public static void GetAttributesOnCommentNode() { var xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); xmlDocument.LoadXml("<a><!-- comment --></a>"); Assert.Null(xmlDocument.DocumentElement.FirstChild.Attributes); }
void Start() { strength = 1; agility = 3; endurance = 3; carryWeight = 3 + (2 * strength); hitPoint = strength * 20; meleeDamage = strength; //В процентах precision = agility; //В процентах armorClass = agility / 2; sequence = agility; dodge = endurance * 3; resistance = endurance / 2; recovery = endurance * 10; Debug.Log(hitPoint); XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument(); xDoc.Load("./Assets/Scripts/Data/enemiesAttributes.xml"); XmlElement xRoot = xDoc.DocumentElement; foreach (XmlNode xnode in xRoot) { if (xnode.Attributes.Count > 0) { XmlNode attr = xnode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("name"); if (attr != null) Debug.Log(attr.Value); } } }
static void Main() { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(@"..\..\..\catalogue.xml"); XmlNode rootNode = doc.DocumentElement; for (int i = 0; i < rootNode.ChildNodes.Count; i++) { XmlNode node = rootNode.ChildNodes[i]; foreach (XmlNode albumPrice in node.ChildNodes) { // if the node is the price node if (albumPrice.Name == "price") { // take the price double price = double.Parse(albumPrice.InnerText); if (price > 20.00) { rootNode.RemoveChild(node); // remove the node i--; // decrementing i so that we won't miss a node } } } } doc.Save(@"..\..\..\catalogueUnderTwentyPrice.xml"); }
public static void GetAttributesOnTextNode() { var xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); xmlDocument.LoadXml("<a>text node</a>"); Assert.Null(xmlDocument.DocumentElement.FirstChild.Attributes); }
public void PrependWithAttrWithAnotherOwnerDocumentThrows() { XmlDocument doc = CreateDocumentWithElement(); XmlAttribute anotherDocumentAttr = new XmlDocument().CreateAttribute("attr"); XmlAttributeCollection target = doc.DocumentElement.Attributes; Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => target.Prepend(anotherDocumentAttr)); }
private void GetUpdateList(string updateKey) { WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentType] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; string response; try { response = client.UploadString("", "k=" + WWW.EscapeURL(updateKey) + "&v=" + OnlineMaps.version + "&c=" + (int)channel); } catch { return; } XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); document.LoadXml(response); XmlNode firstChild = document.FirstChild; updates = new List<OnlineMapsUpdateItem>(); foreach (XmlNode node in firstChild.ChildNodes) updates.Add(new OnlineMapsUpdateItem(node)); }
static public string Request_POST(string rooturl, string param) { HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(rooturl); Encoding encoding = Encoding.UTF8; byte[] bs = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(param); string responseData = String.Empty; req.Method = "POST"; req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; req.ContentLength = bs.Length; using (Stream reqStream = req.GetRequestStream()) { reqStream.Write(bs, 0, bs.Length); reqStream.Close(); } using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse()) { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), encoding)) { responseData = reader.ReadToEnd().ToString(); } } XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(responseData); XmlElement root = doc.DocumentElement; return root.InnerText; }
public static void DocumentNodeTypeTest() { var xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); xmlDocument.LoadXml("<a />"); Assert.Equal(XmlNodeType.Document, xmlDocument.NodeType); }
/*! \brief Load all the proprieties from a file \param The path of the file \return The list of ActiveTranportProprieties. If the list is empty this function return null */ public LinkedList<ActiveTransportProprieties> loadActiveTransportProprietiesFromFile(string filePath) { LinkedList<ActiveTransportProprieties> propsList = new LinkedList<ActiveTransportProprieties>(); ActiveTransportProprieties prop; MemoryStream ms = Tools.getEncodedFileContent(filePath); XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(ms); XmlNodeList ATsLists = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("activeTransports"); foreach (XmlNode ATsNodes in ATsLists) { foreach (XmlNode ATNode in ATsNodes) { if (ATNode.Name == "ATProp") { prop = loadActiveTransportProprieties(ATNode); propsList.AddLast(prop); } } } if (propsList.Count == 0) return null; return propsList; }
public void GetData() { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(LevelStats.text); StartCoroutine(LoadLevelStats(xmlDoc)); }
public static void AttributeNode() { var xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); var node = xmlDocument.CreateAttribute("attribute"); Assert.Equal(String.Empty, node.Value); }
public static void SetCountriesName(string language) { Debug.Log("countries....." + language); TextAsset textAsset = (TextAsset) Resources.Load("countries"); var xml = new XmlDocument (); xml.LoadXml (textAsset.text); Countries = new Hashtable(); AppCountries = new SortedList(); try{ var element = xml.DocumentElement[language]; if (element != null) { var elemEnum = element.GetEnumerator(); while (elemEnum.MoveNext()) { var xmlItem = (XmlElement)elemEnum.Current; Countries.Add(xmlItem.GetAttribute("name"), xmlItem.InnerText); AppCountries.Add(xmlItem.GetAttribute("name"), xmlItem.InnerText); } } else { Debug.LogError("The specified language does not exist: " + language); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Log("Language:SetCountryName()" + ex.ToString()); } }
protected void DL_SubjectArealist_ItemDatabound(object sender, ListViewItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.ItemType == ListViewItemType.DataItem) { ListViewDataItem ditem = (ListViewDataItem)e.Item; //data reader System.Data.DataRowView item = (System.Data.DataRowView)ditem.DataItem; Literal myfavicons = (Literal)ditem.FindControl("myfavicons"); HyperLink SubjectAreaTitle = (HyperLink)ditem.FindControl("SubjectAreaTitle"); Literal Description = (Literal)ditem.FindControl("Description"); XmlDocument XMLDoc = new XmlDocument(); XMLDoc.LoadXml(item["content_html"].ToString()); string ShortDescription = commonfunctions.getFieldValue(XMLDoc, "ShortDescription", "/SubjectAreas"); string Name = commonfunctions.getFieldValue(XMLDoc, "Name", "/SubjectAreas"); long saId = long.Parse(item["content_id"].ToString()); Description.Text = ShortDescription; myfavicons.Text = commonfunctions.getMyFavIcons(saId.ToString(), "2", Title, "0"); SubjectAreaTitle.Text = Name; SubjectAreaTitle.NavigateUrl = commonfunctions.getQuickLink(saId); ; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Load document string booksFile = Server.MapPath("books.xml"); XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); document.Load(booksFile); XPathNavigator nav = document.CreateNavigator(); //Add a namespace prefix that can be used in the XPath expression XmlNamespaceManager namespaceMgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(nav.NameTable); namespaceMgr.AddNamespace("b", ""); //All books whose price is not greater than 10.00 foreach (XPathNavigator node in nav.Select("//b:book[not(b:price[. > 10.00])]/b:price", namespaceMgr)) { Decimal price = (decimal)node.ValueAs(typeof(decimal)); node.SetTypedValue(price * 1.2M); Response.Write(String.Format("Price raised from {0} to {1}<BR/>", price, node.ValueAs(typeof(decimal)))); } }
public void MakeList() { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); // xmlDoc is the new xml document. xmlDoc.LoadXml(ELEData.text); // load the file. XmlNodeList EleList = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("storeElement"); // array of the level nodes. GameObject eleGO; StoreElement strElmnt; int i = 0; foreach (XmlNode eleInfo in EleList) { int pfI = int.Parse(eleInfo.Attributes["storeType"].Value); eleGO = (GameObject)Instantiate(ELEPrefab[pfI]); if(pfI==0){ Text txtEl = eleGO.GetComponent<Text>(); txtEl.text = LanguageManager.current.getText(eleInfo.Attributes["name"].Value); }else if(pfI==1){ strElmnt = eleGO.GetComponent<StoreElement>(); int toolIndex = int.Parse(eleInfo.Attributes["imageIndex"].Value); strElmnt.init( eleInfo.Attributes["id"].Value, i, LanguageManager.current.getText(eleInfo.Attributes["name"].Value), LanguageManager.current.getSentance(eleInfo.Attributes["desc"].Value,"20"), (ToolType)toolIndex, ElEImages[toolIndex], (eleInfo.Attributes["upgrades"] != null) ); elmentList.Add(strElmnt); } eleGO.transform.SetParent(gridGroup.transform); eleGO.transform.localScale =; } }
protected void DL_newslist_ItemDatabound(object sender, ListViewItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.ItemType == ListViewItemType.DataItem) { ListViewDataItem ditem = (ListViewDataItem)e.Item; //data reader System.Data.DataRowView item = (System.Data.DataRowView)ditem.DataItem; HyperLink NewsTitle = (HyperLink)ditem.FindControl("NewsTitle"); Literal NewsDate = (Literal)ditem.FindControl("NewsDate"); XmlDocument XMLDoc = new XmlDocument(); XMLDoc.LoadXml(item["content_html"].ToString()); string HeadLine = commonfunctions.getFieldValue(XMLDoc, "Headline", "/News"); string Date = commonfunctions.getFieldValue(XMLDoc, "Date", "/News"); string Teaser = commonfunctions.getFieldValue(XMLDoc, "Teaser", "/News"); DateTime DateShown = Convert.ToDateTime(Date); long newsId = long.Parse(item["content_id"].ToString()); NewsDate.Text = DateShown.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy"); NewsTitle.Text = HeadLine; NewsTitle.NavigateUrl = commonfunctions.getQuickLink(newsId); ; } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); string serverPath = Public.GetServerPath(); document.Load(serverPath + @"\\bin\\DataMessage.xml"); foreach (XmlNode node in document.SelectNodes("/DataMessage/DataTableItem")) { XmlElement element = (XmlElement)node; if (element.GetAttribute("TableName") == this.txtTableNameVal.Value.Trim()) { element.SetAttribute("TableName", this.txtTableName.Text.Trim()); element.SetAttribute("Text", this.txtTableChina.Text.Trim()); foreach (XmlNode node2 in element.ChildNodes) { XmlElement element2 = (XmlElement)node2; if (element2.GetAttribute("ColumnName") == this.txtColNameVal.Value.Trim()) { element2.InnerText = this.txtColChina.Text.Trim(); element2.SetAttribute("ColumnName", this.txtColName.Text.Trim()); element2.SetAttribute("ColumnType", this.ddlDataType.SelectedValue); break; } } break; } } document.Save(serverPath + @"\\bin\\DataMessage.xml"); Public.Show("修改成功!"); this.ClearForm(); this.BindTableMess(); this.ddlTableName_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e); }
public static void CreateEmptyCdata() { var xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); var cdataNode = (XmlCharacterData)xmlDocument.CreateCDataSection(String.Empty); Assert.Equal(0, cdataNode.Length); }
public static void CheckNodeType() { var xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); var documentFragment = xmlDocument.CreateDocumentFragment(); Assert.Equal(XmlNodeType.DocumentFragment, documentFragment.NodeType); }
/* **************************************************************************** * dump() **************************************************************************** */ /** * Returns obj as a formatted XML string. * @param sTab - The characters to prepend before each new line */ public string dump() { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); XmlElement elm = this.toDOM(doc); doc.AppendChild(elm); return DOMUtils.ToString(doc); }
public static void CreateCdata() { var xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); var cdataNode = (XmlCharacterData)xmlDocument.CreateCDataSection("abcde"); Assert.Equal(5, cdataNode.Length); }
public void Adjust(string fileName) { try { string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.dataPath+".."); if (File.Exists(path+"/"+fileName)) { TextReader tx = new StreamReader(path+"/"+fileName); if (doc == null) doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(tx); tx.Close(); if (doc!=null && doc.DocumentElement!=null) { string xmlns = doc.DocumentElement.Attributes["xmlns"].Value; XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable); nsmgr.AddNamespace("N",xmlns); SetNode("TargetFrameworkVersion","v4.0", nsmgr); // SetNode("DefineConstants","TRACE;UNITY_3_5_6;UNITY_3_5;UNITY_EDITOR;ENABLE_PROFILER;UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN;ENABLE_GENERICS;ENABLE_DUCK_TYPING;ENABLE_TERRAIN;ENABLE_MOVIES;ENABLE_WEBCAM;ENABLE_MICROPHONE;ENABLE_NETWORK;ENABLE_CLOTH;ENABLE_WWW;ENABLE_SUBSTANCE", nsmgr); TextWriter txs = new StreamWriter(path+"/"+fileName); doc.Save(txs); txs.Close(); } } } catch(System.Exception) { } }
public void SetAppTypeProduct() { try { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); string xpath = Server.MapPath("../data/xml/configproduct.xml"); XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(xpath); doc.Load(reader); reader.Close(); XmlNodeList nodes = doc.SelectNodes("/root/product"); int numnodes = nodes.Count; for (int i = 0; i < numnodes; i++) { string nameapp = nodes.Item(i).ChildNodes[0].InnerText; string idtype = nodes.Item(i).ChildNodes[1].InnerText; string appunit = nodes.Item(i).ChildNodes[2].InnerText; string unit = nodes.Item(i).ChildNodes[3].InnerText; if (nameapp.Length > 0 && idtype.Length > 0) { Application[nameapp] = int.Parse(idtype); } if (appunit.Length > 0 && unit.Length > 0) { Application[appunit] = unit; } } } catch { } }
/// <summary> /// 删除XmlNode属性 /// 使用示列: /// XmlHelper.DeleteAttribute(path, nodeName, ""); /// XmlHelper.DeleteAttribute(path, nodeName, attributeName,attributeValue); /// </summary> /// <param name="path">文件路径</param> /// <param name="nodeName">节点名称</param> /// <param name="attributeName">属性名称</param> /// <returns>void</returns> public static void DeleteAttribute(string path, string nodeName, string attributeName) { if (attributeName.Equals("")) { return; } try { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(path); XmlElement element = doc.SelectSingleNode(nodeName) as XmlElement; if (element == null) { throw new Exception("节点元素不存在!"); } else { element.RemoveAttribute(attributeName); doc.Save(path); } } catch { } }
public static void GetAttributesOnDocumentFragment() { var xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); var documentFragment = xmlDocument.CreateDocumentFragment(); Assert.Null(documentFragment.Attributes); }
public static void WriteToXml(string namePlayer) { string filepath = Application.dataPath + @"/Data/hightScores.xml"; XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); if (File.Exists(filepath)) { xmlDoc.Load(filepath); XmlElement elmRoot = xmlDoc.DocumentElement; // elmRoot.RemoveAll(); // remove all inside the transforms node. XmlElement scoresHelper = xmlDoc.CreateElement("allScores"); // create the rotation node. XmlElement name = xmlDoc.CreateElement("name"); // create the x node. name.InnerText = namePlayer; // apply to the node text the values of the variable. XmlElement score = xmlDoc.CreateElement("score"); // create the x node. score.InnerText = "" + Game.points; // apply to the node text the values of the variable. scoresHelper.AppendChild(name); // make the rotation node the parent. scoresHelper.AppendChild(score); // make the rotation node the parent. elmRoot.AppendChild(scoresHelper); // make the transform node the parent. xmlDoc.Save(filepath); // save file. } }
public void initialiseSpellButtons(XmlDocument xmlDoc) { XmlNodeList spellList = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("spells")[0].ChildNodes; for(int i = 0; i < spellButtons.Length; i++) { CmdSpawn(i, spellList[i].LastChild.InnerText); } }
public static void GetAttributesOnCDataNode() { var xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); xmlDocument.LoadXml("<a><![CDATA[test data]]></a>"); Assert.Null(xmlDocument.DocumentElement.FirstChild.Attributes); }
public void TestOASIS () { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument (); doc.NodeInserting += new XmlNodeChangedEventHandler (OnInserting); doc.NodeInserted += new XmlNodeChangedEventHandler (OnInserted); doc.NodeChanging += new XmlNodeChangedEventHandler (OnChanging); doc.NodeChanged += new XmlNodeChangedEventHandler (OnChanged); doc.NodeRemoving += new XmlNodeChangedEventHandler (OnRemoving); doc.NodeRemoved += new XmlNodeChangedEventHandler (OnRemoved); foreach (FileInfo fi in new DirectoryInfo (@"xml-test-suite/xmlconf/oasis").GetFiles ("*.xml")) { try { if (fi.Name.IndexOf ("fail") >= 0) continue; Console.WriteLine ("#### File: " + fi.Name); XmlTextReader xtr = new XmlTextReader (fi.FullName); xtr.Namespaces = false; xtr.Normalization = true; doc.RemoveAll (); doc.Load (xtr); } catch (XmlException ex) { if (fi.Name.IndexOf ("pass") >= 0) Console.WriteLine ("Incorrectly invalid: " + fi.FullName + "\n" + ex.Message); } } }
public XmlDocument Write(FilterMapping mappingModel) { document = null; mappingModel.AcceptVisitor(this); return document; }
private bool ExecuteGenerateTemporaryTargetAssemblyWithPackageReferenceSupport() { bool retValue = true; // // Create the temporary target assembly project // try { XmlDocument xmlProjectDoc = null; xmlProjectDoc = new XmlDocument( ); xmlProjectDoc.Load(CurrentProject); // remove all the WinFX specific item lists // ApplicationDefinition, Page, MarkupResource and Resource RemoveItemsByName(xmlProjectDoc, APPDEFNAME); RemoveItemsByName(xmlProjectDoc, PAGENAME); RemoveItemsByName(xmlProjectDoc, MARKUPRESOURCENAME); RemoveItemsByName(xmlProjectDoc, RESOURCENAME); // Replace the Reference Item list with ReferencePath RemoveItemsByName(xmlProjectDoc, REFERENCETYPENAME); AddNewItems(xmlProjectDoc, ReferencePathTypeName, ReferencePath); // Add GeneratedCodeFiles to Compile item list. AddNewItems(xmlProjectDoc, CompileTypeName, GeneratedCodeFiles); // Replace implicit SDK imports with explicit SDK imports ReplaceImplicitImports(xmlProjectDoc); // Add properties required for temporary assembly compilation var properties = new List <(string PropertyName, string PropertyValue)> { (nameof(AssemblyName), AssemblyName), (nameof(IntermediateOutputPath), IntermediateOutputPath), (nameof(BaseIntermediateOutputPath), BaseIntermediateOutputPath), ("_TargetAssemblyProjectName", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(CurrentProject)), (nameof(Analyzers), Analyzers) }; AddNewProperties(xmlProjectDoc, properties); // Save the xmlDocument content into the temporary project file. xmlProjectDoc.Save(TemporaryTargetAssemblyProjectName); // Disable conflicting Arcade SDK workaround that imports NuGet props/targets Hashtable globalProperties = new Hashtable(1); globalProperties["_WpfTempProjectNuGetFilePathNoExt"] = ""; // // Compile the temporary target assembly project // retValue = BuildEngine.BuildProjectFile(TemporaryTargetAssemblyProjectName, new string[] { CompileTargetName }, globalProperties, null); // Delete the temporary project file and generated files unless diagnostic mode has been requested if (!GenerateTemporaryTargetAssemblyDebuggingInformation) { try { File.Delete(TemporaryTargetAssemblyProjectName); DirectoryInfo intermediateOutputPath = new DirectoryInfo(IntermediateOutputPath); foreach (FileInfo temporaryProjectFile in intermediateOutputPath.EnumerateFiles(string.Concat(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(TemporaryTargetAssemblyProjectName), "*"))) { temporaryProjectFile.Delete(); } } catch (IOException e) { // Failure to delete the file is a non fatal error Log.LogWarningFromException(e); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.LogErrorFromException(e); retValue = false; } return(retValue); }
public void loadModEntities(string workingPath, string modName, Assembly workingAssembly) { //If we have entities to load, do so workingPath += "entities"; if (Directory.Exists(workingPath)) { //Load all entity files XmlDocument entityDoc = new XmlDocument(); foreach (string fileName in Directory.GetFiles(workingPath, "*.xml", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)) { //Load the file entityDoc.LoadXml(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(fileName)); //Store the name string entityName = entityDoc.SelectSingleNode("/entity/@name").Value; Entity newEnt = Entity.GetEntityByName(entityName); GameObject newPrefab; //If the object doesn't exist yet, make it if (newEnt.entityName == "prop_unknown") { TDLPlugin.DebugOutput("Unknown entity, creating: " + entityName); //Create the entity XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); //Load the Xml xmlDocument.LoadXml("<entity class='" + entityDoc.SelectSingleNode("/entity/properties/class/text()").Value + "' name='" + entityName + "' near='yes' cache='3' ambient='yes' />"); newEnt = new Entity(xmlDocument.DocumentElement); //Create the entity prefab newPrefab = new GameObject(entityName + "_prefab"); } else { newPrefab = newEnt._prefab; } //Entity properties try { newEnt.carry = bool.Parse(entityDoc.SelectSingleNode("/entity/properties/canCarry/text()").Value); } catch {} try { newEnt.drag = bool.Parse(entityDoc.SelectSingleNode("/entity/properties/canDrag/text()").Value); } catch { } //Still not sure what this does try { //newEnt.farOverride = bool.Parse(entityDoc.SelectSingleNode("/entity/properties/near/text()").Value); } catch { } try { newEnt.lootEntry = new LootEntry(entityDoc.SelectSingleNode("/entity/properties/lootEntry/text()").Value.Split(',')); } catch { } //Mesh try { string replacementMesh = entityDoc.SelectSingleNode("/entity/mesh/text()").Value; if (replacementMesh != null) { //Disable the current model try { newPrefab.GetComponent <LODGroup>().enabled = false; } catch { } //Load our model loadList.Add(workingPath + "/" + entityDoc.SelectSingleNode("/entity/mesh/text()").Value); string meshFileName = entityDoc.SelectSingleNode("/entity/mesh/text()").Value; objToEntity.Add(new ModelEntityMapping(meshFileName.Substring(0, meshFileName.LastIndexOf('.')), entityName)); //Set the texture randomiser up try { XmlNodeList texturesList = entityDoc.SelectNodes("/entity/randomTextures/*"); //Add all of the possible textures Texture2D[] possibleTextures = new Texture2D[texturesList.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < texturesList.Count; i++) { possibleTextures[i] = new Texture2D(int.Parse(texturesList[i].SelectSingleNode("@width").Value), int.Parse(texturesList[i].SelectSingleNode("@height").Value)); possibleTextures[i].LoadImage(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(workingPath + "/" + texturesList[i].SelectSingleNode("text()").Value)); } newPrefab.AddComponent <TextureRandomiser>().textures = possibleTextures; } catch {} } } catch { //Nope, no mesh } //Physics try { //Are we removing the orginal? try { if (Boolean.Parse(entityDoc.SelectSingleNode("/entity/physics/@replace").Value)) { foreach (Collider col in newPrefab.GetComponents <Collider>()) { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(col); } } } catch (System.Xml.XPath.XPathException) { //Not specified, so no } XmlNodeList eleList = entityDoc.SelectNodes("/entity/physics/*"); //Add all child physics elements for (int i = 0; i < eleList.Count; i++) { string type = eleList[i].Name; //TODO: Add all col types to this Collider newCol = null; switch (type) { case "rigidBody": Rigidbody rb = newPrefab.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); if (rb == null) { rb = newPrefab.AddComponent <Rigidbody>(); } rb.mass = float.Parse(eleList[i].SelectSingleNode("mass/text()").Value); //rb.drag = 0f; //rb.mass = 1f; break; case "boxCollider": string[] center = eleList[i].SelectSingleNode("center/text()").Value.Split('|'); string[] size = eleList[i].SelectSingleNode("size/text()").Value.Split('|'); newCol = newPrefab.AddComponent <BoxCollider>(); ((BoxCollider)newCol).center = new Vector3(float.Parse(center[0]), float.Parse(center[1]), float.Parse(center[2])); ((BoxCollider)newCol).size = new Vector3(float.Parse(size[0]), float.Parse(size[1]), float.Parse(size[2])); //Temp, this should be loaded elsewhere, somehow //newCol.material = (PhysicMaterial)Resources.Load("PhysicMaterials/Ice"); break; case "sphereCollider": break; //Should only be used for statics case "meshCollider": Mesh colMesh = ObjImporter.ImportFile(workingPath + "/" + eleList[i].SelectSingleNode("mesh/text()").Value); newCol = newPrefab.AddComponent <MeshCollider>(); ((MeshCollider)newCol).sharedMesh = colMesh; ((MeshCollider)newCol).convex = bool.Parse(eleList[i].SelectSingleNode("convex/text()").Value); //newCol.material = (PhysicMaterial)Resources.Load("PhysicMaterials/Ice"); break; default: TDLPlugin.DebugOutput("Unknown physics type: " + type); break; } //If it has a enabled comp, check it try { if (!bool.Parse(eleList[i].SelectSingleNode("enabled/text()").Value)) { newCol.isTrigger = true; } } catch { } try { = eleList[i].Attributes["id"].Value; DebugConsole.Log("Setting name " + + " on " +; } catch {} } } catch { //Nope, no physics } //Script Components try { XmlNodeList componentListXML = entityDoc.SelectNodes("/entity/scripts/*"); //Add all scripts to the entity for (int i = 0; i < componentListXML.Count; i++) { Type loadedType = workingAssembly.GetType("Mod." + modName + "." + componentListXML[i].SelectSingleNode("text()").Value); //Init a setup member loadedType.InvokeMember("ModLoaderInit", BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null, new object[] { newEnt.entityName, workingPath }); //Add the component newPrefab.AddComponent(loadedType); } } catch { //No scripts to load } //Reassign the prefab newEnt._prefab = newPrefab; prefabs.Add(, newPrefab); DebugConsole.Log("Has no prefab:" + newEnt.hasNoPrefab); DebugConsole.Log("Test prefab:" +; newEnt.hasNoPrefab = false; newEnt.prefabName =; DebugConsole.Log("Mod prefab:" +; } } //Assembly assemble = Assembly.LoadFile(@"D:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\The Dead Linger\TDL_Data\Mods\RotateLock\RotateLock.dll"); //TDLMenuCommon.Singleton.gameObject.AddComponent(assemble.GetType("Mod.RotateLock.RotateLockComponent", true)); }
private void loadCategories(string workingPath) { if (File.Exists(workingPath + "/categories.xml")) { //We are modifying catagories, lets go XmlDocument categoryDoc = new XmlDocument(); //Load the file categoryDoc.LoadXml(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(workingPath += "/categories.xml")); XmlNodeList catList = categoryDoc.SelectNodes("/textasset/*"); //Iterate through all categories for (int catCount = 0; catCount < catList.Count; catCount++) { string category = catList[catCount].SelectSingleNode("@id").Value; try { SubCategory newSub; //Additions XmlNodeList addList = catList[catCount].SelectNodes("add/*"); for (int addCount = 0; addCount < addList.Count; addCount++) { //TDLPlugin.DebugOutput(addList[addCount].SelectSingleNode("entity/@id").Value); //Create the new entry newSub = new SubCategory() { name = addList[addCount].SelectSingleNode("@id").Value, freq = float.Parse(addList[addCount].SelectSingleNode("frequency/text()").Value), subgroup = addList[addCount].SelectSingleNode("subgroup/text()").Value }; //Add it CategoryReader.categories[category].subcats.Add(addList[addCount].SelectSingleNode("@id").Value, newSub); } //Modifications XmlNodeList modList = catList[catCount].SelectNodes("modify/*"); for (int modCount = 0; modCount < modList.Count; modCount++) { //Create the new entry newSub = new SubCategory() { name = modList[modCount].SelectSingleNode("@id").Value, freq = float.Parse(modList[modCount].SelectSingleNode("frequency/text()").Value), subgroup = modList[modCount].SelectSingleNode("subgroup/text()").Value }; //Change it CategoryReader.categories[category].subcats[modList[modCount].SelectSingleNode("@id").Value] = newSub; } //Removals XmlNodeList remList = catList[catCount].SelectNodes("remove/*"); for (int remCount = 0; remCount < remList.Count; remCount++) { //Delete it CategoryReader.categories[category].subcats.Remove(remList[remCount].SelectSingleNode("@id").Value); } } catch (System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException) { DebugConsole.LogError("Category not found: " + category); } } } }
static int Main(string[] args) { var original = Console.ForegroundColor; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; var originalTitle = Console.Title; Console.Title = "ConfuserEx"; try { var noPause = false; var debug = false; string outDir = null; var probePaths = new List <string>(); var plugins = new List <string>(); var p = new OptionSet { { "n|nopause", "no pause after finishing protection.", value => { noPause = (value != null); } }, { "o|out=", "specifies output directory.", value => { outDir = value; } }, { "probe=", "specifies probe directory.", value => { probePaths.Add(value); } }, { "plugin=", "specifies plugin path.", value => { plugins.Add(value); } }, { "debug", "specifies debug symbol generation.", value => { debug = (value != null); } } }; List <string> files; try { files = p.Parse(args); if (files.Count == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("No input files specified."); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write("ConfuserEx.CLI: "); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); PrintUsage(); return(-1); } var parameters = new ConfuserParameters(); if (files.Count == 1 && Path.GetExtension(files[0]) == ".crproj") { var proj = new ConfuserProject(); try { var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(files[0]); proj.Load(xmlDoc); proj.BaseDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(files[0]), proj.BaseDirectory); } catch (Exception ex) { WriteLineWithColor(ConsoleColor.Red, "Failed to load project:"); WriteLineWithColor(ConsoleColor.Red, ex.ToString()); return(-1); } parameters.Project = proj; } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(outDir)) { Console.WriteLine("ConfuserEx.CLI: No output directory specified."); PrintUsage(); return(-1); } var proj = new ConfuserProject(); if (Path.GetExtension(files[files.Count - 1]) == ".crproj") { var templateProj = new ConfuserProject(); var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(files[files.Count - 1]); templateProj.Load(xmlDoc); files.RemoveAt(files.Count - 1); foreach (var rule in templateProj.Rules) { proj.Rules.Add(rule); } } // Generate a ConfuserProject for input modules // Assuming first file = main module foreach (var input in files) { proj.Add(new ProjectModule { Path = input }); } proj.BaseDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(files[0]); proj.OutputDirectory = outDir; foreach (var path in probePaths) { proj.ProbePaths.Add(path); } foreach (var path in plugins) { proj.PluginPaths.Add(path); } proj.Debug = debug; parameters.Project = proj; } var retVal = RunProject(parameters); if (NeedPause() && !noPause) { Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(true); } return(retVal); } finally { Console.ForegroundColor = original; Console.Title = originalTitle; } }
private void AddNewProperties(XmlDocument xmlProjectDoc, List <(string PropertyName, string PropertyValue)> properties)
//------------------------------------------------------ // // Private Methods // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Private Methods // // Remove specific items from project file. Every item should be under an ItemGroup. // private void RemoveItemsByName(XmlDocument xmlProjectDoc, string sItemName) { if (xmlProjectDoc == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(sItemName)) { // When the parameters are not valid, simply return it, instead of throwing exceptions. return; } // // The project file format is always like below: // // <Project xmlns="..."> // <ProjectGroup> // ...... // </ProjectGroup> // // ... // <ItemGroup> // <ItemNameHere ..../> // .... // </ItemGroup> // // .... // <Import ... /> // ... // <Target Name="xxx" ..../> // // ... // // </Project> // // // The order of children nodes under Project Root element is random // XmlNode root = xmlProjectDoc.DocumentElement; if (root.HasChildNodes == false) { // If there is no child element in this project file, just return immediatelly. return; } for (int i = 0; i < root.ChildNodes.Count; i++) { XmlElement nodeGroup = root.ChildNodes[i] as XmlElement; if (nodeGroup != null && String.Compare(nodeGroup.Name, ITEMGROUP_NAME, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { // // This is ItemGroup element. // if (nodeGroup.HasChildNodes) { ArrayList itemToRemove = new ArrayList(); for (int j = 0; j < nodeGroup.ChildNodes.Count; j++) { XmlElement nodeItem = nodeGroup.ChildNodes[j] as XmlElement; if (nodeItem != null && String.Compare(nodeItem.Name, sItemName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { // This is the item that need to remove. // Add it into the temporary array list. // Don't delete it here, since it would affect the ChildNodes of parent element. // itemToRemove.Add(nodeItem); } } // // Now it is the right time to delete the elements. // if (itemToRemove.Count > 0) { foreach (object node in itemToRemove) { XmlElement item = node as XmlElement; // // Remove this item from its parent node. // the parent node should be nodeGroup. // if (item != null) { nodeGroup.RemoveChild(item); } } } } // // Removed all the items with given name from this item group. // // Continue the loop for the next ItemGroup. } } // end of "for i" statement. }
void Start() { actionHash = new Hashtable(); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load("Assets/Resources/DB/Data/ActionData.xml"); //加载Xml文件 XmlElement actionData = doc.DocumentElement; //获取根节点 XmlNodeList actionNodes = actionData.GetElementsByTagName("Action"); //获取Person子节点集合 foreach (XmlNode node in actionNodes) { BaseAction action = new BaseAction(); string str; str = ((XmlElement)node).GetAttribute("name"); if (str != "") { = str; } str = ((XmlElement)node).GetAttribute("icon"); if (str != "") { action.icon = Resources.Load(iconPath + str, typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D; } str = ((XmlElement)node).GetAttribute("prefab"); if (str != "") { action.prefab = Resources.Load(prefabPath + str, typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject; } str = ((XmlElement)node).GetAttribute("animationName"); if (str != "") { action.animationName = str; } str = ((XmlElement)node).GetAttribute("speed"); if (str != "") { action.speed = float.Parse(str); } str = ((XmlElement)node).GetAttribute("prepareTime"); if (str != "") { action.prepareTime = float.Parse(str); } str = ((XmlElement)node).GetAttribute("finishTime"); if (str != "") { action.finishTime = float.Parse(str); } str = ((XmlElement)node).GetAttribute("isCurrent"); if (str != "") { action.isCurrent = bool.Parse(str); } str = ((XmlElement)node).GetAttribute("reducedMoveSpeed"); if (str != "") { string[] reducedMoveSpeed = str.Split(','); action.reducedMoveSpeed[0] = float.Parse(reducedMoveSpeed[0]); action.reducedMoveSpeed[1] = float.Parse(reducedMoveSpeed[1]); } str = ((XmlElement)node).GetAttribute("manaCost"); if (str != "") { action.manaCost = int.Parse(str); } int index = int.Parse(((XmlElement)node).GetAttribute("index")); actionHash.Add(index, action); } }
internal XmlElement GetXml(XmlDocument document) { return(document.ImportNode(_elemProp, true) as XmlElement); }
private bool ExecuteLegacyGenerateTemporaryTargetAssembly() { bool retValue = true; // Verification try { XmlDocument xmlProjectDoc = null; xmlProjectDoc = new XmlDocument( ); xmlProjectDoc.Load(CurrentProject); // // remove all the WinFX specific item lists // ApplicationDefinition, Page, MarkupResource and Resource // RemoveItemsByName(xmlProjectDoc, APPDEFNAME); RemoveItemsByName(xmlProjectDoc, PAGENAME); RemoveItemsByName(xmlProjectDoc, MARKUPRESOURCENAME); RemoveItemsByName(xmlProjectDoc, RESOURCENAME); // Replace the Reference Item list with ReferencePath RemoveItemsByName(xmlProjectDoc, REFERENCETYPENAME); AddNewItems(xmlProjectDoc, ReferencePathTypeName, ReferencePath); // Add GeneratedCodeFiles to Compile item list. AddNewItems(xmlProjectDoc, CompileTypeName, GeneratedCodeFiles); string currentProjectName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(CurrentProject); string currentProjectExtension = Path.GetExtension(CurrentProject); // Create a random file name // This can fix the problem of project cache in VS.NET environment. // // GetRandomFileName( ) could return any possible file name and extension // Since this temporary file will be used to represent an MSBUILD project file, // we will use the same extension as that of the current project file // string randomFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Path.GetRandomFileName()); // Don't call Path.ChangeExtension to append currentProjectExtension. It will do // odd things with project names that already contains a period (like System.Windows. // Contols.Ribbon.csproj). Instead, just append the extension - after all, we already know // for a fact that this name (i.e., tempProj) lacks a file extension. string tempProjPrefix = string.Join("_", currentProjectName, randomFileName, WPFTMP); string tempProj = tempProjPrefix + currentProjectExtension; // Save the xmlDocument content into the temporary project file. xmlProjectDoc.Save(tempProj); // // Invoke MSBUILD engine to build this temporary project file. // Hashtable globalProperties = new Hashtable(3); // Add AssemblyName, IntermediateOutputPath and _TargetAssemblyProjectName to the global property list // Note that _TargetAssemblyProjectName is not defined as a property with Output attribute - that doesn't do us much // good here. We need _TargetAssemblyProjectName to be a well-known property in the new (temporary) project // file, and having it be available in the current MSBUILD process is not useful. globalProperties[intermediateOutputPathPropertyName] = IntermediateOutputPath; globalProperties[assemblyNamePropertyName] = AssemblyName; globalProperties[targetAssemblyProjectNamePropertyName] = currentProjectName; retValue = BuildEngine.BuildProjectFile(tempProj, new string[] { CompileTargetName }, globalProperties, null); // Delete the temporary project file and generated files unless diagnostic mode has been requested if (!GenerateTemporaryTargetAssemblyDebuggingInformation) { try { File.Delete(tempProj); DirectoryInfo intermediateOutputPath = new DirectoryInfo(IntermediateOutputPath); foreach (FileInfo temporaryProjectFile in intermediateOutputPath.EnumerateFiles(string.Concat(tempProjPrefix, "*"))) { temporaryProjectFile.Delete(); } } catch (IOException e) { // Failure to delete the file is a non fatal error Log.LogWarningFromException(e); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.LogErrorFromException(e); retValue = false; } return(retValue); }
public Task <bool> Open() { try { _opened = true; _themes.Clear(); ServerConnection server = new ServerConnection(ConfigTextStream.ExtractValue(_connection, "server")); string axl = "<ARCXML version=\"1.1\"><REQUEST><GET_SERVICE_INFO fields=\"true\" envelope=\"true\" renderer=\"false\" extensions=\"false\" gv_meta=\"true\" /></REQUEST></ARCXML>"; axl = server.Send(_name, axl, "BB294D9C-A184-4129-9555-398AA70284BC", ConfigTextStream.ExtractValue(_connection, "user"), ConfigTextStream.ExtractValue(_connection, "pwd")); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(axl); if (_class == null) { _class = new MapServerClass(this); } double dpi = 96.0; XmlNode screen = doc.SelectSingleNode("//ENVIRONMENT/SCREEN"); if (screen != null) { if (screen.Attributes["dpi"] != null) { dpi = Convert.ToDouble(screen.Attributes["dpi"].Value.Replace(".", ",")); } } double dpm = (dpi / 0.0254); XmlNode spatialReference = doc.SelectSingleNode("//PROPERTIES/SPATIALREFERENCE"); if (spatialReference != null) { if (spatialReference.Attributes["param"] != null) { SpatialReference sRef = new SpatialReference(); gView.Framework.Geometry.SpatialReference.FromProj4(sRef, spatialReference.Attributes["param"].Value); if (spatialReference.Attributes["name"] != null) { sRef.Name = spatialReference.Attributes["name"].Value; } _class.SpatialReference = sRef; } } else { XmlNode FeatureCoordSysNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("ARCXML/RESPONSE/SERVICEINFO/PROPERTIES/FEATURECOORDSYS"); if (FeatureCoordSysNode != null) { if (FeatureCoordSysNode.Attributes["id"] != null) { _class.SpatialReference = gView.Framework.Geometry.SpatialReference.FromID("epsg:" + FeatureCoordSysNode.Attributes["id"].Value); } else if (FeatureCoordSysNode.Attributes["string"] != null) { _class.SpatialReference = gView.Framework.Geometry.SpatialReference.FromWKT(FeatureCoordSysNode.Attributes["string"].Value); } // TODO: Geogr. Datum aus "datumtransformid" und "datumtransformstring" //if (_sRef != null && FeatureCoordSysNode.Attributes["datumtransformstring"] != null) //{ //} } } foreach (XmlNode envelopeNode in doc.SelectNodes("//ENVELOPE")) { if (_envelope == null) { _envelope = (new Envelope(envelopeNode)).MakeValid(); } else { _envelope.Union((new Envelope(envelopeNode)).MakeValid()); } } foreach (XmlNode layerNode in doc.SelectNodes("//LAYERINFO[@id]")) { bool visible = true; ISpatialReference sRef = _class.SpatialReference; /* * spatialReference = doc.SelectSingleNode("//PROPERTIES/SPATIALREFERENCE"); * if (spatialReference != null) * { * if (spatialReference.Attributes["param"] != null) * { * sRef = new SpatialReference(); * gView.Framework.Geometry.SpatialReference.FromProj4(sRef, spatialReference.Attributes["param"].Value); * * if (spatialReference.Attributes["name"] != null) * ((SpatialReference)sRef).Name = spatialReference.Attributes["name"].Value; * } * } * else * { * XmlNode FeatureCoordSysNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("ARCXML/RESPONSE/SERVICEINFO/PROPERTIES/FEATURECOORDSYS"); * if (FeatureCoordSysNode != null) * { * if (FeatureCoordSysNode.Attributes["id"] != null) * { * sRef = gView.Framework.Geometry.SpatialReference.FromID("epsg:" + FeatureCoordSysNode.Attributes["id"].Value); * } * else if (FeatureCoordSysNode.Attributes["string"] != null) * { * sRef = gView.Framework.Geometry.SpatialReference.FromWKT(FeatureCoordSysNode.Attributes["string"].Value); * } * * // TODO: Geogr. Datum aus "datumtransformid" und "datumtransformstring" * //if (_sRef != null && FeatureCoordSysNode.Attributes["datumtransformstring"] != null) * //{ * //} * } * } */ if (layerNode.Attributes["visible"] != null) { bool.TryParse(layerNode.Attributes["visible"].Value, out visible); } IClass themeClass = null; IWebServiceTheme theme = null; if (layerNode.Attributes["type"] != null && layerNode.Attributes["type"].Value == "featureclass") { themeClass = new MapThemeFeatureClass(this, layerNode.Attributes["id"].Value); ((MapThemeFeatureClass)themeClass).Name = layerNode.Attributes["name"] != null ? layerNode.Attributes["name"].Value : layerNode.Attributes["id"].Value; ((MapThemeFeatureClass)themeClass).fieldsFromAXL = layerNode.InnerXml; ((MapThemeFeatureClass)themeClass).SpatialReference = sRef; XmlNode FCLASS = layerNode.SelectSingleNode("FCLASS[@type]"); if (FCLASS != null) { ((MapThemeFeatureClass)themeClass).fClassTypeString = FCLASS.Attributes["type"].Value; } theme = LayerFactory.Create(themeClass, _class) as IWebServiceTheme; if (theme == null) { continue; } theme.Visible = visible; } else if (layerNode.Attributes["type"] != null && layerNode.Attributes["type"].Value == "image") { if (layerNode.SelectSingleNode("gv_meta/class/implements[@type='gView.Framework.Data.IPointIdentify']") != null) { themeClass = new MapThemeQueryableRasterClass(this, layerNode.Attributes["id"].Value); ((MapThemeQueryableRasterClass)themeClass).Name = layerNode.Attributes["name"] != null ? layerNode.Attributes["name"].Value : layerNode.Attributes["id"].Value; } else { themeClass = new MapThemeRasterClass(this, layerNode.Attributes["id"].Value); ((MapThemeRasterClass)themeClass).Name = layerNode.Attributes["name"] != null ? layerNode.Attributes["name"].Value : layerNode.Attributes["id"].Value; } theme = new WebServiceTheme( themeClass, themeClass.Name, layerNode.Attributes["id"].Value, visible, _class); } else { continue; } try { if (layerNode.Attributes["minscale"] != null) { theme.MinimumScale = Convert.ToDouble(layerNode.Attributes["minscale"].Value.Replace(".", ",")) * dpm; } if (layerNode.Attributes["maxscale"] != null) { theme.MaximumScale = Convert.ToDouble(layerNode.Attributes["maxscale"].Value.Replace(".", ",")) * dpm; } } catch { } _themes.Add(theme); } _state = DatasetState.opened; return(Task.FromResult(true)); } catch (Exception ex) { _state = DatasetState.unknown; _class = null; return(Task.FromResult(false)); } }
//Parses an XML dynamic lighting definition public static bool ReadLightingXML(string fileName) { //Prep Program.Renderer.Lighting.LightDefinitions = new LightDefinition[0]; //The current XML file to load XmlDocument currentXML = new XmlDocument(); //Load the object's XML file try { currentXML.Load(fileName); } catch { return(false); } bool defined = false; //Check for null if (currentXML.DocumentElement != null) { XmlNodeList DocumentNodes = currentXML.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("/openBVE/Brightness"); //Check this file actually contains OpenBVE light definition nodes if (DocumentNodes != null) { foreach (XmlNode n in DocumentNodes) { LightDefinition currentLight = new LightDefinition(); if (n.ChildNodes.OfType <XmlElement>().Any()) { bool tf = false, al = false, dl = false, ld = false, cb = false; string ts = null; foreach (XmlNode c in n.ChildNodes) { string[] Arguments = c.InnerText.Split(new char[] { ',' }); switch (c.Name.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "cablighting": double b; if (NumberFormats.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[0].Trim(new char[] { }), out b)) { cb = true; } if (b > 255 || b < 0) { Interface.AddMessage(MessageType.Error, false, c.InnerText + " is not a valid brightness value in file " + fileName); currentLight.CabBrightness = 255; break; } currentLight.CabBrightness = b; break; case "time": double t; if (Interface.TryParseTime(Arguments[0].Trim(new char[] { }), out t)) { currentLight.Time = (int)t; tf = true; //Keep back for error report later ts = Arguments[0]; } else { Interface.AddMessage(MessageType.Error, false, c.InnerText + " does not parse to a valid time in file " + fileName); } break; case "ambientlight": if (Arguments.Length == 3) { double R, G, B; if (NumberFormats.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[0].Trim(new char[] { }), out R) && NumberFormats.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[1].Trim(new char[] { }), out G) && NumberFormats.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[2].Trim(new char[] { }), out B)) { currentLight.AmbientColor = new Color24((byte)R, (byte)G, (byte)B); al = true; } else { Interface.AddMessage(MessageType.Error, false, c.InnerText + " does not parse to a valid color in file " + fileName); } } else { if (Arguments.Length == 1) { if (Color24.TryParseHexColor(Arguments[0], out currentLight.DiffuseColor)) { al = true; break; } } Interface.AddMessage(MessageType.Error, false, c.InnerText + " does not contain three arguments in file " + fileName); } break; case "directionallight": if (Arguments.Length == 3) { double R, G, B; if (NumberFormats.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[0].Trim(new char[] { }), out R) && NumberFormats.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[1].Trim(new char[] { }), out G) && NumberFormats.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[2].Trim(new char[] { }), out B)) { currentLight.DiffuseColor = new Color24((byte)R, (byte)G, (byte)B); dl = true; } else { Interface.AddMessage(MessageType.Error, false, c.InnerText + " does not parse to a valid color in file " + fileName); } } else { if (Arguments.Length == 1) { if (Color24.TryParseHexColor(Arguments[0], out currentLight.DiffuseColor)) { dl = true; break; } } Interface.AddMessage(MessageType.Error, false, c.InnerText + " does not contain three arguments in file " + fileName); } break; case "cartesianlightdirection": case "lightdirection": if (Arguments.Length == 3) { double X, Y, Z; if (NumberFormats.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[0].Trim(new char[] { }), out X) && NumberFormats.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[1].Trim(new char[] { }), out Y) && NumberFormats.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[2].Trim(new char[] { }), out Z)) { currentLight.LightPosition = new Vector3(X, Y, Z); ld = true; } else { Interface.AddMessage(MessageType.Error, false, c.InnerText + " does not parse to a valid direction in file " + fileName); } } else { Interface.AddMessage(MessageType.Error, false, c.InnerText + " does not contain three arguments in file " + fileName); } break; case "sphericallightdirection": if (Arguments.Length == 2) { double theta, phi; if (NumberFormats.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[0].Trim(new char[] { }), out theta) && NumberFormats.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[1].Trim(new char[] { }), out phi)) { currentLight.LightPosition = new Vector3(Math.Cos(theta) * Math.Sin(phi), -Math.Sin(theta), Math.Cos(theta) * Math.Cos(phi)); ld = true; } else { Interface.AddMessage(MessageType.Error, false, c.InnerText + " does not parse to a valid direction in file " + fileName); } } else { Interface.AddMessage(MessageType.Error, false, c.InnerText + " does not contain two arguments in file " + fileName); } break; } } //We want to be able to add a completely default light element, but not one that's not been defined in the XML properly if (tf || al || ld || dl || cb) { //HACK: No way to break out of the first loop and continue with the second, so we've got to use a variable bool Break = false; int l = Program.Renderer.Lighting.LightDefinitions.Length; for (int i = 0; i > l; i++) { if (Program.Renderer.Lighting.LightDefinitions[i].Time == currentLight.Time) { Break = true; if (ts == null) { Interface.AddMessage(MessageType.Error, false, "Multiple undefined times were encountered in file " + fileName); } else { Interface.AddMessage(MessageType.Error, false, "Duplicate time found: " + ts + " in file " + fileName); } break; } } if (Break) { continue; } //We've got there, so now figure out where to add the new light into our list of light definitions int t = 0; if (l == 1) { t = currentLight.Time > Program.Renderer.Lighting.LightDefinitions[0].Time ? 1 : 0; } else if (l > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < l; i++) { t = i + 1; if (currentLight.Time > Program.Renderer.Lighting.LightDefinitions[i - 1].Time && currentLight.Time < Program.Renderer.Lighting.LightDefinitions[i].Time) { break; } } } //Resize array defined = true; Array.Resize(ref Program.Renderer.Lighting.LightDefinitions, l + 1); if (t == l) { //Straight insert at the end of the array Program.Renderer.Lighting.LightDefinitions[l] = currentLight; } else { for (int u = t; u < l; u++) { //Otherwise, shift all elements to compensate Program.Renderer.Lighting.LightDefinitions[u + 1] = Program.Renderer.Lighting.LightDefinitions[u]; } Program.Renderer.Lighting.LightDefinitions[t] = currentLight; } } } } } } //We couldn't find any valid XML, so return false return(defined); }
public static void LoadXml() { if (!Utils.FileExists(filePath)) { UpdateXml(); } XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); try { xmlDoc.Load(filePath); } catch (XmlException e) { Log.Error(string.Format("[SERVERTOOLS] Failed loading {0}: {1}", file, e.Message)); return; } XmlNode _XmlNode = xmlDoc.DocumentElement; foreach (XmlNode childNode in _XmlNode.ChildNodes) { if (childNode.Name == "Logins") { dict.Clear(); foreach (XmlNode subChild in childNode.ChildNodes) { if (subChild.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Comment) { continue; } if (subChild.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) { Log.Warning(string.Format("[SERVERTOOLS] Unexpected XML node found in 'Logins' section: {0}", subChild.OuterXml)); continue; } XmlElement _line = (XmlElement)subChild; if (!_line.HasAttribute("Id")) { Log.Warning(string.Format("[SERVERTOOLS] Ignoring Login_Notice entry because of missing Id attribute: {0}", subChild.OuterXml)); continue; } if (!_line.HasAttribute("Message")) { Log.Warning(string.Format("[SERVERTOOLS] Ignoring Login_Notice entry because of missing Message attribute: {0}", subChild.OuterXml)); continue; } string _id = _line.GetAttribute("Id"); string _message = _line.GetAttribute("Message"); if (!dict.ContainsKey(_id)) { dict.Add(_id, _message); } } } } if (updateConfig) { updateConfig = false; UpdateXml(); } }
async public Task <bool> MapRequest(gView.Framework.Carto.IDisplay display) { if (_dataset == null) { return(false); } if (!_dataset._opened) { await _dataset.Open(); } IServiceRequestContext context = display.Map as IServiceRequestContext; try { ISpatialReference sRef = (display.SpatialReference != null) ? display.SpatialReference.Clone() as ISpatialReference : null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>"); sb.Append("<ARCXML version='1.1'>"); sb.Append("<REQUEST>"); sb.Append("<GET_IMAGE>"); sb.Append("<PROPERTIES>"); sb.Append("<ENVELOPE minx='" + display.Envelope.minx.ToString() + "' miny='" + display.Envelope.miny.ToString() + "' maxx='" + display.Envelope.maxx.ToString() + "' maxy='" + display.Envelope.maxy.ToString() + "' />"); sb.Append("<IMAGESIZE width='" + display.iWidth + "' height='" + display.iHeight + "' />"); sb.Append("<BACKGROUND color='255,255,255' transcolor='255,255,255' />"); //if (display.SpatialReference != null && !display.SpatialReference.Equals(_sRef)) //{ // string map_param = gView.Framework.Geometry.SpatialReference.ToProj4(display.SpatialReference); // sb.Append("<SPATIALREFERENCE name='" + display.SpatialReference.Name + "' param='" + map_param + "' />"); //} if (sRef != null) { string map_param = gView.Framework.Geometry.SpatialReference.ToProj4(display.SpatialReference); sb.Append("<SPATIALREFERENCE name='" + display.SpatialReference.Name + "' param='" + map_param + "' />"); string wkt = gView.Framework.Geometry.SpatialReference.ToESRIWKT(sRef); string geotranwkt = gView.Framework.Geometry.SpatialReference.ToESRIGeotransWKT(sRef); if (wkt != null) { wkt = wkt.Replace("\"", """); geotranwkt = geotranwkt.Replace("\"", """); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(geotranwkt)) { sb.Append("<FEATURECOORDSYS string=\"" + wkt + "\" datumtransformstring=\"" + geotranwkt + "\" />"); sb.Append("<FILTERCOORDSYS string=\"" + wkt + "\" datumtransformstring=\"" + geotranwkt + "\" />"); } else { sb.Append("<FEATURECOORDSYS string=\"" + wkt + "\" />"); sb.Append("<FILTERCOORDSYS string=\"" + wkt + "\" />"); } } } sb.Append("<LAYERLIST>"); foreach (IWebServiceTheme theme in Themes) { sb.Append("<LAYERDEF id='" + theme.LayerID + "' visible='" + (theme.Visible && !theme.Locked).ToString() + "' />"); } sb.Append("</LAYERLIST>"); sb.Append("</PROPERTIES>"); sb.Append("</GET_IMAGE>"); sb.Append("</REQUEST>"); sb.Append("</ARCXML>"); string user = ConfigTextStream.ExtractValue(_dataset._connection, "user"); string pwd = Identity.HashPassword(ConfigTextStream.ExtractValue(_dataset._connection, "pwd")); if ((user == "#" || user == "$") && context != null && context.ServiceRequest != null && context.ServiceRequest.Identity != null) { string roles = String.Empty; if (user == "#" && context.ServiceRequest.Identity.UserRoles != null) { foreach (string role in context.ServiceRequest.Identity.UserRoles) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(role)) { continue; } roles += "|" + role; } } user = context.ServiceRequest.Identity.UserName + roles; // ToDo: //pwd = context.ServiceRequest.Identity.HashedPassword; } #if (DEBUG) //Logger.LogDebug("Start gView Mapserver Request"); #endif ServerConnection service = new ServerConnection(ConfigTextStream.ExtractValue(_dataset._connection, "server")); string resp = service.Send(_name, sb.ToString(), "BB294D9C-A184-4129-9555-398AA70284BC", user, pwd); #if (DEBUG) //Logger.LogDebug("gView Mapserver Request Finished"); #endif XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(resp); IBitmap bitmap = null; XmlNode output = doc.SelectSingleNode("//OUTPUT[@file]"); if (_image != null) { _image.Dispose(); _image = null; } try { System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(output.Attributes["file"].Value); if (fi.Exists) { bitmap = Current.Engine.CreateBitmap(fi.FullName); } } catch { } if (bitmap == null) { bitmap = WebFunctions.DownloadImage(output); } if (bitmap != null) { _image = new GeorefBitmap(bitmap); _image.SpatialReference = display.SpatialReference; _image.Envelope = display.Envelope; if (AfterMapRequest != null) { AfterMapRequest(this, display, _image); } } return(_image != null); } catch (Exception ex) { MapServerClass.ErrorLog(context, "MapRequest", ConfigTextStream.ExtractValue(_dataset._connection, "server"), _name, ex); return(false); } }
public static List <Asset> ImportXmlLibraryFile(string filename) { var doc = new XmlDocument(); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(filename)) { doc.LoadXml(reader.ReadToEnd()); } Global.Library.Assets = new List <Asset>(); XmlNodeList elemList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Asset"); foreach (XmlElement asset in elemList) { Asset a = new Asset(); try { a.AssetName = asset.GetAttribute("Name").Sanitize(); } catch { } try { a.AssetNumber = asset.SelectSingleNode("AssetNumber").InnerText.Sanitize(); } catch { } try { a.DateRecieved = DateTime.Parse(asset.SelectSingleNode("DateRecieved").InnerText.Sanitize()); } catch { } try { a.DateShipped = DateTime.Parse(asset.SelectSingleNode("DateShipped").InnerText.Sanitize()); } catch { } try { a.Description = asset.SelectSingleNode("Description").InnerText.Sanitize(); } catch { } try { a.OrderNumber = asset.SelectSingleNode("OrderNumber").InnerText.Sanitize(); } catch { } try { a.PackingSlip = asset.SelectSingleNode("PackingSlip").InnerText.Sanitize(); } catch { } try { a.PersonShipping = asset.SelectSingleNode("PersonShipping").InnerText.Sanitize(); } catch { } try { a.ReturnReport = asset.SelectSingleNode("ReturnReport").InnerText.Sanitize(); } catch { } try { a.ServiceEngineer = asset.SelectSingleNode("ServiceEngineer").InnerText.Sanitize(); } catch { } try { a.ShipTo = asset.SelectSingleNode("ShipTo").InnerText.Sanitize(); } catch { } try { a.UpsLabel = asset.SelectSingleNode("UpsLabel").InnerText.Sanitize(); } catch { } try { a.weight = Convert.ToDecimal(asset.SelectSingleNode("Weight").InnerText.Sanitize()); } catch { } try { a.IsOut = Convert.ToBoolean(asset.SelectSingleNode("IsOut").InnerText.Sanitize()); } catch { } try { a.OnHold = Convert.ToBoolean(asset.SelectSingleNode("OnHold").InnerText.Sanitize()); } catch { } try { a.IsDamaged = Convert.ToBoolean(asset.SelectSingleNode("IsDamaged").InnerText.Sanitize()); } catch { } try { XmlNodeList imglist = asset.GetElementsByTagName("Image"); foreach (XmlElement el in imglist) { a.Images += "" + el.InnerText + ","; } } catch { } Global.Library.Assets.Add(a); } return(Global.Library.Assets); }
public void CreateDiagrams(List <string> files) { try { ChangedDiagramNames.Clear(); var xmiFiles = files.FindAll(a => Path.GetExtension(a) == ".xmi"); files.RemoveAll(a => Path.GetExtension(a) == ".xmi"); // Добавляем или заменяем xmi файлы var xmiFilesCount = xmiFiles.Count; for (var i = 0; i < xmiFilesCount; i++) { Image <Bgra, byte> image = null; var pathToXmi = xmiFiles[i]; var name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pathToXmi); if (AllDiagrams.ContainsKey(name)) { // Если такая диаграмма уже существует var dialogResult = MessageBox.Show($"Диаграмма c именем {name} уже существует.\nПерезаписать ее?", "Верификация диаграмм UML", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No) { continue; } else { image = AllDiagrams[name].Image; AllDiagrams.Remove(name); } } var pathToPng = files.Find(a => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(a) == name); if (pathToPng != null) { image = new Image <Bgra, byte>(pathToPng); } files.Remove(pathToPng); var doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(pathToXmi); var root = doc.DocumentElement; var type = TypeDefiner.DefineDiagramType(root); var diagram = new Diagram(name, root, image, type, doc); AllDiagrams.Add(name, diagram); NewDiagramAdded?.Invoke(name); ChangedDiagramNames.Add(name); } // Добавляем к xmi файлам новые рисунки var pngFilesCount = files.Count; for (var i = 0; i < pngFilesCount; i++) { var pathToFile = files[i]; var name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pathToFile); if (AllDiagrams.ContainsKey(name)) { if (AllDiagrams[name].Image == null) { Image <Bgra, byte> image = new Image <Bgra, byte>(pathToFile); AllDiagrams[name].Image = image; AllDiagrams[name].Verificated = false; } else { var dialogResult = MessageBox.Show($"У диаграммы с именем {name} уже существует png файл.\nПерезаписать его?", "Верификация диаграмм UML", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No) { continue; } else { Image <Bgra, byte> image = new Image <Bgra, byte>(pathToFile); AllDiagrams[name].Image = image; AllDiagrams[name].Verificated = false; } } ChangedDiagramNames.Add(name); } } if (ChangedDiagramNames.Count != 0) { SomethingChanged.Invoke(ChangedDiagramNames); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show($"Произошла ошибка в TypeDefinition: {ex.Message}", "Верификация диаграмм UML", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public void WeatherForcast(string WOEID) { // Create a new XmlDocument XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); ////----- var url = string.Format("{0}", WOEID); HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); var str = request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream(); // Load weather rss feed doc.Load(str); ////----- // doc.Load(string.Format("{0}", WOEID)); // Set up namespace manager for XPath XmlNamespaceManager ns = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable); ns.AddNamespace("yweather", ""); XmlNode weatherNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("/rss/channel/item/yweather:condition", ns); if (weatherNode != null) { Text = weatherNode.Attributes["text"].InnerText; Code = weatherNode.Attributes["code"].InnerText; Tempr = string.Format("{0} F", weatherNode.Attributes["temp"].InnerText); DatePub = weatherNode.Attributes["date"].InnerText; } XmlNode atmosNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("/rss/channel/yweather:atmosphere", ns); if (atmosNode != null) { Humidity = string.Format("{0} %", atmosNode.Attributes["humidity"].InnerText); Visibility = string.Format("{0} mi", atmosNode.Attributes["visibility"].InnerText); Berometer = string.Format("{0} in {1}", atmosNode.Attributes["pressure"].InnerText, (atmosNode.Attributes["rising"].InnerText == "1") ? "rising" : "setting"); } XmlNode locNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("/rss/channel/yweather:location", ns); if (locNode != null) { Location = string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}", locNode.Attributes["city"].InnerText, locNode.Attributes["region"].InnerText, locNode.Attributes["country"].InnerText); } XmlNode astroNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("/rss/channel/yweather:astronomy", ns); if (astroNode != null) { SunRise = astroNode.Attributes["sunrise"].InnerText; SunSet = astroNode.Attributes["sunset"].InnerText; } XmlNode descNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("/rss/channel/description", ns); string descString = doc.SelectSingleNode("/rss/channel/item/description", ns).InnerText; Match m = Regex.Match(descString, "<img src=(.*?)/>", RegexOptions.Multiline); if (m.Success) { ForcastImg = m.Value.Replace("<img src=", "").Replace("/>", "").Replace("\"", "").Trim(); } // Get forecast with XPath XmlNodeList nodes = doc.SelectNodes("/rss/channel/item/yweather:forecast", ns); DaysForcast.Clear(); foreach (XmlNode node in nodes) { WeatherDayInfo wdi = new WeatherDayInfo(); wdi.Day = node.Attributes["day"].InnerText; wdi.Text = node.Attributes["text"].InnerText; wdi.Low = string.Format("{0}F", node.Attributes["low"].InnerText); wdi.Heigh = string.Format("{0}F", node.Attributes["high"].InnerText); DaysForcast.Add(wdi); } }
private bool ExecuteGenerateTemporaryTargetAssemblyWithPackageReferenceSupport() { bool retValue = true; // // Create the temporary target assembly project // try { XmlDocument xmlProjectDoc = null; xmlProjectDoc = new XmlDocument( ); xmlProjectDoc.Load(CurrentProject); // remove all the WinFX specific item lists // ApplicationDefinition, Page, MarkupResource and Resource RemoveItemsByName(xmlProjectDoc, APPDEFNAME); RemoveItemsByName(xmlProjectDoc, PAGENAME); RemoveItemsByName(xmlProjectDoc, MARKUPRESOURCENAME); RemoveItemsByName(xmlProjectDoc, RESOURCENAME); // Replace the Reference Item list with ReferencePath RemoveItemsByName(xmlProjectDoc, REFERENCETYPENAME); AddNewItems(xmlProjectDoc, ReferencePathTypeName, ReferencePath); // Add GeneratedCodeFiles to Compile item list. AddNewItems(xmlProjectDoc, CompileTypeName, GeneratedCodeFiles); // Replace implicit SDK imports with explicit SDK imports ReplaceImplicitImports(xmlProjectDoc); // Add properties required for temporary assembly compilation var properties = new List <(string PropertyName, string PropertyValue)> { (nameof(AssemblyName), AssemblyName), (nameof(IntermediateOutputPath), IntermediateOutputPath), (nameof(BaseIntermediateOutputPath), BaseIntermediateOutputPath), (nameof(MSBuildProjectExtensionsPath), MSBuildProjectExtensionsPath), ("_TargetAssemblyProjectName", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(CurrentProject)), (nameof(Analyzers), Analyzers) }; AddNewProperties(xmlProjectDoc, properties); // Save the xmlDocument content into the temporary project file. xmlProjectDoc.Save(TemporaryTargetAssemblyProjectName); // Disable conflicting Arcade SDK workaround that imports NuGet props/targets Hashtable globalProperties = new Hashtable(1); globalProperties["_WpfTempProjectNuGetFilePathNoExt"] = ""; // // Compile the temporary target assembly project // Dictionary <string, ITaskItem[]> targetOutputs = new Dictionary <string, ITaskItem[]>(); retValue = BuildEngine.BuildProjectFile(TemporaryTargetAssemblyProjectName, new string[] { CompileTargetName }, globalProperties, targetOutputs); // If the inner build succeeds, retrieve the path to the local type assembly from the task's TargetOutputs. if (retValue) { // See Microsoft.WinFX.targets: TargetOutputs from '_CompileTemporaryAssembly' will always contain one item. // <Target Name="_CompileTemporaryAssembly" DependsOnTargets="$(_CompileTemporaryAssemblyDependsOn)" Returns="$(IntermediateOutputPath)$(TargetFileName)"/> Debug.Assert(targetOutputs.ContainsKey(CompileTargetName)); Debug.Assert(targetOutputs[CompileTargetName].Length == 1); TemporaryAssemblyForLocalTypeReference = targetOutputs[CompileTargetName][0].ItemSpec; } // Delete the temporary project file and generated files unless diagnostic mode has been requested if (!GenerateTemporaryTargetAssemblyDebuggingInformation) { try { File.Delete(TemporaryTargetAssemblyProjectName); DirectoryInfo intermediateOutputPath = new DirectoryInfo(IntermediateOutputPath); foreach (FileInfo temporaryProjectFile in intermediateOutputPath.EnumerateFiles(string.Concat(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(TemporaryTargetAssemblyProjectName), "*"))) { temporaryProjectFile.Delete(); } } catch (IOException e) { // Failure to delete the file is a non fatal error Log.LogWarningFromException(e); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.LogErrorFromException(e); retValue = false; } return(retValue); }
public void AddXML() { Student sd = new Student(); XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load("stusentts.xml"); XmlElement xmlRoot = xmlDoc.DocumentElement; Console.WriteLine("Student Add:\t"); XmlElement StudElem = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Student"); XmlElement firstName = xmlDoc.CreateElement("firstName"); XmlElement lastName = xmlDoc.CreateElement("lastName"); XmlElement surName = xmlDoc.CreateElement("surName"); XmlElement Age = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Age"); XmlElement group = xmlDoc.CreateElement("group"); XmlElement profile = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Profile"); XmlElement marks = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Marks"); XmlText firstName1 = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(sd.firstName); XmlText lastName1 = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(sd.lastName); XmlText surName1 = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(sd.surName); XmlText Age1 = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(Convert.ToString(sd.age)); XmlText group1 = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(; XmlText profile1 = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(""); XmlText marks1 = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(""); if (sd.profile == 1) { profile1 = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode("Developer"); string []temp=null; for (int i = 0; i < sd.mark[0].Length; i++)//!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! { temp[i] = Convert.ToString( sd.mark[0][i]); } } if (sd.profile == 2) { profile1 = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode("Admin"); } if (sd.profile == 3) { profile1 = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode("Desiner"); } Console.Write("input number of book:\t"); XmlText IDText = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(string.Format("{0}", Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()))); Console.Write("input title of book:\t"); XmlText titleText = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("input currency:\t"); XmlText currencyText = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("input price of book:\t"); XmlText priceText = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(string.Format("{0}", Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()))); priceElem.AppendChild(priceText); currencyAttr.AppendChild(currencyText); priceElem.Attributes.Append(currencyAttr); titleElem.AppendChild(titleText); bookElem.AppendChild(titleElem); bookElem.AppendChild(priceElem); IDAttr.AppendChild(IDText); bookElem.Attributes.Append(IDAttr); xmlRoot.AppendChild(bookElem); Console.WriteLine("Book added"); xmlDoc.Save("books.xml"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Type type = Type.GetType(typeof(Flower).FullName); CustomSerealizble <Flower> serealiz = new CustomSerealizble <Flower>(); Flower fl1 = new Flower(); serealiz.Serializable("Binary.Binary", fl1, "Binary"); Flower fl2 = (Flower)serealiz.DeSerializable("Binary.Binary", fl1, "Binary"); serealiz.Serializable("SOAP.SOAP", fl1, "SOAP"); fl2 = (Flower)serealiz.DeSerializable("SOAP.SOAP", fl1); serealiz.Serializable("JSON.JSON", fl1, "JSON"); fl2 = (Flower)serealiz.DeSerializable("JSON.JSON", fl1, "JSON"); serealiz.Serializable("XML.XML", fl1, "XML"); fl2 = (Flower)serealiz.DeSerializable("XML.XML", fl1, "XML"); DateTime newDate1 = new DateTime(2016, 12, 20); DateTime newDate2 = new DateTime(2017, 12, 20); DateTime newDate3 = new DateTime(2018, 12, 20); DateTime newDate4 = new DateTime(2019, 12, 20); Flower[] fl3 = new Flower[] { new Flower(newDate1), new Flower(newDate2), new Flower(newDate3), new Flower(newDate1), }; Flower[] fl4 = new Flower[] { new Flower(), new Flower(), new Flower(), new Flower(), }; List <Flower> list = new List <Flower>(); foreach (var flow in fl3) { list.Add(flow); } List <Flower> list2 = new List <Flower>(); SoapFormatter formatter = new SoapFormatter(); using (FileStream file = new FileStream("SOAP.SOAP", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) { formatter.Serialize(file, fl3); file.Close(); } using (FileStream file = new FileStream("SOAP.SOAP", FileMode.Open)) { Flower[] fl5 = (Flower[])formatter.Deserialize(file); file.Close(); } BinaryFormatter formatter2 = new BinaryFormatter(); using (FileStream file = new FileStream("Binary.Binary", FileMode.Create)) { formatter2.Serialize(file, fl3); file.Close(); } using (FileStream file = new FileStream("Binary.Binary", FileMode.Open)) { fl4 = (Flower[])formatter2.Deserialize(file); file.Close(); } XmlSerializer xmlF = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Flower[])); using (FileStream file = new FileStream("XML2.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) { xmlF.Serialize(file, fl3); file.Close(); } using (FileStream file = new FileStream("XML2.txt", FileMode.Open)) { fl4 = (Flower[])xmlF.Deserialize(file); file.Close(); } using (StreamWriter writefile = new StreamWriter("json.json")) { writefile.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fl3)); writefile.Close(); } fl4 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Flower[]>(File.ReadAllText("json.json")); // XPath XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load("XPath.xml"); XmlNodeList nodeList; XmlNode root = doc.DocumentElement; nodeList = root.SelectNodes("descendant::book[author/last-name]"); //Change the price on the books. foreach (XmlNode book in nodeList) { Console.WriteLine(book["author"].FirstChild.InnerText); } ///ling to xml XElement flowers = new XElement("Flowers" , new XElement("Flower", new XElement("Hidth", "92"), new XElement("Age", "2"), new XElement("Title", "Rose1")) , new XElement("Flower", new XElement("Hidth", "92"), new XElement("Age", "3"), new XElement("Title", "Rose2")) , new XElement("Flower", new XElement("Hidth", "92"), new XElement("Age", "5"), new XElement("Title", "Rose3")) , new XElement("Flower", new XElement("Hidth", "92"), new XElement("Age", "8"), new XElement("Title", "Rose4"))); var res = flowers.Descendants("Flower").Where(x => Int32.Parse(x.Element("Age").Value) >= 5).Select(x => x.Element("Title").Value); foreach (var item in res) { Console.WriteLine(item); } Console.ReadKey(); }
public void InitializeFromFile(string fileName) { doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(fileName); }
public MetadataURLType(XmlDocument doc) : base(doc) { SetCollectionParents(); }
/// <summary> /// 检测手机是否扫码 /// </summary> private void CheckSacnLogin() { try { byte[] userAvatar = null; ScanState scanState = ScanState.UnKnown; while (syncPolling && (scanState != ScanState.Login)) { string timespan = Utils.GetTimeStamp(); string loginUrl = string.Format("{0}&tip=0&r={1}&_={2}", uuid, Utils.Get_r(), Utils.GetTimeStamp()); //采用长轮询的方式,25秒返内回一次检测数据。 string checkResult = httpClient.GetString(loginUrl); Utils.Debug("CheckSacnLogin " + checkResult); if (checkResult.IndexOf("window.code=408;") != -1) { scanState = ScanState.Timeout; } else if (checkResult.IndexOf("window.code=201;") != -1) { scanState = ScanState.Scan; //有些号没有头像就跳过这个步骤 if (checkResult.IndexOf("window.userAvatar") != -1) { //扫码返回的头像是base64格式,需要转化 string subStr = "window.code=201;window.userAvatar = 'data:img/jpg;base64,"; string base64UserAvatar = checkResult.Substring(subStr.Length, checkResult.Length - subStr.Length - 2); byte[] arr = Convert.FromBase64String(base64UserAvatar); userAvatar = arr; asyncOperation.Post( new SendOrPostCallback((obj) => { CheckScanComplete?.Invoke(this, new TEventArgs<byte[]>((byte[])obj)); }), userAvatar); } } else if (checkResult.IndexOf("window.code=200;") != -1) { scanState = ScanState.Login; string subStr = "window.code=200;\nwindow.redirect_uri=\""; cookieRedirectUri = checkResult.Substring(subStr.Length, checkResult.Length - subStr.Length - 2); //跳转登录页获取cookie,并且获取关键参数,根据跳转地址,获相应提交地址 string cookieRedirectResult = httpClient.LoginString(cookieRedirectUri); if (cookieRedirectUri.StartsWith("")) { host = ""; pushHost = ""; uploadHost = ""; } else if (cookieRedirectUri.StartsWith("")) { host = ""; pushHost = ""; uploadHost = ""; } else if (cookieRedirectUri.StartsWith("")) { host = ""; pushHost = ""; uploadHost = ""; } else if (cookieRedirectUri.StartsWith("")) { host = ""; pushHost = ""; uploadHost = ""; } else { host = ""; pushHost = ""; uploadHost = ""; } httpClient.Referer = host; XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(cookieRedirectResult); //如果返回异常,则可能被暂封,无法登陆网页版 if (xmlDoc["error"]["ret"].InnerText != "0") { throw new Exception(xmlDoc["error"]["message"].InnerText); } else { baseRequest.Sid = xmlDoc["error"]["wxsid"].InnerText; baseRequest.Uin = Convert.ToInt64(xmlDoc["error"]["wxuin"].InnerText); baseRequest.Skey = xmlDoc["error"]["skey"].InnerText; passTicket = xmlDoc["error"]["pass_ticket"].InnerText; } } else if (checkResult.IndexOf("window.code=400;") != -1) { scanState = ScanState.Expires; GetLoginQrCode(); } else { scanState = ScanState.UnKnown; } Thread.Sleep(1000); } } catch (Exception ex) { FileLog.Exception("CheckSacnLogin", ex); asyncOperation.Post( new SendOrPostCallback((obj) => { ExceptionCatched?.Invoke(this, new TEventArgs<Exception>((Exception)obj)); }), ex); throw ex; } }
public void InitializeFromString(string xml) { doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(xml); }
public static XmlElement AppendDictionary(this XmlNode node, XmlDocument document, String name, Dictionary <string, string> value) { return(AppendDictionary(node, document, name, value, ( string s ) => s, ( string s ) => s)); }
public static bool CheckAndFixManifest() { var outputFile = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "Plugins/Android/AndroidManifest.xml"); if (!File.Exists(outputFile)) { GenerateManifest(); return(true); } XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(outputFile); if (doc == null) { Debug.LogError("Couldn't load " + outputFile); return(false); } XmlNode manNode = FindChildNode(doc, "manifest"); string ns = manNode.GetNamespaceOfPrefix("android"); XmlNode dict = FindChildNode(manNode, "application"); if (dict == null) { Debug.LogError("Error parsing " + outputFile); return(false); } XmlElement unityActivityElement = FindElementWithAndroidName("activity", "name", ns, unityNativeActivityName, dict); if (unityActivityElement == null) { Debug.LogError(string.Format("{0} activity is missing from your android manifest. Add \"<meta-data android:name=\"unityplayer.ForwardNativeEventsToDalvik\" android:value=\"true\" />\" to your activity tag so that Chartboost can forward touch events to the advertisements.", unityNativeActivityName)); return(false); } XmlElement usesSDKElement = FindChildNode(manNode, "uses-sdk") as XmlElement; if (usesSDKElement == null) { usesSDKElement = doc.CreateElement("uses-sdk"); usesSDKElement.SetAttribute("minSdkVersion", ns, "9"); manNode.InsertBefore(usesSDKElement, dict); } else if (Convert.ToInt32(usesSDKElement.GetAttribute("minSdkVersion", ns)) < 9) { Debug.Log("Chartboost SDK requires the minSdkVersion to be atleast 9 (Android 2.3 and up), please update the same in the manifest file for chartboost sdk to work properly"); return(false); } XmlElement forwardNativeEventsToDalvikElement = FindElementWithAndroidName("meta-data", "name", ns, "unityplayer.ForwardNativeEventsToDalvik", unityActivityElement); if (forwardNativeEventsToDalvikElement == null) { // Add the forwardNativesToDalvik meta tag with the value true forwardNativeEventsToDalvikElement = doc.CreateElement("meta-data"); forwardNativeEventsToDalvikElement.SetAttribute("name", ns, "unityplayer.ForwardNativesToDalvik"); forwardNativeEventsToDalvikElement.SetAttribute("value", ns, "true"); unityActivityElement.AppendChild(forwardNativeEventsToDalvikElement); doc.Save(outputFile); } else if (forwardNativeEventsToDalvikElement.GetAttribute("value", ns).Equals("false")) { // Set the value of this tag to true forwardNativeEventsToDalvikElement.SetAttribute("value", ns, "true"); doc.Save(outputFile); } return(true); }
private async void mLaunchButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { mLaunchButton.IsEnabled = false; do { if (mLaunchButton.Content == "Stop") { if (mISession != null) { await mISession.closeSessionAsync(); mLaunchButton.Content = "Launch"; } mISession = null; break; } if (mISourceControl == null) break; ICaptureProcessor lICaptureProcessor = null; try { lICaptureProcessor = IPCameraMJPEGCaptureProcessor.createCaptureProcessor(); } catch (System.Exception exc) { MessageBox.Show(exc.Message); break; } if (lICaptureProcessor == null) break; object lMediaSource = await mISourceControl.createSourceFromCaptureProcessorAsync( lICaptureProcessor); if (lMediaSource == null) break; string lxmldoc = await mCaptureManager.getCollectionOfSinksAsync(); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(lxmldoc); var lSinkNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("SinkFactories/SinkFactory[@GUID='{2F34AF87-D349-45AA-A5F1-E4104D5C458E}']"); if (lSinkNode == null) break; var lContainerNode = lSinkNode.SelectSingleNode("Value.ValueParts/ValuePart[1]"); if (lContainerNode == null) break; var lSinkControl = await mCaptureManager.createSinkControlAsync(); var lSinkFactory = await lSinkControl.createEVRSinkFactoryAsync( Guid.Empty); object lEVROutputNode = await lSinkFactory.createOutputNodeAsync( mVideoPanel.Handle); if (lEVROutputNode == null) break; var lSourceControl = await mCaptureManager.createSourceControlAsync(); if (lSourceControl == null) break; object lPtrSourceNode = await lSourceControl.createSourceNodeFromExternalSourceWithDownStreamConnectionAsync( lMediaSource, 0, 0, lEVROutputNode); List<object> lSourceMediaNodeList = new List<object>(); lSourceMediaNodeList.Add(lPtrSourceNode); var lSessionControl = await mCaptureManager.createSessionControlAsync(); if (lSessionControl == null) break; mISession = await lSessionControl.createSessionAsync( lSourceMediaNodeList.ToArray()); if (mISession == null) break; await mISession.registerUpdateStateDelegateAsync(UpdateStateDelegate); await mISession.startSessionAsync(0, Guid.Empty); mLaunchButton.Content = "Stop"; } while (false); mLaunchButton.IsEnabled = true; }
/// <summary> /// Writes all of the game data to the given save file /// </summary> public void saveData() { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); XmlElement category; XmlAttribute attrib; //XML Doc Type XmlNode node = xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration, "", ""); xmlDoc.AppendChild(node); //Add Root Node category = xmlDoc.CreateElement("", "BPMS", ""); xmlDoc.AppendChild(category); //Create's Basic Info category = xmlDoc.CreateElement("system"); attrib = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("save_date"); attrib.Value = DateTime.Now.ToString(); category.SetAttributeNode(attrib); attrib = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("theme"); attrib.Value = Theme; category.SetAttributeNode(attrib); attrib = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("admin_pass"); attrib.Value = (PassIsSet) ? Password : ""; category.SetAttributeNode(attrib); attrib = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("multi_queue"); attrib.Value = MulitQueue + ""; category.SetAttributeNode(attrib); attrib = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("removal_type"); attrib.Value = PassToRemove + ""; category.SetAttributeNode(attrib); xmlDoc.ChildNodes.Item(1).AppendChild(category); xmlDoc.DocumentElement.InsertAfter(category, xmlDoc.DocumentElement.LastChild); foreach (Team curTeam in teams) { if (curTeam.TeamName == "Contra" && curTeam.Player1 == "Bill" && curTeam.Player2 == "Lance") { } else { category = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Team"); attrib = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("id"); attrib.Value = curTeam.Id + ""; category.SetAttributeNode(attrib); attrib = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("name"); attrib.Value = curTeam.TeamName + ""; category.SetAttributeNode(attrib); attrib = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("p1"); attrib.Value = curTeam.Player1 + ""; category.SetAttributeNode(attrib); attrib = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("p2"); attrib.Value = curTeam.Player2 + ""; category.SetAttributeNode(attrib); attrib = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("w"); attrib.Value = curTeam.Wins + ""; category.SetAttributeNode(attrib); attrib = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("l"); attrib.Value = curTeam.Losses + ""; category.SetAttributeNode(attrib); attrib = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("streak"); attrib.Value = curTeam.MaxStreak + ""; category.SetAttributeNode(attrib); xmlDoc.DocumentElement.InsertAfter(category, xmlDoc.DocumentElement.LastChild); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Insert winners, challengers and queue into XML // //////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region TODO /* XmlElement oldCategory;// = category; * oldCategory = xmlDoc.CreateElement( "", "WINNERS", "" ); * xmlDoc.DocumentElement.InsertAfter( oldCategory, xmlDoc.DocumentElement.LastChild ); * * category = xmlDoc.CreateElement( "Team" ); * attrib = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute( "id" ); * attrib.Value = winners.Id + ""; * category.SetAttributeNode( attrib ); * * attrib = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute( "name" ); * attrib.Value = winners.teamName + ""; * category.SetAttributeNode( attrib ); * * attrib = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute( "p1" ); * attrib.Value = winners.player1 + ""; * category.SetAttributeNode( attrib ); * * attrib = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute( "p2" ); * attrib.Value = winners.player2 + ""; * category.SetAttributeNode( attrib ); * * attrib = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute( "streak" ); * attrib.Value = winners.longestStreak + ""; * category.SetAttributeNode( attrib ); * * oldCategory = xmlDoc.CreateElement( "", "CHALLENGERS", "" ); * xmlDoc.DocumentElement.InsertAfter( oldCategory, xmlDoc.DocumentElement.LastChild ); * * category = xmlDoc.CreateElement( "Team" ); * attrib = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute( "id" ); * attrib.Value = challengers.Id + ""; * category.SetAttributeNode( attrib ); * * attrib = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute( "name" ); * attrib.Value = challengers.teamName + ""; * category.SetAttributeNode( attrib ); * * attrib = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute( "p1" ); * attrib.Value = challengers.player1 + ""; * category.SetAttributeNode( attrib ); * * attrib = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute( "p2" ); * attrib.Value = challengers.player2 + ""; * category.SetAttributeNode( attrib ); * * attrib = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute( "streak" ); * attrib.Value = challengers.longestStreak + ""; * category.SetAttributeNode( attrib ); * * * * //xmlDoc.ChildNodes.Item( 2 ).AppendChild( category ); * ////Save the queue * //oldCategory.AppendChild( category ); * //xmlDoc.DocumentElement.InsertAfter( category, xmlDoc.DocumentElement.LastChild ); * * //foreach (Team t in inQ) { * * //} */ #endregion FileStream fsxml = new FileStream(SaveFile, FileMode.Truncate, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite); xmlDoc.Save(fsxml); fsxml.Close(); RecentSave = true; }
// Mapping an business object for an order to an XmlDocument for an invoice public static XmlDocument OoOrder2XmlInvoice(OO.Order o) { string ns = ""; var doc = new XmlDocument(); var inv = doc.CreateElement("Invoice", ns); doc.AppendChild(inv); var name = doc.CreateElement("Name", ns); inv.AppendChild(name); name.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(o.Cust.Name)); // Ditto for street, city, zip, state var street = doc.CreateElement("Street", ns); inv.AppendChild(street); street.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(o.Cust.Addr.Street)); var city = doc.CreateElement("City", ns); inv.AppendChild(city); city.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(o.Cust.Addr.City)); var zip = doc.CreateElement("Zip", ns); inv.AppendChild(zip); zip.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(o.Cust.Addr.Zip)); var state = doc.CreateElement("State", ns); inv.AppendChild(state); state.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(o.Cust.Addr.State)); foreach (var i in o.Items) { var item = doc.CreateElement("Position", ns); inv.AppendChild(item); var prodid = doc.CreateElement("ProdId", ns); item.AppendChild(prodid); prodid.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(i.Prod.Id)); // Ditto for price, quantity var price = doc.CreateElement("Price", ns); item.AppendChild(price); price.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(XmlConvert.ToString(i.Price))); var quantity = doc.CreateElement("Quantity", ns); item.AppendChild(quantity); quantity.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(i.Quantity.ToString())); } var total = doc.CreateElement("Total", ns); inv.AppendChild(total); total.AppendChild(doc.CreateTextNode(o.Total().ToString())); return(doc); }
public void ExportContract(WsdlExporter exporter, WsdlContractConversionContext context) { Debug.WriteLine("Inside ExportContract"); if (contractDescription != null) { // Inside this block it is the contract-level comment attribute. // This.Text returns the string for the contract attribute. // Set the doc element; if this isn't done first, there is no XmlElement in the // DocumentElement property. context.WsdlPortType.Documentation = string.Empty; // Contract comments. XmlDocument owner = context.WsdlPortType.DocumentationElement.OwnerDocument; XmlElement summaryElement = owner.CreateElement("summary"); summaryElement.InnerText = this.Text; context.WsdlPortType.DocumentationElement.AppendChild(summaryElement); } else { Operation operation = context.GetOperation(operationDescription); if (operation != null) { // We are dealing strictly with the operation here. // This.Text returns the string for the operation-level attributes. // Set the doc element; if this isn't done first, there is no XmlElement in the // DocumentElement property. operation.Documentation = String.Empty; // Operation C# triple comments. XmlDocument owner = operation.DocumentationElement.OwnerDocument; XmlElement newSummaryElement = owner.CreateElement("summary"); newSummaryElement.InnerText = this.Text; operation.DocumentationElement.AppendChild(newSummaryElement); // Get returns information ParameterInfo returnValue = operationDescription.SyncMethod.ReturnParameter; object[] returnAttrs = returnValue.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(WsdlParamOrReturnDocumentationAttribute), false); if (returnAttrs.Length != 0) { // <returns>text.</returns> XmlElement returnsElement = owner.CreateElement("returns"); returnsElement.InnerText = ((WsdlParamOrReturnDocumentationAttribute)returnAttrs[0]).ParamComment; operation.DocumentationElement.AppendChild(returnsElement); } // Get parameter information. ParameterInfo[] args = operationDescription.SyncMethod.GetParameters(); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { object[] docAttrs = args[i].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(WsdlParamOrReturnDocumentationAttribute), false); if (docAttrs.Length == 1) { // <param name="Int1">Text.</param> XmlElement newParamElement = owner.CreateElement("param"); XmlAttribute paramName = owner.CreateAttribute("name"); paramName.Value = args[i].Name; newParamElement.InnerText = ((WsdlParamOrReturnDocumentationAttribute)docAttrs[0]).ParamComment; newParamElement.Attributes.Append(paramName); operation.DocumentationElement.AppendChild(newParamElement); } } } } }
static void Main() { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load("../../catalogue.xml"); string xPathQuery = "/catalog/album"; XmlNodeList ArtistsList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes(xPathQuery); Dictionary<string, int> artistsAndAlbumsCount = new Dictionary<string, int>(); foreach (XmlNode ArtistNode in ArtistsList) { string authorName = ArtistNode.SelectSingleNode("artist").InnerText; if (artistsAndAlbumsCount.ContainsKey(authorName)) { artistsAndAlbumsCount[authorName]++; } else { artistsAndAlbumsCount.Add(authorName, 1); } } foreach (var artist in artistsAndAlbumsCount) { Console.WriteLine("Artist: {0}", artist.Key); Console.WriteLine("Albums count: {0}", artist.Value); Console.WriteLine(); } }