        public void TestAttachmentDescriptionAssociations()
            DreamMessage msg = null;
            Plug         p   = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            string pageId1, pageId2 = null;

            msg = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out pageId1);
            msg = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out pageId2);

            string description  = null;
            string fileid       = null;
            string filename     = null;
            string propertyEtag = null;
            string propertyName = "urn:deki.mindtouch.com#description";

            //Create initial file rev
            FileUtils.UploadRandomFile(p, pageId1, null, null, out fileid, out filename);

            //set initial file description
            description = "Content r1 on p1";
            msg         = p.At("files", fileid, "properties").WithHeader("Slug", XUri.Encode(propertyName)).PostAsync(DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT_UTF8, description)).Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "POST property got non 200");
            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()["/property/contents"].AsText, description, "Contents don't match!");
            propertyEtag = msg.ToDocument()["/property/@etag"].AsText;

            //Validate intitial file description
            msg = p.At("files", fileid, "info").GetAsync().Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "GET file info returned non 200:" + msg.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(description, msg.ToDocument()["description"].AsText, "Unexpected description");

            //update file description
            description = "Content r1 on p1 updated description 1";
            msg         = p.At("files", fileid, "properties", XUri.DoubleEncode(propertyName)).WithHeader(DreamHeaders.ETAG, propertyEtag).PutAsync(DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT_UTF8, description)).Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "PUT property got non 200");
            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()["/property/contents"].AsText, description, "Contents don't match!");
            propertyEtag = msg.ToDocument()["/property/@etag"].AsText;

            //New file revision
            msg = p.At("pages", pageId1, "files", "=" + filename).PutAsync(DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.ANY_TEXT, "Some content")).Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "File upload failed: " + msg.ToString());

            //Updated file description
            description = "Content r2 on p1";
            msg         = p.At("files", fileid, "properties", XUri.DoubleEncode(propertyName)).WithHeader(DreamHeaders.ETAG, propertyEtag).PutAsync(DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT_UTF8, description)).Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "PUT property got non 200");
            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()["/property/contents"].AsText, description, "Contents don't match!");
            propertyEtag = msg.ToDocument()["/property/@etag"].AsText;

            //Move file
            msg = p.At("files", fileid, "move").With("to", pageId2).Post();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "File move failed:" + msg.ToString());

            //Update file description
            description = "Content r2 on p2";
            msg         = p.At("files", fileid, "properties", XUri.DoubleEncode(propertyName)).WithHeader(DreamHeaders.ETAG, propertyEtag).PutAsync(DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT_UTF8, description)).Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "PUT property got non 200");
            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()["/property/contents"].AsText, description, "Contents don't match!");
            propertyEtag = msg.ToDocument()["/property/@etag"].AsText;
        public void PageRevert()
            // POST:pages/{pageid}/revert
            // http://developer.mindtouch.com/Deki/API_Reference/POST%3apages%2f%2f%7bpageid%7d%2f%2frevert

            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            string       id   = null;
            string       path = null;
            DreamMessage msg  = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out id, out path);

            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(path), "revisions").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);

            string oldContent = "This is an old content";

            PageUtils.SavePage(p, path, oldContent);

            msg = p.At("pages", id, "revisions").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);

            PageUtils.SavePage(p, path, "New content 2");

            p.At("pages", id, "revert").With("fromrevision", -1).Post();

            msg = p.At("pages", id, "contents").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.ToDocument()["body"].AsText == oldContent);

            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, id, true);
        public static DreamMessage SavePage(Plug p,
                                            string parentPath,
                                            string pageTitle,
                                            string content,
                                            string edittime,
                                            out string id,
                                            out string path)
            string title = pageTitle;

            if (parentPath != string.Empty)
                title = parentPath + pageTitle;

            title = "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(title);

            p = p.At("pages", title, "contents");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(edittime))
                p = p.With("edittime", edittime);

            DreamMessage msg = p.PostAsync(DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT_UTF8, content)).Wait();

            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Page creation failed!");
            id   = msg.ToDocument()["page/@id"].AsText;
            path = msg.ToDocument()["page/path"].AsText;
            Assert.IsTrue(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path), "Page path is null!");
            Assert.IsTrue(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id), "Page ID is null!");

        public void PageWithLineBreakInLink()
            // Login as ADMIN
            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            // Creates a page with contents containing a link with a line break
            string       content = "<p>[[http://www.mindtouch.com/|\n<strong>Link Text</strong>\n]]&nbsp;</p>";
            string       id      = null;
            string       path    = null;
            DreamMessage msg     = PageUtils.SavePage(p, string.Empty, PageUtils.GenerateUniquePageName(), content, out id, out path);

            // Retrieve page content
            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(path), "contents").With("mode", "view").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Page contents retrieval failed");
            content = msg.ToDocument()["body"].AsText;

            // Assert link is rendered correctly
            XDoc html = XDocFactory.From("<html>" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(content) + "</html>", MimeType.HTML);

            Assert.IsTrue(1 == html["//a"].ListLength &&
                          "Link Text" == html["//a/strong"].Contents &&
                          "http://www.mindtouch.com/" == html["//a/@href"].Contents, "Link did not render correctly");

            // Delete the page
            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, id, true);
        public void ContentNewUser_PointsToInvalidPage_DefaultUserPageContents()
            // Log in as ADMIN
            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            // Add content/new-user key to point to some bogus page
            SiteUtils.AddConfigKey(p, "content/new-user", Utils.GenerateUniqueName());

            // Create a user
            string userid;
            string username;

            UserUtils.CreateRandomContributor(p, out userid, out username);

            // Retrieve user page contents
            DreamMessage msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode("User:"******"contents").Get(new Result <DreamMessage>()).Wait();

            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Failed to retrieve user page contents");
            string content = msg.ToDocument()["body"].AsText ?? String.Empty;

            // Retrieve default new user page content from resources
            string resource = "MindTouch.Templates.userwelcome.visitor";

            msg = p.At("site", "localization").With("resource", resource).Get(new Result <DreamMessage>()).Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Unable to retrieve resource for string: " + resource);
            string expectedContent = "<p>" + msg.AsText() + "</p>" ?? String.Empty;

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedContent, content, "Unexpected contents");
        public void DeleteComment()
            // DELETE:pages/{pageid}/comments/{commentnumber}
            // http://developer.mindtouch.com/Deki/API_Reference/DELETE%3apages%2f%2f%7bpageid%7d%2f%2fcomments%2f%2f%7bcommentnumber%7d

            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            string       id   = null;
            string       path = null;
            DreamMessage msg  = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out id, out path);

            string       comment = Utils.GetSmallRandomText();
            DreamMessage postMsg = DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT_UTF8, comment);

            msg = p.At("pages", id, "comments").Post(postMsg);
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
            string commentId1 = msg.ToDocument()["@id"].AsText;

            Assert.IsTrue(msg.ToDocument()["content"].AsText == comment);

            msg = p.At("pages", id, "comments", "1").Delete();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);

            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(path), "comments").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.ToDocument()["@count"].AsInt == 0);

            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, id, true);
        public void UploadFile()
            // Acquire ADMIN permissions
            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            // Create a random page
            string       id   = null;
            string       path = null;
            DreamMessage msg  = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out id, out path);

            // Create a file
            string fileName = FileUtils.CreateRamdomFile(null);

            msg      = DreamMessage.FromFile(fileName);
            fileName = XUri.DoubleEncode(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileName));

            // Upload file to page
            msg = p.At("pages", id, "files", "=" + fileName).Put(msg);

            // Assert file upload returned 200 OK HTTP status
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "PUT request failed");

            // Delete the page
            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, id, true);
        public void GetSubpages()
            // GET:pages/{pageid}/subpages
            // http://developer.mindtouch.com/Deki/API_Reference/GET%3apages%2f%2f%7bpageid%7d%2f%2fsubpages

            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            string       id   = null;
            string       path = null;
            DreamMessage msg  = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out id, out path);

            msg = p.At("pages", id, "subpages").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);

            msg = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, path + "/" + Utils.GenerateUniqueName());
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
            string subid = msg.ToDocument()["page/@id"].AsText;


            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(path), "subpages").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
            Assert.IsFalse(msg.ToDocument()[string.Format("page.subpage[@id=\"{0}\"]", subid)].IsEmpty);

            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, id, true);
        public void AllFeeds_Get_Ok()
            // Log in as ADMIN
            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            // Retrieve all feeds and verify OK status returned
            DreamMessage msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode("User:"******"feed").GetAsync().Wait();

            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Failed to retrieve /pages/{pageid}/feed");

            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode("User:"******"feed", "new").GetAsync().Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Failed to retrieve //pages/{pageid}/feed/new");

            msg = p.At("site", "feed").GetAsync().Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Failed to retrieve /site/feed");

            msg = p.At("site", "feed", "new").GetAsync().Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Failed to retrieve /site/feed/new");

            msg = p.At("users", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(USERNAME), "feed").GetAsync().Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Failed to retrieve /users/{userid}/feed");

            msg = p.At("users", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(USERNAME), "favorites", "feed").GetAsync().Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Failed to retrieve /users/{userid}/favorites/feed");
        public void ContentNewUser_PointsToValidPage_UserPageGetsPageContents()
            // Log in as ADMIN
            Plug         p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();
            DreamMessage msg;

            // Create page content/new-user points to
            string content = "test userpage content";
            string pageid;
            string path;

            PageUtils.SavePage(p, String.Empty, PageUtils.GenerateUniquePageName(), content, out pageid, out path);

            // Add content/new-user key
            SiteUtils.AddConfigKey(p, "content/new-user", path);

            // Create a user
            string userid;
            string username;

            UserUtils.CreateRandomContributor(p, out userid, out username);

            // Retrieve a page id. This is to render the template using the "pageid" parameter in the page/{pageid}/contents feature.
            msg = PageUtils.GetPage(p, String.Empty);
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Failed to retrieve home page");
            uint homepageid = msg.ToDocument()["@id"].AsUInt ?? 0;

            Assert.IsTrue(homepageid > 0, "Invalid homepage ID");

            // Retrieve user page contents and verify it matches content
            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode("User:"******"contents").With("pageid", homepageid).Get(new Result <DreamMessage>()).Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Failed to retrieve user page contents");
            Assert.AreEqual(content, msg.ToDocument()["body"].AsText ?? String.Empty, "Unexpected contents");
        public void PageCreate_NameDoesNotEqualTitle_Unlinked()
            // Log in as ADMIN
            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            // Create a page where name != title
            string       path = PageUtils.GenerateUniquePageName();
            DreamMessage msg  = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(path), "contents")
                                .With("title", "unique title")
                                .PostAsync(DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT_UTF8, "Linked test")).Wait();

            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Page creation failed!");

            // Retrieve the page
            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(path)).GetAsync().Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Page retrieval failed!");

            // Check that the page is unlinked (i.e. path/@type attribute == custom)
            string type = msg.ToDocument()["path/@type"].AsText;

            Assert.AreEqual("custom", type, "Page is unlinked!");

            // Delete the page
            PageUtils.DeletePageByName(p, path, true);
        public void PageWithMailToLink()
            // Log in as ADMIN
            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            // Create a page with contents containing and email address
            string       content = "<p>[email protected]</p>";
            string       id      = null;
            string       path    = null;
            DreamMessage msg     = PageUtils.SavePage(p, string.Empty, PageUtils.GenerateUniquePageName(), content, out id, out path);

            // Retrieve page contents
            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(path), "contents").With("mode", "view").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Page content retrieval failed");

            // Assert email link is rendered correctly
            XDoc html = XDocFactory.From("<html>" +
                                         System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(msg.ToDocument()["body"].AsText) +
                                         "</html>", MimeType.HTML);

            Assert.IsTrue("mailto:[email protected]" == html["//a/@href"].AsText, "Link did not render correctly");

            // Delete the page
            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, id, true);
        public static DreamMessage RestrictPage(Plug p, string path, string cascade, string restriction)
            path = "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(path);

            XDoc securityDoc = new XDoc("security");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(restriction))

            //if (userIdGrantsHash != null && userIdGrantsHash.Keys.Count > 0)
            //    x.Start("grants");
            //    foreach (KeyValuePair<int, List<string>> grantsForUser in userIdGrantsHash)
            //    {
            //        foreach (string grant in grantsForUser.Value)
            //        {
            //            x.Start("grant").Start("permissions").Start("role").Value(grant).End().End().Start("user").Attr("id", grantsForUser.Key).End().End();
            //        }
            //    }
            //    x.End();
            DreamMessage msg = p.At("pages", path, "security").WithQuery("cascade=" + cascade).Put(securityDoc);

            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);

        public static DreamMessage GetPage(Plug p, string path, PageContentFilterSettings pageContentFilter)
            path = "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(path);
            DreamMessage msg           = null;
            var          contentFilter = new List <string>();

            if (pageContentFilter.ExcludeOutboundLinks)
            if (pageContentFilter.ExcludeInboundLinks)
            var pagesPlug = p.At("pages", path);

            if (contentFilter.Count > 0)
                pagesPlug = pagesPlug.With("exclude", String.Join(",", contentFilter.ToArray()));
            msg = pagesPlug.GetAsync().Wait();
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.Status == DreamStatus.Ok || msg.Status == DreamStatus.NotFound,
                          string.Format("Unexpected status: {0}", msg.Status));
        public static DreamMessage DeletePageByName(Plug p, string path, bool recurse)
            path = "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(path);
            var msg = p.At("pages", path).WithQuery("recursive=" + recurse.ToString()).DeleteAsync().Wait();

            Assert.IsTrue(msg.IsSuccessful, "Page delete by name failed!");
        public void CommentsForTreeOfPages()
            //  Create tree of pages
            //  Add comment to every page
            //  Try to get all comments
            //Expected result:
            //  All comments received

            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            string baseTreePath = PageUtils.BuildPageTree(p);

            string       commentForA   = Utils.GetSmallRandomText();
            DreamMessage postMsg       = DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT_UTF8, commentForA);
            DreamMessage msg           = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(baseTreePath + "/A"), "comments").Post(postMsg);
            string       commentForAId = msg.ToDocument()["@id"].AsText;

            string commentForB = Utils.GetSmallRandomText();

            postMsg = DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT_UTF8, commentForB);
            msg     = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(baseTreePath + "/A/B"), "comments").Post(postMsg);
            string commentForBId = msg.ToDocument()["@id"].AsText;

            string commentForC = Utils.GetSmallRandomText();

            postMsg = DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT_UTF8, commentForC);
            msg     = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(baseTreePath + "/A/B/C"), "comments").Post(postMsg);
            string commentForCId = msg.ToDocument()["@id"].AsText;

            string commentForD = Utils.GetSmallRandomText();

            postMsg = DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT_UTF8, commentForD);
            msg     = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(baseTreePath + "/A/B/D"), "comments").Post(postMsg);
            string commentForDId = msg.ToDocument()["@id"].AsText;

            string commentForE1 = Utils.GetSmallRandomText();

            postMsg = DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT_UTF8, commentForE1);
            msg     = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(baseTreePath + "/A/E"), "comments").Post(postMsg);
            string commentForE1Id = msg.ToDocument()["@id"].AsText;

            string commentForE2 = Utils.GetSmallRandomText();

            postMsg = DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT_UTF8, commentForE2);
            msg     = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(baseTreePath + "/A/E"), "comments").Post(postMsg);
            string commentForE2Id = msg.ToDocument()["@id"].AsText;

            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(baseTreePath), "comments").With("depth", "infinity").Get();
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.ToDocument()["@count"].AsInt == 6);
            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()[string.Format("comment[@id='{0}']/content", commentForAId)].AsText, commentForA);
            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()[string.Format("comment[@id='{0}']/content", commentForBId)].AsText, commentForB);
            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()[string.Format("comment[@id='{0}']/content", commentForCId)].AsText, commentForC);
            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()[string.Format("comment[@id='{0}']/content", commentForDId)].AsText, commentForD);
            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()[string.Format("comment[@id='{0}']/content", commentForE1Id)].AsText, commentForE1);
            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()[string.Format("comment[@id='{0}']/content", commentForE2Id)].AsText, commentForE2);
        public void TestPrivateAndPostSecurity()
            // Create user with role "Viewer"
            // Admin sets restriction:private on A/* ; grant to user viewer
            // User adds grant for user viewer on A/B/C
            //Expected result:
            // User unable to set the grant

            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            string baseTreePath = PageUtils.BuildPageTree(p);

            string       username = null;
            string       userid   = null;
            DreamMessage msg      = UserUtils.CreateRandomUser(p, "Viewer", out userid, out username);

            XDoc securityDoc = new XDoc("security")
                               .Elem("restriction", "Private")
                               .Elem("role", "Viewer")
                               .Start("user").Attr("id", userid).End()

            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(baseTreePath + "/A"), "security").
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);

            p = Utils.BuildPlugForUser(username, "password");

            securityDoc = new XDoc("security")
                          .Elem("restriction", "Private")
                          .Elem("role", "Contributor")
                          .Start("user").Attr("id", userid).End()

            try {
                msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(baseTreePath + "/A/B/C"), "security").
            } catch (DreamResponseException ex) {
                Assert.IsTrue(ex.Response.Status == DreamStatus.Forbidden);
 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieves the title as the {pageid} parameter for an API call.  The output is double uri encoded.
 /// Ex.  =User:Admin%252fMyPage
 /// </summary>
 public string AsApiParam()
     // returns the title in an {pageid} api consumable form
     if (IsHomepage)
     return("=" + NSAndPathToString(_namespace, XUri.DoubleEncode(AsUnprefixedDbPath())));
        public static DreamMessage MovePage(Plug p, string path, string targetPath)
            path = "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(path);
            DreamMessage msg = p.At("pages", path, "move").With("to", targetPath).Post();

            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Page move failed!");

        public static DreamMessage CreateRandomRole(Plug p, out string name)
            XDoc permissionsDoc = new XDoc("permissions")
                                  .Elem("operations", "READ");

            name = Utils.GenerateUniqueName();

            return(p.At("site", "roles", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(name)).Put(permissionsDoc));
        public void PageCreate_PagePathEncoding_CorrectName()
            // Log in as ADMIN
            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            DreamMessage msg;
            string       pathmeta;
            string       name;

            // Create parent for all encoding test page creations
            string parentid;
            string parentpath;

            PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out parentid, out parentpath);

            // Test cases <Input encoded name, Expected human-readable name>
            // null == BAD REQUEST
            Dictionary <string, string> d = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            d.Add(String.Empty, null);
            d.Add("%2520", null);
            d.Add("test", "test");
            d.Add("foo%2520bar", "foo_bar");
            // TODO: figure out special/edge cases

            // BUG 8051:
            // d.Add("fooo%252520baar", "fooo%20baar");

            // Iterate through every testcase
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> testcase in d)
                // Create page with following path: parentpath/key
                msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(parentpath + "/") + testcase.Key, "contents")
                      .PostAsync(DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT_UTF8, "Page Encoding Test")).Wait();

                // if value is null, assert bad request returned
                if (testcase.Value == null)
                    Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.BadRequest, msg.Status, String.Format("Page creation succeeded for bogus name?!"));
                    Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, String.Format("Page {0} create failed!", testcase.Key));

                    // Retrieve decoded segment and compare it to expected value
                    pathmeta = msg.ToDocument()["page/path"].AsText;
                    name     = pathmeta.Substring(pathmeta.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);

                    Assert.AreEqual(testcase.Value, name, "Path decoded incorrectly");

            // Delete parent page and all children
            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, parentid, true);
        public void CreatingPageByUnbanned()
            // Create user as contributor
            // Ban user
            // Unban user
            // Try to create page from user
            //Expected result:
            // Ok

            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            string       userId   = null;
            string       userName = null;
            DreamMessage msg      = UserUtils.CreateRandomContributor(p, out userId, out userName);

            XDoc ban = new XDoc("bans")
                       .Elem("description", Utils.GetSmallRandomText())
                       .Elem("date.expires", DateTime.Now.AddDays(10))
                       .Elem("operations", banRevokemask)
                       .Start("user").Attr("id", userId).End()

            msg = p.At("site", "bans").Post(ban);
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);

            string banid = msg.ToDocument()["@id"].AsText;


            msg = p.At("site", "bans", banid).Delete();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);

            p = Utils.BuildPlugForUser(userName, UserUtils.DefaultUserPsw);

            string pageTitle = "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(PageUtils.GenerateUniquePageName());
            string content   = Utils.GetSmallRandomText();

            msg = p.At("pages", pageTitle, "contents").With("edittime", Utils.DateToString(DateTime.MinValue)).
                  PostAsync(DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT_UTF8, content)).Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);

            string pageId = msg.ToDocument()["page/@id"].AsText;

            p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();
            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, pageId, true);
        public void Contents_PageWithTalkPage_ManyParameterChanges_CorrectContent()
            // Log in as ADMIN
            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            // Create a page with some content and save edittime
            string       path    = PageUtils.GenerateUniquePageName();
            string       content = "test content";
            string       title   = "test title";
            string       comment = "new page!";
            MimeType     mime    = MimeType.TEXT_UTF8;
            DreamMessage msg     = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(path), "contents")
                                   .With("title", title)
                                   .With("comment", comment)
                                   .Post(DreamMessage.Ok(mime, content), new Result <DreamMessage>()).Wait();

            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Creating page failed");
            msg = PageUtils.GetPage(p, path);
            string edittime = msg.ToDocument()["date.edited"].AsText;

            Assert.IsNotNull(edittime, "No date.edited in page document!");

            // Create a talk page
            string talkid;
            string talkpath;

            PageUtils.CreateTalkPage(p, path, out talkid, out talkpath);

            // Now make some changes
            string lang = "de";

            content = "new test content!";
            comment = "edit page!";
            title   = "new title!";
            mime    = MimeType.TEXT;
            msg     = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(path), "contents")
                      .With("title", title)
                      .With("comment", comment)
                      .With("language", lang)
                      .With("edittime", edittime)
                      .Post(DreamMessage.Ok(mime, content), new Result <DreamMessage>()).Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Editing page contents failed");

            // Verify changes
            msg = PageUtils.GetPage(p, path);
            Assert.AreEqual(title, msg.ToDocument()["title"].AsText ?? String.Empty, "Unexpected title");
            Assert.AreEqual(content, msg.ToDocument()["summary"].AsText ?? String.Empty, "Unexpected content");
            Assert.AreEqual(lang, msg.ToDocument()["properties/language"].AsText ?? String.Empty, "Unexpected language");
            Assert.AreEqual(comment + "; "
                            + "2 words added; "
                            + "page display name changed to '" + title + "'; "
                            + "page language changed to Deutsch", msg.ToDocument()["description"].AsText ?? String.Empty, "Unexpected description");
        public void Contents_BadTitle_Conflict()
            // Log in as ADMIN
            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            // Attempt to save a page with a bad title
            string       path  = PageUtils.GenerateUniquePageName();
            string       title = " ";
            DreamMessage msg   = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(path), "contents").With("title", title).
                                 Post(DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT_UTF8, "test content"), new Result <DreamMessage>()).Wait();

            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Conflict, msg.Status, "Saving page with invalid title succeeded?!");
        public static DreamMessage CreateTalkPage(Plug p, string pagepath, out string talkid, out string talkpath)
            talkpath = "Talk:" + pagepath;
            DreamMessage msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(talkpath), "contents").
                               Post(DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT_UTF8, "test talk page"), new Result <DreamMessage>()).Wait();

            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Talk page creation failed");
            talkid   = msg.ToDocument()["page/@id"].AsText ?? String.Empty;
            talkpath = msg.ToDocument()["page/path"].AsText ?? String.Empty;
            Assert.IsTrue(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(talkpath), "Page path is null!");
            Assert.IsTrue(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(talkid), "Page ID is null!");
        public static DreamMessage CreatePageWithNamespace(Plug p, string name_space, out string id, out string path)
            path = name_space + ":" + PageUtils.GenerateUniquePageName();
            DreamMessage msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(path), "contents").
                               Post(DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT_UTF8, "test talk page"), new Result <DreamMessage>()).Wait();

            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, name_space + " page creation failed");
            id   = msg.ToDocument()["page/@id"].AsText ?? String.Empty;
            path = msg.ToDocument()["page/path"].AsText ?? String.Empty;
            Assert.IsTrue(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path), "Page path is null!");
            Assert.IsTrue(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id), "Page ID is null!");
        public void InvokeNoUSCTemplateWithUnsafeContent()
            // Create a contributor
            string       userid;
            string       username;
            DreamMessage msg = UserUtils.CreateRandomContributor(Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin(), out userid, out username);
            Plug         p   = Utils.BuildPlugForUser(username, "password");

            // Check that user does not have USC permissions
            Assert.IsFalse((msg.ToDocument()["permissions.effective/operations"].AsText ?? "UNSAFECONTENT").Contains("UNSAFECONTENT"), "Created user has UNSAFECONTENT permissions");

            // Create a template with unsafe content
            string safe_content     = "This is a template";
            string unsafe_content   = "<p><script type=\"text/javascript\">document.write(\"With unsafe content\");</script></p>";
            string template_content = safe_content + unsafe_content;
            string template_name    = "test" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
            string template_path    = "Template:" + template_name;

            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(template_path), "contents")
                  .Post(DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT_UTF8, template_content), new Result <DreamMessage>()).Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Template page creation failed!");

            // Log in as ADMIN
            p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            // There are 3 different dekiscript methods to invoke templates
            string[] template_call = new string[] { "<pre class=\"script\">Template('" + template_name + "');</pre>",
                                                    "<pre class=\"script\">Template." + template_name + "();</pre>",
                                                    "<pre class=\"script\">wiki.Template('" + template_name + "');</pre>" };

            // Create page that calls template
            string page_id;
            string page_path;

            PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out page_id, out page_path);

            for (int i = 0; i < template_call.Length; i++)
                // Use template_call[i] as page contents
                msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(page_path), "contents")
                      .With("edittime", String.Format("{0:yyyyMMddHHmmss}", DateTime.Now))
                      .Post(DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT_UTF8, template_call[i]), new Result <DreamMessage>()).Wait();

                // Retrieve page contents. Expected only safe content present
                msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(page_path), "contents").Get(new Result <DreamMessage>()).Wait();
                Assert.AreEqual(safe_content, msg.ToDocument()["body"].AsText ?? String.Empty, "Unexpected contents");

            // Clean up
            PageUtils.DeletePageByName(p, template_path, true);
        private string ComputeSpaceRootPath(string basePath, RemoteSpaceSummary space, string teamlabel)
            string ret = string.Empty;

            if (space.type == ConfluencePersonalSpaceTypeName)
                //Personal space path. Confluence uses "~username" as key of personal space
                string userName              = space.key.Substring(1);
                string dekiUserName          = userName;
                ACConverterUserInfo userInfo = null;
                if (_convertedUsers.TryGetValue(userName.ToLower(), out userInfo))
                    dekiUserName = userInfo.DekiUserName;

                ret = basePath;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(basePath))
                    ret += XUri.DoubleEncode("/");
                //append team label path here if it exists
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(teamlabel))
                    ret += Utils.DoubleUrlEncode(teamlabel + "/");

                ret = Utils.DoubleUrlEncode(Utils.GetDekiUserPageByUserName(dekiUserName));
                // Global space path
                ret = basePath;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(basePath))
                    ret += XUri.DoubleEncode("/");
                //append team label path here if it exists
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(teamlabel))
                    //there is already a slash at the end of the ret so no need to add it
                    // if (( ret.Length == 0) || (ret.LastIndexOf('/') != ret.Length))
                    //    ret += XUri.DoubleEncode("/");
                    ret += Utils.DoubleUrlEncode(teamlabel + "/");
                ret += Utils.DoubleUrlEncode(space.key);
        public void GetPageProperties()
            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            string       id   = null;
            string       path = null;
            DreamMessage msg  = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out id, out path);

            msg = p.At("pages", id, "properties").GetAsync().Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);

            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(path), "properties").GetAsync().Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);

            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, id, true);
        public void GetPageDiffWithoutTags()
            // 1. Create a page with some content
            // 2. Retrieve revisions list
            // (3) Assert revisions list is populated
            // 4. Save page with some new content
            // 5. Retrieve revisions list
            // (6) Assret revisions list is populated
            // 7. Perform a diff
            // (8) Assert diff result matches expected diff
            // 9. Delete the page

            // GET:pages/{pageid}/revisions
            // http://developer.mindtouch.com/Deki/API_Reference/GET%3apages%2f%2f%7bpageid%7d%2f%2frevisions

            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            string content = "This is test content";

            string       id   = null;
            string       path = null;
            DreamMessage msg  = PageUtils.SavePage(p, string.Empty,
                                                   PageUtils.GenerateUniquePageName(), content, out id, out path);

            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(path), "revisions").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Page revisions retrieval failed (1)");
            Assert.IsFalse(msg.ToDocument()["page"].IsEmpty, "Page revisions list is empty?! (1)");

            PageUtils.SavePage(p, path, "New content");

            msg = p.At("pages", id, "revisions").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Page revisions retrieval failed (2)");
            Assert.IsFalse(msg.ToDocument()["page"].IsEmpty, "Page revisions list is empty?! (2)");

            // GET:pages/{pageid}/diff
            // http://developer.mindtouch.com/Deki/API_Reference/GET%3apages%2f%2f%7bpageid%7d%2f%2fdiff

            msg = p.At("pages", id, "diff").With("revision", "head").With("previous", -1).Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "diff generation failed");
            string diff = "<ins>New</ins><del>This is test</del> content";

            Assert.AreEqual(diff, msg.ToDocument().Contents, "diff result does not match expected result");

            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, id, true);