public XamlMember GetNoDotAttributeProperty(XamlType tagType, XamlPropertyName propName, string tagNamespace, string propUsageNamespace, bool tagIsRoot)
            XamlMember xamlAttachableProperty = null;

            if ((propUsageNamespace == tagNamespace) || (((tagNamespace == null) && (propUsageNamespace != null)) && tagType.GetXamlNamespaces().Contains(propUsageNamespace)))
                XamlType rootObjectType = tagIsRoot ? tagType : null;
                xamlAttachableProperty = this.GetXamlProperty(tagType, propName.Name, rootObjectType);
                if (xamlAttachableProperty == null)
                    xamlAttachableProperty = this.GetXamlAttachableProperty(tagType, propName.Name);
            if ((xamlAttachableProperty == null) && (propUsageNamespace != null))
                XamlDirective xamlDirective = this.SchemaContext.GetXamlDirective(propUsageNamespace, propName.Name);
                if (xamlDirective != null)
                    if ((xamlDirective.AllowedLocation & AllowedMemberLocations.Attribute) == AllowedMemberLocations.None)
                        xamlDirective = new XamlDirective(propUsageNamespace, propName.Name);
                    xamlAttachableProperty = xamlDirective;
            if (xamlAttachableProperty != null)
            if (tagNamespace == propUsageNamespace)
                return(new XamlMember(propName.Name, tagType, false));
            return(new XamlDirective(propUsageNamespace, propName.Name));
        void AnalyzePropertyAttr(TypeDefinition typeDef, XamlContext txt, XAttribute attr)
            XamlPropertyName name = XamlPropertyName.Parse(typeDef, attr.Name, txt);

            name.Xmlns = attr.Parent.GetPrefixOfNamespace(name.Xmlns);
            var prop = ResolveProperty(name.TypeDef, name.PropertyName);

            if (prop != null && Assemblies.Contains(prop.DeclaringType.Module.Assembly))
                IXmlLineInfo li   = attr as IXmlLineInfo;
                string       line = txt.lines[li.LineNumber - 1];
                int          end  = line.IndexOf('=', li.LinePosition - 1);
                string       str  = line.Substring(li.LinePosition - 1, end - li.LinePosition + 1);
                var          r    = new XamlPropertyNameReference()
                    Name = name
                txt.refers.Add(new XamlRef()
                    lineNum = li.LineNumber - 1,
                    index   = li.LinePosition - 1,
                    length  = end - li.LinePosition + 1,
                    name    = name,
                    refer   = r
                ((prop as IAnnotationProvider).Annotations[RenRef] as List <IReference>).Add(r);

            if (name.Xmlns == "x" && name.PropertyName == "Class")
                IXmlLineInfo li       = attr as IXmlLineInfo;
                string       line     = txt.lines[li.LineNumber - 1];
                int          start    = line.IndexOf('=', li.LinePosition - 1) + 2;
                int          end      = line.IndexOf(line[start - 1], start);
                string       fullName = line.Substring(start, end - start);

                TypeDefinition type = txt.context.MainModule.GetType(fullName);
                if (type != null)
                    var n = new XamlClrName()
                        Namespace = type.Namespace, Name = type.Name
                    var r = new XamlClrNameReference()
                        Name = n
                    txt.refers.Add(new XamlRef()
                        lineNum = li.LineNumber - 1,
                        index   = start,
                        length  = end - start,
                        name    = n,
                        refer   = r
                    ((type as IAnnotationProvider).Annotations[RenRef] as List <IReference>).Add(r);
 public string GetAttributeNamespace(XamlPropertyName propName, string tagNamespace)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propName.Prefix) && !propName.IsDotted)
        public XamlMember GetDottedProperty(XamlType tagType, string tagNamespace, XamlPropertyName propName, bool tagIsRoot)
            if (tagType == null)
                throw new XamlInternalException(System.Xaml.SR.Get("ParentlessPropertyElement", new object[] { propName.ScopedName }));
            XamlMember xamlAttachableProperty = null;
            XamlType   xamlType = null;
            string     propNs   = this.ResolveXamlNameNS(propName);

            if (propNs == null)
                throw new XamlParseException(System.Xaml.SR.Get("PrefixNotFound", new object[] { propName.Prefix }));
            XamlType rootTagType = tagIsRoot ? tagType : null;
            bool     flag        = false;

            if (tagType.IsGeneric)
                flag = this.PropertyTypeMatchesGenericTagType(tagType, tagNamespace, propNs, propName.OwnerName);
                if (flag)
                    xamlAttachableProperty = this.GetInstanceOrAttachableProperty(tagType, propName.Name, rootTagType);
                    if (xamlAttachableProperty != null)
            XamlTypeName typeName = new XamlTypeName(propNs, propName.Owner.Name);

            xamlType = this.GetXamlType(typeName, true);
            bool flag2 = tagType.CanAssignTo(xamlType);

            if (flag2)
                xamlAttachableProperty = this.GetInstanceOrAttachableProperty(xamlType, propName.Name, rootTagType);
                xamlAttachableProperty = this.GetXamlAttachableProperty(xamlType, propName.Name);
            if (xamlAttachableProperty != null)
            XamlType declaringType = flag ? tagType : xamlType;

            if (flag || flag2)
                return(this.CreateUnknownMember(declaringType, propName.Name));
            return(this.CreateUnknownAttachableMember(declaringType, propName.Name));
        public XamlMember GetNoDotAttributeProperty(XamlType tagType, XamlPropertyName propName,
                                                    string tagNamespace, string propUsageNamespace, bool tagIsRoot)
            XamlMember property = null;

            // workaround: tagNamespace will always be null coming from MeScanner.
            // Second line of if just handles tagNamespace always being null from MEScanner
            // Correct fix is to fix MEScanner and remove second line
            if ((propUsageNamespace == tagNamespace) ||
                (tagNamespace == null && propUsageNamespace != null && tagType.GetXamlNamespaces().Contains(propUsageNamespace)))
                XamlType rootTagType = tagIsRoot ? tagType : null;
                property = GetXamlProperty(tagType, propName.Name, rootTagType);

                // Sometimes Attached properties look like normal properties.
                // [Attribute case] The above lookup fails and fall into here.
                // <Grid> <Grid Row="0"/> </Grid>
                if (property == null)
                    property = GetXamlAttachableProperty(tagType, propName.Name);
            // Not Simple, not Attachable, look for Directives.
            if (property == null && propUsageNamespace != null)
                // A processing attribute like;  x:Key  x:Name
                XamlDirective directive = SchemaContext.GetXamlDirective(propUsageNamespace, propName.Name);
                if (directive != null)
                    if (AllowedMemberLocations.None == (directive.AllowedLocation & AllowedMemberLocations.Attribute))
                        // Need a way to surface up this usage error now that
                        // we don't have UnknownProperty.Exception
                        directive = new XamlDirective(propUsageNamespace, propName.Name);
                    property = directive;
            if (property == null)
                if (tagNamespace == propUsageNamespace)
                    // Unknown simple property
                    property = new XamlMember(propName.Name, tagType, false);
                    // Unknown directive
                    property = new XamlDirective(propUsageNamespace, propName.Name);
        public string GetAttributeNamespace(XamlPropertyName propName, string tagNamespace)
            string ns = null;

            // Get the proper XamlNamespace for the Property
            // If prefix is "" then
            // Normal Properties resolve to the ownerType namespace
            // Attachable properties resolve to the actual "" namespace
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(propName.Prefix) && !propName.IsDotted)
                ns = tagNamespace;
                ns = ResolveXamlNameNS(propName);
        void AnalyzePropertyElem(TypeDefinition typeDef, XamlContext txt, XElement elem)
            XamlPropertyName name = XamlPropertyName.Parse(typeDef, elem.Name, txt);

            name.Xmlns = elem.GetPrefixOfNamespace(name.Xmlns);
            var prop = ResolveProperty(name.TypeDef, name.PropertyName);

            if (prop != null && Assemblies.Contains(prop.DeclaringType.Module.Assembly))
                IXmlLineInfo li   = elem as IXmlLineInfo;
                string       line = txt.lines[li.LineNumber - 1];
                int          end  = line.IndexOf('>', li.LinePosition - 1);
                string       str  = line.Substring(li.LinePosition - 1, end - li.LinePosition + 1);
                var          r    = new XamlPropertyNameReference()
                    Name = name
                txt.refers.Add(new XamlRef()
                    lineNum = li.LineNumber - 1,
                    index   = li.LinePosition - 1,
                    length  = end - li.LinePosition + 1,
                    name    = name,
                    refer   = r
                ((prop as IAnnotationProvider).Annotations[RenRef] as List <IReference>).Add(r);

            foreach (var i in elem.Elements())
                if (i.Name.LocalName.Contains("."))
                    AnalyzePropertyElem(name.TypeDef, txt, i);
                    AnalyzeElement(txt, i);
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves a property of the form 'Foo.Bar' or 'a:Foo.Bar', in
        /// in the context of a parent tag.  The parent tagType may or may not
        /// be covariant with the ownerType.  In the case of dotted attribute
        /// syntax, the namespace my be passed in.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tagType">The xamlType of the enclosing Tag</param>
        /// <param name="tagNamespace">The namespace of the enclosing Tag</param>
        /// <param name="propName">The dotted name of the property</param>
        /// <param name="tagIsRoot">Whether the tag is the root of the document</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public XamlMember GetDottedProperty(XamlType tagType, string tagNamespace, XamlPropertyName propName, bool tagIsRoot)
            if (tagType == null)
                throw new XamlInternalException(SR.Get(SRID.ParentlessPropertyElement, propName.ScopedName));
            XamlMember property  = null;
            XamlType   ownerType = null;
            string     ns        = ResolveXamlNameNS(propName);

            if (ns == null)
                throw new XamlParseException(SR.Get(SRID.PrefixNotFound, propName.Prefix));
            XamlType rootTagType = tagIsRoot ? tagType : null;

            // If we have <foo x:TA=""""/> we want foo in to match the tag
            // type since there is no way to specify generic syntax in dotted property notation
            // If that fails, then we fall back to the non-generic case below.
            bool ownerTypeMatchesGenericTagType = false;

            if (tagType.IsGeneric)
                ownerTypeMatchesGenericTagType = PropertyTypeMatchesGenericTagType(tagType, tagNamespace, ns, propName.OwnerName);
                if (ownerTypeMatchesGenericTagType)
                    property = GetInstanceOrAttachableProperty(tagType, propName.Name, rootTagType);
                    if (property != null)

            // Non-generic case, just resolve using the namespace and name
            XamlTypeName ownerTypeName = new XamlTypeName(ns, propName.Owner.Name);

            ownerType = GetXamlType(ownerTypeName, true);
            bool canAssignTagTypeToOwnerType = tagType.CanAssignTo(ownerType);

            if (canAssignTagTypeToOwnerType)
                property = GetInstanceOrAttachableProperty(ownerType, propName.Name, rootTagType);
                property = GetXamlAttachableProperty(ownerType, propName.Name);
            if (property == null)
                // This is an unknown property.
                // We don't know for sure whether or not it's attachable, so we go with our best guess.
                // If the owner type is same as the generic tag type, or is assignable to the tag type,
                // it's probably not attachable.
                XamlType declaringType = ownerTypeMatchesGenericTagType ? tagType : ownerType;
                if (ownerTypeMatchesGenericTagType || canAssignTagTypeToOwnerType)
                    property = CreateUnknownMember(declaringType, propName.Name);
                    property = CreateUnknownAttachableMember(declaringType, propName.Name);