/// <summary>
        /// Get the template for an item given the TemplateSource and Global or spreadsheet values
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Sitecore TemplateItem</returns>
        private SCItems.Item getParent(XlsMapping mappingData)
            if (mappingData.ParentIDSource == Enumerations.ParentSource.Global)
                string parentFieldVal = mappingData.Source.DataSource.Rows[this._currentItemIndex][mappingData.ParentColumn].ToString();
                var    referenceMatch = this._referenceRegEx.Match(parentFieldVal);
                Guid   parentGuid     = Guid.Empty;

                if (referenceMatch.Success)
                    var    captures  = referenceMatch.Groups.Cast <Group>().Skip(1).Where(g => g.Success);
                    string sheetName = captures.ElementAt(0).Value;
                    // convert to 0 index row
                    int row = int.Parse(captures.ElementAt(1).Value) - 1;

                    XlsMappingSource parentSource = this.MappingSources.FirstOrDefault(ms => ms.Name == sheetName);
                    if (parentSource != null)
                        parentFieldVal = parentSource.DataSource.Rows[row]["SitecoreID"].ToString();
                        parentFieldVal = "";
                parentGuid = Guid.Parse(parentFieldVal);

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new Mapping from ImportSources to the ImportMappings using ImportSource index
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceIndex">Index of MappingSource to add according to ExcelWorksheet number</param>
        /// <param name="firstRowLabels">Specify whether first row of Source is label row</param>
        /// <returns>New Mapping</returns>
        public XlsMapping AddMapping(int sourceIndex, bool firstRowLabels = false)
            XlsMappingSource source = this.MappingSources.FirstOrDefault(ms => ms.WorksheetIndex == sourceIndex);

            if (source == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException(string.Format("No MappingSource found with specified index of {0}.", sourceIndex));

            XlsMapping mapping = new XlsMapping(source, firstRowLabels);

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new Mapping from ImportSources to the ImportMappings using ImportSource name
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceName">Name of MappingSource to add according to ExcelWorksheet name</param>
        /// <param name="firstRowLabels">Specify whether first row of Source is label row</param>
        /// <returns>New Mapping</returns>
        public XlsMapping AddMapping(string sourceName, bool firstRowLabels = false)
            XlsMappingSource mapSource = this.MappingSources.FirstOrDefault(ms => ms.Name == sourceName);

            if (mapSource == null)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sourceName))
                    sb.Append("SourceName cannot be empty.");
                    sb.AppendFormat("Could not find MappingSource with name \"{0}\". Verify a MappingSource with the supplied name exists.", sourceName);
                throw new ArgumentException(sb.ToString(), "sourceName");

            XlsMapping mapping = new XlsMapping(mapSource, firstRowLabels);
