public ExceptionDialog(string Msg, XamlRoot xamlRoot) { this.InitializeComponent(); this.PrimaryButtonText = "确定"; this.msgTextBlock.Text = Msg; this.XamlRoot = xamlRoot; }
private SingleVideoDialog(SingleVideoDialogViewModel vm, XamlRoot xamlRoot) { this.vm = vm; this.DataContext = vm; this.InitializeComponent(); this.Closing += SingleVideoDialog_Closing; XamlRoot = xamlRoot; }
private MasteredVideoDialog(MasteredVideoDialogViewModel vm, XamlRoot xamlRoot) { this.vm = vm; this.DataContext = vm; this.InitializeComboBoxData(vm); this.InitializeComponent(); this.Closing += MasteredVideoDialog_Closing; XamlRoot = xamlRoot; }
public static IReadOnlyList <Popup> GetOpenPopupsForXamlRoot(XamlRoot xamlRoot) { if (xamlRoot == XamlRoot.Current) { return(GetOpenPopups(Window.Current)); } return(new Popup[0]); }
internal XamlRoot GetOrCreateXamlRoot() { if (XamlRoot is null) { XamlRoot = new XamlRoot(this); } return(XamlRoot); }
public void ShowPopup(XamlRoot xamlRoot) { UserNameInputBox.SetText(""); PasswordInputBox.SetText(""); CaptchaBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; WebContainer.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //BackupWebView.NavigateToString(""); UIHelper.PopupShow(this, xamlRoot); PopupIn.Begin(); }
/// <summary> /// Tracks information about the app's launch. /// </summary> /// <param name="args">Details about the launch request and process.</param> /// <param name="xamlRoot">The XamlRoot object from your visual tree.</param> public void TrackAppUse(IActivatedEventArgs args, XamlRoot xamlRoot = null) { if (args.PreviousExecutionState == ApplicationExecutionState.ClosedByUser || args.PreviousExecutionState == ApplicationExecutionState.NotRunning) { LaunchCount = _localObjectStorageHelper.Read <long>(nameof(LaunchCount)) + 1; TotalLaunchCount = _localObjectStorageHelper.Read <long>(nameof(TotalLaunchCount)) + 1; // In case we upgraded the properties, make TotalLaunchCount is correct if (TotalLaunchCount < LaunchCount) { TotalLaunchCount = LaunchCount; } _localObjectStorageHelper.Save(nameof(LaunchCount), LaunchCount); _localObjectStorageHelper.Save(nameof(TotalLaunchCount), TotalLaunchCount); LaunchTime = DateTime.UtcNow; var lastLaunch = _localObjectStorageHelper.Read <long>(nameof(LastLaunchTime)); LastLaunchTime = lastLaunch != default(long) ? DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(lastLaunch) : LaunchTime; _localObjectStorageHelper.Save(nameof(LastLaunchTime), LaunchTime.ToFileTimeUtc()); _localObjectStorageHelper.Save(nameof(AppUptime), 0L); var lastResetTime = _localObjectStorageHelper.Read <long>(nameof(LastResetTime)); LastResetTime = lastResetTime != default(long) ? DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(lastResetTime) : DateTime.MinValue; } if (xamlRoot != null) { void XamlRoot_Changed(XamlRoot sender, XamlRootChangedEventArgs e) { UpdateVisibility(sender.IsHostVisible); } xamlRoot.Changed -= XamlRoot_Changed; xamlRoot.Changed += XamlRoot_Changed; } else { void App_VisibilityChanged(Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow sender, Windows.UI.Core.VisibilityChangedEventArgs e) { UpdateVisibility(e.Visible); } Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().VisibilityChanged -= App_VisibilityChanged; Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().VisibilityChanged += App_VisibilityChanged; } }
private void WindowsXamlHostBase_OnChildChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { var host = (WindowsXamlHost)sender; if (host.Child is OilLakeUI.UI.TextTabView control) { Root = host.Child.XamlRoot; control.DataContext = ((MainWindowViewModel)DataContext).TabViewModel; control.AllowFocusOnInteraction = true; } }
private static float GetScale(XamlRoot xamlRoot) { if (xamlRoot != null) { return((float)xamlRoot.RasterizationScale); } else { return((float)DisplayInformation.GetForCurrentView().RawPixelsPerViewPixel); } }
private static object?GetFocusedElementWithRootImpl(XamlRoot xamlRoot) { if (xamlRoot is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(xamlRoot)); } var focusManager = xamlRoot.VisualTree.ContentRoot.FocusManager; var dependencyObject = focusManager.FocusedElement; return(dependencyObject); }
public static async Task ShowSingleButtonContentDialogAsync(XamlRoot xamlRoot, string dialogMessage, string closeButtonText = "Close", string title = "Packet Messaging") { // See ContentDialog contentDialog = new ContentDialog() { Title = title, Content = dialogMessage, CloseButtonText = closeButtonText, }; contentDialog.XamlRoot = xamlRoot; await contentDialog.ShowAsync(); }
private async void XamlRoot_Changed(XamlRoot sender, XamlRootChangedEventArgs args) { if (_rootGrid.Width != sender.Size.Width || _rootGrid.Height != sender.Size.Height) { UpdateRootGridSize(sender.Size.Width, sender.Size.Height); } if (_currentDpi != sender.RasterizationScale) { _currentDpi = sender.RasterizationScale; await UpdateAppScreenshotAsync(); } }
public SESSDATALoginDialog(XamlRoot xamlRoot) { this.InitializeComponent(); this.IsPrimaryButtonEnabled = false; this.Closing += (s, e) => { if (!needToClose) { e.Cancel = true; } }; XamlRoot = xamlRoot; }
public static void PopupShow(IAppPopup popup, XamlRoot xamlRoot, Action changeAction = null) { //App.AppViewModel.WindowsSizeChangedNotify.Add(new Tuple<Guid, Action<Size>>(popup._popupId, (rect) => //{ // popup.Width = rect.Width; // popup.Height = rect.Height; // changeAction?.Invoke(); //})); //popup.Width = Window.Current.Bounds.Width; //popup.Height = Window.Current.Bounds.Height; //var view = popup as UIElement; popup._popup.XamlRoot = xamlRoot; popup._popup.IsOpen = true; }
public static FrameworkElement GetOpenFlyoutPresenter(XamlRoot xamlRoot) { #if NETFX_CORE var popups = VisualTreeHelper.GetOpenPopups(Window.Current); #else var popups = VisualTreeHelper.GetOpenPopupsForXamlRoot(xamlRoot); #endif if (popups.Count != 1) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Expected exactly one open Popup."); } return(popups[0] ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("Popup child should not be null.")); }
private BangumiDialog(BangumiDialogViewModel vm, XamlRoot xamlRoot) { this.vm = vm; this.DataContext = vm; InitializeComboBoxData(vm); this.InitializeComponent(); this.Closing += (s, e) => { if (!needToClose) { e.Cancel = true; } }; XamlRoot = xamlRoot; }
protected override UIElement CreateShell() { var shell = Container.Resolve <Shell>(); #if NET5_0 && WINDOWS _window = new Window(); _window.Activate(); _window.Content = shell; #endif #if HAS_UNO_WINUI || NETCOREAPP MainXamlRoot = shell.XamlRoot; #endif return(shell); }
public async Task GetMoreVideoAsync(XamlRoot xamlRoot) { var count = this.VideoList.Count - 1; if ((count < 20) || (count % 20 != 0)) { var dialog = new ErrorDialog("已经没有更多了", xamlRoot) { PrimaryButtonText = "" }; await dialog.ShowAsync(); return; } var fav = await BiliFavHelper.GetBiliFavAsync(this.Id, (count / 20) + 1, UserPage.SESSDATA); if (fav == null) { var dialog = new ErrorDialog("已经没有更多了", xamlRoot) { PrimaryButtonText = "" }; await dialog.ShowAsync(); return; } var list = new List <FavVideoViewModel>(); foreach (var video in fav.VideoList) { list.Add(await FavVideoViewModel.CreateAsync(video.Title, video.Bv, video.Picture)); } this.VideoList.Remove(this.VideoList.TakeLast(1).Single()); list.ForEach(v => this.VideoList.Add(v)); this.VideoList.Add(new FavVideoViewModel() { Bv = "加载更多", Title = "加载更多", CoverImg = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/LoadMore.png")) }); }
public static void DeCompressAndNotification(string filename, Button button, XamlRoot xamlRoot) { string _filename = null; if (Settings.IsAutoDeCompressEnabled) { var result = IsDeCompressed(filename); if (result.IsSuccess) { File.Delete(filename); _filename = result.FileName; button.Tag = result.FileName ?? filename; } } if (Settings.IsShowNotificationEnabled) { OpenContentDialog(_filename ?? filename, filename, xamlRoot); } }
public static async Task <BangumiDialog> CreateAsync(BiliBangumi bangumi, XamlRoot xamlRoot) { var model = new BangumiDialogViewModel(); model.VideoTitle = bangumi.Title; //var stream = await NetHelper.HttpGetStreamAsync(bangumi.Cover, null, null); //var file = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalCacheFolder.CreateFileAsync("videocovercache", CreationCollisionOption.GenerateUniqueName); //var fileStream = await file.OpenStreamForWriteAsync(); //await stream.CopyToAsync(fileStream); //stream.Close(); //fileStream.Close(); //var img = new BitmapImage(); //await img.SetSourceAsync((await file.OpenStreamForReadAsync()).AsRandomAccessStream()); var img = new BitmapImage(new Uri(bangumi.Cover)); model.VideoCover = img; var list = bangumi.EpisodeList.Select(v => new VideoInfo() { Info = new BiliVideoInfo() { Bv = v.Bv, Cid = v.Cid, Name = v.Name, CoverUrl = v.Cover }, ToDownload = false, BackGroundColorBrush = bangumi.EpisodeList.IndexOf(v) % 2 == 0 ? new SolidColorBrush(Colors.WhiteSmoke) : new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White) }).ToList(); var i = 1; foreach (var video in list)//添加序号 { video.Info.Name = i + "." + video.Info.Name; i++; } model.VideoList = new ObservableCollection <VideoInfo>(list); return(new BangumiDialog(model, xamlRoot)); }
internal static XamlRoot GetXamlRoot(DependencyObject obj) { XamlRoot xamlRoot = default; if (obj is UIElement e) { xamlRoot = e.XamlRoot; } else if (obj is TextElement te) { xamlRoot = te.XamlRoot; } else if (obj is Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives.FlyoutBase fb) { xamlRoot = fb.XamlRoot; } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("TreeHelper::GetXamlRoot: Can't find XamlRoot for element"); } return(xamlRoot); }
public ShiftsManager(VMLocator vmLocator, XamlRoot xamlRoot) { _vmLocator = vmLocator; _messenger = vmLocator.GetMessenger(); _xamlRoot = xamlRoot; }
public ErrorDialog(string message, XamlRoot xamlRoot) { this.InitializeComponent(); this.messageTextBlock.Text = message; XamlRoot = xamlRoot; }
public static object?GetFocusedElement(XamlRoot xamlRoot) => GetFocusedElementWithRootImpl(xamlRoot);
public void ShowPopup(XamlRoot xamlRoot) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public async static Task <UserDetailModel> ShowLoginDialog(IMessenger messenger, DbUser dbUser, XamlRoot xamlRoot, bool showPassword = true) { var vm = new LoginViewModel(messenger, dbUser, showPassword); var dialog = new Controls.ContentDialog() { XamlRoot = xamlRoot, Content = new Components.Login() { DataContext = vm }, PrimaryButtonText = "asd", CloseButtonText = Localization.GetLocalizedString(LocalizationStrings.CancelButton), DefaultButton = ContentDialogButton.Primary }; return(await dialog.ShowAsync() is ContentDialogResult.Primary ? vm.InsertedUser : null); }
public EditCollectionDetailsDialog(Collection collection, XamlRoot root) { InitializeComponent(); Collection = collection; XamlRoot = root; }
public QRcodeLoginDialog(XamlRoot xamlRoot) { this.InitializeComponent(); token = new CancellationTokenSource(); XamlRoot = xamlRoot; }
public static void SetUIContext(CurrentActiveWindowUIContextService service, UIContext uIContext, XamlRoot xamlRoot) { service.UIContext = uIContext; service.XamlRoot = xamlRoot; }
private async void XamlRoot_Changed(XamlRoot sender, XamlRootChangedEventArgs args) { await UpdateEyedropperWorkAreaAsync(); }