public void CalcNav(DateTime now, bool bypassComm = false) { #region Primitives if (rmc_received || bypassComm) { LAT.Val = lat; LON.Val = lon; SOG.Val = sog; COG.Val = cog; LAT.SetValid(now); LON.SetValid(now); SOG.SetValid(now); COG.SetValid(now); RMC_received_Timer.Start(); } if (vhw_received || bypassComm) { SPD.Val = spd; SPD.SetValid(now); } if (dpt_received || bypassComm) { DPT.Val = dpt; DPT.SetValid(now); } if (mwv_received || bypassComm) { AWA.Val = awa; AWS.Val = aws; AWA.SetValid(now); AWS.SetValid(now); } if (mtw_received || bypassComm) { TEMP.Val = temp; TEMP.SetValid(now); } if (hdg_received || bypassComm) { double mv = Properties.Settings.Default.MagVar; //default if (mvar2 != 0) { mv = mvar2; //From HDG } if (mvar1 != 0) { mv = mvar1; //From RMC } MVAR.Val = mv; MVAR.SetValid(now); if (bypassComm) { mv = 0; // heading from log file is "true heading" no need for correction } HDT.Val = hdg + mv; HDT.SetValid(now); } #endregion #region Position, Leg bearing, distance, XTE and VMG if (LAT.IsValid() && LON.IsValid()) { POS.Val.Latitude = LAT.Val; POS.Val.Longitude = LON.Val; POS.SetValid(now); } else { POS.Invalidate(); } if (ActiveLeg != null) { LWLAT.Val = ActiveLeg.FromLocation.Latitude; LWLAT.SetValid(now); LWLON.Val = ActiveLeg.FromLocation.Longitude; LWLON.SetValid(now); LWPT.Val.str = ActiveLeg.FromMark.Name; LWPT.SetValid(now); } else { LWLAT.Invalidate(); LWLON.Invalidate(); LWPT.Invalidate(); } if (!bypassComm || replayLog) { if (ActiveMark != null && POS.IsValid()) { WLAT.Val = ActiveMark.Location.Latitude; WLAT.SetValid(now); WLON.Val = ActiveMark.Location.Longitude; WLON.SetValid(now); WPT.Val.str = ActiveMark.Name; WPT.SetValid(now); BRG.Val = CalcBearing(LAT.Val, LON.Val, WLAT.Val, WLON.Val); BRG.SetValid(now); DST.Val = CalcDistance(LAT.Val, LON.Val, WLAT.Val, WLON.Val) / 1852; DST.SetValid(now); } else { WLAT.Invalidate(); WLON.Invalidate(); WPT.Invalidate(); BRG.IsValid(); DST.IsValid(); } } if (WPT.IsValid() && LWPT.IsValid()) { LEGBRG.Val = CalcBearing(LWLAT.Val, LWLON.Val, WLAT.Val, WLON.Val); LEGBRG.SetValid(now); } else { if (LEGBRG.IsValid()) { LEGBRG.Invalidate(); } } if (LWPT.IsValid()) { XTE.Val = Math.Asin(Math.Sin(DST.Val * 1.852 / 6371) * Math.Sin((BRG.Val - LEGBRG.Val) * Math.PI / 180)) * 6371 / 1.852; XTE.SetValid(now); } else if (XTE.IsValid()) { XTE.Invalidate(); } if (SOG.IsValid() && BRG.IsValid()) { VMGWPT.Val = SOG.Val * Math.Cos((COG.Val - BRG.Val) * Math.PI / 180); VMGWPT.SetValid(now); } else { if (VMGWPT.IsValid()) { VMGWPT.Invalidate(); } } #endregion #region True Wind if (AWA.IsValid() && SPD.IsValid()) { double Dx = AWS.Val * Math.Cos(AWA.Val * Math.PI / 180) - SPD.Val; double Dy = AWS.Val * Math.Sin(AWA.Val * Math.PI / 180); TWS.Val = Math.Sqrt(Dx * Dx + Dy * Dy); TWS.SetValid(now); TWA.Val = Math.Atan2(Dy, Dx) * 180 / Math.PI; TWA.SetValid(now); VMG.Val = SPD.Val * Math.Cos(TWA.Val * Math.PI / 180); VMG.SetValid(now); } else { if (TWS.IsValid()) { TWS.Invalidate(); } if (TWA.IsValid()) { TWA.Invalidate(); } if (VMG.IsValid()) { VMG.Invalidate(); } } if (TWS.IsValid() && HDT.IsValid()) { TWD.Val = HDT.Val + TWA.Val; TWD.SetValid(now); } else { if (TWD.IsValid()) { TWD.Invalidate(); } } #endregion #region Heel //if (AWA.IsValid() && SPD.IsValid()) //{ // double k = 7, // a = 2, // b = 200, // c = 1.5; // var awa = Math.Abs(AWA.Val); // var aws = AWS.Val; // HEEL.Val = k * awa * Math.Pow(aws, c) / (Math.Pow(awa, a) + b); // if (HEEL.Val > 45) HEEL.Val = 45; // HEEL.SetValid(now); //} //else //{ // if (HEEL.IsValid()) // HEEL.Invalidate(); //} #endregion #region Drift if (SOG.IsValid() && COG.IsValid() && HDT.IsValid()) { double Dx = SOG.Val * Math.Cos(COG.Val * Math.PI / 180) - SPD.Val * Math.Cos(HDT.Val * Math.PI / 180); double Dy = SOG.Val * Math.Sin(COG.Val * Math.PI / 180) - SPD.Val * Math.Sin(HDT.Val * Math.PI / 180); DRIFT.Val = Math.Sqrt(Dx * Dx + Dy * Dy); DRIFT.SetValid(now); SET.Val = Math.Atan2(Dy, Dx) * 180 / Math.PI; SET.SetValid(now); } else { if (DRIFT.IsValid()) { DRIFT.Invalidate(); } if (SET.IsValid()) { SET.Invalidate(); } } #endregion #region Performance if (BRG.IsValid() && TWD.IsValid() && SPD.IsValid() && NavPolar.IsLoaded) { double Angle = Math.Abs((TWD.Val - BRG.Val) % 360); if (Angle > 180) { Angle = 360 - Angle; } PolarPoint pb = NavPolar.GetBeatTarget(TWS.Average(Inst.BufHalfMin)); PolarPoint pr = NavPolar.GetRunTarget(TWS.Average(Inst.BufHalfMin)); if (Math.Abs(Angle) <= pb.TWA) // Beating { TGTSPD.Val = pb.SPD; TGTSPD.SetValid(now); TGTTWA.Val = pb.TWA; TGTTWA.SetValid(now); PERF.Val = VMG.Val / (pb.SPD * Math.Cos(pb.TWA * Math.PI / 180)); PERF.SetValid(now); sailingMode = SailingMode.Beating; } if (Math.Abs(Angle) < pr.TWA && Math.Abs(Angle) > pb.TWA) // Reaching { TGTSPD.Val = NavPolar.GetTarget(Math.Abs(TWA.Average(Inst.BufHalfMin)), TWS.Average(Inst.BufHalfMin)); TGTSPD.SetValid(now); TGTTWA.Val = Math.Abs(TWA.Val); TGTTWA.SetValid(now); PERF.Val = SPD.Val / TGTSPD.Val; if (VMGWPT.Val < 0) { PERF.Val = -PERF.Val; } PERF.SetValid(now); sailingMode = SailingMode.Reaching; } if (Math.Abs(Angle) >= pr.TWA) // Running { TGTSPD.Val = pr.SPD; TGTSPD.SetValid(now); TGTTWA.Val = pr.TWA; TGTTWA.SetValid(now); PERF.Val = VMG.Val / (pr.SPD * Math.Cos(pr.TWA * Math.PI / 180)); PERF.SetValid(now); sailingMode = SailingMode.Running; } } else { if (TGTSPD.IsValid()) { TGTSPD.Invalidate(); } if (TGTTWA.IsValid()) { TGTTWA.Invalidate(); } if (PERF.IsValid()) { PERF.Invalidate(); } sailingMode = SailingMode.None; } #endregion #region Line if (p1_set && p2_set && LAT.IsValid() && HDT.IsValid()) { double p3_lat = LAT.Val, p3_lon = LON.Val; if (Properties.Settings.Default.GPSoffsetToBow != 0) { CalcPosition(LAT.Val, LON.Val, Properties.Settings.Default.GPSoffsetToBow, HDT.Val, ref p3_lat, ref p3_lon); } double brg32 = CalcBearing(p3_lat, p3_lon, p2_lat, p2_lon); double dst32 = CalcDistance(p3_lat, p3_lon, p2_lat, p2_lon); LINEDST.Val = dst32 * Math.Sin((linebrg - brg32) * Math.PI / 180); LINEDST.SetValid(now); } else { if (LINEDST.IsValid()) { LINEDST.Invalidate(); } } #endregion #region Route nav if (!bypassComm) { if (ActiveMark != null && DST.IsValid() && !ManOverBoard) { if (DST.Val <= Properties.Settings.Default.WptProximity) { (new SoundPlayer(@".\Sounds\BELL7.WAV")).PlaySync(); if (ActiveLeg != null) { if (ActiveLeg.NextLeg != null) { ActiveLeg = ActiveLeg.NextLeg; ActiveMark = ActiveLeg.ToMark; } else { ActiveMark = null; ActiveLeg = null; ActiveRoute = null; } } else { ActiveMark = null; } } } } if (ActiveRoute != null) { if (ActiveLeg.NextLeg != null && TWD.IsValid()) { NTWA.Val = TWD.Average(Inst.BufTwoMin) - ActiveLeg.NextLeg.Bearing; NTWA.SetValid(); } else { NTWA.Invalidate(); } } #endregion #region Laylines //if (DRIFT.IsValid() && PERF.IsValid() && TWD.IsValid()) //{ // double relset = SET.Average(Inst.BufTenMin) - TWD.Average(Inst.BufHalfMin); // double dxs = TGTSPD.Average(Inst.BufHalfMin) * Math.Cos(TGTTWA.Average(Inst.BufHalfMin) * Math.PI / 180) + DRIFT.Average(Inst.BufTenMin) * Math.Cos(relset * Math.PI / 180); // double dys = TGTSPD.Average(Inst.BufHalfMin) * Math.Sin(TGTTWA.Average(Inst.BufHalfMin) * Math.PI / 180) + DRIFT.Average(Inst.BufTenMin) * Math.Sin(relset * Math.PI / 180); // TGTCOGs.Val = Math.Atan2(dys, dxs) * 180 / Math.PI + TWD.Average(Inst.BufHalfMin); // TGTCOGs.SetValid(now); // TGTSOGs.Val = Math.Sqrt(dxs * dxs + dys * dys); // TGTSOGs.SetValid(now); // double dxp = TGTSPD.Average(Inst.BufHalfMin) * Math.Cos(-TGTTWA.Average(Inst.BufHalfMin) * Math.PI / 180) + DRIFT.Average(Inst.BufTenMin) * Math.Cos(relset * Math.PI / 180); // double dyp = TGTSPD.Average(Inst.BufHalfMin) * Math.Sin(-TGTTWA.Average(Inst.BufHalfMin) * Math.PI / 180) + DRIFT.Average(Inst.BufTenMin) * Math.Sin(relset * Math.PI / 180); // TGTCOGp.Val = Math.Atan2(dyp, dxp) * 180 / Math.PI + TWD.Average(Inst.BufHalfMin); // TGTCOGp.SetValid(now); // TGTSOGp.Val = Math.Sqrt(dxp * dxp + dyp * dyp); // TGTSOGp.SetValid(now); //} //else //{ // if (TGTCOGs.IsValid()) // TGTCOGs.Invalidate(); // if (TGTSOGs.IsValid()) // TGTSOGs.Invalidate(); // if (TGTCOGp.IsValid()) // TGTCOGp.Invalidate(); // if (TGTSOGp.IsValid()) // TGTSOGp.Invalidate(); //} #endregion }
public void SendNMEA() { string message; // Build HDG Sentence **************************************************************************************** if (HDT.IsValid()) // Implies MVAR is valid too { string mv; if (MVAR.Val > 0) { mv = "E"; } else { mv = "W"; } double hdg = (HDT.Val - MVAR.Val + 360) % 360; message = "IIHDG," + hdg.ToString("0.#") + ",,," + Math.Abs(MVAR.Val).ToString("0.#") + "," + mv; int checksum = 0; foreach (char c in message) { checksum ^= Convert.ToByte(c); } message = "$" + message + "*" + checksum.ToString("X2") + "\r\n"; if (Properties.Settings.Default.HeadingSentence.OutPort1) { if (SerialPort1.IsOpen) { SerialPort1.WriteLine(message); } } if (Properties.Settings.Default.HeadingSentence.OutPort2) { if (SerialPort2.IsOpen) { SerialPort2.WriteLine(message); } } if (Properties.Settings.Default.HeadingSentence.OutPort3) { if (SerialPort3.IsOpen) { SerialPort3.WriteLine(message); } } if (Properties.Settings.Default.HeadingSentence.OutPort4) { if (SerialPort4.IsOpen) { SerialPort4.WriteLine(message); } } } // Build MWV Sentence **************************************************************************************** if (AWA.IsValid()) { message = "IIMWV," + ((AWA.Val + 360) % 360).ToString("0") + ",R," + AWS.Val.ToString("0.#") + ",N,A"; int checksum = 0; foreach (char c in message) { checksum ^= Convert.ToByte(c); } message = "$" + message + "*" + checksum.ToString("X2") + "\r\n"; if (Properties.Settings.Default.AppWindSentence.OutPort1) { if (SerialPort1.IsOpen) { SerialPort1.WriteLine(message); } } if (Properties.Settings.Default.AppWindSentence.OutPort2) { if (SerialPort2.IsOpen) { SerialPort2.WriteLine(message); } } if (Properties.Settings.Default.AppWindSentence.OutPort3) { if (SerialPort3.IsOpen) { SerialPort3.WriteLine(message); } } if (Properties.Settings.Default.AppWindSentence.OutPort4) { if (SerialPort4.IsOpen) { SerialPort4.WriteLine(message); } } } // Build VHW Sentence **************************************************************************************** if (SPD.IsValid()) { string hdg; if (HDT.IsValid()) { hdg = HDT.Val.ToString("0") + ",T,,M,"; } else { hdg = ",T,,M,"; } message = "IIVHW," + hdg + SPD.Val.ToString("0.##") + ",N,,K"; int checksum = 0; foreach (char c in message) { checksum ^= Convert.ToByte(c); } message = "$" + message + "*" + checksum.ToString("X2") + "\r\n"; if (Properties.Settings.Default.HullSpeedSentence.OutPort1) { if (SerialPort1.IsOpen) { SerialPort1.WriteLine(message); } } if (Properties.Settings.Default.HullSpeedSentence.OutPort2) { if (SerialPort2.IsOpen) { SerialPort2.WriteLine(message); } } if (Properties.Settings.Default.HullSpeedSentence.OutPort3) { if (SerialPort3.IsOpen) { SerialPort3.WriteLine(message); } } if (Properties.Settings.Default.HullSpeedSentence.OutPort4) { if (SerialPort4.IsOpen) { SerialPort4.WriteLine(message); } } } // Build DPT Sentence **************************************************************************************** if (DPT.IsValid()) { message = "IIDPT," + DPT.Val.ToString("0.#") + ",0"; int checksum = 0; foreach (char c in message) { checksum ^= Convert.ToByte(c); } message = "$" + message + "*" + checksum.ToString("X2") + "\r\n"; if (Properties.Settings.Default.DepthSentence.OutPort1) { if (SerialPort1.IsOpen) { SerialPort1.WriteLine(message); } } if (Properties.Settings.Default.DepthSentence.OutPort2) { if (SerialPort2.IsOpen) { SerialPort2.WriteLine(message); } } if (Properties.Settings.Default.DepthSentence.OutPort3) { if (SerialPort3.IsOpen) { SerialPort3.WriteLine(message); } } if (Properties.Settings.Default.DepthSentence.OutPort4) { if (SerialPort4.IsOpen) { SerialPort4.WriteLine(message); } } } // Build RMC Sentence **************************************************************************************** if (COG.IsValid()) // Implies SOG, LAT and LON are also valid { DateTime UTC = DateTime.UtcNow; string hms = UTC.Hour.ToString("00") + UTC.Minute.ToString("00") + UTC.Second.ToString("00"); string date = UTC.Date.Day.ToString("00") + UTC.Date.Month.ToString("00") + UTC.Date.Year.ToString().Substring(2, 2); double deg, min; string cd; deg = Math.Abs(Math.Truncate(LAT.Val)); min = (Math.Abs(LAT.Val) - deg) * 60; if (LAT.Val > 0) { cd = "N"; } else { cd = "S"; } string lat = deg.ToString("000") + min.ToString("00.###") + "," + cd; deg = Math.Abs(Math.Truncate(LON.Val)); min = (Math.Abs(LON.Val) - deg) * 60; if (LON.Val > 0) { cd = "E"; } else { cd = "W"; } string lon = deg.ToString("000") + min.ToString("00.###") + "," + cd; if (MVAR.Val > 0) { cd = "E"; } else { cd = "W"; } double cog = (COG.Val + 360) % 360; message = "IIRMC," + hms + ",A," + lat + "," + lon + "," + SOG.Val.ToString("#.##") + "," + cog.ToString("0.#") + "," + date + "," + Math.Abs(MVAR.Val).ToString("0.#") + "," + cd + ",A"; int checksum = 0; foreach (char c in message) { checksum ^= Convert.ToByte(c); } message = "$" + message + "*" + checksum.ToString("X2") + "\r\n"; if (Properties.Settings.Default.NavSentence.OutPort1) { if (SerialPort1.IsOpen) { SerialPort1.WriteLine(message); } } if (Properties.Settings.Default.NavSentence.OutPort2) { if (SerialPort2.IsOpen) { SerialPort2.WriteLine(message); } } if (Properties.Settings.Default.NavSentence.OutPort3) { if (SerialPort3.IsOpen) { SerialPort3.WriteLine(message); } } if (Properties.Settings.Default.NavSentence.OutPort4) { if (SerialPort4.IsOpen) { SerialPort4.WriteLine(message); } } } // Build RMB Sentence **************************************************************************************** if (WPT.IsValid()) // Implies BRG and DST are also valid { string xte = ",,"; string owpt = ","; if (XTE.IsValid()) { if (XTE.Val > 0) { xte = XTE.Val.ToString("0.##") + ",R,"; } else { xte = Math.Abs(XTE.Val).ToString("0.##") + ",L,"; } owpt = LWPT.FormattedValue + ","; } double brg = (BRG.Val + 360) % 360; message = "IIRMB,A," + xte + owpt + WPT.FormattedValue + ",,,,," + DST.Val.ToString("0.##") + "," + brg.ToString("0.#") + "," + VMGWPT.Val.ToString("0.##") + ",,A"; int checksum = 0; foreach (char c in message) { checksum ^= Convert.ToByte(c); } message = "$" + message + "*" + checksum.ToString("X2") + "\r\n"; if (Properties.Settings.Default.RouteSentence.OutPort1) { if (SerialPort1.IsOpen) { SerialPort1.WriteLine(message); } } if (Properties.Settings.Default.RouteSentence.OutPort2) { if (SerialPort2.IsOpen) { SerialPort2.WriteLine(message); } } if (Properties.Settings.Default.RouteSentence.OutPort3) { if (SerialPort3.IsOpen) { SerialPort3.WriteLine(message); } } if (Properties.Settings.Default.RouteSentence.OutPort4) { if (SerialPort4.IsOpen) { SerialPort4.WriteLine(message); } } } // Build MTW Sentence **************************************************************************************** if (TEMP.IsValid()) { message = "IIMTW," + TEMP.Val.ToString("0.#") + ",C"; int checksum = 0; foreach (char c in message) { checksum ^= Convert.ToByte(c); } message = "$" + message + "*" + checksum.ToString("X2") + "\r\n"; if (Properties.Settings.Default.WaterTempSentence.OutPort1) { if (SerialPort1.IsOpen) { SerialPort1.WriteLine(message); } } if (Properties.Settings.Default.WaterTempSentence.OutPort2) { if (SerialPort2.IsOpen) { SerialPort2.WriteLine(message); } } if (Properties.Settings.Default.WaterTempSentence.OutPort3) { if (SerialPort3.IsOpen) { SerialPort3.WriteLine(message); } } if (Properties.Settings.Default.WaterTempSentence.OutPort4) { if (SerialPort4.IsOpen) { SerialPort4.WriteLine(message); } } } // Build PTAK4 Sentence **************************************************************************************** if (LINEDST.IsValid()) { string message4; message4 = "PTAK,FFD4," + LINEDST.Val.ToString("0"); int checksum = 0; foreach (char c in message4) { checksum ^= Convert.ToByte(c); } message4 = "$" + message4 + "*" + checksum.ToString("X2") + "\r\n"; if (Properties.Settings.Default.TacktickPerformanceSentence.OutPort1) { if (SerialPort1.IsOpen) { SerialPort1.WriteLine(message4); } } if (Properties.Settings.Default.TacktickPerformanceSentence.OutPort2) { if (SerialPort2.IsOpen) { SerialPort2.WriteLine(message4); } } if (Properties.Settings.Default.TacktickPerformanceSentence.OutPort3) { if (SerialPort3.IsOpen) { SerialPort3.WriteLine(message4); } } if (Properties.Settings.Default.TacktickPerformanceSentence.OutPort4) { if (SerialPort4.IsOpen) { SerialPort4.WriteLine(message4); } } } }
public void BuildNMEASentences() { string message; // #CommRework - All primitive NMEA sentences are relayed inmeditely //// Build HDG Sentence **************************************************************************************** //if (HDT.IsValid()) // Implies MVAR is valid too //{ // string mv; // if (MVAR.Val > 0) // mv = "E"; // else // mv = "W"; // double hdg = (HDT.Val - MVAR.Val + 360) % 360; // message = "IIHDG," + hdg.ToString("0.#") + ",,," + Math.Abs(MVAR.Val).ToString("0.#") + "," + mv; // int checksum = 0; // foreach (char c in message) // checksum ^= Convert.ToByte(c); // message = "$" + message + "*" + checksum.ToString("X2") + "\r\n"; // if (Properties.Settings.Default.HeadingSentence.OutPort1) // if (SerialPort1.IsOpen) // WriteSerial(1,message); // if (Properties.Settings.Default.HeadingSentence.OutPort2) // if (SerialPort2.IsOpen) // WriteSerial(2,message); // if (Properties.Settings.Default.HeadingSentence.OutPort3) // if (SerialPort3.IsOpen) // WriteSerial(3,message); // if (Properties.Settings.Default.HeadingSentence.OutPort4) // if (SerialPort4.IsOpen) // WriteSerial(4,message); //} //// Build MWV Sentence **************************************************************************************** //if (AWA.IsValid()) //{ // message = "IIMWV," + ((AWA.Val+360)%360).ToString("0") + ",R," + AWS.Val.ToString("0.#") + ",N,A"; // int checksum = 0; // foreach (char c in message) // checksum ^= Convert.ToByte(c); // message = "$" + message + "*" + checksum.ToString("X2") + "\r\n"; // if (Properties.Settings.Default.AppWindSentence.OutPort1) // if(SerialPort1.IsOpen) // WriteSerial(1,message); // if (Properties.Settings.Default.AppWindSentence.OutPort2) // if (SerialPort2.IsOpen) // WriteSerial(2,message); // if (Properties.Settings.Default.AppWindSentence.OutPort3) // if (SerialPort3.IsOpen) // WriteSerial(3,message); // if (Properties.Settings.Default.AppWindSentence.OutPort4) // if (SerialPort4.IsOpen) // WriteSerial(4,message); //} //// Build VHW Sentence **************************************************************************************** //if (SPD.IsValid()) //{ // string hdg; // if (HDT.IsValid()) // hdg = HDT.Val.ToString("0") + ",T,,M,"; // else // hdg = ",T,,M,"; // message = "IIVHW," + hdg + SPD.Val.ToString("0.##") + ",N,,K"; // int checksum = 0; // foreach (char c in message) // checksum ^= Convert.ToByte(c); // message = "$" + message + "*" + checksum.ToString("X2") + "\r\n"; // if (Properties.Settings.Default.HullSpeedSentence.OutPort1) // if (SerialPort1.IsOpen) // WriteSerial(1,message); // if (Properties.Settings.Default.HullSpeedSentence.OutPort2) // if (SerialPort2.IsOpen) // WriteSerial(2,message); // if (Properties.Settings.Default.HullSpeedSentence.OutPort3) // if (SerialPort3.IsOpen) // WriteSerial(3,message); // if (Properties.Settings.Default.HullSpeedSentence.OutPort4) // if (SerialPort4.IsOpen) // WriteSerial(4,message); //} //// Build DPT Sentence **************************************************************************************** //if (DPT.IsValid()) //{ // message = "IIDPT,"+DPT.Val.ToString("0.#")+",0"; // //message = "IIDPT,25.4,0"; // int checksum = 0; // foreach (char c in message) // checksum ^= Convert.ToByte(c); // message = "$" + message + "*" + checksum.ToString("X2") + "\r\n"; // if (Properties.Settings.Default.DepthSentence.OutPort1) // if (SerialPort1.IsOpen) // WriteSerial(1,message); // if (Properties.Settings.Default.DepthSentence.OutPort2) // if (SerialPort2.IsOpen) // WriteSerial(2,message); // if (Properties.Settings.Default.DepthSentence.OutPort3) // if (SerialPort3.IsOpen) // WriteSerial(3,message); // if (Properties.Settings.Default.DepthSentence.OutPort4) // if (SerialPort4.IsOpen) // WriteSerial(4,message); //} //// Build RMC Sentence **************************************************************************************** //if (COG.IsValid()) // Implies SOG, LAT and LON are also valid //{ // DateTime UTC = DateTime.UtcNow; // string hms = UTC.Hour.ToString("00") + UTC.Minute.ToString("00") + UTC.Second.ToString("00"); // string date = UTC.Date.Day.ToString("00") + UTC.Date.Month.ToString("00") + UTC.Date.Year.ToString().Substring(2, 2); // double deg, min; // string cd; // deg = Math.Abs(Math.Truncate(LAT.Val)); // min = (Math.Abs(LAT.Val) - deg) * 60; // if (LAT.Val > 0) // cd = "N"; // else // cd = "S"; // string lat = deg.ToString("#")+min.ToString("00.####")+","+cd; // deg = Math.Abs(Math.Truncate(LON.Val)); // min = (Math.Abs(LON.Val) - deg) * 60; // if (LON.Val > 0) // cd = "E"; // else // cd = "W"; // string lon = deg.ToString("#")+min.ToString("00.####")+","+cd; // if (MVAR.Val > 0) // cd = "E"; // else // cd = "W"; // double cog = (COG.Val + 360) % 360; // message = "IIRMC," + hms + ",A," + lat + "," + lon + "," + SOG.Val.ToString("#.##") + "," + cog.ToString("0.#") + "," // + date + "," + Math.Abs(MVAR.Val).ToString("0.#") + "," + cd + ",A"; // int checksum = 0; // foreach (char c in message) // checksum ^= Convert.ToByte(c); // message = "$" + message + "*" + checksum.ToString("X2") + "\r\n"; // //message = "$GPRMC,173933,A,3430.6759,S,05828.3633,W,000.1,173.3,291220,008.1,W*68\r\n"; // if (Properties.Settings.Default.NavSentence.OutPort1) // if (SerialPort1.IsOpen) // WriteSerial(1,message); // if (Properties.Settings.Default.NavSentence.OutPort2) // if (SerialPort2.IsOpen) // WriteSerial(2,message); // if (Properties.Settings.Default.NavSentence.OutPort3) // if (SerialPort3.IsOpen) // WriteSerial(3,message); // if (Properties.Settings.Default.NavSentence.OutPort4) // if (SerialPort4.IsOpen) // WriteSerial(4,message); //} //// Build MTW Sentence **************************************************************************************** //if (TEMP.IsValid()) //{ // message = "IIMTW," + TEMP.Val.ToString("0.#") + ",C"; // int checksum = 0; // foreach (char c in message) // checksum ^= Convert.ToByte(c); // message = "$" + message + "*" + checksum.ToString("X2") + "\r\n"; // if (Properties.Settings.Default.WaterTempSentence.OutPort1) // if (SerialPort1.IsOpen) // WriteSerial(1,message); // if (Properties.Settings.Default.WaterTempSentence.OutPort2) // if (SerialPort2.IsOpen) // WriteSerial(2,message); // if (Properties.Settings.Default.WaterTempSentence.OutPort3) // if (SerialPort3.IsOpen) // WriteSerial(3,message); // if (Properties.Settings.Default.WaterTempSentence.OutPort4) // if (SerialPort4.IsOpen) // WriteSerial(4,message); //} // Build RMB Sentence **************************************************************************************** if (WPT.IsValid()) // Implies BRG and DST are also valid { string xte = ",,"; string owpt = ","; if (XTE.IsValid()) { if (XTE.Val > 0) { xte = XTE.Val.ToString("0.##") + ",R,"; } else { xte = Math.Abs(XTE.Val).ToString("0.##") + ",L,"; } owpt = LWPT.FormattedValue + ","; } double brg = (BRG.Val + 360) % 360; message = "IIRMB,A," + xte + owpt + WPT.FormattedValue + ",,,,," + DST.Val.ToString("0.##") + "," + brg.ToString("0.#") + "," + VMGWPT.Val.ToString("0.##") + ",,A"; int checksum = 0; foreach (char c in message) { checksum ^= Convert.ToByte(c); } message = "$" + message + "*" + checksum.ToString("X2") + "\r\n"; rmb_sentence = message; rmb_sentence_available = true; } // Build PTAK4 Sentence **************************************************************************************** if (LINEDST.IsValid()) { string message4; message4 = "PTAK,FFD4," + LINEDST.Val.ToString("0"); int checksum = 0; foreach (char c in message4) { checksum ^= Convert.ToByte(c); } message4 = "$" + message4 + "*" + checksum.ToString("X2") + "\r\n"; if (Properties.Settings.Default.TacktickPerformanceSentence.OutPort1) { if (SerialPort1.IsOpen) { SerialPort1.WriteLine(message4); } } if (Properties.Settings.Default.TacktickPerformanceSentence.OutPort2) { if (SerialPort2.IsOpen) { SerialPort2.WriteLine(message4); } } if (Properties.Settings.Default.TacktickPerformanceSentence.OutPort3) { if (SerialPort3.IsOpen) { SerialPort3.WriteLine(message4); } } if (Properties.Settings.Default.TacktickPerformanceSentence.OutPort4) { if (SerialPort4.IsOpen) { SerialPort4.WriteLine(message4); } } } }
public void CalcNav(DateTime now, bool bypassComm = false) { sailingMode = SailingMode.None; #region Primitives if (rmc_received || bypassComm) { LAT.Val = lat; LON.Val = lon; SOG.Val = sog; COG.Val = cog; LAT.SetValid(now); LON.SetValid(now); SOG.SetValid(now); COG.SetValid(now); RMC_received_Timer.Start(); } if (vhw_received || bypassComm) { SPD.Val = spd; SPD.SetValid(now); } if (dpt_received || bypassComm) { DPT.Val = dpt; DPT.SetValid(now); } if (mwv_received || bypassComm) { AWA.Val = awa; AWS.Val = aws; AWA.SetValid(now); AWS.SetValid(now); } if (mtw_received || bypassComm) { TEMP.Val = temp; TEMP.SetValid(now); } if (hdg_received || bypassComm) { double mv = Properties.Settings.Default.MagVar; //default if (mvar2 != 0) { mv = mvar2; //From HDG } if (mvar1 != 0) { mv = mvar1; //From RMC } MVAR.Val = mv; MVAR.SetValid(now); if (bypassComm) { mv = 0; // heading from log file is "true heading" no need for correction } HDT.Val = hdg + mv; HDT.SetValid(now); } #endregion #region Position, Leg bearing, distance, XTE and VMG if (LAT.IsValid() && LON.IsValid()) { POS.Val.Latitude = LAT.Val; POS.Val.Longitude = LON.Val; POS.SetValid(now); } else { POS.Invalidate(); } if (ActiveLeg != null) { LWLAT.Val = ActiveLeg.FromLocation.Latitude; LWLAT.SetValid(now); LWLON.Val = ActiveLeg.FromLocation.Longitude; LWLON.SetValid(now); LWPT.Val.str = ActiveLeg.FromMark.Name; LWPT.SetValid(now); } else { LWLAT.Invalidate(); LWLON.Invalidate(); LWPT.Invalidate(); } if (!bypassComm || replayLog) { if (ActiveMark != null && POS.IsValid()) { WLAT.Val = ActiveMark.Location.Latitude; WLAT.SetValid(now); WLON.Val = ActiveMark.Location.Longitude; WLON.SetValid(now); WPT.Val.str = ActiveMark.Name; WPT.SetValid(now); BRG.Val = CalcBearing(LAT.Val, LON.Val, WLAT.Val, WLON.Val); BRG.SetValid(now); DST.Val = CalcDistance(LAT.Val, LON.Val, WLAT.Val, WLON.Val) / 1852; DST.SetValid(now); } else { WLAT.Invalidate(); WLON.Invalidate(); WPT.Invalidate(); BRG.Invalidate(); DST.Invalidate(); } } if (WPT.IsValid() && LWPT.IsValid()) { LEGBRG.Val = CalcBearing(LWLAT.Val, LWLON.Val, WLAT.Val, WLON.Val); LEGBRG.SetValid(now); } else { if (LEGBRG.IsValid()) { LEGBRG.Invalidate(); } } if (LWPT.IsValid()) { XTE.Val = Math.Asin(Math.Sin(DST.Val * 1.852 / 6371) * Math.Sin((BRG.Val - LEGBRG.Val) * Math.PI / 180)) * 6371 / 1.852; XTE.SetValid(now); } else if (XTE.IsValid()) { XTE.Invalidate(); } if (SOG.IsValid() && BRG.IsValid() && WPT.IsValid()) { VMGWPT.Val = SOG.Val * Math.Cos((COG.Val - BRG.Val) * Math.PI / 180); VMGWPT.SetValid(now); } else { if (VMGWPT.IsValid()) { VMGWPT.Invalidate(); } } #endregion #region True Wind if (AWA.IsValid() && SPD.IsValid()) { double Dx = AWS.Val * Math.Cos(AWA.Val * Math.PI / 180) - SPD.Val; double Dy = AWS.Val * Math.Sin(AWA.Val * Math.PI / 180); TWS.Val = Math.Sqrt(Dx * Dx + Dy * Dy); TWS.SetValid(now); TWA.Val = Math.Atan2(Dy, Dx) * 180 / Math.PI; TWA.SetValid(now); VMG.Val = SPD.Val * Math.Cos(TWA.Val * Math.PI / 180); VMG.SetValid(now); //Set estimated saling mode in case route and/or performance data is not available if (Math.Abs(TWA.Val) < 55) { sailingMode = SailingMode.Beating; } else if (Math.Abs(TWA.Val) > 130) { sailingMode = SailingMode.Running; } else { sailingMode = SailingMode.Reaching; } } else { if (TWS.IsValid()) { TWS.Invalidate(); } if (TWA.IsValid()) { TWA.Invalidate(); } if (VMG.IsValid()) { VMG.Invalidate(); } } if (TWS.IsValid() && HDT.IsValid()) { TWD.Val = HDT.Val + TWA.Val; TWD.SetValid(now); } else { if (TWD.IsValid()) { TWD.Invalidate(); } } #endregion #region Leeway if (AWA.IsValid() && SPD.IsValid() && LWay.IsAvailable() && Properties.Settings.Default.EstimateLeeway) { LWY.Val = LWay.Get(AWA.Val, AWS.Val, SPD.Val); LWY.SetValid(now); } #endregion #region Heel //if (AWA.IsValid() && SPD.IsValid()) //{ // double k = 7, // a = 2, // b = 200, // c = 1.5; // var awa = Math.Abs(AWA.Val); // var aws = AWS.Val; // HEEL.Val = k * awa * Math.Pow(aws, c) / (Math.Pow(awa, a) + b); // if (HEEL.Val > 45) HEEL.Val = 45; // HEEL.SetValid(now); //} //else //{ // if (HEEL.IsValid()) // HEEL.Invalidate(); //} #endregion #region Drift if (SOG.IsValid() && COG.IsValid() && HDT.IsValid() && SPD.IsValid()) { double Dx = SOG.Val * Math.Cos(COG.Val * Math.PI / 180) - SPD.Val * Math.Cos(HDT.Val * Math.PI / 180); double Dy = SOG.Val * Math.Sin(COG.Val * Math.PI / 180) - SPD.Val * Math.Sin(HDT.Val * Math.PI / 180); if (LWY.IsValid()) { double lwy; if (AWA.Val < 0) { lwy = -LWY.Val; } else { lwy = LWY.Val; } double lm = SPD.Val * Math.Tan(lwy * Math.PI / 180); double la = HDT.Val - 90; double lx = lm * Math.Cos(la * Math.PI / 180); double ly = lm * Math.Sin(la * Math.PI / 180); double ang = Math.Atan2(ly, lx) * 180 / Math.PI; Dx -= lx; Dy -= ly; } DRIFT.Val = Math.Sqrt(Dx * Dx + Dy * Dy); DRIFT.SetValid(now); SET.Val = Math.Atan2(Dy, Dx) * 180 / Math.PI; SET.SetValid(now); } else { if (DRIFT.IsValid()) { DRIFT.Invalidate(); } if (SET.IsValid()) { SET.Invalidate(); } } #endregion #region Performance if (TWA.IsValid() && SPD.IsValid() && NavPolar.IsLoaded && BRG.IsValid()) { double Angle = Math.Abs(TWD.Val - BRG.Val + 360) % 360; if (Angle > 180) { Angle = 360 - Angle; } PolarPoint pb = NavPolar.GetBeatTargeInterpolated(TWS.Val); PolarPoint pr = NavPolar.GetRunTargetInterpolated(TWS.Val); if (Angle <= (pb.TWA + 20)) // Beating { TGTSPD.Val = pb.SPD; TGTSPD.SetValid(now); TGTTWA.Val = pb.TWA; TGTTWA.SetValid(now); PERF.Val = VMG.Val / (pb.SPD * Math.Cos(pb.TWA * Math.PI / 180)); PERF.SetValid(now); sailingMode = SailingMode.Beating; } if (Angle < (pr.TWA - 20) && Angle > (pb.TWA + 20)) // Reaching { TGTSPD.Val = NavPolar.GetTargeInterpolated(Math.Abs(TWA.Val), TWS.Val); TGTSPD.SetValid(now); TGTTWA.Val = Math.Abs(TWA.Val); TGTTWA.SetValid(now); PERF.Val = Math.Abs(SPD.Val * Math.Cos((COG.Val - BRG.Val) * Math.PI / 180) / TGTSPD.Val); PERF.SetValid(now); sailingMode = SailingMode.Reaching; } if (Angle >= (pr.TWA - 20)) // Running { TGTSPD.Val = pr.SPD; TGTSPD.SetValid(now); TGTTWA.Val = pr.TWA; TGTTWA.SetValid(now); PERF.Val = VMG.Val / (pr.SPD * Math.Cos(pr.TWA * Math.PI / 180)); PERF.SetValid(now); sailingMode = SailingMode.Running; } } else { if (TGTSPD.IsValid()) { TGTSPD.Invalidate(); } if (TGTTWA.IsValid()) { TGTTWA.Invalidate(); } if (PERF.IsValid()) { PERF.Invalidate(); } } #endregion #region Line if (p1_set && p2_set && LAT.IsValid() && HDT.IsValid()) { double p3_lat = LAT.Val, p3_lon = LON.Val; if (Properties.Settings.Default.GPSoffsetToBow != 0) { CalcPosition(LAT.Val, LON.Val, Properties.Settings.Default.GPSoffsetToBow, HDT.Val, ref p3_lat, ref p3_lon); } double brg32 = CalcBearing(p3_lat, p3_lon, p2_lat, p2_lon); double dst32 = CalcDistance(p3_lat, p3_lon, p2_lat, p2_lon); LINEDST.Val = dst32 * Math.Sin((linebrg - brg32) * Math.PI / 180); LINEDST.SetValid(now); } else { if (LINEDST.IsValid()) { LINEDST.Invalidate(); } } #endregion #region Route nav if (ActiveMark != null && DST.IsValid() && !ManOverBoard) { if (DST.Val <= Properties.Settings.Default.WptProximity && ActiveMark != MOB) { (new SoundPlayer(@".\Sounds\BELL7.WAV")).PlaySync(); if (ActiveLeg != null) { if (ActiveLeg.NextLeg != null) { ActiveLeg = ActiveLeg.NextLeg; ActiveMark = ActiveLeg.ToMark; } else { ActiveMark = null; ActiveLeg = null; ActiveRoute = null; } } else { ActiveMark = null; } } } if (ActiveRoute != null) { if (ActiveLeg.NextLeg != null && TWD.IsValid()) { NTWA.Val = TWD.Val - ActiveLeg.NextLeg.Bearing; NTWA.SetValid(now); } else { NTWA.Invalidate(); } } #endregion #region Laylines insideCourse = false; // Need to determine later if (DRIFT.IsValid() && PERF.IsValid() && TWD.IsValid()) { double ttwa = TGTTWA.Val; double tgtlwy = 0; if (LWY.IsValid()) { double awx = TWS.Val * Math.Cos(ttwa * Math.PI / 180) + TGTSPD.Val; double awy = TWS.Val * Math.Sin(ttwa * Math.PI / 180); double tgtawa = Math.Atan2(awy, awx) * 180 / Math.PI; double tgtaws = Math.Sqrt(awx * awx + awy * awy); tgtlwy = LWay.Get(tgtawa, tgtaws, TGTSPD.Val); } ttwa += tgtlwy; if (ttwa > 180) { ttwa = 180; } double relset = SET.Val - TWD.Val; double dxs = TGTSPD.Val * Math.Cos(ttwa * Math.PI / 180) + DRIFT.Val * Math.Cos(relset * Math.PI / 180); double dys = TGTSPD.Val * Math.Sin(ttwa * Math.PI / 180) + DRIFT.Val * Math.Sin(relset * Math.PI / 180); TGTCOGp.Val = Math.Atan2(dys, dxs) * 180 / Math.PI + TWD.Val; TGTCOGp.SetValid(now); TGTSOGp.Val = Math.Sqrt(dxs * dxs + dys * dys); TGTSOGp.SetValid(now); double dxp = TGTSPD.Val * Math.Cos(-ttwa * Math.PI / 180) + DRIFT.Val * Math.Cos(relset * Math.PI / 180); double dyp = TGTSPD.Val * Math.Sin(-ttwa * Math.PI / 180) + DRIFT.Val * Math.Sin(relset * Math.PI / 180); TGTCOGs.Val = Math.Atan2(dyp, dxp) * 180 / Math.PI + TWD.Val; TGTCOGs.SetValid(now); TGTSOGs.Val = Math.Sqrt(dxp * dxp + dyp * dyp); TGTSOGs.SetValid(now); // Determine if sailing inside course +/- 0 degrees double a1 = (BRG.Val - TGTCOGs.Val - 0 + 360) % 360; double a2 = (TGTCOGp.Val - 0 - TGTCOGs.Val + 360) % 360; switch (sailingMode) { case SailingMode.Beating: if (a1 < a2) { insideCourse = true; } break; case SailingMode.Running: if (a2 < a1) { insideCourse = true; } break; } // Calculate Layline hit points if (ActiveMark != null) { double alpha = (TGTCOGp.Val - BRG.Val + 360) % 360; double beta = (BRG.Val - TGTCOGs.Val + 360) % 360; double dist_s, dist_p; if (alpha == 0) { dist_p = DST.Val; dist_s = 0; } else { if (beta == 0) { dist_s = DST.Val; dist_p = 0; } else { dist_p = DST.Val * Math.Sin(beta * Math.PI / 180) / (Math.Sin(alpha * Math.PI / 180) * Math.Cos(beta * Math.PI / 180) + Math.Cos(alpha * Math.PI / 180) * Math.Sin(beta * Math.PI / 180)); dist_s = DST.Val * Math.Sin(alpha * Math.PI / 180) / (Math.Sin(alpha * Math.PI / 180) * Math.Cos(beta * Math.PI / 180) + Math.Cos(alpha * Math.PI / 180) * Math.Sin(beta * Math.PI / 180)); } } DSTLYLp.Val = dist_p * 1852; DSTLYLp.SetValid(now); DSTLYLs.Val = dist_s * 1852; DSTLYLs.SetValid(now); double xx = DSTLYLp.Val / TGTSOGp.Val * 3600 / 1852; if (xx > TimeSpan.MaxValue.TotalHours) { xx = TimeSpan.MaxValue.TotalHours - 1; } if (xx < TimeSpan.MinValue.TotalHours) { xx = TimeSpan.MinValue.TotalHours + 1; } TTGLYLp.Val = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(xx); TTGLYLp.SetValid(now); xx = DSTLYLs.Val / TGTSOGs.Val * 3600 / 1852; if (xx > TimeSpan.MaxValue.TotalHours) { xx = TimeSpan.MaxValue.TotalHours - 1; } if (xx < TimeSpan.MinValue.TotalHours) { xx = TimeSpan.MinValue.TotalHours + 1; } TTGLYLs.Val = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(xx); TTGLYLs.SetValid(now); } } else { if (TGTCOGp.IsValid()) { TGTCOGp.Invalidate(); } if (TGTSOGp.IsValid()) { TGTSOGp.Invalidate(); } if (TGTCOGs.IsValid()) { TGTCOGs.Invalidate(); } if (TGTSOGs.IsValid()) { TGTSOGs.Invalidate(); } if (DSTLYLp.IsValid()) { DSTLYLp.Invalidate(); } if (DSTLYLs.IsValid()) { DSTLYLs.Invalidate(); } } #endregion if (replayLog == true) { if (deltaLog == TimeSpan.Zero) { //deltaLog = now - new DateTime(2020, 03, 15); deltaLog = now - DateTime.Now; } now = now - deltaLog; } PushToLogDB(now); }