        /// <summary>
        /// This Constructor should be used for all values in ChatTabs
        /// </summary>
        public OldChatTab(ChatTab tab, OldChatRenderer parentRenderer, bool selected = false)
            : base(null, null, parentRenderer)
            WhichTab = tab;

            tabLabel = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(14, 2, 1, 1), Constants.FontSize08);

            switch (WhichTab)
            case ChatTab.Local: tabLabel.Text = "scr";  break;

            case ChatTab.Global: tabLabel.Text = "glb"; break;

            case ChatTab.Group: tabLabel.Text = "grp"; break;

            case ChatTab.System: tabLabel.Text = "sys"; break;

            case ChatTab.Private1:
            case ChatTab.Private2:
                tabLabel.Text = "[priv " + ((int)WhichTab + 1) + "]";
            Selected = selected;

            relativeTextPos = new Vector2(20, 3);

            //568 331
            scrollBar = new OldScrollBar(parent, new Vector2(467, 2), new Vector2(16, 97), ScrollBarColors.LightOnMed)
                Visible       = selected,
                LinesToRender = 7
        public TextInputDialog(string prompt, int maxInputChars = 12)
            : base((PacketAPI)null)
            bgTexture = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 54);
            _setSize(bgTexture.Width, bgTexture.Height);

            XNALabel lblPrompt = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(16, 20, 235, 49), Constants.FontSize10)
                AutoSize   = false,
                ForeColor  = ColorConstants.LightGrayDialogMessage,
                TextWidth  = 230,
                RowSpacing = 3,
                Text       = prompt


            //set this back once the dialog is closed.
            previousSubscriber = ((EOGame)Game).Dispatcher.Subscriber;
            DialogClosing     += (o, e) => ((EOGame)Game).Dispatcher.Subscriber = previousSubscriber;

            m_inputBox = new XNATextBox(new Rectangle(37, 74, 192, 19), EOGame.Instance.Content.Load <Texture2D>("cursor"), Constants.FontSize08)
                MaxChars    = maxInputChars,
                LeftPadding = 4,
                TextColor   = ColorConstants.LightBeigeText
            EOGame.Instance.Dispatcher.Subscriber = m_inputBox;

            XNAButton ok     = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(41, 103), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Ok), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Ok)),
                      cancel = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(134, 103), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Cancel), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Cancel));

            ok.OnClick     += (o, e) => Close(ok, XNADialogResult.OK);
            cancel.OnClick += (o, e) => Close(cancel, XNADialogResult.Cancel);

            DrawLocation = new Vector2(DrawLocation.X, 107);
        private QuestDialog(PacketAPI api)
            : base(api)
            DialogClosing += (o, e) =>
                if (e.Result == XNADialogResult.OK)
                    if (!m_api.RespondToQuestDialog(_stateInfo, DialogReply.Ok))
                Instance = null;

            _dialogNames = new Dictionary <short, string>();
            _links       = new Dictionary <short, string>();
            _pages       = new List <string>();

            _setBackgroundTexture(((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 67));

            caption = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(16, 16, 255, 18), Constants.FontSize08pt5)
                AutoSize  = false,
                TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleLeft,
                ForeColor = ColorConstants.LightGrayText


            m_scrollBar = new OldScrollBar(this, new Vector2(252, 44), new Vector2(16, 99), ScrollBarColors.LightOnMed);
            SmallItemStyleMaxItemDisplay = 6;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new item transfer dialog
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemName">Name of the item to be displayed</param>
        /// <param name="transferType">Which transfer is being done (controls title)</param>
        /// <param name="totalAmount">Maximum amount that can be transferred</param>
        /// <param name="message">Resource ID of message to control displayed text</param>
        public ItemTransferDialog(string itemName, TransferType transferType, int totalAmount, EOResourceID message = EOResourceID.DIALOG_TRANSFER_DROP)
            : base((PacketAPI)null)

            Texture2D weirdSpriteSheet = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 27);
            Rectangle sourceArea       = new Rectangle(38, 0, 265, 170);

            //get bgTexture
            Color[] textureData = new Color[sourceArea.Width * sourceArea.Height];
            bgTexture = new Texture2D(Game.GraphicsDevice, sourceArea.Width, sourceArea.Height);
            weirdSpriteSheet.GetData(0, sourceArea, textureData, 0, textureData.Length);

            //get the title bar - for when it isn't drop items
            if (transferType != TransferType.DropItems)
                Rectangle titleBarArea = new Rectangle(40, 172 + ((int)transferType - 1) * 24, 241, 22);
                Color[]   titleBarData = new Color[titleBarArea.Width * titleBarArea.Height];
                m_titleBarGfx = new Texture2D(Game.GraphicsDevice, titleBarArea.Width, titleBarArea.Height);
                weirdSpriteSheet.GetData(0, titleBarArea, titleBarData, 0, titleBarData.Length);

            //set the buttons here

            //ok/cancel buttons
            XNAButton ok = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(60, 125), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Ok), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Ok))
                Visible = true

            ok.OnClick += (s, e) => Close(ok, XNADialogResult.OK);

            XNAButton cancel = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(153, 125), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Cancel), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Cancel))
                Visible = true

            cancel.OnClick += (s, e) => Close(cancel, XNADialogResult.Cancel);

            XNALabel descLabel = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(20, 42, 231, 33), Constants.FontSize10)
                ForeColor = ColorConstants.LightGrayDialogMessage,
                TextWidth = 200,
                Text      =
                    $"{OldWorld.GetString(EOResourceID.DIALOG_TRANSFER_HOW_MUCH)} {itemName} {OldWorld.GetString(message)}"


            //set the text box here
            //starting coords are 163, 97
            m_amount = new XNATextBox(new Rectangle(163, 95, 77, 19), Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("cursor"), Constants.FontSize08)
                Visible   = true,
                Enabled   = true,
                MaxChars  = 8, //max drop/junk at a time will be 99,999,999
                TextColor = ColorConstants.LightBeigeText,
                Text      = "1"
            m_prevSubscriber = EOGame.Instance.Dispatcher.Subscriber;
            EOGame.Instance.Dispatcher.Subscriber = m_amount;
            DialogClosing += (o, e) => EOGame.Instance.Dispatcher.Subscriber = m_prevSubscriber;

            m_totalAmount = totalAmount;

            //slider control
            Texture2D src = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 29);
            //5th index when 'out', 6th index when 'over'
            Rectangle outText = new Rectangle(0, 15 * 5, 16, 15);
            Rectangle ovrText = new Rectangle(0, 15 * 6, 16, 15);

            Color[]     outData        = new Color[16 * 15];
            Color[]     ovrData        = new Color[16 * 15];
            Texture2D[] sliderTextures = new Texture2D[2];

            src.GetData(0, outText, outData, 0, outData.Length);
            src.GetData(0, ovrText, ovrData, 0, ovrData.Length);
            (sliderTextures[0] = new Texture2D(Game.GraphicsDevice, 16, 15)).SetData(outData);
            (sliderTextures[1] = new Texture2D(Game.GraphicsDevice, 16, 15)).SetData(ovrData);

            //starting coords are 25, 96; range rectangle is 122, 15
            XNAButton slider = new XNAButton(sliderTextures, new Vector2(25, 96));

            slider.OnClickDrag += (o, e) =>
                s_sliderDragging = true; //ignores updates to slider location during text change
                MouseState st         = Mouse.GetState();
                Rectangle  sliderArea = new Rectangle(25, 96, 122 - slider.DrawArea.Width, 15);
                int        newX       = (st.X - PreviousMouseState.X) + (int)slider.DrawLocation.X;
                if (newX < sliderArea.X)
                    newX = sliderArea.X;
                else if (newX > sliderArea.Width + sliderArea.X)
                    newX = sliderArea.Width + sliderArea.X;
                slider.DrawLocation = new Vector2(newX, slider.DrawLocation.Y); //unchanged y coordinate, slides along x-axis

                float ratio = (newX - sliderArea.X) / (float)sliderArea.Width;
                m_amount.Text    = ((int)Math.Round(ratio * m_totalAmount) + 1).ToString();
                s_sliderDragging = false;

            m_amount.OnTextChanged += (sender, args) =>
                int amt = 0;
                if (m_amount.Text != "" && (!int.TryParse(m_amount.Text, out amt) || amt > m_totalAmount))
                    amt           = m_totalAmount;
                    m_amount.Text = $"{m_totalAmount}";
                else if (m_amount.Text != "" && amt < 0)
                    amt           = 1;
                    m_amount.Text = $"{amt}";

                if (s_sliderDragging)
                    return;                   //slider is being dragged - don't move its position
                //adjust the slider (created after m_amount) when the text changes
                if (amt <= 1) //NOT WORKING
                    slider.DrawLocation = new Vector2(25, 96);
                    int xCoord = (int)Math.Round((amt / (double)m_totalAmount) * (122 - slider.DrawArea.Width));
                    slider.DrawLocation = new Vector2(25 + xCoord, 96);

            _setSize(bgTexture.Width, bgTexture.Height);
            DrawLocation = new Vector2(Game.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth / 2 - bgTexture.Width / 2, 40); //only centered horizontally