        /// <summary>
        /// 删除
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string DelData()
            string ids  = Request.Form["BMBM"];
            string dwbm = Request.Form["DWBM"];

            string[] id = ids.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            ids = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < id.Length; i++)
                ids += "'" + id[i].Trim() + "'";
                if (i < id.Length - 1)
                    ids += ",";
            XT_ZZJG_BMBM bll = new XT_ZZJG_BMBM(this.Request);

            //string where = " and SFSC='N' and FBMBM in (" + ids + ")";
            //if (bll.GetRecordCount(" and SFSC='N' and FBMBM in (" + ids + ")") == 0)
            if (bll.GetBmbmCount(dwbm, ids) == 0)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dwbm) && bll.DeleteListLogic(ids, "'" + dwbm + "'"))
                    OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.部门管理Web, "删除部门成功", Request.Form["bmmc"], UserInfo, UserRole, this.Request);
                    return(ReturnString.JsonToString(Prompt.win, "删除数据成功", null));
                OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.部门管理Web, "删除部门失败", Request.Form["bmmc"], UserInfo, UserRole, this.Request);
                return(ReturnString.JsonToString(Prompt.error, "删除数据失败", null));
            OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.部门管理Web, "未找到删除部门信息", Request.Form["bmmc"], UserInfo, UserRole, this.Request);
            return(ReturnString.JsonToString(Prompt.error, "该部门正在被使用,无法删除!", null));