public void UpdateBaselineProjection(CustomBaselineProjection bp) { using (var ctx = new XrmServiceContext("Xrm")) { var bps = (from s in ctx.new_baselineprojectionsSet where s.Id == bp.Id select s).FirstOrDefault(); bps.new_name = bp.Name; bps.new_Year = bp.Year; bps.new_CA_Q1Actual = (int)bp.CA_Q1_A; bps.new_Q1_ca = (decimal)bp.CA_Q1_P; bps.new_CA_Q2Actual = (int)bp.CA_Q2_A; bps.new_Q2_ca = (decimal)bp.CA_Q2_P; bps.new_CA_Q3Actual = (int)bp.CA_Q3_A; bps.new_Q3_ca = (decimal)bp.CA_Q3_P; bps.new_CA_Q4Actual = (int)bp.CA_Q4_A; bps.new_Q4_ca = (decimal)bp.CA_Q4_P; bps.new_DB_Q1Actual = (int)bp.DB_Q1_A; bps.new_Q1_db = (decimal)bp.DB_Q1_P; bps.new_DB_Q2Actual = (int)bp.DB_Q2_A; bps.new_Q2_db = (decimal)bp.DB_Q2_P; bps.new_DB_Q3Actual = (int)bp.DB_Q3_A; bps.new_Q3_db = (decimal)bp.DB_Q3_P; bps.new_DB_Q4Actual = (int)bp.DB_Q4_A; bps.new_Q4_db = (decimal)bp.DB_Q4_P; ctx.UpdateObject(bps); ctx.SaveChanges(); } }
private void IncreaseCurrentNumber(string entityName, int InitalValue) { using (XrmServiceContext context = new XrmServiceContext(OrganizationService)) { var autoNumberDetail = context.dots_autonumberSet.FirstOrDefault(w => w.TargetEntityLogicalName == entityName); //autoNumberDetail.CurrentNumber = (Convert.ToInt32(autoNumberDetail.CurrentNumber) + 1).ToString(); int currentNumber = ((autoNumberDetail.CurrentNumber == null) ? InitalValue : autoNumberDetail.CurrentNumber.Value); autoNumberDetail.CurrentNumber = ((currentNumber) + 1); context.UpdateObject(autoNumberDetail); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public void ResolveCase(Guid caseId) { try { using (var context = new XrmServiceContext(_service)) { _log.Info($"Executing resolve case for case with id {caseId}"); Incident selectedCase = (from incident in context.IncidentSet where incident.IncidentId.Equals(caseId) select incident) .FirstOrDefault(); if (selectedCase == null) { _log.Info($"No case found with id {caseId}"); return; } var statuses = (from status in context.New_requeststatusSet select status) .ToList(); //Set case status to "Completed" selectedCase.new_caseid.Id = statuses[0].Id; //Create Incident Resolution var incidentResolution = new IncidentResolution { Subject = "Case Resolved", IncidentId = new EntityReference(Incident.EntityLogicalName, selectedCase.Id), ActualEnd = DateTime.Now }; //Close Incident var closeIncidenRequst = new CloseIncidentRequest { IncidentResolution = incidentResolution, Status = new OptionSetValue(5) }; _service.Execute(closeIncidenRequst); context.UpdateObject(selectedCase); context.SaveChanges(); _log.Info($"Set case status to Completed for Case with ID {caseId}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error($"Exception caught while trying to resolve case with ID {caseId} - {ex.Message}"); } }
private static void UpdateContacts(OrganizationServiceProxy serviceProxy) { var context = new XrmServiceContext(serviceProxy); var updateCount = 0; foreach (var contact in context.ContactSet) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} {1}|{2}|{3}|{4}", contact.FullName, contact.MobilePhone, contact.Telephone1, contact.Telephone2, contact.Telephone3)); var newMobilePhone = SanitizeNumber(contact.MobilePhone); var newTelephone1 = SanitizeNumber(contact.Telephone1); var newTelephone2 = SanitizeNumber(contact.Telephone2); var newTelephone3 = SanitizeNumber(contact.Telephone3); if (newMobilePhone != contact.MobilePhone || newTelephone1 != contact.Telephone1 || newTelephone2 != contact.Telephone2 || newTelephone3 != contact.Telephone3) { contact.MobilePhone = newMobilePhone; contact.Telephone1 = newTelephone1; contact.Telephone2 = newTelephone2; contact.Telephone3 = newTelephone3; context.UpdateObject(contact); updateCount++; } if (updateCount == BatchSize) { updateCount = 0; context.SaveChanges(); } } //final update if (updateCount > 0) { context.SaveChanges(); } }
private static void UpdateAccounts(OrganizationServiceProxy serviceProxy) { var context = new XrmServiceContext(serviceProxy); var updateCount = 0; foreach (var account in context.AccountSet) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} {1}|{2}|{3}", account.Name, account.Telephone1, account.Telephone2, account.Telephone3)); var newTelephone1 = SanitizeNumber(account.Telephone1); var newTelephone2 = SanitizeNumber(account.Telephone2); var newTelephone3 = SanitizeNumber(account.Telephone3); if (newTelephone1 != account.Telephone1 || newTelephone2 != account.Telephone2 || newTelephone3 != account.Telephone3) { account.Telephone1 = newTelephone1; account.Telephone2 = newTelephone2; account.Telephone3 = newTelephone3; context.UpdateObject(account); updateCount++; } if (updateCount == BatchSize) { updateCount = 0; context.SaveChanges(); } } //final update if (updateCount > 0) { context.SaveChanges(); } }
public Account UpdateStudentDetails(string studentId, DetailsViewModel model) { try { //Check if studentId is null if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(studentId)) { _log.Error($"Trying to execute update student details for non existing student id"); return(null); } using (var context = new XrmServiceContext(_service)) { _log.Info($"Executing update student details for student with id {studentId}"); var studentObject = (from student in context.AccountSet where student.New_UserID.Equals(studentId) select student) .FirstOrDefault(); if (studentObject == null) { _log.Info($"No student found with id {studentId}"); return(null); } if (studentObject.New_FirstName != model.FirstName || studentObject.New_FamilyName != model.LastName || studentObject.New_StudentStatus.Value != (int)model.StudentStatus) { if (studentObject.New_FirstName != model.FirstName) { string oldFirstName = studentObject.New_FirstName; studentObject.New_FirstName = model.FirstName; _log.Info($"Updated the first name for student with ID {studentId} from {oldFirstName} to {model.FirstName}"); } if (studentObject.New_FamilyName != model.LastName) { string oldLastName = studentObject.New_FamilyName; studentObject.New_FamilyName = model.LastName; _log.Info($"Updated the last name for student with ID {studentId} from {oldLastName} to {model.LastName} "); } if (studentObject.New_StudentStatus.Value != (int)model.StudentStatus) { int oldStudentStatus = studentObject.New_StudentStatus.Value; studentObject.New_StudentStatus = new OptionSetValue((int)model.StudentStatus); _log.Info($"Updated the student status for student with ID {studentId} from {(StudentStatus)oldStudentStatus} to {model.StudentStatus} "); } context.UpdateObject(studentObject); context.SaveChanges(); } else { _log.Info($"The new entered values are equal to the old ones"); } return(studentObject); } } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error($"Exception caught while trying to update Student Details for Student with ID {studentId} - {ex.Message}"); return(null); } }