public static bool Test(string[] args)
        bool bRes = true;

        // figure out the data file name
        string filename = "Certificates.xml";

        if (args.Length != 0)
            filename = args[0];

        // create an xml dirver object
        XmlDriver xd = new XmlDriver(filename);

        CertificateInfo[] certs = xd.Certificates;
        foreach (CertificateInfo ci in certs)
            Console.WriteLine("* Working with " + ci.FileName + " (encoding = " + ci.Encoding + ") *");
            if (!TestCert(ci))
                bRes = false;
        private static void InitRepositories()
            var driver   = new XmlDriver();
            var _context = SimpleRepositoryContext.Of();

            _context.Set <Role, IRoleRepository>(new RoleRepository(driver));
            _context.Set <RoleAdmin, IRoleAdminRepository>(new RoleAdminRepository(driver));
            _context.Set <Admin, IAdminRepository>(new AdminRepository(driver));
            _context.Set <Ticket, ITicketRepository>(new TicketRepository(driver));
            _context.Set <User, IUserRepository>(new UserRepository(driver));
            _context.Set <VPS, IVpsRepository>(new VpsRepository(driver));
public static bool Test(string[] args)
	bool bRes = true;
	// figure out the data file name
	string filename = "Certificates.xml";
	if (args.Length != 0) filename = args[0];

	// create an xml dirver object
	XmlDriver xd = new XmlDriver(filename);

	CertificateInfo[] certs = xd.Certificates;
	foreach(CertificateInfo ci in certs)
		Console.WriteLine("* Working with " + ci.FileName + " (encoding = " + ci.Encoding + ") *" );
		if (!TestCert(ci)) {
			bRes = false;
		} else {
	return bRes;
    //	Returns true is all available data in CertificateInfo matches the corresponding data in X509Certificate2 object
    public bool Matches(X509Certificate2 cert)
        bool bRes = true;

        if (PrivateKeyFile != null)
            // TODO: implement

        // get the public key
        PublicKey pk = cert.PublicKey;

        // compare the algorithm if available
        if (!CompareStrings(pk.Oid.Value, PublicKeyAlg))
            Log.Comment("Public key algorithm mismatch (1): " + pk.Oid.Value + " != " + PublicKeyAlg);
            bRes = false;
        if (!CompareStrings(cert.GetKeyAlgorithm(), PublicKeyAlg))
            Log.Comment("Public key algorithm mismatch (2): " + cert.GetKeyAlgorithm() + " != " + PublicKeyAlg);
            bRes = false;

        // compare the public key blob
        if (PublicKeyBlob != null)
            if (!XmlDriver.Compare(pk.EncodedKeyValue.RawData, PublicKeyBlob))
                Log.Comment("Public key blob mismatch: " + "\n" +
                            BitConverter.ToString(pk.EncodedKeyValue.RawData) + " != " +
                bRes = false;

        // compare the private key
        // TODO: enhance, compare the actual value
        // The idea for now is that if there is a password that means there is a private key
        if (Password != null)
            if (cert.PrivateKey == null)
                Log.Comment("BAD: PrivateKey is null");
                bRes = false;
                Log.Comment("Private Key is there - " + cert.PrivateKey);

        // compare the version
        if (Version != -1)
            if (cert.Version != Version)
                Log.Comment("Version mismatch: " + cert.Version + " != " + Version);
                bRes = false;

        // compare the subject
        if (Subject != null)
            if (!CompareStrings(cert.SubjectName.Name, Subject))
                Log.Comment("Subject mismatch: " + cert.SubjectName.Name + " != " + Subject);
                bRes = false;

        // compare the Issuer
        if (Issuer != null)
            if (!CompareStrings(cert.IssuerName.Name, Issuer))
                Log.Comment("Issuer mismatch: " + cert.IssuerName.Name + " != " + Issuer);
                bRes = false;

        // compare the serial number
        if (SerialNumber != null)
            if (!CompareStrings(cert.SerialNumber, SerialNumber))
                Log.Comment("Serial number mismatch: " + cert.SerialNumber + " != " + SerialNumber);
                bRes = false;

        // compare the NotBefore
        if (NotBefore != DateTime.MinValue)
            if (cert.NotBefore.CompareTo(NotBefore) != 0)
                Log.Comment("NotBefore mismatch: " + cert.NotBefore + " != " + NotBefore);
                bRes = false;

        // compare the NotAfter
        if (NotAfter != DateTime.MinValue)
            if (cert.NotAfter.CompareTo(NotAfter) != 0)
                Log.Comment("NotAfter mismatch: " + cert.NotAfter + " != " + NotAfter);
                bRes = false;

        // compare the signature algorithm
        if (SignatureAlg != null)
            if (!CompareStrings(cert.SignatureAlgorithm.FriendlyName, SignatureAlg))
                Log.Comment("Signature algorithm mismatch: " + cert.SignatureAlgorithm.FriendlyName + " != " + SignatureAlg);
                bRes = false;

        // compare the thumbprint
        if (Thumbprint != null)
            if (!CompareStrings(cert.Thumbprint.ToLower(), Thumbprint.ToLower()))
                Log.Comment("Thumbprint mismatch: " + cert.Thumbprint + " != " + Thumbprint);
                bRes = false;

        // compare the ToString baselines

/*		if (ToStringBaseLine != null)
 *      //		if ( (cert.ToString().Replace("\0", "").Replace( " " , "" ).Replace("\n", "").Trim()
 * //				!= ToStringBaseLine.Replace( " " , "" ) )) // || (cert.ToString(false).Trim() != ToStringBaseLine) )
 *                      if( !CompareToStrings( cert.ToString() , ToStringBaseLine ) )
 *                      {
 *                              Log.Comment("ToString() baseline mismatch: " + "\n" +
 *                                                              cert.ToString().Replace("\0", "").Replace("\n", "").Trim() + "\n" +
 *                                                              " != " + "\n" +
 *                                                              ToStringBaseLine);
 *                              bRes = false;
 *                      }*/

        if (ToStringVerboseBaseLine != null)
//			if (cert.ToString(true).Replace("\0", "").Replace("\n\n", "\n").Replace("\n", "").Trim()
            //			!= ToStringVerboseBaseLine)
            if (!CompareToStrings(ToStringVerboseBaseLine, cert.ToString(true)))
                Log.Comment("ToString(true) baseline mismatch: " + "\n" +
                            cert.ToString(true).Replace("\0", "").Replace("\n", "").Trim() + "\n" +
                            " != " + "\n" +
                bRes = false;

        // TODO: Thumbprint Alg comparions if we get a property for it

        // compare extensions
        ArrayList alCertExt = new ArrayList();

        foreach (X509Extension ext in cert.Extensions)
            ExtensionInfo ei = null;
            if (ext is X509KeyUsageExtension)
                ei       = new ExtensionInfo("KeyUsage", DumpFlags(typeof(X509KeyUsageFlags), ((X509KeyUsageExtension)ext).KeyUsages));
                ei.Data += "(" + (((byte)((X509KeyUsageExtension)ext).KeyUsages)).ToString("X").ToLower() + ")";
            if (ext is X509BasicConstraintsExtension)
                X509BasicConstraintsExtension bce = (X509BasicConstraintsExtension)ext;
                string data = bce.CertificateAuthority.ToString() + ", " +
                              bce.HasPathLengthConstraint + ", " +
                ei = new ExtensionInfo("BasicConstraints", data);
            if (ext is X509EnhancedKeyUsageExtension)
                OidCollection oids = ((X509EnhancedKeyUsageExtension)ext).EnhancedKeyUsages;
                string        data = "";
                foreach (Oid oid in oids)
                    data += oid.FriendlyName + " (" + oid.Value + "), ";
                data = data.Substring(0, data.Length - 1);               //.Replace("-", "");
                ei   = new ExtensionInfo("EnhancedKeyUsage", data);
            if (ext is X509SubjectKeyIdentifierExtension)
                ei = new ExtensionInfo("SubjectKeyIdentifier", ((X509SubjectKeyIdentifierExtension)ext).SubjectKeyIdentifier.ToLower());
                ei = new ExtensionInfo(ext.Oid.FriendlyName, ext.Format(false));

        if (false == CompareKeyExtensions(Extentions, (ExtensionInfo[])alCertExt.ToArray(typeof(ExtensionInfo))))
            Log.Comment("Key extensions mismatch.");
            bRes = false;
