    /// <summary>
    /// When a Launcher update occurs that introduces new config properties, this method ensures that the old user config is copied over as much as possible.
    /// </summary>
    public static void CopyOldConfigToNewConfig()
        if (OS.IsWindows)
            string oldConfigPath = LAUNCHERNAME + ".oldCfg";
            string newConfigPath = LAUNCHERNAME + ".config";
            string oldConfigText = File.ReadAllText(oldConfigPath);
            string newConfigText = File.ReadAllText(newConfigPath);

            Regex settingRegex = new Regex("<add name=\".*\" />");

            MatchCollection oldMatch = settingRegex.Matches(oldConfigText);
            MatchCollection newMatch = settingRegex.Matches(newConfigText);

            for (int i = 0; i < oldMatch.Count; i++)
                newConfigText = newConfigText.Replace(newMatch[i].Value, oldMatch[i].Value);

            File.WriteAllText(newConfigPath, newConfigText);
        else if (OS.IsUnix)
            string launcherConfigFilePath = NIXLAUNCHERCONFIGFILEPATH;

            // For some reason deserializing and saving back again works, not exactly sure why, but I'll take it
            XML.LauncherConfigXML launcherConfig = XML.Serializer.Deserialize <XML.LauncherConfigXML>(File.ReadAllText(launcherConfigFilePath));
            File.WriteAllText(launcherConfigFilePath, XML.Serializer.Serialize <XML.LauncherConfigXML>(launcherConfig));
            log.Error(OS.Name + " has no config to transfer over!");
    /// <summary>
    /// Writes <paramref name="value"/> to <paramref name="property"/> in the Launcher Config file.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="property">The property whose value you want to change.</param>
    /// <param name="value">The value that will be written.</param>
    public static void WriteToConfig(string property, object value)
        log.Info($"Writing {value} of type {value.GetType()} to {property} to config.");
        if (OS.IsWindows)
            // We use the configuration manager in order to read from the app.config, change the value and save it
            Configuration appConfig = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
            if (appConfig == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Could not find the Config file! Please make sure it exists!");
            ConnectionStringsSection connectionStringsSection = (ConnectionStringsSection)appConfig.GetSection("connectionStrings");
            if (connectionStringsSection?.ConnectionStrings[property]?.ConnectionString == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The property " + property + " could not be found.");
            connectionStringsSection.ConnectionStrings[property].ConnectionString = value.ToString();
        else if (OS.IsUnix)
            string launcherConfigPath            = NIXLAUNCHERCONFIGPATH;
            string launcherConfigFilePath        = NIXLAUNCHERCONFIGFILEPATH;
            XML.LauncherConfigXML launcherConfig = new XML.LauncherConfigXML();

            // If folder doesn't exist, create it and the config file
            if (!Directory.Exists(launcherConfigPath) || !File.Exists(launcherConfigFilePath))
                File.WriteAllText(launcherConfigFilePath, XML.Serializer.Serialize <XML.LauncherConfigXML>(launcherConfig));
            // Deserialize the config xml into launcherConfig
            launcherConfig = XML.Serializer.Deserialize <XML.LauncherConfigXML>(File.ReadAllText(launcherConfigFilePath));

            // Uses indexer. Look at LauncherConfigXML for more info
            launcherConfig[property] = value;

            // Serialize back into the file
            File.WriteAllText(launcherConfigFilePath, XML.Serializer.Serialize <XML.LauncherConfigXML>(launcherConfig));
            log.Error(OS.Name + " has no config to write to!");
    /// <summary>
    /// Reads the Launcher config file on the current Platform and returns the value for <paramref name="property"/>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="property">The property to get the value from.</param>
    /// <returns>The value from <paramref name="property"/> as a string</returns>
    public static string ReadFromConfig(string property)
        log.Info($"Reading {property} from config.");
        if (OS.IsWindows)
            // We use the configuration manager in order to read `property` from the app.config and then return it
            ConnectionStringSettings appConfig = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[property];
            if (appConfig == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The property " + property + " could not be found.");
        if (OS.IsUnix)
            string launcherConfigPath            = NIXLAUNCHERCONFIGPATH;
            string launcherConfigFilePath        = launcherConfigPath + "/config.xml";
            XML.LauncherConfigXML launcherConfig = new XML.LauncherConfigXML();

            // If folder doesn't exist, create it and the config file
            if (!Directory.Exists(launcherConfigPath) || !File.Exists(launcherConfigFilePath))
                File.WriteAllText(launcherConfigFilePath, XML.Serializer.Serialize <XML.LauncherConfigXML>(launcherConfig));

            // Deserialize the config xml into launcherConfig
            launcherConfig = XML.Serializer.Deserialize <XML.LauncherConfigXML>(File.ReadAllText(launcherConfigFilePath));

            // This uses the indexer, which means, we can use the variable in order to get the property. Look at LauncherConfigXML for more info

        log.Error(OS.Name + " has no config to read from!");