private void WriteFaultCodeElement(XmlDictionaryWriter writer, FaultCode code) { var prefix = writer.LookupPrefix(_constants.EnvelopeNamespace); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(code.Namespace) && code.Namespace != _constants.EnvelopeNamespace) { prefix = writer.LookupPrefix(code.Namespace) ?? "custom"; } var name = code.Name; writer.WriteStartElement("faultcode"); if (!code.IsPredefinedFault) { if (prefix == "custom") { writer.WriteXmlnsAttribute(prefix, code.Namespace); } } else { if (code.IsReceiverFault) { name = "Server"; } if (code.IsSenderFault) { name = "Client"; } } writer.WriteString($"{prefix}:{name}"); writer.WriteEndElement(); }
private void WriteFaultCode(XmlDictionaryWriter writer, EnvelopeVersion version, FaultCode code, bool sub) { if (version == EnvelopeVersion.Soap11) { writer.WriteStartElement("", "faultcode", String.Empty); if (code.Namespace.Length > 0 && String.IsNullOrEmpty(writer.LookupPrefix(code.Namespace))) { writer.WriteXmlnsAttribute("a", code.Namespace); } writer.WriteQualifiedName(code.Name, code.Namespace); writer.WriteEndElement(); } else // Soap12 { writer.WriteStartElement(sub ? "Subcode" : "Code", version.Namespace); writer.WriteStartElement("Value", version.Namespace); if (code.Namespace.Length > 0 && String.IsNullOrEmpty(writer.LookupPrefix(code.Namespace))) { writer.WriteXmlnsAttribute("a", code.Namespace); } writer.WriteQualifiedName(code.Name, code.Namespace); writer.WriteEndElement(); if (code.SubCode != null) { WriteFaultCode(writer, version, code.SubCode, true); } writer.WriteEndElement(); } }
/// <summary> /// Called when the message body is written to an XML file. /// </summary> /// <param name="writer">A <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter"/> that is used to write this message body to an XML file.</param> protected override void OnWriteBodyContents(XmlDictionaryWriter writer) { try { var prefix = writer.LookupPrefix(this._xmlQualifiedName.Namespace) ?? "web"; this.ActionQueue.Enqueue(() => writer.WriteStartElement(prefix, this._xmlQualifiedName.Name, this._xmlQualifiedName.Namespace)); base.OnWriteBodyContents(writer); writer.WriteEndElement(); } catch (FaultException e) { var messageFault = new SdmxMessageFault(e.CreateMessageFault(), this._xmlQualifiedName.Namespace); messageFault.WriteTo(writer, this.Version.Envelope); if (WebOperationContext.Current != null) { WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError; } if (HttpContext.Current != null) { HttpContext.Current.Response.StatusCode = 500; } this._isFaulted = true; } finally { writer.Flush(); } }
private void WriteSoap12Fault(XmlDictionaryWriter writer) { // NOTE: This default culture is a hack until a better localisation solution is // built. At this stage it assumes the current thread culture var defaultCulture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture; var faultString = _faultStringOverride ?? (_exception.InnerException != null ? _exception.InnerException.Message : _exception.Message); var faultDetail = ExtractFaultDetailsAsXmlElement(_exception); var prefix = writer.LookupPrefix(Soap12Namespace) ?? "s"; writer.WriteStartElement(prefix, "Fault", Soap12Namespace); writer.WriteStartElement(prefix, "Code", Soap12Namespace); writer.WriteStartElement(prefix, "Value", Soap12Namespace); writer.WriteString(prefix + ":Sender"); writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteStartElement(prefix, "Reason", Soap12Namespace); writer.WriteStartElement(prefix, "Text", Soap12Namespace); writer.WriteAttributeString("xml:lang", defaultCulture.IetfLanguageTag); writer.WriteString(faultString); writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteEndElement(); if (faultDetail != null) { writer.WriteStartElement(prefix, "Detail", Soap12Namespace); faultDetail.WriteTo(writer); writer.WriteEndElement(); } writer.WriteEndElement(); }
protected virtual void AddPrefixIfNeeded(XmlDictionaryWriter writer, string prefix, string ns) { if (writer.LookupPrefix(ns) == null) { writer.WriteXmlnsAttribute(prefix, ns); } }
private void WriteTo11(XmlDictionaryWriter writer) { string name; string str2; writer.WriteStartElement(XD.MessageDictionary.Fault, XD.Message11Dictionary.Namespace); writer.WriteStartElement(XD.Message11Dictionary.FaultCode, XD.Message11Dictionary.FaultNamespace); FaultCode subCode = this.Code; if (subCode.SubCode != null) { subCode = subCode.SubCode; } if (subCode.IsSenderFault) { name = "Client"; } else if (subCode.IsReceiverFault) { name = "Server"; } else { name = subCode.Name; } if (subCode.IsPredefinedFault) { str2 = ""; } else { str2 = subCode.Namespace; } if (writer.LookupPrefix(str2) == null) { writer.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", "a", "", str2); } writer.WriteQualifiedName(name, str2); writer.WriteEndElement(); FaultReasonText text = this.Reason.Translations[0]; writer.WriteStartElement(XD.Message11Dictionary.FaultString, XD.Message11Dictionary.FaultNamespace); if (text.XmlLang.Length > 0) { writer.WriteAttributeString("xml", "lang", "", text.XmlLang); } writer.WriteString(text.Text); writer.WriteEndElement(); if (this.Actor.Length > 0) { writer.WriteElementString(XD.Message11Dictionary.FaultActor, XD.Message11Dictionary.FaultNamespace, this.Actor); } if (this.HasDetail) { this.OnWriteDetail(writer, EnvelopeVersion.Soap11); } writer.WriteEndElement(); }
public void Serialize(Type type, object graph) { if (graph == null) { writer.WriteAttributeString("nil", XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace, "true"); } else { Type actualType = graph.GetType(); SerializationMap map = types.FindUserMap(actualType); // For some collection types, the actual type does not matter. So get nominal serialization type instead. // (The code below also covers the lines above, but I don't remove above lines to avoid extra search cost.) if (map == null) { actualType = types.GetSerializedType(actualType); map = types.FindUserMap(actualType); } // If it is still unknown, then register it. if (map == null) { types.Add(actualType); map = types.FindUserMap(actualType); } if (actualType != type && (map == null || map.OutputXsiType)) { QName qname = types.GetXmlName(actualType); string name = qname.Name; string ns = qname.Namespace; if (qname == QName.Empty) { name = XmlConvert.EncodeLocalName(actualType.Name); ns = KnownTypeCollection.DefaultClrNamespaceBase + actualType.Namespace; } else if (qname.Namespace == KnownTypeCollection.MSSimpleNamespace) { ns = XmlSchema.Namespace; } if (writer.LookupPrefix(ns) == null) // it goes first (extraneous, but it makes att order compatible) { writer.WriteXmlnsAttribute(null, ns); } writer.WriteStartAttribute("type", XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace); writer.WriteQualifiedName(name, ns); writer.WriteEndAttribute(); } QName predef = KnownTypeCollection.GetPredefinedTypeName(actualType); if (predef != QName.Empty) { SerializePrimitive(type, graph, predef); } else { map.Serialize(graph, this); } } }
protected override void OnWriteBodyContents(XmlDictionaryWriter writer) { writer.WriteStartElement("BaseObjectSearchRequest", ""); writer.WriteAttributeString("Dialect", ""); base.OnWriteBodyContents(writer); string str = writer.LookupPrefix(""); string str1 = writer.LookupPrefix(""); if (this._attributeList != null) { XmlUtility.SerializeAttributeList(writer, "AttributeType", "", str1, str, this._attributeList); } if (this._controls != null) { DirectoryControlSerializer.Serialize(writer, this._controls); } writer.WriteEndElement(); }
internal static void AddNamespaceDeclaration(XmlDictionaryWriter writer, string prefix, XmlDictionaryString ns) { string p = writer.LookupPrefix(ns.Value); if (p == null || p != prefix) { writer.WriteXmlnsAttribute(prefix, ns); } }
public static void WriteXsiTypeAttribute(XmlDictionaryWriter writer, string xsdType) { string str = writer.LookupPrefix(""); object[] objArray = new object[2]; objArray[0] = str; objArray[1] = xsdType; writer.WriteAttributeString("type", "", string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0}:{1}", objArray)); }
internal static string EnsureNamespaceDefined(XmlDictionaryWriter writer, XmlDictionaryString ns, string defaultPrefix) { string prefix = writer.LookupPrefix(ns.Value); if (prefix == null) { writer.WriteXmlnsAttribute(defaultPrefix, ns); prefix = defaultPrefix; } return(prefix); }
protected override void OnWriteStartEnvelope(XmlDictionaryWriter writer) { base.OnWriteStartEnvelope(writer); writer.WriteXmlnsAttribute("addata", ""); writer.WriteXmlnsAttribute("ad", ""); writer.WriteXmlnsAttribute("xsd", ""); writer.WriteXmlnsAttribute("xsi", ""); if (writer.LookupPrefix("") == null) { writer.WriteXmlnsAttribute("wsa", ""); } }
protected virtual void WriteWebServiceDescriptorTypeAttribute(XmlDictionaryWriter writer, WebServiceDescriptor webServiceDescriptor) { var prefix = writer.LookupPrefix(Namespace); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix)) { // this is added for testing purposes writer.WriteXmlnsAttribute(Prefix, Namespace); prefix = Prefix; } var type = $"{prefix}:{webServiceDescriptor.GetType().Name.Replace("Descriptor", string.Empty)}Type"; writer.WriteAttributeString(XsiConstants.Prefix, XsiConstants.Attributes.Type, XsiConstants.Namespace, type); }
protected virtual void OnWriteStartHeader(XmlDictionaryWriter writer, MessageVersion version) { var dic = Constants.SoapDictionary; XmlDictionaryString name, ns; var prefix = writer.LookupPrefix(Namespace); if (dic.TryLookup(Name, out name) && dic.TryLookup(Namespace, out ns)) { writer.WriteStartElement(prefix, name, ns); } else { writer.WriteStartElement(prefix, this.Name, this.Namespace); } WriteHeaderAttributes(writer, version); }
public virtual void WriteXml(XmlDictionaryWriter writer, SamlSerializer samlSerializer, SecurityTokenSerializer keyInfoSerializer) { CheckObjectValidity(); if (writer == null) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new ArgumentNullException("writer")); } if (samlSerializer == null) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new ArgumentNullException("samlSerializer")); } #pragma warning suppress 56506 // samlSerializer.DictionaryManager is never null. SamlDictionary dictionary = samlSerializer.DictionaryManager.SamlDictionary; writer.WriteStartElement(dictionary.PreferredPrefix.Value, dictionary.AuthorityBinding, dictionary.Namespace); string prefix = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.authorityKind.Namespace)) { writer.WriteAttributeString(String.Empty, dictionary.NamespaceAttributePrefix.Value, null, this.authorityKind.Namespace); prefix = writer.LookupPrefix(this.authorityKind.Namespace); } writer.WriteStartAttribute(dictionary.AuthorityKind, null); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix)) { writer.WriteString(this.authorityKind.Name); } else { writer.WriteString(prefix + ":" + this.authorityKind.Name); } writer.WriteEndAttribute(); writer.WriteStartAttribute(dictionary.Location, null); writer.WriteString(this.location); writer.WriteEndAttribute(); writer.WriteStartAttribute(dictionary.Binding, null); writer.WriteString(this.binding); writer.WriteEndAttribute(); writer.WriteEndElement(); }
private void WriteFaultCode12Driver(XmlDictionaryWriter writer, FaultCode faultCode, EnvelopeVersion version) { writer.WriteStartElement(XD.Message12Dictionary.FaultValue, version.DictionaryNamespace); string name; if (faultCode.IsSenderFault) { name = version.SenderFaultName; } else if (faultCode.IsReceiverFault) { name = version.ReceiverFaultName; } else { name = faultCode.Name; } string ns; if (faultCode.IsPredefinedFault) { ns = version.Namespace; } else { ns = faultCode.Namespace; } string prefix = writer.LookupPrefix(ns); if (prefix == null) { writer.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", "a", XmlUtil.XmlNsNs, ns); } writer.WriteQualifiedName(name, ns); writer.WriteEndElement(); if (faultCode.SubCode != null) { writer.WriteStartElement(XD.Message12Dictionary.FaultSubcode, version.DictionaryNamespace); WriteFaultCode12Driver(writer, faultCode.SubCode, version); writer.WriteEndElement(); } }
protected virtual void OnWriteStartEnvelope( XmlDictionaryWriter writer) { var dic = Constants.SoapDictionary; writer.WriteStartElement("s", dic.Add("Envelope"), dic.Add(Version.Envelope.Namespace)); if (Headers.Action != null && Version.Addressing.Namespace != MessageVersion.None.Addressing.Namespace) { writer.WriteXmlnsAttribute("a", dic.Add(Version.Addressing.Namespace)); } foreach (MessageHeaderInfo h in Headers) { if (h.Id != null && writer.LookupPrefix(Constants.WsuNamespace) != "u") { writer.WriteXmlnsAttribute("u", dic.Add(Constants.WsuNamespace)); break; } } }
private void WriteFaultCode12Driver(XmlDictionaryWriter writer, FaultCode faultCode, EnvelopeVersion version) { string senderFaultName; string str2; writer.WriteStartElement(XD.Message12Dictionary.FaultValue, version.DictionaryNamespace); if (faultCode.IsSenderFault) { senderFaultName = version.SenderFaultName; } else if (faultCode.IsReceiverFault) { senderFaultName = version.ReceiverFaultName; } else { senderFaultName = faultCode.Name; } if (faultCode.IsPredefinedFault) { str2 = version.Namespace; } else { str2 = faultCode.Namespace; } if (writer.LookupPrefix(str2) == null) { writer.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", "a", "", str2); } writer.WriteQualifiedName(senderFaultName, str2); writer.WriteEndElement(); if (faultCode.SubCode != null) { writer.WriteStartElement(XD.Message12Dictionary.FaultSubcode, version.DictionaryNamespace); this.WriteFaultCode12Driver(writer, faultCode.SubCode, version); writer.WriteEndElement(); } }
/// <summary> /// When overridden in a non-abstract derived class, writes the contents of the detail element. /// </summary> /// <param name="writer">The <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter"/> used to write the detail element.</param> protected override void OnWriteDetailContents(XmlDictionaryWriter writer) { var prefix = writer.LookupPrefix(this._nameSpace) ?? "web"; using (var reader = this._messageFault.GetReaderAtDetailContents()) { if ("Error".Equals(reader.LocalName) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(reader.NamespaceURI)) { writer.WriteStartElement(prefix, "Error", this._nameSpace); reader.Read(); // ErrorMessage writer.WriteNode(reader, false); // ErrorNumber writer.WriteNode(reader, false); // writer.WriteNode(reader, false); } } }
private void WriteTo11(XmlDictionaryWriter writer) { writer.WriteStartElement(XD.MessageDictionary.Fault, XD.Message11Dictionary.Namespace); writer.WriteStartElement(XD.Message11Dictionary.FaultCode, XD.Message11Dictionary.FaultNamespace); FaultCode faultCode = Code; if (faultCode.SubCode != null) { faultCode = faultCode.SubCode; } string name; if (faultCode.IsSenderFault) { name = "Client"; } else if (faultCode.IsReceiverFault) { name = "Server"; } else { name = faultCode.Name; } string ns; if (faultCode.IsPredefinedFault) { ns = Message11Strings.Namespace; } else { ns = faultCode.Namespace; } string prefix = writer.LookupPrefix(ns); if (prefix == null) { writer.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", "a", XmlUtil.XmlNsNs, ns); } writer.WriteQualifiedName(name, ns); writer.WriteEndElement(); FaultReasonText translation = Reason.Translations[0]; writer.WriteStartElement(XD.Message11Dictionary.FaultString, XD.Message11Dictionary.FaultNamespace); if (translation.XmlLang.Length > 0) { writer.WriteAttributeString("xml", "lang", XmlUtil.XmlNs, translation.XmlLang); } writer.WriteString(translation.Text); writer.WriteEndElement(); if (Actor.Length > 0) { writer.WriteElementString(XD.Message11Dictionary.FaultActor, XD.Message11Dictionary.FaultNamespace, Actor); } if (HasDetail) { OnWriteDetail(writer, EnvelopeVersion.Soap11); } writer.WriteEndElement(); }
public void LookupPrefix() { xw.WriteStartElement("root"); xw.WriteStartElement("one"); xw.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", "foo", null, "http://abc.def"); xw.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", "bar", null, "http://ghi.jkl"); Assert.AreEqual("foo", xw.LookupPrefix("http://abc.def")); Assert.AreEqual("bar", xw.LookupPrefix("http://ghi.jkl")); xw.WriteEndElement(); xw.WriteStartElement("two"); xw.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", "baz", null, "http://mno.pqr"); xw.WriteString("quux"); Assert.AreEqual("baz", xw.LookupPrefix("http://mno.pqr")); Assert.IsNull(xw.LookupPrefix("http://abc.def")); Assert.IsNull(xw.LookupPrefix("http://ghi.jkl")); Assert.IsNull(xw.LookupPrefix("http://bogus")); }
private static void InternalSerialize(XmlDictionaryWriter writer, ChangeOperation ChangeOperation, string ns, string property, object value) { string str = writer.LookupPrefix(ns); writer.LookupPrefix(""); if (ChangeOperation != ChangeOperation.None) { writer.WriteStartElement("Change", ""); ChangeOperation changeOperation = ChangeOperation; switch (changeOperation) { case ChangeOperation.Add: { writer.WriteAttributeString("Operation", "add"); break; } case ChangeOperation.Delete: { writer.WriteAttributeString("Operation", "delete"); break; } case ChangeOperation.Replace: { writer.WriteAttributeString("Operation", "replace"); break; } } } else { writer.WriteStartElement("AttributeTypeAndValue", ""); } writer.WriteElementString("AttributeType", "", AttributeTypeAndValueSerializer.FormatAttributeName(str, property)); if (value != null) { if (value as ICollection == null) { writer.WriteStartElement("AttributeValue", ""); if (value as DirectoryAttributeModification == null) { ADValueSerializer.Serialize(writer, value); } else { DirectoryAttributeModification directoryAttributeModification = (DirectoryAttributeModification)value; ADValueSerializer.Serialize(writer, directoryAttributeModification[0]); } writer.WriteEndElement(); } else { ICollection collections = (ICollection)value; if (collections.Count > 0) { writer.WriteStartElement("AttributeValue", ""); foreach (object obj in collections) { ADValueSerializer.Serialize(writer, obj); } writer.WriteEndElement(); } } } writer.WriteEndElement(); }
public void LookupPrefixNull() { w.LookupPrefix(null); }
public virtual void WriteEndpointReferenceCollection(XmlDictionaryWriter writer, string name, string ns, ICollection <EndpointReference> endpointReferenceCollection) { var prefix = writer.LookupPrefix(ns); WriteEndpointReferenceCollection(writer, prefix, name, ns, endpointReferenceCollection); }
public void Serialize(Type type, object graph) { if (graph == null) { writer.WriteAttributeString("nil", XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace, "true"); } #if !MOONLIGHT else if (type == typeof(XmlElement)) { ((XmlElement)graph).WriteTo(Writer); } else if (type == typeof(XmlNode [])) { foreach (var xn in (XmlNode [])graph) { xn.WriteTo(Writer); } } #endif else { QName resolvedQName = null; if (resolver != null) { XmlDictionaryString rname, rns; if (resolver.TryResolveType(graph != null ? graph.GetType() : typeof(object), type, default_resolver, out rname, out rns)) { resolvedQName = new QName(rname.Value, rns.Value); } } Type actualType = graph.GetType(); SerializationMap map; map = types.FindUserMap(actualType); // For some collection types, the actual type does not matter. So get nominal serialization type instead. // (The code below also covers the lines above, but I don't remove above lines to avoid extra search cost.) if (map == null) { // FIXME: not sure if type.IsInterface is the correct condition to determine whether items are serialized with i:type or not. (e.g. bug #675144 server response). actualType = types.GetSerializedType(type.IsInterface ? type : actualType); map = types.FindUserMap(actualType); } // If it is still unknown, then register it. if (map == null) { types.Add(actualType); map = types.FindUserMap(actualType); } if (actualType != type && (map == null || map.OutputXsiType)) { QName qname = resolvedQName ?? types.GetXmlName(actualType); string name = qname.Name; string ns = qname.Namespace; if (qname == QName.Empty) { name = XmlConvert.EncodeLocalName(actualType.Name); ns = KnownTypeCollection.DefaultClrNamespaceBase + actualType.Namespace; } else if (qname.Namespace == KnownTypeCollection.MSSimpleNamespace) { ns = XmlSchema.Namespace; } if (writer.LookupPrefix(ns) == null) // it goes first (extraneous, but it makes att order compatible) { writer.WriteXmlnsAttribute(null, ns); } writer.WriteStartAttribute("i", "type", XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace); writer.WriteQualifiedName(name, ns); writer.WriteEndAttribute(); } QName predef = KnownTypeCollection.GetPredefinedTypeName(actualType); if (predef != QName.Empty) { SerializePrimitive(type, graph, predef); } else { map.Serialize(graph, this); } } }
public override string LookupPrefix(string ns) { return(_innerWriter.LookupPrefix(ns)); }
public static void Serialize(XmlDictionaryWriter writer, object value) { string str; byte[] numArray; object obj; bool flag = false; bool flag1 = false; writer.LookupPrefix(""); writer.WriteStartElement("value", ""); if (value.GetType() != typeof(byte[])) { TypeCode typeCode = Type.GetTypeCode(value.GetType()); if (typeCode == TypeCode.Boolean) { str = "boolean"; flag = false; if ((bool)value) { obj = "true"; } else { obj = "false"; } value = obj; XmlUtility.WriteXsiTypeAttribute(writer, str); if (!flag) { writer.WriteString(value.ToString()); } else { if (!flag1) { numArray = new byte[1]; numArray[0] = (byte)value; } else { numArray = (byte[])value; } writer.WriteBase64(numArray, 0, (int)numArray.Length); } writer.WriteEndElement(); return; } else if (typeCode == TypeCode.Char || typeCode == TypeCode.SByte || typeCode == TypeCode.Int16 || typeCode == TypeCode.UInt16 || typeCode == TypeCode.Int32 || typeCode == TypeCode.UInt32) { str = "int"; flag = false; XmlUtility.WriteXsiTypeAttribute(writer, str); if (!flag) { writer.WriteString(value.ToString()); } else { if (!flag1) { numArray = new byte[1]; numArray[0] = (byte)value; } else { numArray = (byte[])value; } writer.WriteBase64(numArray, 0, (int)numArray.Length); } writer.WriteEndElement(); return; } else if (typeCode == TypeCode.Byte) { str = "base64Binary"; flag = true; flag1 = false; XmlUtility.WriteXsiTypeAttribute(writer, str); if (!flag) { writer.WriteString(value.ToString()); } else { if (!flag1) { numArray = new byte[1]; numArray[0] = (byte)value; } else { numArray = (byte[])value; } writer.WriteBase64(numArray, 0, (int)numArray.Length); } writer.WriteEndElement(); return; } else if (typeCode == TypeCode.Int64 || typeCode == TypeCode.UInt64) { str = "long"; flag = false; XmlUtility.WriteXsiTypeAttribute(writer, str); if (!flag) { writer.WriteString(value.ToString()); } else { if (!flag1) { numArray = new byte[1]; numArray[0] = (byte)value; } else { numArray = (byte[])value; } writer.WriteBase64(numArray, 0, (int)numArray.Length); } writer.WriteEndElement(); return; } else if (typeCode == TypeCode.Single || typeCode == TypeCode.Double || typeCode == TypeCode.Decimal || typeCode == (TypeCode.Object | TypeCode.DateTime)) { } else if (typeCode == TypeCode.DateTime) { str = "dateTime"; flag = false; value = XmlConvert.ToString((DateTime)value, XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.Utc); XmlUtility.WriteXsiTypeAttribute(writer, str); if (!flag) { writer.WriteString(value.ToString()); } else { if (!flag1) { numArray = new byte[1]; numArray[0] = (byte)value; } else { numArray = (byte[])value; } writer.WriteBase64(numArray, 0, (int)numArray.Length); } writer.WriteEndElement(); return; } else if (typeCode == TypeCode.String) { str = "string"; flag = false; XmlUtility.WriteXsiTypeAttribute(writer, str); if (!flag) { writer.WriteString(value.ToString()); } else { if (!flag1) { numArray = new byte[1]; numArray[0] = (byte)value; } else { numArray = (byte[])value; } writer.WriteBase64(numArray, 0, (int)numArray.Length); } writer.WriteEndElement(); return; } object[] objArray = new object[1]; objArray[0] = value.GetType().ToString(); throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, StringResources.ADWSXmlParserUnexpectedElement, objArray)); } else { flag = true; flag1 = true; str = "base64Binary"; } XmlUtility.WriteXsiTypeAttribute(writer, str); if (!flag) { writer.WriteString(value.ToString()); } else { if (!flag1) { numArray = new byte[1]; numArray[0] = (byte)value; } else { numArray = (byte[])value; } writer.WriteBase64(numArray, 0, (int)numArray.Length); } writer.WriteEndElement(); }