public QuestRewardGump(Mobile from, int page)
            : base(20, 30)

            // determine the gump size based on the number of rewards
            this.Rewards = XmlQuestPointsRewards.RewardsList;

            this.viewpage = page;

            int height = this.maxItemsPerPage * this.y_inc + 120;
            int width  = this.x_pointsoffset + 110;

             * if(Rewards != null && Rewards.Count > 0)
             * {
             * height = Rewards.Count*y_inc + 120;
             * }

            this.AddBackground(0, 0, width, height, 0xDAC);

            this.AddHtml(40, 20, 350, 50, "Rewards Available for Purchase with QuestPoints Credits", false, false);

            this.AddLabel(400, 20, 0, String.Format("Available Credits: {0}", XmlQuestPoints.GetCredits(from)));

            //AddButton( 30, height - 35, 0xFB7, 0xFB9, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
            //AddLabel( 70, height - 35, 0, "Close" );

            // put the page buttons in the lower right corner
            if (this.Rewards != null && this.Rewards.Count > 0)
                this.AddLabel(width - 165, height - 35, 0, String.Format("Page: {0}/{1}", this.viewpage + 1, (int)(this.Rewards.Count / this.maxItemsPerPage) + 1));

                // page up and down buttons
                this.AddButton(width - 55, height - 35, 0x15E0, 0x15E4, 13, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                this.AddButton(width - 35, height - 35, 0x15E2, 0x15E6, 12, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            this.AddLabel(70, 50, 40, "Reward");
            this.AddLabel(this.x_creditoffset, 50, 40, "Credits");
            this.AddLabel(this.x_pointsoffset, 50, 40, "Min Points");

            // display the items with their selection buttons
            if (this.Rewards != null)
                int y = 50;
                for (int i = 0; i < this.Rewards.Count; i++)
                    if ((int)(i / this.maxItemsPerPage) != this.viewpage)

                    XmlQuestPointsRewards r = this.Rewards[i] as XmlQuestPointsRewards;
                    if (r == null)

                    y += this.y_inc;

                    int texthue = 0;

                    // display the item
                    if (r.MinPoints > XmlQuestPoints.GetPoints(from))
                        texthue = 33;
                        // add the selection button
                        this.AddButton(30, y, 0xFA5, 0xFA7, 1000 + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

                    // display the name
                    this.AddLabel(70, y + 3, texthue, r.Name);

                    // display the cost
                    this.AddLabel(this.x_creditoffset, y + 3, texthue, r.Cost.ToString());

                    // display the item
                    if (r.ItemID > 0)
                        this.AddItem(this.x_creditoffset + 60, y, r.ItemID);

                    // display the min points requirement
                    this.AddLabel(this.x_pointsoffset, y + 3, texthue, r.MinPoints.ToString());