internal static void WriteOutputMessage(string strMessage) { if (XSettings.EnableCodeCompletionLog && XSettings.EnableLogging) { XSettings.LogMessage(strMessage); } }
void WriteOutputMessage(string sMessage) { if (XSettings.EnableBraceMatchLog && XSettings.EnableLogging) { XSettings.LogMessage("Keyword Matching: " + sMessage); } }
internal XSharpLibraryProject(XProject prj, IVsHierarchy hierarchy) : base(prj.Name, LibraryNodeType.Package, prj.FileName) { this.ownerHierarchy = hierarchy; // //this.displayData.hImageList = XSharpProjectNode.ImageList.Handle; //this.displayData.Image = (ushort)XSharpProjectNode.XSharpProjectImageName.Project; //this.displayData.SelectedImage = (ushort)XSharpProjectNode.XSharpProjectImageName.Project; // this.NodeType = LibraryNodeType.Package; // //prj.ProjectNode this._defaultNameSpace = prj.ProjectNode.RootNameSpace; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this._defaultNameSpace)) { this._defaultNameSpace = "Default Namespace"; } // XSharpLibraryNode defaultNS = new XSharpLibraryNode(_defaultNameSpace, LibraryNodeType.Namespaces, ""); defaultNS.displayData.Image = (ushort)IconImageIndex._Namespace; defaultNS.displayData.SelectedImage = (ushort)IconImageIndex._Namespace; this.AddNode(defaultNS); XSettings.LogMessage("Added LibraryProject " + prj.Name); // }
internal void Debug(string strMessage) { if (XSettings.EnableParameterLog && XSettings.EnableLogging) { XSettings.LogMessage(strMessage); } }
internal void WriteOutputMessage(string strMessage) { if (XSettings.EnableParameterLog && XSettings.EnableLogging) { XSettings.LogMessage("XSharp.ParameterInfo:" + strMessage); } }
internal void WriteOutputMessage(string strMessage) { if (XSettings.EnableCodeCompletionLog && XSettings.EnableLogging) { XSettings.LogMessage("XSharp.Completion:" + strMessage); } }
internal void WriteOutputMessage(string message) { if (XSettings.EnableQuickInfoLog && XSettings.EnableLogging) { XSettings.LogMessage("XSharp.QuickInfoSource :" + message); } }
internal void WriteOutputMessage(string strMessage) { if (XSettings.EnableLogging) { XSettings.LogMessage("XSharp.LightBulb:" + strMessage); } }
static void InternalTraceCall(int levels) { System.Diagnostics.StackFrame stack; stack = new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame(levels); System.Reflection.MethodBase method = stack.GetMethod(); if (method != null) { string name = method.Name + " \tin class " + method.DeclaringType.Name; XSettings.LogMessage("Call Trace: \t" + name); } }
/// <summary> /// This function asks to the QueryEditQuerySave service if it is possible to /// edit the file. /// </summary> protected bool CanEditFile(string documentMoniker) { XSettings.LogMessage(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "\t**** CanEditFile called ****")); // Check the status of the recursion guard if (this.gettingCheckoutStatus) { return(false); } try { // Set the recursion guard this.gettingCheckoutStatus = true; ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); // Get the QueryEditQuerySave service IVsQueryEditQuerySave2 queryEditQuerySave = (IVsQueryEditQuerySave2)this.projectMgr.GetService(typeof(SVsQueryEditQuerySave)); // Now call the QueryEdit method to find the edit status of this file string[] documents = { documentMoniker }; uint result; uint outFlags; // Note that this function can popup a dialog to ask the user to checkout the file. // When this dialog is visible, it is possible to receive other request to change // the file and this is the reason for the recursion guard. int hr = queryEditQuerySave.QueryEditFiles( 0, // Flags 1, // Number of elements in the array documents, // Files to edit null, // Input flags null, // Input array of VSQEQS_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA out result, // result of the checkout out outFlags // Additional flags ); if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(hr) && (result == (uint)tagVSQueryEditResult.QER_EditOK)) { // In this case (and only in this case) we can return true from this function. return(true); } } finally { this.gettingCheckoutStatus = false; } return(false); }
private IList <ClassificationSpan> BuildRegionTags(IList <XSourceEntity> entities, IList <XSourceBlock> blocks, ITextSnapshot snapshot, IClassificationType _, IClassificationType _1) { if (XSettings.DisableRegions) { return(new List <ClassificationSpan>()); } XSettings.LogMessage("-->> XSharpClassifier.BuildRegionTags()"); var regions = new List <ClassificationSpan>(); foreach (var entity in entities) { if (entity is XSourceMemberSymbol member) { if (member.SingleLine) { continue; } } var startPos = entity.Interval.Start; var endPos = entity.Interval.Stop; AddRegionSpan(regions, snapshot, startPos, endPos); } foreach (var block in blocks) { var startPos = block.Token1.StartIndex; var endPos = block.Last.Token2.StopIndex; AddRegionSpan(regions, snapshot, startPos, endPos); if (block.Children.Count > 1) { var lastline = block.Token1.Line; foreach (var child in block.Children) { if (child.Token1.Line > lastline + 1 && child.Token1.Line >= 2) { // the child is a line with CASE, ELSE, ELSEIF CATCH etc. // we want the last token of the previous like to be the end of the previous block endPos = snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(child.Token1.Line - 2).End; AddRegionSpan(regions, snapshot, startPos, endPos); } startPos = child.Token1.StartIndex; lastline = child.Token1.Line; } } } XSettings.LogMessage("<<-- XSharpClassifier.BuildRegionTags()"); return(regions); }
private void TriggerRepaint(ITextSnapshot snapshot) { if (ClassificationChanged != null) { XSettings.LogMessage("-->> XSharpClassifier.triggerRepaint()"); if (snapshot != null && _buffer?.CurrentSnapshot != null) { // tell the editor that we have new info if (!_first) { ClassificationChanged(this, new ClassificationChangedEventArgs( new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, Span.FromBounds(0, snapshot.Length)))); } } XSettings.LogMessage("<<-- XSharpClassifier.triggerRepaint()"); } }
private async Task ParseAsync() { if (XSettings.DisableEntityParsing) { return; } if (IsLexing) { return; } var snapshot = _buffer.CurrentSnapshot; var xDocument = GetDocument(); if (xDocument.SnapShot != snapshot) { XSettings.LogMessage($"XSharpClassifier.ParseAsync() aborted because snapshot is version {xDocument.SnapShot.Version} and buffer has version {snapshot.Version}"); return; } await TaskScheduler.Default; XSettings.LogMessage("-->> XSharpClassifier.ParseAsync()"); // Note this runs in the background // parse for positional keywords that change the colors // and get a reference to the tokenstream // do we need to create a new tree // this happens the first time in the buffer only var tokens = xDocument.TokenStream; if (tokens != null) { Debug("Starting model build at {0}, version {1}", DateTime.Now, snapshot.Version.ToString()); _sourceWalker.SaveToDisk = true; _sourceWalker.ParseTokens(tokens, true, false); RegisterEntityBoundaries(); var regionTags = BuildRegionTags(_sourceWalker.EntityList, _sourceWalker.BlockList, snapshot, xsharpRegionStart, xsharpRegionStop); lock (gate) { _parserRegions = regionTags.ToArray(); } DoRepaintRegions(); Debug("Ending model build at {0}, version {1}", DateTime.Now, snapshot.Version.ToString()); } XSettings.LogMessage("<<-- XSharpClassifier.ParseAsync()"); }
public override int OnAfterOpenProject(IVsHierarchy hierarchy, int added) { // If this is a new project and our project. We use here that it is only our project that will implement the "internal" IBuildDependencyOnProjectContainer. ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); if (added != 0 && hierarchy is IBuildDependencyUpdate) { IVsUIHierarchy uiHierarchy = hierarchy as IVsUIHierarchy; Debug.Assert(uiHierarchy != null, "The ProjectNode should implement IVsUIHierarchy"); if (uiHierarchy == null) { return(VSConstants.E_FAIL); } // Expand and select project node IServiceProvider provider = (IServiceProvider)this.ServiceProvider; IVsUIHierarchyWindow uiWindow = UIHierarchyUtilities.GetUIHierarchyWindow(provider, HierarchyNode.SolutionExplorer); if (uiWindow != null) { __VSHIERARCHYITEMSTATE state; uint stateAsInt; if (uiWindow.GetItemState(uiHierarchy, VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, (uint)__VSHIERARCHYITEMSTATE.HIS_Expanded, out stateAsInt) == VSConstants.S_OK) { state = (__VSHIERARCHYITEMSTATE)stateAsInt; if (state != __VSHIERARCHYITEMSTATE.HIS_Expanded) { int hr; hr = uiWindow.ExpandItem(uiHierarchy, VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, EXPANDFLAGS.EXPF_ExpandParentsToShowItem); if (ErrorHandler.Failed(hr)) { XSettings.LogMessage("Failed to expand project node"); } hr = uiWindow.ExpandItem(uiHierarchy, VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, EXPANDFLAGS.EXPF_SelectItem); if (ErrorHandler.Failed(hr)) { XSettings.LogMessage("Failed to select project node"); } return(hr); } } } } return(VSConstants.S_OK); }
public void Suspend() { if (this.isSuspending) { return; } IntPtr docData = IntPtr.Zero; try { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); IVsRunningDocumentTable rdt = as IVsRunningDocumentTable; IVsHierarchy hierarchy; uint itemId; uint docCookie; IVsFileChangeEx fileChange; if (rdt == null) { return; } ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(rdt.FindAndLockDocument((uint)_VSRDTFLAGS.RDT_NoLock, this.documentFileName, out hierarchy, out itemId, out docData, out docCookie)); if ((docCookie == (uint)ShellConstants.VSDOCCOOKIE_NIL) || docData == IntPtr.Zero) { return; } fileChange = as IVsFileChangeEx; if (fileChange != null) { this.isSuspending = true; ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(fileChange.IgnoreFile(0, this.documentFileName, 1)); if (docData != IntPtr.Zero) { IVsPersistDocData persistDocData = null; // if interface is not supported, return null object unknown = Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(docData); if (unknown is IVsPersistDocData) { persistDocData = (IVsPersistDocData)unknown; if (persistDocData is IVsDocDataFileChangeControl) { this.fileChangeControl = (IVsDocDataFileChangeControl)persistDocData; if (this.fileChangeControl != null) { ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(this.fileChangeControl.IgnoreFileChanges(1)); } } } } } } catch (InvalidCastException e) { XSettings.LogMessage("Exception" + e.Message); } finally { if (docData != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.Release(docData); } } return; }
static public void TraceData(string strOutput) { XSettings.LogMessage("Data Trace: \t" + strOutput); }
static public void Trace(string strOutput) { XSettings.LogMessage(strOutput); }
static public void TraceCall(string strParameters) { CCITracing.InternalTraceCall(2); XSettings.LogMessage("\tParameters: \t" + strParameters); }