tables[1]; repsummary.DataMember = "ViewConsolidateDetailsTransactions"; //repsummary.paramPeriod.Value = dtpStart.Value.Month; //repsummary.paramYear.Value = dtpStart.Value.Year; repsummary.ShowPreviewDialog(); } else { return; } } } } else if (radioGroup1.EditValue == "Bank Details") { using (SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(Logic.ConnectionString)) { connect.Open(); _command = new SqlCommand("doIGRReport", connect) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure }; _command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Type", SqlDbType.VarChar)).Value = "Bank Details"; _command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@BatchCode", SqlDbType.VarChar)).Value = oDataRowView.Row["BatchCode"]; _command.CommandTimeout = 0; using (System.Data.DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet()) { ds.Clear(); adp = new SqlDataAdapter(_command); adp.Fill(ds); connect.Close(); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["returnCode"].ToString() == "00") { XtraRepBankDetails bankdetails = new XtraRepBankDetails(); var list = (from DataRow row in ds.Tables[1].Rows select new Dataset.BankDetails { Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Amount"]), PaymentDate = Convert.ToDateTime(row["PaymentDate"]), BankName = row["BankName"] as string, BankCode = row["BankCode"] as string, Description = row["Description"] as string, PayerName = row["PayerName"] as string, RevenueCode = row["RevenueCode"] as string, AccountNumber = row["AccountNumber"] as string, //Branchname = row["Branchname"] as string } ).ToList(); bankdetails.xrLabel17.Text = string.Format("{0} State Government", Program.StateName); bankdetails.xrLabel18.Text = string.Format("Bank Details of {0} State Government IGR Accounts for {1}", Program.StateName, oDataRowView.Row["BatchName"]); //bankdetails.DataSource = ds.Tables[1]; //bankdetails.DataMember = "table"; var binding = (BindingSource)bankdetails.DataSource; binding.Clear(); binding.DataSource = list; bankdetails.ShowPreviewDialog(); } else { return; } } } } else if (radioGroup1.EditValue == "Summary") { using (SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(Logic.ConnectionString)) { connect.Open(); _command = new SqlCommand("doIGRReport", connect) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure }; _command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Type", SqlDbType.VarChar)).Value = "Summary"; _command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@BatchCode", SqlDbType.VarChar)).Value = oDataRowView.Row["BatchCode"]; _command.CommandTimeout = 0; using (System.Data.DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet()) { ds.Clear(); adp = new SqlDataAdapter(_command); adp.Fill(ds); connect.Close(); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["returnCode"].ToString() == "00") { XtraRepIGRSummary repsumary = new XtraRepIGRSummary(); repsumary.xrLabel13.Text = string.Format("{0} State Government", Program.StateName); repsumary.xrLabel14.Text = string.Format("Summary of {0} State Government IGR Accounts for {1}", Program.StateName, oDataRowView.Row["BatchName"]); repsumary.DataSource = ds.Tables[1]; repsumary.DataMember = "table"; repsumary.ShowPreviewDialog(); } else { return; } } } } } else { } } catch (Exception ex) { Tripous.Sys.ErrorBox(ex); } finally { SplashScreenManager.CloseForm(false); } } }
void bttnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var dtf = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat; if (radioGroup1.SelectedIndex == -1) { Common.setEmptyField(" IGR Report Options...", Program.ApplicationName); return; } else { GetStateRefer(); //strperiod = String.Format("{0}/{1}", cboPeriods.SelectedValue, cboYears.SelectedValue); GetPeriodCollection(strperiod); #region //// get month string //strmonth = cboPeriods.Text.Substring(0, 2); //split = cboPeriods.Text.Trim().Split(new Char[] { '/' }); //var dtf = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat; //var month = Convert.ToInt32(cboPeriods.Text.Substring(0, 2)); //var fyear = cboPeriods.Text.Length; //monthName = dtf.GetMonthName(month); #endregion if (radioGroup1.EditValue == "Bank")//Call Report for bank Reconciliation { //string fulltext = String.Format(" for the month of : [{0} {1}]", cboPeriods.Text, cboYears.SelectedValue); //XtraRepGeneral reports = new XtraRepGeneral(); //reports.xrLabel18.Text = fulltext; //reports.parmPeriod.Value = cboPeriods.SelectedValue; //reports.paramYear.Value = cboYears.SelectedValue; //reports.ShowPreviewDialog(); DataSet dataSet1 = new DataSet(); string query = string.Format("SELECT Description, BankName, AccountNo, OpenBal, CloseBal, Dr, Cr, AccountName, BranchName, BankShortCode, StartDate, EndDate FROM ViewTransactionBankAccount WHERE CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),StartDate,103)='{0}' AND CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),EndDate,103)='{1}'", string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyy}", dtpStart.Value), string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyy}", dtpEnd.Value)); using (SqlDataAdapter ada = new SqlDataAdapter((string)query, Logic.ConnectionString)) { ada.Fill(dataSet1, "table"); } if (dataSet1.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { Common.setMessageBox("No Record For This Report ", Program.ApplicationName, 1); return; } else { XtraRepGen report = new XtraRepGen(); report.xrLabel18.Text = String.Format(" for the month of : [{0} {1}]", dtpStart.Value.Month, dtpStart.Value.Year); //report.paramPeriod.Value = dtpStart.Value.Month; //report.paramYear.Value = dtpStart.Value.Year; report.DataSource = dataSet1; report.DataMember = "table"; report.ShowPreviewDialog(); } } else if (radioGroup1.EditValue == "Payment")//Call Report for IGR Payment { //strbdate, stredate; XtraRepIGRPay repigrpay = new XtraRepIGRPay(); repigrpay.xrLabel24.Text = string.Format("{0:dd MMMM, yyyy}", DateTime.Now); repigrpay.xrLabel5.Text = string.Format("Please refer to your letters referenced: {0} dated {1}", strRef, string.Format("{0:dd MMMM yyyy}", dtbdate)); //, string.Format("{0:dd MMMM yyyy}", dtedate) repigrpay.xrLabel4.Text = string.Format("REQUEST FOR THE PAYMENT OF OUR {0} FEE", dtf.GetMonthName(dtpStart.Value.Month)); repigrpay.xrLabel6.Text = string.Format("We hereby request you to pay our fee for the month of {0}, {1} computed as follows:", dtf.GetMonthName(dtpStart.Value.Month), dtpStart.Value.Year); repigrpay.xrTableCell4.Text = string.Format("Gross Collection monitored for the month of {0},{1}", dtf.GetMonthName(dtpStart.Value.Month), dtpStart.Value.Year); repigrpay.xrTableCell5.Text = string.Format("{0:n2}", dbCollect); repigrpay.xrTableCell15.Text = "180,000,000.00"; repigrpay.xrTableCell6.Text = string.Format("Incremental Collection for the month of {0},{1}", dtf.GetMonthName(dtpStart.Value.Month), dtpStart.Value.Year); double dbt = Convert.ToDouble(dbCollect - 180000000); //incremental collection repigrpay.xrTableCell7.Text = string.Format("{0:n2}", dbt); double dbfeepay = Convert.ToDouble((15 / 100) * dbt); repigrpay.xrTableCell9.Text = string.Format("{0:n2}", dbfeepay); double dbvatadd = Convert.ToDouble((5 / 100) * dbfeepay); repigrpay.xrTableCell11.Text = string.Format("{0:n2}", dbvatadd); double dbgrossfee = Convert.ToDouble(dbvatadd + dbfeepay); repigrpay.xrTableCell19.Text = string.Format("{0:n2}", dbgrossfee); //repigrpay.xrLabel9.Text = string.Format("Total IGR monitored for the month of {0},{1} computed as follows:", dtpStart.Value.Month, dtpStart.Value.Year); //repigrpay.xrLabel10.Text = string.Format("{0:n2}", dbCollect); //repigrpay.xrLabel12.Text = string.Format("{0:n2}", dbCollect * (dbpay / 100)); //repigrpay.xrLabel17.Text = string.Format("{0:n2}", (dbCollect * (dbpay / 100)) * (dbwth / 100)); //repigrpay.xrLabel18.Text = string.Format("{0:n2}", ((dbCollect * (dbpay / 100)) - ((dbCollect * (dbpay / 100)) * (dbwth / 100)))); //repigrpay.xrLabel19.Text = string.Format("{0:n2}", (((dbCollect * (dbpay / 100)) - ((dbCollect * (dbpay / 100)) * (dbwth / 100)))) * (dbvat / 100)); //repigrpay.xrLabel20.Text = string.Format("{0:n2}", ((dbCollect * (dbpay / 100)) - ((dbCollect * (dbpay / 100)) * (dbwth / 100))) - ((((dbCollect * (dbpay / 100)) - ((dbCollect * (dbpay / 100)) * (dbwth / 100)))) * (dbvat / 100))); repigrpay.ShowPreviewDialog(); } else if (radioGroup1.EditValue == "Summary") { DataSet dataSet1 = new DataSet(); string query = string.Format("SELECT AccountNo, OpenBal, CloseBal, Dr, Cr, BankShortCode, BankName, StartDate, EndDate, Amount, ExAmount FROM ViewSummaryIGRAccount WHERE CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),StartDate,103)='{0}' AND CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),EndDate,103)='{1}'", string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyy}", dtpStart.Value), string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyy}", dtpEnd.Value)); using (SqlDataAdapter ada = new SqlDataAdapter((string)query, Logic.ConnectionString)) { ada.Fill(dataSet1, "table"); } if (dataSet1.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { Common.setMessageBox("No Record For This Report ", Program.ApplicationName, 1); return; } else { XtraRepIGRSummary repsumary = new XtraRepIGRSummary(); repsumary.xrLabel13.Text = string.Format("{0} State Government", Program.StateName); repsumary.xrLabel14.Text = string.Format("Summary of {0} State Government IGR Accounts for {1}, {2}", Program.StateName, dtf.GetMonthName(dtpStart.Value.Month), dtpStart.Value.Year); //repsumary.paramPeriod.Value = dtpStart.Value.Month; //repsumary.paramYear.Value = dtpStart.Value.Year; repsumary.DataSource = dataSet1; repsumary.DataMember = "table"; repsumary.ShowPreviewDialog(); } } else if (radioGroup1.EditValue == "Consolidate") { //DataSet dataSet1 = new DataSet(); DataSet dataSet1 = new DataSet(); string query = string.Format("SELECT BankShortCode, BankName, OpenBal, CloseBal, Amount, [Returned Cheque], [Transfer To Govt. Acct], [Bank Charge], [Prev Credit Reversed], [Credit Interst], [Transfer From Govt. Acct], [Prev Debit Reversed], [Returned Cheque (Prev)], [Collection Logment], Expr1, StartDate, EndDate FROM ViewConsolidateDetailsTransactions WHERE CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),StartDate,103)='{0}' AND CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),EndDate,103)='{1}'", string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyy}", dtpStart.Value), string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyy}", dtpEnd.Value)); using (SqlDataAdapter ada = new SqlDataAdapter((string)query, Logic.ConnectionString)) { ada.Fill(dataSet1, "table"); } if (dataSet1.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { Common.setMessageBox("No Record For This Report ", Program.ApplicationName, 1); return; } else { XtraRepSummary repsummary = new XtraRepSummary(); repsummary.xrLabel32.Text = string.Format("{0} STATE GOVERNMENT ", Program.StateName.ToUpper()); repsummary.xrLabel33.Text = string.Format(" CONSOLIDATED SUMMARY ACCOUNT OF IGR FOR THE MONTH OF {0} , {1}", dtf.GetMonthName(dtpStart.Value.Month), dtpStart.Value.Year); repsummary.DataSource = dataSet1; repsummary.DataMember = "table"; //repsummary.paramPeriod.Value = dtpStart.Value.Month; //repsummary.paramYear.Value = dtpStart.Value.Year; repsummary.ShowPreviewDialog(); } } else if (radioGroup1.EditValue == "Account") { #region ////// Create a cross-tab report. //XtraReport report = CreateReport(); //XRLabel label1 = new XRLabel(); ////call a igraccount detail report ////XtraRepIGRAccount report = new XtraRepIGRAccount(); ////report.xrLabel13.Text = string.Format("{0} State Government", Program.StateName); ////report.xrLabel14.Text = string.Format("Transfer / Charges Account Details IGR for the month of {0}, {1}", cboPeriods.Text, cboYears.SelectedValue.ToString()); ////report.paramPeriod.Value = cboPeriods.Text; //// Show its Print Preview. //report.Landscape = true; //report.PaperKind = System.Drawing.Printing.PaperKind.Custom; //report.PageHeight = 850; //report.PageWidth = 1100; //report.Margins = new System.Drawing.Printing.Margins(15, 15, 100, 100); //report.VerticalContentSplitting = DevExpress.XtraPrinting.VerticalContentSplitting.Smart; //report.ShowPreview(); #endregion #region //DataSet dataSet1 = new DataSet(); //string quy = string.Format("SELECT Period,AccountNo,OpenBal,CloseBal,TransDescription,BankName,BankShortCode,Amount,Years FROM ViewIGRAccountDetails WHERE Period='{0}' and years='{1}' ", cboPeriods.SelectedValue, cboYears.SelectedValue); //using (SqlDataAdapter ada = new SqlDataAdapter((string)quy, Logic.ConnectionString)) //{ // ada.Fill(dataSet1, "table"); //} //XtraRepCrossTab reportAct = new XtraRepCrossTab(); //reportAct.xrLabel1.Text = string.Format(" {0} STATE GOVERNMENT ", Program.StateName.ToUpper()); //reportAct.xrLabel2.Text = string.Format(" TRANSFER / CHARGES OF ACCOUNT DETAILS OF IGR FOR THE {0} ,{1}", cboPeriods.Text, cboYears.SelectedValue); //reportAct.xrPivotGrid1.DataSource = dataSet1; //reportAct.xrPivotGrid1.DataMember = "table"; //reportAct.ShowPreviewDialog(); #endregion DataSet dataSet1 = new DataSet(); string query = string.Format("SELECT AccountNo, OpenBal, CloseBal, Amount, transdescription, BankShortCode, BankName, StartDate, EndDate FROM ViewIGRAccountDetails WHERE CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),StartDate,103)='{0}' AND CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),EndDate,103)='{1}'", string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyy}", dtpStart.Value), string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyy}", dtpEnd.Value)); using (SqlDataAdapter ada = new SqlDataAdapter((string)query, Logic.ConnectionString)) { ada.Fill(dataSet1, "table"); } if (dataSet1.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { Common.setMessageBox("No Record For This Report ", Program.ApplicationName, 1); return; } else { XtraRepIGRAccounts repacct = new XtraRepIGRAccounts(); repacct.xrLabel27.Text = string.Format(" {0} STATE GOVERNMENT ", Program.StateName.ToUpper()); repacct.xrLabel28.Text = string.Format(" DETAILS OF TRANSFER / CHARGES FOR THE MONTH OF {0} ,{1}", dtf.GetMonthName(dtpStart.Value.Month), dtpStart.Value.Year); //repacct.paramPeriod.Value = dtpStart.Value.Month; //repacct.paramYear.Value = dtpStart.Value.Year; repacct.DataSource = dataSet1; repacct.DataMember = "table"; repacct.ShowPreviewDialog(); } } else if (radioGroup1.EditValue == "Revenue") { System.Data.DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet(); string quy = string.Format("SELECT Row_number() OVER ( ORDER BY ( SELECT 1 ) ) AS SN ,RevenueCode , Description ,SUM(Amount) AS Amount FROM ViewReportReconciliationCollection WHERE (CONVERT(VARCHAR, CONVERT(DATE, PaymentDate), 102) BETWEEN'{0}' and '{1}') GROUP BY RevenueCode ,Description", string.Format("{0:yyyy.MM.dd}", dtpStart.Value), string.Format("{0:yyyy.MM.dd}", dtpEnd.Value)); using (SqlDataAdapter ada = new SqlDataAdapter((string)quy, Logic.ConnectionString)) { ada.Fill(ds, "table"); } if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { Common.setMessageBox("No Record For This Report ", Program.ApplicationName, 1); return; } else { XtraRepSummRevenue report = new XtraRepSummRevenue() { DataSource = ds, DataMember = "table" }; report.paramMonths.Value = dtpStart.Value.Month; report.paramYear.Value = dtpStart.Value.Year; report.xrLabel32.Text = string.Format(" {0} STATE GOVERNMENT ", Program.StateName.ToUpper()); report.xrLabel33.Text = string.Format("Summary of Collection by Revenue Type for the Month of {0} , {1}", dtf.GetMonthName(dtpStart.Value.Month), dtpStart.Value.Year); report.ShowPreviewDialog(); } //[Months] //FilterString = "StartsWith([BankCode], ?paramBankCode) And [Period] = ?paramPeriod And [IsRecordExit] = ?paramRecord" } else if (radioGroup1.EditValue == "Agency") { System.Data.DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet(); string quy = string.Format("SELECT Row_number() OVER ( ORDER BY ( SELECT 1 ) ) AS SN ,AgencyCode ,AgencyName ,SUM(Amount)AS Amount FROM ViewReportReconciliationagency WHERE (CONVERT(VARCHAR, CONVERT(DATE, PaymentDate), 102) BETWEEN'{0}' and '{1}') GROUP BY AgencyCode ,AgencyName", string.Format("{0:yyyy.MM.dd}", dtpStart.Value), string.Format("{0:yyyy.MM.dd}", dtpEnd.Value)); using (SqlDataAdapter ada = new SqlDataAdapter((string)quy, Logic.ConnectionString)) { ada.Fill(ds, "table"); } if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { Common.setMessageBox("No Record For This Report ", Program.ApplicationName, 1); return; } else { XtraRepSummrayAgency repAgency = new XtraRepSummrayAgency() { DataSource = ds, DataMember = "table" }; repAgency.xrLabel32.Text = string.Format(" {0} STATE GOVERNMENT ", Program.StateName.ToUpper()); repAgency.xrLabel33.Text = string.Format("Summary of Collection by Agencies for the Month of {0} , {1}", dtf.GetMonthName(dtpStart.Value.Month), dtpStart.Value.Year); repAgency.ShowPreviewDialog(); } } else if (radioGroup1.EditValue == "Details") { System.Data.DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet(); string quy = string.Format("SELECT PaymentDate, PayerName, RevenueCode, ChequeValueDate, Description, Amount, Period, BankCode, years, PaymentRefNumber, Months,IsRecordExit, IsPayDirect, AgencyName, AgencyCode, BankName FROM ViewReconciliationAgencyDetails WHERE (CONVERT(VARCHAR, CONVERT(DATE, PaymentDate), 102) BETWEEN'{0}' and '{1}')", string.Format("{0:yyyy.MM.dd}", dtpStart.Value), string.Format("{0:yyyy.MM.dd}", dtpEnd.Value)); using (SqlDataAdapter ada = new SqlDataAdapter((string)quy, Logic.ConnectionString)) { ada.Fill(ds, "table"); } if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { Common.setMessageBox("No Record For This Report ", Program.ApplicationName, 1); return; } else { XtraRepAgencyDetails report = new XtraRepAgencyDetails(); report.xrLabel32.Text = string.Format(" {0} STATE GOVERNMENT ", Program.StateName.ToUpper()); report.xrLabel33.Text = string.Format("Summary of Collection by Agencies Details for the Month of {0} , {1}", dtf.GetMonthName(dtpStart.Value.Month), dtpStart.Value.Year); report.paramMonths.Value = dtpStart.Value.Month; report.paramYears.Value = dtpStart.Value.Year; report.ShowPreviewDialog(); } } } }